HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Mac Mahon, Pastor 883-4359 Rev. Vincent Bresowar, Associate Pastor 882-1132 Rev. Paul Choi, Administrator of the Korean Catholic Community 690-9951 Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Deacon Michael Sudnik 604-3374 Deacon Larry Sisterman 881-8938 Deacon Bob Becher 479-5361 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO Saturday/Sabado Sunday/Domingo 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:45 AM WEEKDAY/DIA EN SEMANA Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri. @ 7:30 AM Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes Monday/Lunes 12:00 Noon Tuesday/Martes 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 PM Thursday/Jueves 12:00 Noon Friday/Viernes 9:00 AM School Mass (call the office to verify) RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Office (256)881-4781 Fax (256) 881-5510 625 Airport Road SW Huntsville, Alabama 35802 E-mail: hschur ch@holyspir ithsv.com Website: http://www.holyspirithsv.com PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF/OFICINA 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Monday/Lunes-Thursday/Jueves Friday/Viernes 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Administrative Assistant Mar y Walker ext. 0 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Adult Religious Ed. Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Religious Education Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Music Ministry Anne Vasile 881-4781 ext. 219 Lori Lai 882-6483 KOREAN MASS Thursday & Saturday at 9:30 AM, and Tuesday & Friday at 7:30 PM, at the Korean Rectory HISPANIC MINISTRY/MINISTERIO HISPANO The Hispanic Ministry Office is located in the Parish Life Center next to the Nursery. It is open Monday through Friday 10:30am to 3:00 pm. 256-881-2211 or [email protected]. Hispanic Community Mass Sundays 2:00 PM Children/Adult Catechism Sundays 10:15-11:30 AM Baptismal Preparation Classes First Sunday of the Month 4:00 PM Multipurpose Room Nuestra Comunidad Hispana celebra la Santa Misa todos los Domingos a las 2:00 pm. Ninos/Adultos Catecismo cada domingo a las 10:15 am y Clases Bautismo de preparacion son los primeros domingos del mes a las 4 de la tarde en el salon junto a la oficina. 3:30-4:45 PM Saturday & by appointment. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM , 12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM BULLETIN NOTICES Send Bulletin Notices to [email protected] (subject to approval) Deadline for notices Tuesday at Noon. BOOKSTORE HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon HOLY SPIRIT REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Terrance Golden, Principal 881-4852 ext. 103 SAINT JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Vince Aquila, Principal 430-1760 ext. 101 1 May 17, 2015 Rest in Peace! WELCOME!... HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH... ...invites everyone to “...full, conscious, and active participation” in the sacred liturgy. We hope you will join us in lifting our hearts and voices to God! Mass Intentions THE VESTIBULE... ...is the place for meeting old friends and greeting visitors! Reverence and quiet are expected in the church! Please turn off cell phones and beepers. May 18 ~ May 24, 2015 Monday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM AT HOLY COMMUNION… … it is appropriate to make a sign of reverence, a bow or a genuflection, before you receive Communion. To maintain the flow of the Communion procession, please make the sign of reverence while the person in front of you receives Communion. If you choose to receive Holy Communion in your hand, please do not reach for the host, but present your palm, flat out and high enough to receive Communion. Intinction is not permitted. INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN… ...are welcome at Mass. Anytime they become restless you may take them to the nursery. Our infant and toddler nurseries are open during the 9:00 AM and 11:45 AM Masses for children 6 mos.-4 years. † Bennie Conzales The Tillman Family Maria Drejewski † Norma Keller † Julia Ganis † Karen Rist & Erika Luckenbill Smitty Wilcox Pro-Life Intention † Bennie Conzales † Danny Castrillo † Thomas & Annie Moon Parishioners † Holy Spirit Military who have died defending our country 11:45 AM † Betty Wyskida Hospital Care: If you or a member of your family ar e sick or in the hospital and need Deacon Mike Sudnik, please call him at 604-3374. If you need a Priest, you may call Fr. Mike at 883-4359 or Fr. Vincent Bresowar at 882-1132, day or night. INFORMATION… ...please take a bulletin as you leave church. In it you will find all the information you need to be an active Catholic at Holy Spirit Catholic Church… AGAIN WELCOME!... Stephanie Anderson Pat Andreoni Christine Baker Nancy Bertrand Zachary Brogdon Rebecca Brunty Shea Butler Doris Cassedy D. James Chambers Cathleen Chappell Lisa Citrano Sam Citrano Mabel Clemons Shirl Cola Brent Crow Pris Dance Bulletin available on the web at holyspirithsv.com PLEASE JOIN US! If you attend Holy Spirit Church on a regular basis and have not registered with the Parish, we invite you to do so. Complete the following information and drop it in the offertory basket and someone will contact you to help with the registration. If you have moved or changed phone numbers, please let us know! Brenda David George deVuyst Greg Denton Jean Duhon Maria Drejewski Brian Duerr Elaine Ellingsen Leslie Enright Wil Etbauer Joyce Fontenot NAME_____________________________ DAYTIME PHONE__________________ LECTORS May 16-17 5:00p J. Fontenot (OT) — B. Hare (NT) 7:30a L. Pepper (OT) — C. Higgins (NT) 9:00a K. Frew (OT) — E. Napieralski (NT) 11:45a Baccalaureate Mass - Youth Readers LECTORS May 23-24 5:00p B. Clopp (OT) — C. Long (NT) 7:30a E. Phillips (OT) — C. Dithmer (NT) 9:00a B. Osborn (OT) — C. Turner (NT) 11:45a P. Anderson (OT) — M. Kennedy (NT) Martha Gould Amos Green Beverly Guest Joan Hart Isidro Hermosillo Alan Himbaugh Katie Hunt Beverly Hunter Holly (Rebman)Johnson Joanna Johnson August Jones Colleen Kleiber Moonyean Klueger Rita & Ken Knowles Milly Kuszynski Suzanne Lancaster Vince Lanzillo Joe LeBlanc Carey Link Bill Lorson Lauren McDaniel Mark Magnet Caitlyn Man Christian Manley Barbara Marfenski Patricia Morea Rebecca Morgan Kathryn Neill Estelle Owen Bernie Parr Elizabeth Restey Braelyn Richardson Patrick Riley Hazel Rogers Margaret Roth Barbara Rowley Katie Ofenloch Sanders Mark Schmidt Tonya Seabrooke Bob Seguin Nancy Seguin Rosemarie Smith Skip Songy Billie Spicer Bernie Stein Virginia Stitt Sr. Mary Lou Talmon Ronnie Terry J.D. Tillman Catherina Tjitra Rose Marie Tolley Kristin Etbauer Wiener Michael Wilks Ellie Yancey Francis Yates Vanessa Young May 23 —Altar Duty Teresa Hollihan & Alice Kirsch Purificator Laundering May 17 — Vi Greco May 24 — Gayle Baslock May 31 — Sandy Gerac 2 Our Week In Review Church Finance Report Monday May 18 Tuesday May 19 St. Vincent dePaul Mtg. 9:30a LIB KofC Ladies Aux. Mtg. 6:00p A/B KofC Business Mtg. PLC Wednesday Cenacle Rosar y 9:00a LIB May 20 Kor ean Mass 9:30a Catholicism 101 Class 5:30p MP 8th Gr. Graduation 6:00p Thursday That Man Is You 6:30a Rms. A/B May 21 Pr o-Life Rosary after Noon Mass Homeschool Grad. 6:30p PLC St. VdeP Mtg. 7:00p MP Friday Kindergarten Grad/ 9:00 Mass May 22 Saturday Wilson Baptism 6:15p May 23 Weist-Johnson Wedding 2:00p Sunday Pentecost May 24 Choir Per for mance 10:00a Chur ch $1,314,115 50,737 $1,364,852 Income Development Fund Donations Expenses $151,661 $1,482,636 As always, we thank you for your most generous support of your parish. From the Library… Thursday the Church celebrated a day of obligation for the Ascension of the Lord. But on Wednesday, with less fanfare, it celebrated Our Lady of Fatima. It was on May 13, 1917, that Lucia Santos first described seeing "a lady, brighter than the sun." She and her two cousins would go on to experience more visits by "the lady," hold her secrets, and turn Fatima into a major site of Mary visitations. Some Fatima books in the Library include Fatima in Lucia's Own Words, Our Lady of Fatima, and The Sun Danced at Fatima. Come browse. Our Parish News St. Vincent De Paul Society FOOD PANTRY ITEMS NEEDED! Please help with the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Certain items are low or no longer available to give to our clients. Foods needed now: canned meats, tuna, canned and dried beans, rice, canned fruit, and jelly. July 20-24th 9:00-1:15 Grades 1-8 (completed) Music games, crafts, and optional instrument breakout sessions Registration fee is $15 before June 15 June 15 - July 1 deadline fee is $25 New Parishioners Juan Alonso 218 Queensbury Dr. 35802 Baptisms Fredys Ivoin Amador, son of Janet & Darwin Amador 3 Infertility? Miscarriages? Come to a FREE Introductory Session in the Creighton Model System and NaProTECHNOLOGY and find out how this new science can help determine the causes of infertility and how it has been highly efficient in helping to avoid repeated miscarriages. The meeting will be on Sunday, May 31st, at 10:15 AM in the Library. For more information, contact Jean Pier Cortes (FertilityCare Practitioner) at (256)694-3435 or [email protected] Spiritual Adoption Update During the 7th month in utero, the baby now uses the four senses of vision, hearing, taste, and touch. He can recognize his mother’s voice. Let us be steadfast in our daily prayer for our spiritually adopted children. Perpetual Adoration Chapel The following hours are open: Saturday: 8 AM, 12 noon For more information, to schedule an hour, or to obtain the keypad code for late night/early morning entry, contact one of the following Chapel Committee members: Bob Dineen, 256-880-0221, Pete Robert, 256-882-0033, Malen Colberg, (Spanish) 256-650-5194 or Maritza Holland (Spanish) 808-551-2901. WHY SETTLE FOR A “GOOD” MARRIAGE… When You Can Have A “GREAT” Marriage? You can make the leap from “good” to “GREAT” on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! The weekend is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, the internet & phones and focus their attention only on each other. If you’d like greater depth in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can offer ! The next weekend in the diocese is scheduled in Cullman, June 19-21 at St. Bernard’s Abbey. You can register online today at website www.ALFL-wwme.org or by calling Bob & Joy Hernandez at 678-985-0125. Troop AL7361 AHG Mission “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country” American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character development scouting program for girls ages 5 - 18. Our troop, AL7361, meets on Sunday afternoons twice a month. For more information: [email protected] | http://www.ahg-al7361.org http://www.ahgonline.org Check out the CD’s, Books, and Booklets in the vestibule of the church in our Lighthouse Catholic Media bookcase. Pop a CD into your car, listen as you drive, and fall in love with the Catholic Faith. Be inspired by some of the greatest Catholic theologians and evangelists of our time. We have 16 different books for you to choose from. These are the top selling Catholic books of our day. Take a look at the books and CD’s we have for children too! “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” Cub Scout Pack 361 Cub Scouting is for boys in the 1st – 5th grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Meets every 1st Tuesday evening at 6:30pm Holy Spirit School Auditorium http://hspack361.com/ POC Mar y Zur insky, Cubmaster (256)-698-5141 [email protected] R Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults C If you are interested in becoming Catholic I please contact the Office of Religious EdA ucation and speak with Tracy Finke our Director 256-881-0345 or [email protected] 4 Religious Education Youth Activity Tracy Finke 881-0345 Lori Lai 256-882-6483 Website: http://holyspirithsv.com/?page_id=2578 Vacation Bible School: If you have not signed your children up for Vacation Bible School do so soon. We are beginning to fill up. VBS is open to the first 200 children who register. After that we literally run out of space. Vacation Bible School will take place the Week of June 8th through the 12th from 9 am until noon. Our theme this year is “Everest.” Registration Forms are available in the vestibule of the church, the church office, and the school office. You may also access Registration Forms online at www.holyspirithsv.com. Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 3 ½ through ending 5th graders. If your child needs to be placed in the same group with another child, please indicate this on the form. Middle School (6-8th grade): Sundays 4-5:30 PM High School (9-12th grade): following the 11:45 am Mass, from 1 pm to 3pm. Wednesday thru Friday, 3-6:00 PM Youth Room Open to 9th thru 12 graders. Come study or just hang out! June 14-18 - High School Work Camp July 10-12 - Steubenville Atlanta (Final Payment is due!!) 2015-2016 Confirmation Class for Upcoming 8th Graders: The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to all students during their 8th grade year. If your upcoming 8th grader attends Holy Spirit School or our Sunday Religious Education Program we have him/her on our list to receive Confirmation information. However, if your students are homeschooled or you have recently moved to Huntsville, we do not have your children on our list. Please call or email Tracy Finke at [email protected] 256-881-0345. Volunteer/Service Opportunities: June 14 thru 18 - High School Work Camp The Holy Spirit Youth are collecting travel -sized personal hygiene products for the homeless of our community. Collection baskets have been placed in the vestibule of the Church. Please do not donate products containing alcohol (mouthwash, hand sanitizer, etc.). Thank you for your support! A Mighty Fortress of Faith A History of St. Mary of the Visitation Church This book, commemorating and celebrating 150 years of the first Catholic Church in , is presented in four parts - each a snapshot of a distinct period in the development of the church: Part 1: Beginnings of the Church Part 2: Newspaper Articles 1869-1919 Part 3: Family histories Part 4: Assorted articles and other parish stories Hardbound, illustrated, and more than 400 pages Reduced to $50 - Available in our Bookstore Did you find the needle? May 10 - pg. 3, in the Anniversary message border Somewhere in this Bulletin a needle is hiding. See if you can find it! Religious Orders 5 COMMUNITY NEWS Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School 256-881-4852 Holy Family Regional School, 4k-8th grade A dynamic, Christ-centered leader is needed to serve as principal at Holy Family Regional School in Huntsville, AL. Candidate must be a practicing Roman Catholic. Fluency in Spanish is a plus. A National BLUE RIBBON School Winner 2013! Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School Are you interested or have questions about a Catholic Education for your child(ren)? We would love to show you our 2013 National Blue Ribbon School based on our overall academic excellence by the Department of Education. We have limited spaces for the upcoming 2015-16 school year. Please give us a call to inquire at 256-881-4852. Holy Family Regional School is seeking an exper ienced, part -time Middle School Social Studies teacher for the 2015/16 school year. The candidate should hold a valid Alabama teacher certification or be able to apply for one immediately. Please send a letter of inquiry and a resume to Patricia Kuhn, Principal, Holy Family Regional School at [email protected]. 4yr old PreK Are you or anyone you know interested in our 4yr old PreK program? We still have limited spaces for the upcoming 2015-16 school year. Please give us a call and we would love to show you their dynamic world! Mrs. William’s class ROCKS!!!! Please call 256-881-4852 to inquire. St. John’s Catholic School is seeking qualified applicants for the following positions: Middle School Science, Middle School English, Spanish teacher (part time). All applicants must be Alabama certified or its equivalent. Certified teachers are welcomed to place resume on file should other positions become available. Please contact [email protected] for an employment application. Scholarship for Kids It is time to submit applications for Scholarship for Kids under the Alabama Accountability Act. If you would like to know a little more about the guide lines on how it works to apply please give me a call at 256-881-4852. There is a limited time frame to submit an application and supporting documents. Thank you, Mrs. Salvo. In need of counseling this spring? Catholic Family Services (1010 Chur ch Str eet, Huntsville) offer s quality Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy to all ages in a Christian setting. Sliding scale, affordable rates without insurance filing. Free pregnancy counseling. Licensed therapists with 30 years’ experience. Contact Michele Rivard, LCSW, PIP, Reg. Director, [email protected], (256) 536-0073. Volleyball Coach Holy Spirit is looking for a Volleyball Coach who can keep our Middle School (7th and 8th grade) girls’ Team competitive! If you are interested in learning more, please contact Coach Mumaugh at [email protected], 256-503-9486, or at the school. Saint John Paul II Catholic High School 256-430-1760 www.jp2falcons.org Contact Mrs. Kathleen Tetzlaff, Admissions Dir., to schedule a tour. www.jp2falcons.org/admissions Please join Fr. Louis in celebrating his 40 years of Priestly Ministry at a Reception on Sunday, May 24th after the 11:00 am Mass in the Parish Hall at Good Shepherd All are welcome! St. John Paul II Catholic High School is offering a series of Summer Camps in June and July. This is an opportunity for area elementary and middle schoolers to either discover, or develop, their Godgiven talents. Check out the list at the school website. 6 7 8 Check out the Lighthouse Catholic Media in the back of church. We have great CD’s, Books and Booklets to offer you at a very lost cost. The CD’s are approximately one hour in length. Below are some featured CD’s, Books, and Booklets that come highly recommended: Available this Week for Children: Board book “We Go to Mass”: This book is an ideal book for young children. It is sturdy and will stand up to wear and tear. Featuring full-color illustrations, “We Go to Mass” provides clear, simple text to introduce children to the Mass. Book: “Come to Jesus! (A Kid’s Book for Eucharistic Adoration) J esus is a friend like no other. He always cares, always listens, and is always ready to help—and in the Eucharist, Jesus is always with us. This wonderful book introduces children to the concept of spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic adoration. It is designed for children ages 8–11 to use alone or with parents. CD Cat Chat: “The Mass Comes Alive” (Episode 1) This CD on the Mass is a fun way for children to understand Mass better and learn about different parts of the Mass! The songs are ideal for children ages 3 to 11. Adults will learn a lot too! Coming Soon: Cat Chat “The Mass Comes Alive” (Episode 2) CD Cat Chat: “Amazing Angels and Super Saints” (Episode 1) This CD provides a very interesting talk given in a 'catching' way that engages children. They are thrilled to listen to it and remember it really well. The story is fun and the life of St. Francis is told well. CD “Glory Stories” In these tr ue stor ies of vision and br aver y, fierce determination, and loving service to God, Blessed Jose Sanchez and St. Joan of Arc set examples for youngsters... and teach parents at the same time! Recommended for children age 5 and up. 9 Recommended for Teenagers (And, of Course, Adults too!) CD “Getting Others to Heaven” Believe it or not, we are all called to be leaders. In her typical vibrant and energetic style, Noelle Garcia shows us how leadership is an important component for propagating the New Evangelization. Noelle shares how she came to better understand what it means to be a Christian leader. She shows that although we are all sinners, God has given us all unique gifts. CD “Discerning God’s Will” “How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice. Dedicate yourself to living the life that God has planned for you. CD “Contemporary Sainthood” In the fir st presentation, Mar k Har t discusses unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit and becoming who we are meant to be: saints. In the second presentation, Mark talks about the dangers of putting human expectations on our supreme God. These two talks will be sure to jump start your spiritual life and shed some light on what it means to be a contemporary saint. CD “Jesus Is” Presented by Lighthouse Catholic Youth: Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renowned and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?" CD “The God-Sized Hole Connor Flanagan is a musician and youth minister who has been actively involved in ministry for the last five years. Connor has spent the last several years traveling the country leading retreats and speaking at both youth conferences and parish events. In this presentation, Connor shows how each one of us has what he calls a "GodSized Hole" within our own hearts. CD “All Things are Possible for God” As a young man, the last thing Fr. Joshua Waltz ever thought he would be was a Catholic priest. But a series of choices, some bad and some good, ultimately led him to enter the seminary. In this talk, Fr. Waltz shares an incredible vocation story that involves heartbreak, robbers, Europe, and several miracles—all showing that there is nothing more exciting than a life lived for Jesus Christ. We have much, much more to offer you! Fall in love with your Catholic Faith with Lighthouse Catholic Books, Booklets and CD’s! 10 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. SUNDAY, M AY 17, 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Don’t make a lot of decision-making In biblical times, the people of God were known at times to cast lots as a decisionmaking method—a little like flipping a coin today. The belief was that “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (Prov. 16:33). After Judas’ death, the Book of Acts tells us the remaining apostles cast lots to determine that his successor would be Matthias. Soon after came the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and references to the casting of lots cease. Now that believers have the Holy Spirit to call on for guidance, there is no need to toss objects to arrive at a decision. Thoughtful their mirrors, fancy clothing, playing cards, dice, anything that smacked of the slightest diversion. But he also preached a message of hostile intolerance toward Jews, homosexuals, moneylenders, and many others who did not fit into the “moral majority” of the day. Can we find a way to distinguish moral essentials—honesty, kindness, and generosity for example—from moral neutrals such as ethnicity, occupation, orientation? The reform we need starts right here at home, in our own hearts. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 20:28-38; John 17:11b-19 (299). “Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.” THURSDAY, M AY 21 FEAST OF CHRISTOPHER M AGALLANES, PRIEST, MARTYR, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS The trials of martyrdom One common feature in the stories of many martyrs is that they are accused and condemned without a fair trial. From the time of the earliest martyrs to 20th-century ones such as Christopher Magallanes, who was put to death without trial in Mexico during the 1920s church-state conflict, martyrs usually find themselves accused and condemned in the same breath. People of faith are most often killed not because of their great faith, but because of the great fear of those of little faith. Honor those who have the courage of their convictions. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; John 17:20-26 (300). “The commander . . . ordered the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin to convene. Then he brought Paul down and made him stand before them.” FRIDAY, M AY 22 FEAST OF RITA OF CASCIA, RELIGIOUS Faith makes the impossible possible By the time Rita of Cascia was 36 years old, she had faced enormous challenges in her life, including great violence. Her husband was killed amid strife between families in Italy at the turn of the 15th century. Her two sons desired to avenge his death, a move their mother entirely opposed. Before they could carry out vengeance, however, they became ill and died. In the face of violence, loss and grief, Rita remained a woman of great faith. She believed, in the words of scripture, that with God all things are possible. Canonized in 1900, she is recognized as a patron saint of impossible causes. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19 (301). “Lord, you know everything.” SATURDAY, M AY 23 EASTER WEEKDAY Faith is not a competitive sport In communities of faith, it can be hard not to compare yourself to others. Who’s holier? Who gives more time? Who has a deeper prayer life? Who cares more? The problem with these questions is that they aren’t productive; they only lead to judgment and division. Communities grow when you care for one another. A defining value of what it means to be Catholic, according to St. Mary’s Press, is a profound sense of discovering, experiencing, and responding to God in union with other believers—that is, within community. Why not ask how you can help another grow and how they can help you? TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; John 21:20-25 (302). “There are also many other things that Jesus did.”: © 2015 by TrueQuest TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1 John 4:11-16; John 17:11b-19 (60). “Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted with the eleven apostles.” MONDAY, M AY 18 FEAST OF JOHN I, POPE AND MARTYR; EASTER WEEKDAY Live strong The holy and apostolic church is also a human institution, subject to the complexities of human nature. Pope Saint John I was caught in a web of sixth-century intrigue. Charged with improving relations between Rome and Constantinople, and even though his mission was successful, he became the object of imperial paranoia that led to his death. What keeps you strong when facing complex questions in our world? If you take a position, is it on the basis of study and prayer or on the basis of “party” loyalty? The hymn says “the church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord.” Cling to that Rock. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 19:1-8; John 16:29-33 (297). “In the world you will have trouble. But take courage, I have conquered the world.” TUESDAY, M AY 19 EASTER WEEKDAY Know the God of the unknown It’s hard to know what each day holds. Sure you have a schedule and to-do lists, but there’s no telling who you will encounter or what will be called forth from you in any given situation. As you face the unknown in your life remember that God is with you in the mystery of it all. Catholic theologian Karl Rahner identifies God as the Absolute Being who is Absolute Mystery. With faith and trust, you can open yourself to what God reveals in these moments of mystery. What you do know is that being rooted in Christ brings both comfort and challenge. God will provide no matter what today holds. Believe and let your life show the world the Way. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a (298). “Father, the hour has come.” WEDNESDAY, M AY 20 Avoid mixed messages The legacy of renowned 15th-century Italian preacher and reformer Bernardine of Siena cuts both ways. He inspired moral reform that was well overdue in lax times—hosting “bonfires of the vanities” into which townsfolk would toss 11 MARRIAGE Arrangements for weddings must be made six months in advance with our priests. A Marriage Preparation Class is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick and/or the Eucharist please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Contact parish office prior to hospitalization, surgery or during illness. Baptism Preparation Class For parents and godparents, June 10—7:00 PM in the Multi Purpose Room of the Parish Life Center. Please call the parish office to make a reservation so we can plan for you! 256-881-4781 “0” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #764 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Brian Lagasse Tim Karigan 650-5515 883-4325 Parish Ministries & Contact Persons ADMINISTRATIVE Adopt-A-Plot Communications Data Entry Money Counters Pastoral Council Print Shop & Mailing Wedding Coordinator Ava Joly Michael Rafferty Joe Hodges Pat Carrigan Jon Hollihan Hugo Jenrath 883-0016 539-2165 880-0211 882-1911 882-2666 881-4781 Beginning Experience Voice Mail 837-8375 Catholic Family Services 1010 Church Street 536-0073 Catholic Women of the Diocese of Birmingham Carol Chapuran 882-0655 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Christina Spradlin 698-8679 Cursillo in Christianity Bob McCoy 532-1991 Interfaith Mission Service Ken Knowles 533-5913 KAIROS Prison Ministry Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Knights of Columbus #764 http:/www.kofc764.com Ladies’ Auxiliary #764 Cindy Adams 682-7508 Meals on Wheels Jonathan Duerr 489-9469 Our Lady’s Prayer Group Debbie Cvitan 881-3874 Pro-Life Gisela Dyer 885-1786 Adult Education & Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA Tracy Finke 881-0345 Faith Formation - Ages 3 thru grade 12 Tracy Finke 881-0345 Focus Kyle Becher ext. 220 881-4781 Vacation Bible School Tracy Finke 881-0345 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Maria Jose Bonilla 881-4781 ext. 225 Secretary Martha Barragan 881-2211 SOCIAL JUSTICE Haiti Parish Twinning Program Bob McCoy Habitat for Humanity Marianne Higgins MUSIC Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Dr. Rebecca Whited 1-256-620-7925 [email protected] Joni Boulet 519-2993 Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Linens 468-2754 828-2548 881-0345 882-0888 883-0835 882-3414 YOUTH Boy Scouts Cub Scouts American Heritage Girls Youth Ministry HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Fr. Michael Mac Mahon Fr. Vincent Bresowar Anne Vasile Tracy Finke Religious Ed (School) 216 217 219 223 249 532-1991 653-1843 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Michael Sudnik 604-3374 [email protected] Society of St.Vincent DePaul Jason Poyer 881-1526 Stephen Ministry Lee or Kathy Heckman 489-7389 Carolyn Brunty 683-7015 LITURGY Heather Dixson Michelle Vandergrift Tracy Finke Lynne Greco Vicki Pape Connie Beveridge 881-4781 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HISPANIC OFFICE Altar Guild ext. 0 Bookstore Jeanne King 881-1385 Holy Spirit Travel Club Sandy Wells ext. 3661 880-9140 Hospitality Committee Debra Kibler 714-3468 Nursery Beth Jerman 270-4645 Parish Life Center Library Dexter Nilsson 881-6366 Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist Bob Dineen 880-0221 Pete Robert 882-0033 Malen Colberg (Spanish) 650-5194 Maritza Holland(Spanish) 808-551-2901 Jason Poyer 881-1526 Widowed Group Hugo Jenrath 682-1694 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Ann Digesu 881-0863 Pat Scroggins 881-9228 COMMUNITY Adult Choirs St. Cecilia Choir and St. Gregory Youth Choir St. Nicholas Choir Youth Mass Ensemble Mary Walker PARISH LIFE Deacon Mike Sudnik Kyle Becher Judy Rebman Hugo Jenrath Disaster Relief 12 212 220 224 211 232 Pat Tobbe Mary Zurinsky Anella Brolliar Lori Lai 883-9045 698-5141 [email protected] 882-6483 881-4781 + extension Nursery Bookstore Martha Barragan Maria Jose Bonilla Julie Kellogg 235 215 251 225 234
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