HOLBETON PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY 2014-15 Minutes of Meeting of the FULL GOVERNING BODY Date/Time: Wednesday 28 January 2015 at 6.15pm Attendees Initials Location: Holbeton School Attendees Initials Denise Bailey DBy Jean Betts JB Di Baumer DB Shona Godefroy SG Lisa Green LG Carys Sanders CS Peter Hearn (part-time) PH Martin Eyre ME In Attendance Initials Sue Price SP Clerk Trish Smith TS School Administrator Suzanne Moiser SM Acting Headteacher Amy Garstang (part-time) AG Parent Apologies Initials Reason Kathryn Garnett KG Unwell Llew Sellick LS Working away Pete Stevens PS Work commitments The Meeting commenced with short outline talk on Academies by Janine Waring, a Director and CEO of St Christopher’s Multi Academy Trust, Diocese of Exeter. JW outlined what it means for a school to become an Academy. Academies can be stand-alone or form part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). Holbeton would probably be too small to stand alone. The process takes 6 – 8 months from the first expression of interest. The school received a £25K grant to cover conversion expenses and on conversion, closes, loses its DfE number and all its history and re-opens as a new school with a new DfE number. The financial year is Sept – Aug and funding is received direct from the DfE in twelve monthly payments. Converting to academy status does not mean more funding is received. There are certain freedoms, such as curriculum, but as a good to outstanding school, Holbeton would need to judge whether they wanted to change the curriculum or stay with the national curriculum (which most schools do). Under St Christopher’s MAT, there is a Board of Directors, but each school retains a Local Governing Body. There are two levels of delegations: level 1, where a school is good to outstanding and retains most of its delegations, and level 2, where a school requires improvement and the MAT takes back their delegated power. The school retains its own ethos, policies and staffing/spending decisions, although some areas, such as HR and legal support are centralised. The MAT takes a 4% top slice of the budget for central services, but this is usually covered by the Education Services Grant, which currently is paid direct to the LA before the school receives its budget. Page 1 of 4 HOLBETON PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY 2014-15 A big advantage of joining with other schools is School Improvement, where support and leadership is grown from within the school. St Christopher’s buys into a school improvement provider who carry out a two-day base-line assessment of any new schools joining the MAT. The risks to becoming an academy are land and property issues, which have to be transferred and the fact that academies cannot run a deficit budget. Staff are transferred by means of TUPE (Transfer of Undertaking of Pensionable Employment) which protects their rights. Teachers’ Pensions and Local Government Pensions remain the same. JW said that Holbeton needed first to think about what it wanted from joining with other schools, either as a Federation of part of an academy trust. This was followed by an update on the progress of the Totnes Federation of Village Schools by Tony Calcutt, Executive Headteacher. TC is Exec Headteacher of four out of the five schools in the Federation. Those four schools have a Head of School each. He originally felt he was no longer able to run his small primary school in isolation due to the pressure of falling roll, finance issues and Head’s teaching time and contacted other schools who felt the same. The benefits of federating with other schools have been in shared expertise across the staff, shared resources and increased opportunities for the children, e.g. joint choir, orchestra and residential experiences. This also helps their transition to secondary schools. The schools help each other in times of crisis, e.g. staffing shortage, caretaking absence etc. There has been a reduction in duplication of effort which has meant that more energy goes into the teaching and learning of the children. The schools are more sustainable, but they still retain their unique characters. There is one governing body for the Federation, with parent and staff representatives from all schools. Each school has a local school committee to help with the day to day running of the school, but with no statutory powers. The schools are now aiming to run on one single budget, with all staff on a federation contract, which will give much more flexibility in the future. There is joint training (which enables the Federation to spend more money on quality trainers and better career progression for staff) and joint fundraising events. TC finished by recommending that Holbeton looks at what its vision for the future is and how far it is willing to go in terms of changing its structure, its governance, budgeting and planning. He recommended the school chooses its partners carefully, and takes plenty of advice. The main FGB commenced at 7.50pm Ref F14/15:25 Action or Decision The Chair commenced the meeting by thanking Suzanne Moiser for her excellent work in standing in as Acting Head. It was agreed to continue to update parents on the on-going situation as far as it was known. Minutes : The minutes of the meeting of 4 December 2014 were agreed and signed as a true record. Matters arising: F14/15:16 Additional spending in current financial year: Ten laptops had been purchased, which with setting up costs would amount to approx. £3.5K. A student has been appointed until March to undertake interventions with years 5/6. Page 2 of 4 Owner Due date HOLBETON PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY 2014-15 Ref Action or Decision Other small items of expenditure such as subscriptions. Also looking at some outside furniture. Owner Due date School asap Clerk T&L F14/15:18 Anthony Mildmay-White had agreed to the wall being painted. F14/15:26 Governing Body Vacancy No suitable member of the community has stepped forward. As there is already a parent in one of the co-opted roles, it is not recommended by Governor Support to have another parent on the GB, as this would lead to a lack of cross-community balance. F14/15:27 Update on Current Staffing/Leadership KG’s absence is currently on-going. A EYFS teacher on a temporary contract is covering, together with a student on interventions for three mornings a week. The Head of Brixton is acting as a Mentor to SM and she is receiving support from Stowford as well. F14/15:28 Extended Services: Breakfast/After School club: A parent has taken on the finance. The GB asked that the clubs be reminded that they were not covered under the school insurance. The GB also asked that both these clubs and the Youth Club were given a clear lettings policy and contract urgently. Pre School: There is a lot of support from the village for the Pre-School and it will continue at least to the end of the academic year. The new Chair and Trustees are working very hard to find a permanent solution. The school will continue to work with County to look at partnership working. F14/15:29 Reports from Lead Governors: CS has looked at Raise Online with SM. This will be reported on at T&L Committee. Governor rota working very well. Agreed that governors could be available some afternoons instead of morning, for more opportunities to speak to parents. DB carried out Safeguarding update for staff on 5 January. SM now in the process of completing the Safeguarding and SEN audit. F14/15:30 Policy Review: Attendance (updated with current legal framework) – policy adopted. Mobile Phones (new policy) – policy adopted Safeguarding – being reviewed by DB and will be circulated and readopted out of committee. F14/15:31 Marketing Update PS continues to work with SM on issuing press releases on Raise and league table results. He is still working on cross-organisational Page 3 of 4 HOLBETON PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY 2014-15 Ref F14/15:32 Action or Decision collaboration. More open days will be arranged in the summer term and all agreed that access to the beach, partnership with Bodilis and residential to Grenville House needed to be promoted as a USP. Owner Correspondence The Chair read out a letter from DCC Dept of Education and Learning congratulating the school on a good Ofsted. The meeting closed at 9pm Detail of next meetings All meetings at 6.15pm Thurs 26 February 2015 Tues 10 March 2015 Wed 25 March 2015 Date/Time Wed 29 April 2015 Wed 20 May 2015 Wed 17 June 2015 Wed 8 July 2015 Page 4 of 4 Committee Teaching & Learning Resources Full GB Full GB (fix final budget) Teaching & Learning Resources Full GB Due date
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