April 12, 2015 - Holy Spirit Catholic Parish & School

April 12, 2015
Worship Centers: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 201 44th St. South
Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.
Parish Offices: 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405
Phone: (406)452-6491
Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon
Fax: 452-6495
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.holyspiritgf.org
School: 2820 Central Avenue
Phone: 761-5775
Email: [email protected]
web: www.holyspiritgf.org
WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the
Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith,
WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer.
WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope.
Rev. March 1999
“It is to the humble-minded that Christ belongs, not to those who exalt themselves above his flock….The Lord Jesus Christ did
not, for all his power, come clothed in boastful pomp and overweening pride, but in a humble frame of mind.”
Pope St. Clement I of Rome
CARE & SHARE 2015: Many thanks to so many of you who gave so generously to the
2014 Care and Share Diocesan Collection. We were able to meet our goal! Now it is time for us
to begin the 2015 appeal this weekend. The theme for this year is Proclaim Christ! By now you
have received Bishop Warfel’s letter outlining the goals and needs of this appeal. If you have questions, just ask me.
Our parish goal for this year is $110,000. This amount reflects not only how blessed our parish has been by your generosity, but as important, how much good we are able to do to provide for ministry to so many of our parishes in
Eastern Montana that struggle to provide the services we have at Holy Spirit for their small communities. With a diocese of 38,000 Catholics spread over 94,500 square miles, our rural churches are spread thin and must rely on diocesan services provided through Care and Share to Proclaim Christ with hope.
I know I can count on your commitment again this year. I always say that this appeal is both a responsibility
and a privilege that we all share as members of this diocese. As always, thanks!! Fr. Dick
Are you searching? Do you know someone who is searching?
Catholics Come Home website may be helpful.
Very attractive multimedia site with solid Catholic teaching, and up-to-date situations and understanding.
There are three doors to open for information:
I’m not Catholic: I’m Protestant, Evangelical or another faith / I’m not really religious
I’m not currently attending Mass: Tell me more about “coming home” / How will it help me? / Tell US how CCH
helped you or someone you know
I’m blessed to be Catholic: Help family or friends “come home” / Support our evangelical mission / Air evangomercials® in your diocese
Explore www.CatholicsComeHome.org
Are you a registered member of Holy Spirit Parish?
Do you receive regular mailings for religious formation and socials, etc., envelopes or year-end statements?
If not, you are probably not in our computer! Registration forms are available in the entryway, download from the parish
website, or fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket. We will send you a registration form.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Second Sunday of Easter - April 12, 2015
Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Daily Mass Schedule
Holy Spirit Day Chapel:
Tuesdays 5:15 p.m. & Thursdays 8:30 a.m.
Park Place (3200 15th Ave. S) Wednesdays 2:30 p.m.
Holy Family Chapel (2800 Central Avenue) Fridays 8:30 am
Reconciliation: Saturdays - 4 pm Holy Spirit or by appointment
Mass Intentions:
Tues., 4/14 - 5:15 p.m. - ++Roberto Gordillo
r/b Maronicks
Wed., 4/15 - 2:30 p.m. - Park Place - +Conry Family
r/b B. Conry
Thur., 4/16 - 8:30 a.m. - +Jim Biscup
r/b P. Coolidge
Fri., 4/17 - 8:30 a.m. - M A Kostelnik (sp int)
r/b M A Kostelnik
Sat. 4/18 - 4:30 p.m. - +Betty Shine
r/b W. Shine
Sun., 4/19 - 8:30 a.m. - +Lorraine Kiedrowski
r/b J. Holman
11:00 a.m. - Jim & Vern Kirkendall (sp int)
r/b H. S. Parish
Readings for next week: Third Sunday of Easter
New Testament: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19
New Testament: 1 John 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Coffee & Rolls Schedule
April 12th: Central Catholic High School
April 19th: Completion of Initiation - No Coffee and Rolls
Bus Schedule:
April 18th: Martin Triplett, Dave Stukey
April 19th: Kevin and Angie Nurre
What’s Happening This Week…
Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted
Parish Nurses - 8:30 a.m.
Praise Band - 5:30 p.m.
Youth Group - 6:30 p.m.
Pastoral Council - 7:00 p.m.
Religious Formation - 6:30 p.m.
RCIA - 7:00 p.m.
Completion of Initiation - 2:30 p.m.
Conf Rm
Sts. P&P
Sts. P&P
Conf Rm
Sts. P&P
Sts. P&P
On the website: Log on to www.holyspiritgf.org to find:
 Opportunity to respond to the Bishop regarding Pastoral
Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization
Check the Lost & Found in the office: we have an assortment
of item: earrings, woman's ring, house key, glasses, toys, jackets, etc. They will be donated soon.
Reminder: Please join us to pray the Rosary at 8 a.m. on
Thursdays at Holy Spirit and 8 a.m. on Fridays at Holy Family
“The community of believers was of one heart and mind and no
one claimed that any of his possessions was his own.”
Acts 4:32
Associate Pastor
Parish Administrator
RCIA/Adult Formation
DRE/Youth Minister
Christian Service/Elementary Formation
Administrative Assistant
Fr. Dick Schlosser
Fr. Dave Wilkins
Dcn. Mark Zenner
Dcn. Bill Medved
Dcn Pete Woelkers
Mark Meyer
Mary Dupuis
Larry Guilbault
Aubrey Rearden
Cindy Eultgen
Karyn Jenkins
Chuck Osterman
Liturgical Ministers for April 18, 19
4:30 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
Sub requested ~ see Web Terminal
B. McKinney
R. McKinney
J. Knutson
A. Klundt
S. Mayernik
J. Gort
K. Krattiger
J. & B. Culliton
V.&G. Drake
J. Baje
J. Scharhag
D Lesmeister
B. Pinski
P. Bahnmiller
D. Lorang
G. Philpott
Justin Philpott
J Dougherty
N. McKelvey
J. Stimac
J Dougherty
K. Harrington
C. Polk
D. Newman
E Vincent
L. Erickson
M. Erickson
K. Stimac
H. Schaffer
K. Leggett
P. Cahill
B. Duke
B. McNamee
M E Francis
L. Francis
Warren Family
Fehres Family
F. Bollich
D. Maronick
B. Polacek
T. Stukey
Hans Fehres
Rita Kuka
Rich Kuka
B. Medved
K. Reed
T. Stubbs
K. Stubbs
D. Stukey
B. Thelen
G. Drake
S. Harrington
G. Matsko
Monique Nickol
E. Kelley
S. Kohut
C. McKelvey
Megan Nickol
Melissa Nickol
M. O'Neill
S. O'Rourke
N. Polk
P. Woelkers
T Rigor
T Rigor
R. Vincent
E Vincent
W. Fehres
S. Fehres
M Francis
D. Hudson
N. Newman
W. Newman
H Vincent
H Vincent
P. Woelkers
Recycling Schedule:
First Week: Newspaper - Tarnowski / Cardboard - Blair
First Monday: Newspaper - Greg Kushnak
Second Week: Newspaper - Weinheimer/ Cardboard - Sanders
Third Week: Newspaper - Stubbs / Cardboard - Shipley
Fourth Week: Newspaper– Kimmel / Cardboard - Schumacher
Fifth Week: Newspaper - Schwanke/Cardboard - Strauss
Adult Formation
Larry Guilbault 452-6491 ext. 205 [email protected]
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is
the way our parish prepares people to become Catholic. We meet every Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. in the Sts. Peter and Paul Center. Congratulations to : Kayla Wilson, Joseph Wilkins, and Shayne Ramstead who were fully Initiated at the Easter vigel. Also Greg
Stivers and Kelly Cofske who came into full communion with
us as well as Bill Eusterman who was Confirmed. Please keep
them in your prayers.
Adult Formation: Living the Eucharist Lenten small group
has concluded. Once again I was in the hospital and could not
set up a retreat. If you would like an evaluation for this program or input on a later retreat; please contact your small
group leader or call the office.
Are you planning a Wedding? A booklet with Holy Spirit
Parish’s wedding guidelines is available in the magazine rack
between the double entrance doors of the Church.
Youth Ministry
Aubrey Rearden 452-6491 ext. 207 [email protected]
Cell Phone: 868-6713
Youth Group this Sunday April 12, 2015
Praise Band: 5:30pm Sts. Peter & Paul Center
Youth Group 6:30-8:15pm
It is time to once again start planning for our trip to
the National Catholic Youth Conference...The dates
for the trip are November 19-21, 2015 and we will again
be traveling to Indianapolis. If you are a youth currently in 8th11th grade we would love for you to come with us. Please fill
out a “Youth Interest” form (available in the book rack in the
entrance of the church) and return to Aubrey no later than April
12. There will be an informational parent’s meeting on April 15
@ 7pm in the Youth Room.
Bible & Brew: High School Bible Study - Wed.
mornings @ Schulte’s Coffee House, 6:45-7:30am.
Sunday May 17th beginning with the 11
o’clock Mass is the date for our Graduation
Mass & Luncheon. This is the day we celebrate our Graduating Seniors and all of their accomplishments, please mark your calendars and plan on joining us
as we “Celebrate” you!
Elementary Faith Formation
Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208
Pre-K thru 6th gr.
[email protected]
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Formation Classes this Wednesday, April 15 & 22
Family Night, Wednesday, April 29 - last class.
Vacation Bible Camp: M-F mornings, June 22-26
Conquering Challenges with God
Sacramental Preparation
Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208
[email protected]
Sts. Peter & Paul Center Parents & 2nd - 6th Grade Children
Fr. Jay Peterson, Vicar General, will be here to celebrate the
Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion on
Sunday, April 19 at 2:30pm. Thank you for your prayers for our
children and our growing community.
Holy Spirit School
Jim Wichman - Principal / [email protected]
Helen Boysun, & Judy Flint Administrative Assistants.
Join our Holy Spirit School students, faculty, staff and parents as
we celebrate the liturgy each Friday morning. Mass is in the Holy
Family Chapel and begins at 8:30 a.m. Our students enjoy seeing
available at the school for this fun fundraiser. We sell tickets for
a square on the Central football field. Then we let a cow loose
on the field and whichever square she drops a “pie” the ticket
corresponding with that square wins $10,000!! Tickets are $20
each. Come and get yours and join in the fun!
YOUR parish school has much to offer families! Holy Spirit
Catholic School offers a faith based education, an academically challenging curriculum, and smaller class sizes all in a
safe, family friendly environment. Our teachers and staff are
dedicated to providing the best education for our students.
Our weekly student led liturgies inspire our teachers, students
and guests. In addition, daily religion classes enhance the
Catholic teachings of the students’ homes. If this is the education you want for your child, call the school and schedule
an “Experience the Spirit Day” for your child. He can join
his grade level class for a day and get a feel for our school.
We also offer tours and classroom visits. Registration continues through April.
HSCS is now taking applications for various teaching positions for the 2015-16 school year. We have Elementary,
Physical Education, and Middle School Math and Science
classes needing awesome teachers. If you are interested in
more information, please call the school or email Principal
Jim Wichman [email protected].
Holy Spirit has a part time position available in our kitchen.
If you think this is a position you would like, please contact the
school office at 761-5775 for more information.
The Annual HSCS Garage Sale takes place April
25th in the school gym. There will be a preview
night on April 24th as well. If you begin your
spring cleaning and find items to donate, please call
Heather Berger at 419-889-4946.
Christian Service
Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208
[email protected]
Parish Nurses meet today between the 8:30 & 11 am
Food Pantry items collected from the wooden bin at the entrance of church totaled 31 bags and 208 lbs were picked up
by St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for your generosity. See
the black board for the newsletter.
March Parish Relief Report: Contributions from Envelopes
$1,131, and Electronic $259. Disbursements of $1,144 to
families & individuals through St. Vincent de Paul, St. Jude,
Echoz Pregnancy Center, Family Promise, St. Martin de Porres, St. Mary’s/Rocky Boy, and Opportunities Inc.
Thank you Thank you!
Thank you everyone for your work on and in the
Monsignor House. We come to a close of our 2nd
time for hosting our homeless families. Each day
we are reminded of our privilege to serve our brothers and
sisters in the Lord. In The Joy of the Gospel, written by Pope
Francis, on p 153 he says:” God’s heart has a special place
for the poor, so much so that he himself “became poor”” (2
Cor.8:9). Poverty comes in many forms with economic poverty being the type we think of first. As Holy Spirit Parish
supports and promotes the “option for the poor,” we strive to
meet the needs of others through prayer, service, and donations. Please call Kathie @ 781-5033 to talk about the Family Promise program or the Monsignor Joseph Gluszek Hospitality House.
Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex. 206 [email protected]
Choir Practice: Music practice most Wednesdays, in
the church. Come in by way of the shrine door ~ follow the sidewalk to the right around the side of the
church. All are welcome to join in the leading of music ~ all
voices & most instruments are welcome! We specialize in
developing young cantors to lead the music at the psalm ~
come join us!
Liturgical Tidbits: EASTER ALLELUIA!: We know
that Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday until the Triduum begins
on Holy Thursday evening, just over six weeks. Easter Time
also is far more than a day. In fact the whole week following
Easter is celebrated as though it were the day of resurrection.
All those days are celebrated as solemnities. Then the season
of Easter lasts until the evening of Pentecost. So keep singing
those joyful alleluias! St. Augustine says: "We are Easter
people; Alleluia is our song." Alleluia is one of those words
that needs to be sung. We'll sing it over and over again this
Easter season. What exactly does it mean? Literally, the word
is a short form for the sentence: "God's people praise God!"
But it's one of those words that defies translation, like
"Hooray!" Even the instructions in our liturgical books say
that if the Alleluia cannot be sung, it should be omitted. So
whether the liturgy is celebrated in a cathedral or a catacomb,
"Alleluia" is our song. Make a joyful noise!
Newcomers: We are so grateful to have you worshiping
with us here at Holy Spirit. If you would like to get more
involved in the parish, we have many opportunities in
many areas. We can find something that fits you and your
family’s schedules. Time and Talent forms are located in
the pockets between the front doors. Or you may want to
call the parish office and chat with Mary Dupuis, Coordinator of Volunteers. Let us help you help us!
2015 Year of Consecrated Life
“In every age consecrated men and women must continue to be images of Christ the Lord, fostering through
prayer a profound communion of mind with him.” Pope John
Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata
Parish Council of Catholic Women
PCCW meeting, Monday, April 13, 1pm in the parish conference room. To be discussed card party and the tea.
You are invited to a Tea Party. Saturday, May 2,
1-3 pm. Door prizes will be awarded. Hostesses
needed for the tables. Please contact Alice Klundt,
[email protected] if you wish to be a hostess.
The PCCW Spring Card Party will be held on Tuesday, April 14th, Noon in the social center. Salad luncheon, door prizes. For reservations please call Vonnie
Adkins, 453-3653
Courtesy Announcements
As Great Falls Central plans for its major fundraiser,
“Celebration”, scheduled for April 18, 2014 we are seeking
donated items such as art work, jewelry, services, air miles and
other unique gifts to be used as part of our live and silent auctions. The value of the items donated is tax deductible. Corporate/Sponsored tables for this great event are available
now. Please contact Hugh Smith or Ann Ambuehl at 216-3344
or at [email protected] to make donations or reserve
your table. Individual tickets will be on sale shortly!
Central's next Discovery Day is April 22. Don't miss the opportunity for your 8th grade student or transfer students to attend
classes and meet the Mustangs! Learn more about school clubs,
Mustang athletic teams, music, and the mission trip team. The day
will end with a Open House for parents to tour the school and
learn more about what makes Central special! Call the school Advancement Office at 216-3344 or email to
[email protected] to reserve a space.
Annual “Spring Fling” Breakfast: Sunday, April 12th
~ 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Chapel
(1325 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle). Great menu—
pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits and sausage gravy,
hashbrown casserole, French toast, ham, coffee & juice. Free
will offering. Sponsored by the Corpus Christi Adoration Society.
Boy Scout Troop #4 Pancake Breakfast ~ Sunday, April
12th from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ~ Knights of Columbus
Hall, 906 Central Ave W. Great menu, free will offering
Everyone Welcome! Bake Sale presented by the Council
of Catholic Women
Indian Taco Feed and Silent Auction - Fundraiser for St. Martin de Porres Mission: Friday, April 17th from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Knights
of Columbus Hall, 906 Central Ave West. Eat in or call
for take-out, 788-2291
COME JOIN US! Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a
charitable and spiritual organization for Catholic women. For
more information call Lucille Bartley at 453-4474.