Church of The Holy Spirit 183 Church Street, Newington, Connecticut 06111 So they brought the colt to Jesus and put their cloaks over it. And he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. - Mk 11:7-8 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. 2015 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE MONDAY, March 30 Parish Mass at 9:00 am Confessions 6:00-7:00 pm TUESDAY, March 31 Parish Mass at 9:00 am WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 Parish Mass at 9:00 am HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Parish Mass at 9:00 am Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 pm GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3 No Daily Mass at 9:00 am Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Death at 3:00 pm The Seven Last Words of Christ at 7:00 pm (A service of Prayer and Music (No Stations of the Cross) HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4 No Daily 9:00 am Mass Confessions from 10:00-11:00 am Blessing of Easter Foods at 12:00 Noon at the Church Easter Vigil (First Mass of Easter) at 7:30 pm EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Masses at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am and 12:00 Noon CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Saturday, March 28 Vigil 4:00 pm Frank Kolodzeij, Dominic Corona and Frances Corcoran req. by Yolanda Kolodziej Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 7:30 am Patricia Linares req. by Ed and Phyllis Patz 9:00 am Warren Rashaw req. by his Wife (Birthday Remembrance) 10:30 am Theresa Kozikowski req. by her Son and Family (Ninth Anniversary) 12:00 N Richard Tinto req. by his Family (Fourteenth Anniversary) Monday, March 30 9:00 am Intentions of our Parish Family Tuesday, March 31 9:00 am Thomas C. Baggiero and Catherine Baggiero req. by their Family Wednesday, April 1 9:00 am Anthony, Lucy, Victor, and Nino Rizza req. by their Family Thursday, April 2 Holy Thursday 9:00 am Intentions of the Wilson and Buckie Families req. by Alfreda Wilson 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Friday, April 3 Good Friday 9:00 am No Mass 3:00 pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Death 7:00 pm The Seven Last Words of Christ (A Service of Prayer and Music) No Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 4 Holy Saturday 9:00 am No Mass 10:00-11:00 am Confessions 12:00 N Blessing of Easter Foods Vigil No Intentions 7:30 pm First Mass of Easter Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 am Angeline A. Anderson req. by the Allen Family 9:00 am Valentine Profetti req. by his Daughters (Forty-fifth Anniversary) 10:30 am Lucy Kaminsky req. by her Family (Fifteenth Anniversary) 12:00 N Paul Messina and Antonio and Filomena Manocchio req. by their Family NEWINGTON Weekly Offertory $8,241. Online Giving 3/10-3/17/2015 $1,216. Thank you for your spiritual and financial support of our parish. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD "They began to be distressed and to say to him, one by one, surely it is not I?" During this dramatic scene at the Last Supper, we can picture Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, trying to play up his innocence as long as possible. He knew he had already betrayed Jesus, and if he joined in the "who, me?" ritual, he was just putting on appearances. But what about the others? The rest of the Twelve were deeply disturbed by the idea that they might betray Jesus. As we know, however, when push came to shove, Peter's fear of betraying Jesus was trumped by fear for his own life. "I do not know this man about whom you are talking," he said in order to protect himself. But notice Peter's reaction when he realized what he'd done: "He broke down and wept." How different was humble Peter's response from that of prideful Judas, who acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong: "Who, me?" Both men were unfaithful to the Lord, but only Peter immediately felt real sorrow, what we traditionally call contrition, for his sin. The betrayers in today's Gospel readings are not just these two men. We also follow the crowd who hailed Jesus one day with "hosannas!" and a week later nailed him with their angry "crucify him!" How quickly our faith can turn fickle. For some of us, it may be easy to condemn the crowd and Judas and Peter, thinking that we would never do such a thing: "Who, me?" But today, let us resolve not to be so proud as to think we are perfect disciples. Let us have the humility of Peter who wept over his imperfections and, ultimately, repented of his sins. Only when we acknowledge that we need God's help will we be able to hail him and praise him as he truly deserves.© Liturgical Publications Inc. Dorothy Blazek, of our Parish Dominic J. Cantafi, of our Parish Thomas Nedjoika Gertrude Phenix John Lawton Nancy Broman Airbus Flight 9525 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD EASTER CONFESSIONS Grades 1 – 9 will meet today, Palm Sunday for our annual Palm Sunday procession and Mass at JWMS from 8:45AM – 10:15AM. This is our last meeting for the 2014 – 2015 Religious Ed school year. Classes will resume on Sunday, September 13, 2015. Re – registration for 2015 – 2016 will take place in May. The sacrament of Confirmation took place yesterday, Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 12 Noon with Bishop Macaluso. We congratulate and wish our 55 young people many blessings. Katelyn Elizabeth Andrews Megan Agnes Andrews Paige Katherine Arcand Brian Baglan Baglan Natalia Elizabeth Belletierre Patrick Thomas Callahan Matthew Joseph Cassone Robert Luke Ciaffaglione Mitchell Casimir Coia Jeffrey George Colonese Matthew Patrick Conners Anthony Anthony DiNallo Lindsey Mary Fairbank Jillian Genevieve Forauer Owen Joseph Frink Ryan Juan Diego Grande Andrea Mary Hall Elena Caroline Hynes Andres Andrew Ithier-Vicenty Justin Michael Kalisz Courtney Elisabeth Kamansky Madison Mary Lewicki Allison Ava Madrazo Lindsey Genevieve Mangiafico Bruno Benedict Marques Brianna Teresa Nedjoika Brittany Teresa Nedjoika Kevin Anthony Pietka Angelica Maria Nucifora Quinn Joseph O’Brien Marlen Veronica Paszkowski Brenna Elizabeth Pratte Natalie Gianna Remiszewski Lauren Lydia Rioux Virgil Gabriel Rona Corinda Catherine Sanford Anthony John Sapia-Banas Austin Edward Sargent Zachary Sebastian Saunders Nicholas George Servidone Emilie Lea Sienko Victoria Elisabeth Skonieczny Brandon Joseph Spada Madison Sofia Suchocki Giuseppe Paul Terranova Shannon Clare Tofeldt Jennifer Marie Tougas Maxwell Michael Turgeon Elaina Teresa Vass Julianna Concetta Vass Jessica Teresa Veilleux Lucia Teresa Visconti Theresa Lucia Visconti Karlene Elizabeth Welles Eduardo Francis Elescano Wedding Banns II. Jose Matos and Marilyn Kancewicz GOOD FRIDAY, THE HOLY SPIRIT CONTEMPORARY CHOIR Will present “The Seven Last Words of Christ” on Good Friday, April 3, 2015 at 7:00 pm. This Prayer Service will be held in the Church and will include meditative music and Scripture Readings, punctuated by moments of silence for personal reflection and prayer. All are invited. “Peace be with you!” With these words, the Risen Lord greeted his frightened Apostles in the Upper Room on the day of his Resurrection. Christ repeated the words “Peace be with you.” Then he added, :”Receive the Holy Spirit, Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them” (John 20:19-23). What an extraordinary gift, the gift of divine forgiveness! This year prepare for Easter by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here at Holy Spirit Church, the Sacrament of Penance will be available the following days: •Monday, March 30, 6:00-7:00 pm (two priests) (Holy Week) Saturday, April 4, 10:00-11:00 am (2 priests) EASTER FLOWERS We are very grateful for the generous tradition of donations for Easter Flowers as a special gift or in memory of loved ones. Your generosity makes it possible to prepare the Sanctuary and the Church festively for the holiday. Gifts may be placed in the specially marked envelopes included with your offering envelopes or you may use any envelope marked “Flowers”. We also have envelopes available at the back of the Church. Please note names submitted after this Monday, April 5 will not be included in the Easter Flower insert for the bulletin. Please PRINT your name/names. LADIES GUILD—CATHOLIC ACTION MASS A Mass for deceased clergy and former members of The Holy Spirit Ladies Guild will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 8 at 5:30 pm. Following the Mass there will be sandwiches and a salad catered by Panera Bread. Dessert and beverage are included. Reservations are required; the cost is $15 per person. Bill Walsh, Associate Retreat Director at the Holy Family Monastery in West Hartford will be our speaker. His topic is Us vs. Them: What the Bible says about conflict in our culture. This will be an evening of reflection. Please enclose a check payable to Holy Spirit Ladies Guild or cash in an envelope and place in the collection basket marked “Ladies Guild” by this Wednesday, April 1. Questions? Please call Arline Hourihan, 860-666-0348. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE The Passion of Jesus makes it clear, no one escapes suffering. Suffering is inevitable but no one should suffer alone. That is one of the primary roles of families, to stand with and support each other in suffering. March 29, 2015 Adoration Altar Servers Altar Society Adult Funeral Servers Baptism Preparations `Bereavement Group Building & Grounds Comm. Celebrate Life Reps Community Life Comm. Eucharistic Ministers Family Ministry Finance Council Food Delivery Funeral Ministry Team Homeless Shelter Ministry Ladies’ Guild Lectors Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Men’s Retreat Music Ministry Adult Choir Contemporary Choir Youth Choir Parish Council Parish Nurse Ministry Public Relations Religious Education RCIA Deacon Stewardship Monday, March 30 6:00-7:00 pm Tuesday, March 31 6:00—9:00 pm John & Rose DiSarro Deacon James Shiels Patricia Jarvis Eleanore Marchand Deacon Joseph Guzauckas, John Rocco John Pergolizzi Manfred Becker Gail Kelly Susan McCaffrey Rosann Guzauckas Grace Lineberry Maureen O’Connor Lyons Deacon James Shiels Charles Lavoie Paul McBride David Dyson, Director David Dyson Tom Tallard David Dyson John Rocco Anne Pelow Cindy Paoletti Susan Skipp, Director James Shiels Francis Rooney Confessions Silent Adoration, Church Wednesday, April 1 Thursday, April 2 2:30 pm 7:30 pm Holy Thursday Legion of Mary, CCD Office Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Washing of the Feet Friday, April 3 9:00 am 7:00 pm Good Friday Altar Guild, Church The Seven Last Words of Christ No Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 4 10:00-11:00 am 12:00 Noon 7:30 pm Confessions Blessing of the Easter Foods Easter Vigil Mass First Mass of Easter 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Thank you to the Parish Families who have made a gift or pledge commitment to the 2015 AAA. If you have not yet had the opportunity, please consider prayerfully supporting the many Good Works of the Archdiocese. Every gift will be gratefully received and sincerely appreciated. HOLY THURSDAY—April 2—Washing of the Feet If you would like to participate in this beautiful ceremony on Holy Thursday at the 7:30 pm Mass, please call the Rectory Office, 860-666-56571. POSITIVE CHANGES—During the Lenten Season we all plan to make positive changes in our lives and habits for the betterment of ourselves and for our families and loved ones. Pray to our Blessed for strength and guidance. To schedule an in -home visitation of our Blessed Virgin Mary Home Visitation Statue, offered by the Legion of Mary, to any Newington parishioner, please call Sharon at 860666-5961 or Beverly at 860-667-0682. THE LADIES GUILD OF HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH, will hold its Annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale on Friday, May 8 and on Saturday, May 9 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Father O’Connor Center. Vegetables, decorative plants and herbs will be available. Geraniums will be $3.75 each. May be preordered for best color selection by calling Jan Hebert at 860-561-4785, or Debbie Hebert at 860-666-2676. Color selections for geraniums are: White, Red, Pink, Salmon and Magenta. THE NEWINGTON KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS—Will hold its 40th Annual Palm Sunday Breakfast this weekend, from 8:00 am—12:00 Noon. The menu will feature Ham, their famous home fries and all you can eat pancakes, and Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and Orange Juice. The price is $6 for adults and $4 for children ages 5-14; under 5 there is no cost. The money raised goes to charitable causes of Holy Spirit Parish and the Knights of Columbus, and many other Catholic Charities. Plan to stop in after Mass and enjoy a great breakfast. Thank you for your continued support of Holy Spirit Parish and the Knights of Columbus. March 29, 2015 Readings for the Week of March 29, 2015 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:111/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/ Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. SPRING IS COMING! Exciting trips are currently being planned to Boston, New York and Rhode Island. Additional information will soon follow. THE HOLY SPIRIT CONTEMPORARY CHOIR—Is looking for joyful voices of music to join us in singing at the upcoming Easter Mass at 9:00 am. Please call Jim Stigliano at 860-667-1742. NEEDS AND LEADS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS—Are you interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister? The next training session will be held April 26, 2015 (Sunday) for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This session will be held at Saint James Church in Rocky Hill. It will begin promptly at 2:00 pm and will last approximately three hours. Registration deadline is Wednesday, April 22. Please see John Rocco or Father Bock if you are interested. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES ASSOCIATION—The Catholic Cemeteries Association of the Archdiocese of Hartford is offering all Catholic Families the opportunity to purchase pre-need graves with upright monuments, shrine graves, or mausoleum crypt spaces with interest free installment payments up to four years. This offer begins Wednesday, April first and expires Friday, May 15. For further information or to make an appointment, please call 860-2251938. It was during the fourth century in Jerusalem that Christians first starting using palm branches in commemoration of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem. Today, we continue to use palms in most churches on this Sunday, Catholic and Protestant alike. It is one of those traditions of worship that, no matter how far apart we may seem at times, we continue to share due to our common heritage. But Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday, because we hear an account of the passion of Jesus Christ during the liturgy. Most churches also share this reading in common. Many Catholic parishes use multiple lectors to proclaim the Gospel, while it is not uncommon for a similar reading or even a performance in many mainstream Protestant churches. The commonality found in the worship on this particular Sunday seems to highlight the fundamental truth in the observance: Jesus Christ died for everyone. He did not die on a cross for just Catholics, or just Orthodox, or just Protestants. Whether one acknowledges it or not, he was crucified for all those who are born of man. Today, we rejoice not just for what he has done for us but also for what he has done for all of creation. THANK YOU! The Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry extends its thanks to Holy Spirit Parish for including Cooperative Parish Sharing in your list of parish funding priorities, and for being one of the many parishes in the Archdiocese that has made a commitment to this important program. For more than 45 years the program has provided assistance for poor communities by funding parish programs to address real needs. From helping parishes set up food pantries, to providing safe summer programs for children, to training leaders for ministry, your participation is a key to its success, and we are truly grateful. Lynn Campbell, Executive Director THANK YOU! On behalf of the Newington Department of Human Services, thank you for the donations to our department. Your commitment to the town and its residents is commendable and appreciated. Because of your continued kindness and generosity, we are able to assist our residents who are experiencing financial and other hardships. Each month we serve many Newington households composed of families, single adults, elderly and persons with disabilities. Karen Futoma, Director of Human Services NEWINGTON MEMORIAL (860) 666-0600 Graver’s Tree Care Parishioner 860-563-6581 • [email protected] Service & Installation BARUFFI Since 1946 Heating McBRIDE WAYSIDE CARPET CO. Air Conditioning & SONS LANDSCAPING, INC. Lawn mowing • Snowplowing Shrub planting Mulch delivery & installation CT Lic. 0579817 (860) 828-0556 • PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 1841 Berlin Turnpike, Wethersfield, CT 860-436-6400 Bruce Graver, Licensed Tree Surgeon Wethersfield S.J. PIZZELLA Michael Turgeon Removals, Pruning, Tree Maintenance 860-666-2512 James Campbell Owner 3153 Berlin Turnpike, Newington 860) 666-2696 No Job Is Too Small Old Or New, We Do It All Phone: 860-666-6229 Compliments of Stamm Construction Co. Heating • Cooling • Hot Water MECHANICAL SERVICES , INC . David P. Bell, DMD • Brian D. Bell, DMD CT LICENSE #387433 2304 Berlin Turnpike - Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-1000 860-826-5880 • Maintenance • Service • Replacement • Installation • Oil to Gas Conversion MILLUZZO & COMPANY, P.C. 182 Kelsey Street, Newington, CT Richard S. Milluzzo, CPA Darcy B. Milluzzo, CPA Annuals • Vegetables • Perennials • Trees Shrubs Grass Seed • Sod • Fertilizers for Lawn & Garden Flower & Vegetable Seeds & Potting Supplies Statuary • Bird Bats • Gazing Globes Wild Bird Seed & Supplies • Bird Houses Gardening Gifts & Gift Cards S&F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INCOME TAX PREPARATION 1616 Willard Avenue Newington, CT 860-667-9991 860-667-1158 Individual & Business Tax Planning & Preparation LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Propane Filled 7 Days a Week. Aqua Backflow Gallicchio Plumbing Inc. VISCONTI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Trying to reach new clients via the web? John & Dan Gallicchio Resurgence can help with web design, hosting, and consultation services. (860) 666-2900 Call Isabel @ 860-324-2657 !"#$%&#'(#)*#+++,"-('".-%/-+-0&-(1.%,/!2 FREE ESTIMATES PARISHIONER FULLY INSURED 202 Deming Street Newington, CT 06111 CT E1-00123622 860-667-7004 A Family Tradition Since 1955 Since 1941 110 Franklin Square 860.225.8464 !""#$%&'&()*)$%&'&+,-./&'&0)$*"1/&2&+""3/ 4"3-5,/&'&6738,$93: 860-667-1467 1018 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 860-633-1400 Turnpike Motors Autobody tel: 860.666.3319 fax: 860.666.8717 FARLEY-SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 2550 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06111 860-563-9999 34 Beaver Road, Wethersfield 177 Day St. Newington, CT Family owned & operated since 1905 East Hartford and Wethersfield D’ESOPO FUNERAL CHAPELS 860-563-6117 • FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Lessing’s Food Service 860-953-3553 111 Golf Street • Newington 860.666.5600 DÀQN#OHVVLQJVFRP A full service veterinary clinic specializing OHVVLQJVFRP in complete medical and surgical care Christina Bengtson Owner Dog Walking, Pet Sitting & Taxi Insured/PSI Member /CPPS For Advertising Information, call TONY SERINO at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3346 [email protected] Being there for THEM for YOU! 860-306-7607 email: [email protected] Look for us on FACEBOOK MARCH 25, 2015 1:09 PM CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, NEWINGTON, CT 03-0118
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