INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL SYSTEMS (IFES) Request for Quotations for the Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps in Burkina Faso RFQ/15/150 May 22, 2015 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps 1 RFQ/15/150 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Request for Quotes (RFQ) is to invite prospective suppliers to submit quotations and technical specifications for the sale and delivery of self-inking stamps for Bukina Faso’s legislative and presidential elections in October 2015 and municipal elections in January 2016. The RFQ provides suppliers with the relevant operational and performance requirements. When submitting quotations, vendors must respect all instructions, terms of reference, technical specifications, etc. contained in this RFQ. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 1.2 Coverage & Participation IFES reserves the right not to enter into any contract, to add and/or delete elements, or to change any element of the coverage and participation prior to the award without prior notification at any time without any liability or obligation of any kind or amount. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 The Organization The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is an independent, non-governmental organization providing professional support to electoral democracy. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance and applying field-based research to the electoral cycle worldwide to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. 2.2 Context The request for quotations is for the supply and delivery of self-inking stamps for Bukina Faso’s legislative and presidential elections in October 2015 and municipal elections in January 2016. The technical specifications of the stamps are specified in Section 4 of this RFQ. 2.3 Schedule of Events The following tentative schedule will apply to this RFQ, but it may change in accordance with the IFES’ needs or unforeseen circumstances. Changes will be communicated by e-mail to all bidders. Issuance of RFQ on Technical Questions/Inquiries Due by Answers/Addenda from IFES on RFQ Closes on IFES/Burkina Faso May 22, 2015 June 3, 2015 June 8, 2015 June 22, 2015 Page 2 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps 3 RFQ/15/150 PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Supplier’s Understanding of the Inquiry In responding to this RFQ, the supplier accepts full responsibility to understand the RFQ in its entirety, and in detail, including making any inquiries to IFES as necessary to gain such understanding. IFES reserves the right to disqualify any supplier who demonstrates less than such understanding. Further, IFES reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the supplier has demonstrated such understanding. Such disqualification shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to IFES. 3.2 Good Faith Statement All information provided by IFES in this RFQ is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time. IFES makes no certification that any item is without error. IFES is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from. 3.3 Communication Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by a specified procurement official in charge of managing this RFQ process. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communication. 3.3.1 Notice of Intention: suppliers that are interested in bidding to this RFQ are encouraged to notify IFES of their interest as soon as possible by filling and sending to the contact below the Notice of Intention herewith attached as Schedule A. However, the Notice of Intention is not mandatory and is does not legally bind the interested supplier. Attention: E-mail: Salima Wiggins [email protected] and Attention : E-mail: 3.3.2 Jenny Xu [email protected] Suppliers’ Inquiries. Applicable terms and conditions herein shall govern communications and inquiries between IFES and suppliers as they relate to this RFQ. Inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFQ are to be directed in writing to: Attention: E-mail: Salima Wiggins [email protected] and IFES/Burkina Faso Page 3 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps Attention: E-mail: 3.3.3 3.3.4 RFQ/15/150 Jenny Xu [email protected] Formal Communications shall include, but are not limited to: Questions concerning this RFQ must be submitted in writing. Errors and omissions in this RFQ and enhancements. Suppliers shall recommend to IFES any discrepancies, errors, or omissions that may exist within this RFQ. With respect to this RFQ, suppliers shall recommend to IFES any enhancements, which might be in IFES best interests. Inquiries about technical interpretations must be submitted in writing. Addenda to this RFQ. Addenda: IFES will make a good-faith effort to provide a written response to the questions or request for clarification that requires addenda per the Schedule of Events in 2.3. 3.4 Proposal Submission All quotations must be received by IFES by June 22, 2015 at 6:00 PM Washington, DC time. Its mandatory for bidders to send proposals in electronic copy via e-mail to both Salima Wiggins at [email protected] and Jenny Xu at [email protected]. In case bidders wish to also submit a hardcopy, the bids must be physically delivered by June 22, 2015 before 16:00 Ouagadougou time, to the address found below. All physical bids must be submitted in a closed, sealed outer envelope marked “DO NOT OPEN, RFQ # 15-150” IFES/Burkina Faso CENI Annexe Immeuble Shell, 2e étage Cité an III 01 BP5152 Ouagadougou 01 3.5 Criteria for Selection The evaluation of each response to this RFQ will be based on its demonstrated competence, compliance, format, and organization. The purpose of this RFQ is to identify those suppliers that have the interest, capability, and financial strength to supply IFES with the product identified in the Scope of Work. Evaluation Criteria: 1. Price 2. Product’s Match to Specifications 3. Timeline/Delivery time IFES/Burkina Faso 30 Points 30 Points 20 Points Page 4 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps 4. Experience/Past Performance in the provision of similar products RFQ/15/150 20 Points 3.6 Selection and Notification Suppliers determined by IFES who possess the capacity to compete for this contract will be selected to move into the negotiation phase of this process. Written notification will be sent to these suppliers via mail. Those suppliers not selected for the negotiation phase will not be notified. 4 TECHINCAL SPEICFICATIONS Bid Format: The following table provides a description and the technical specifications of the stamps that the vendor shall provide and deliver. Table 1: Price Schedule Product Characteristics Stamp 1 Stamp 2 The text will read “CENI Président” Original blue ink Self-inking Containing 4 mechanical pins that function as self-ink spring Featuring CENI logo Minimum ink life span of 6 years Insoluble ink Ink resistant to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius Size: 4 cm diameter Circular shape The text will read “CENI Annulé” Original red ink Self-inking Containing 4 mechanical pins that function as self-ink spring Minimum ink life span of 6 years Insoluble ink Ink resistant to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius Size: 4 cm diameter Circular shape Quantity Place of Delivery 19,500 National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 19,500 National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Unit Price Total Price Delivery Costs Delivery Date IFES/Burkina Faso Page 5 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps RFQ/15/150 Subtotal before Tax Tax Import Costs (for goods purchased outside of Burkina Faso only) Grand Total All stamps must be delivered to the CENI by August 15, 2015. 5 QUOTATITON FORMAT The applying supplier must provide the following information in order for their proposal to be considered: 1. A brief outline of the company and services offered, including: Full legal name and address of the company Full legal name of company’s President and / or Chief Executive Officer Registration Documents U.S. companies must indicate if they are a registered Small Business (Woman owned, veteranowned, Minority-owned, Disabled, Service Disabled Veteran-owned) 2. Evidence of successful completion of a project of a similar size and complexity. 3. References: Contact information for no less than three references from projects similar in size, application, and scope and a brief description of their implementation (including location and year). 4. Price Schedule: Table 1. A sample quote must be completed and submitted on official letterhead of vendor. Bidders must guarantee the validity of prices for a minimum of 60 days. Prices should be in Franc CFA for in-country bidders and US Dollars (USD) for all other bidders. 6 ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 6.1 Geographic Code IFES’s project in Burkina Faso is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Source and Nationality (S/N) Geographic Code 937 (for more information please refers to 22CFR228.03). A request for waiver may apply if necessary, however, the estimated time required to obtain the SON waiver will be considered within the “Timeline” in the Evaluation Criteria. IFES encourage all bidders to consider products falls under SON Geographic Code 937 as priority whenever possible. 6.2 License, Clearance and Approvals In the presence of any local legal requirement to produce or deliver the products and/or services described in the Scope of work, the supplier will include the time needed to obtain possible, licenses, clearances and/or approvals in the timeline. IFES/Burkina Faso Page 6 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps RFQ/15/150 6.3 Shipping Suppliers must provide shipping and delivery information in detail in the proposal. Final delivery will be to various locations as specified in Section 2.2 of this Request for Quotes. Exact addresses will be provided with the award. 6.4 Non-Disclosure Agreement IFES reserves the right to require the supplier to enter into a non-disclosure agreement. 6.5 Costs The RFQ does not obligate IFES to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by a supplier or third parties, in connection with the Response. All Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IFES, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the Response and supporting documentation. 6.6 Supplier’s Responses All accepted Responses shall become the property of IFES and will not be returned. 6.7 Partial Awarding IFES reserves the right to accept all or part of the quotation when awarding the purchase order. 6.8 No Liability IFES reserve the right to accept or reject any quotation or stop the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason or liability. IFES shall not be liable to any supplier, person, or entity for any losses, expenses, costs, claims, or damages of any kind: Arising out of, by reason of, or attributable to, the supplier responding to this RFQ; or As a result of the use of any information, error, or omission contained in this RFQ document or provided during the RFQ process. 6.9 Entire RFQ This RFQ, any addenda to it, and any attached schedules, constitute the entire RFQ. IFES/Burkina Faso Page 7 of 8 Purchase and Delivery of Electoral Stamps RFQ/15/150 SCHEDULE “A” NOTICE OF INTENTION RFQ/15/050 From: Name: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: [INSERT COMPANY NAME] [INSERT NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE] [INSERT TELEPHONE NO.] [INSERT FAX NO.] [INSERT E-MAIL] Please state your intention with regard to the subject Request for Quotation by selecting one of the following: [ ] Intends to respond to IFES Request for Proposal [ ] Does not intend to respond to IFES Request for Proposal TO: International Foundation for Electoral Systems Attention: Salima Wiggins Fax: +1 202 350 6701 E-mail: [email protected] IFES/Burkina Faso Page 8 of 8
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