Volume 1, Issue no. 5 05-12-14 Northern California DeMolay Association Upcoming Events Chevalier for Kendall Leavy-‐ 5/24/14 Happy Memorial Day! Cross of Honor ceremony for Tom Krutman -‐ 5/28/14 Roseville Have-‐A-‐Heart Dinner for War Veterans-‐ 5/31/14 Delta Ensign Mayo Day – 6/7/14 Superior Splash Bash – 6/14/14 Father’s Day Breakfast– 6/15/14 International Supreme Council Session – 6/18-‐ 6/21//14 California Job’s Daughters Grand Bethel – 6/26-‐6/28/14 DeMolay Leadership Conference – 6/29-‐ 7/5/14 Sweetheart Leadership Conference – 6/29-‐ 7/2/14 First Letters turned in: Aidan Varallo, Shawn Foster, Alex Perez, Jackson Faylor, Jed Parke, Julian Galardi, Brant Corona, Kyle Huggins, Cody Philbrook Second Letters turned in: Cavan Shannon Keep it up guys! -‐Upcoming Events and reviews: To the left is a list of all upcoming events. Later in the newsletter will be details and information about upcoming NCDA events, including Knights on the Waterfront, DLC, and SLC (Pages 2-‐ 3) -‐Jurisdictional Programs: Information and details about 2014 Jurisdictional Programs, including both the Chapter and DeMolay Achievement awards, the PMC-‐MSA Convention deal, the PMC-‐MSA Jurisdictional Officer deal, the Membership Convention Deal, and this year’s Philanthropic Project. (Pages 4-‐5) -‐Messages from the J.O.s: Messages from your 2014 Jurisdictional Officers, this month about the month of May and Filial Love. (Pages 6-‐8) -‐Sweetheart Corner: Information about the Nor Cal Sweetheart Program, including information on where to find the new Crowning Ceremony, Pink Honor Key information, and crown and banner care (Page 9) -‐Vision & Mission Statement: NCDA’s 2014 Vision and Mission Statements (Page 10) -‐Philanthropic donation list: List of supplies to donate to Camp Taylor (Page 11) -‐Membership stats: Up to date NCDA membership information (Page 12) The Explorer’s Journal Page 2 Explorers! Come join the NCDA corps on an adventure filled with fun, sun, friends, and excitement! Knights on the Waterfront will be on August 2nd, beginning at 8:30 am at Knights Ferry. We will be embarking on an exciting rafting adventure starting at Knights Ferry and ending in Orange Blossom, 8.5 miles away (Don’t worry, there will be shuttles to bring all of you Explorer’s safely back to your vehicles!). Be sure to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and your water guns, to ward off any unexpected surprises! Registration will begin at 8:30, and we will start our journey at 9:30, ending at around 1:30. Rafts can launch anywhere between 9:30 and 11:30, but don’t launch too late, because you don’t want to miss the lunch at the end! Lunch will be served at the end of the river from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. This exciting adventure will only be $25 without lunch, and $30 with lunch if you register before June 29th. IF you register before June 29th, you will also be getting a cool t-‐shirt that looks something like the one to the right, If you register after June 29th, but before July 26th, then the price will be $27 without lunch, and $32 with lunch, and no t-‐ shirt will be provided. (No t-‐shirts after June 29th because we need time to order your t-‐shirts depending on your sizes, so you can all have the shirts that look best on YOU!) Any registrations after July 26th will be considered walk-‐ins, and that price will be $30 without lunch, and $35 with. Registration will be up on the website within the next two weeks, so keep an out on our website and Facebook for it! Until then Explorer’s! This article done b y Dylan Vogel, NCDA Sweetheart Page 3 The Explorer’s Journal If you have ever been to the Pacific Coast DeMolay Leadership Conference then you know how fun, exciting, tiring, and awesome it is! From June 29th to July 5th you have the chance to go to DLC and experience all it has to offer. It is the place to be this summer as in just a week you will get to see why this event is so great and what is has to offer each and every one of you. If you have ever wondered how explorers get to be the leaders they are, then DLC is the place for you. You get to have 7 days of fun filled memories, where each day is different and literally anything can happen… You have to see it to believe it. Registration and pricing will be online soon enough so be on the lookout for it! But on the plus side, DLC has a deal for you! It’s a Buy One Get One Free Sale! For every one DeMolay that registers, another one goes for free, so get your entire chapter going for half the price! We look forward to seeing all the adventurers at camp this year joining in on all the brotherhood! This article done b y Gared Hassel, N CDA Master Councilor Calling all Sweethearts, Princesses, and Little Sis’! It’s that time of year again! Our annual Sweetheart Leadership Conference is coming up and it is going to be FANTASTIC! It will be held June 29th-‐July 2nd in Sonora, CA at the Sierra Outdoor school. It will be $200 for four days of fun, friends, and bettering yourself as a Sweetheart! It is one of the BEST opportunities offered to our sweethearts, and all who attend take away so much! Start saving up ladies and we can’t wait to see you there! This article done b y Dylan Vogel, NCDA Sweetheart The Explorer’s Journal Page 4 Help support the children of Camp Taylor! Bring supplies or extra change to donate at Knights on the Waterfront! Established in 2002 Camp Taylor, Inc., offers six residential camp programs catering to the underserved population of pediatric cardiology patients and their families. All camps are staffed with Pediatric Cardiac professionals, trained program leaders and awesome people who desire to make a difference in campers' lives. Weaved between themed fun activities, horseback riding, rock wall, ropes course, swimming, and much more; they offer heart education classes and supportive "Giving Tree cabin sessions" to meet the emotional, mental and social needs of the young people they serve. While each camper attends camp for free, it costs approximately $800 per person to run camp. Please contact Gabby Hadley at (559) 765-‐7608 if you and/or your chapter are interested in volunteering, or if you have any questions. For more information about Camp Taylor, log onto their website at kidsheartcamp.org This article done by Gabby Hadley, N CDA Princess Okay Explorers, we have a challenge for all of you! As most of you know (or should know!), Nor Cal DeMolay hit positive growth last year! But we don’t just want you to hit positive growth this year, this year we want to challenge and push you even farther! Our number for positive growth right now We would like all of you to help us hit 200 positive growth. That means 200 new DeMolays, 200 new friends, and most of all, 200 new brothers! And we have something to reward you with in return for continuing to make us the BEST jurisdiction in DeMolay International! For every three members you (as an individual) gets in you will get $50 off convention, for every five members you get $100 off, for every seven members you get $150 off, and if you get ten members in, you get to go to convention for FREE! Make sure to get the members in by November 1st! This article done b y Dylan Vogel, NCDA Sweetheart The Explorer’s Journal Page 5 Hey Nor Cal! We would just like to remind you to be keeping up on your CAA applications! DLC is coming up, so make sure to send members of your chapter so that you can check that off your list! We can’t wait to see what all of you are doing and who achieves it! This article done b y Nicolas Poulter, NCDA Senior Councilor Hey DeMolays! Don’t forget to be working on your individual DAAs in addition to the chapter award! There installations and DLC coming up, and you can use both of those on your applications! Keep up the good work guys! This article done b y Levi Pivoda, N CDA Junior Councilor Need more incentive to earn your PMC-‐MSA? Well, at your FREE CONVENTION, Gared Hassel, Nicolas Poulter, and Levi Pivoda will shave their heads if 15 total PMC-‐MSA’s are earned! On the condition that there are 3 earned from EVERY division. As a reminder, you have 10 days from the date of your installation as Master Councilor to turn in your first letter. Why wait? Free convention and many laughs await you! This article done b y Gabby Hadley, N CDA Princess Hey Nor Cal! For all of you newly installed and soon to be installed chapter MC’s, if you haven’t already applied for your PMC-‐MSA, you should do so, before its too late! And for those of you who have been in for a little while, don’t forget to turn in your second letter! Because, we would like to reward you for all the hard work you put in this year! For all of you who achieve your PMC-‐MSA’s by convention, you get to attend the whole weekend for FREE. So keep up the good work Nor Cal! And good luck! This article done b y Dylan Vogel, NCDA Sweetheart The Explorer’s Journal Page 6 Hello Explorers, May is a very special month as it is the end of spring and also the slow beginning of summer, but what is even greater than this is Mother’s Day. It’s the day that we spend time with our moms, and we treat them like the queens they are, because without our moms not a great deal of things could get done. Filial love is the first Cardinal Virtue we have, and it makes sense why it is at the start. When we are brought into this world, it is because of our mothers. To them we are a blessing and they treat us as such. They never give up on us, even if we give up on ourselves and they want to see us succeed and grow up to be the fine young men that we are. For myself, I can openly say I am a “momma’s boy” and I’m proud to say it. I’m an only child and am so glad for it. Growing up I never wanted any siblings at all, the thought of having a sister or brother bothered me, and part of it was because I would have to share my mom. I know that without her I probably wouldn’t have joined DeMolay. She has been my biggest supporter and has been with me every step of my DeMolay career. She was there when I joined and will be there when I end in November, and it has been quite an adventure. I hope that all of you will go spend time with your mom on Mother’s Day, because without her you wouldn’t even exist. Each mom is special for some reason and another, so thank her for all she has and show her what she means to you by taking her on a Mother and Son Date. Filial Love has always been the precept that I could show the most. Everyone has their own precept that they show, but for me its love of parents. The thought of not having parents is a very sad one because they are always there for you in your time of need, or when you are doing fantastic. Our parents may drive us crazy sometimes, but its dad’s bad jokes, and moms over nurturing that made us the way we are, and from that we have great lives. At the end of our lives our parents won’t be there, but when we are parents we will do the same exact thing they did for us, but for our own children. Anyway, everyone have a great Mother’s Day and do something great for her, whether it’s flowers, a movie date, or just a hug; your mom will appreciate anything that you do. Remember to have fun and keep going on adventures! Fraternally yours, Gared Hassel 52nd Master Councilor Northern California DeMolay Assoc. Page 7 The Explorer’s Journal Hey Adventurers! “It was your mother who loved you before you were born – who carried you for long months close to her heart and in the fullness of time took God’s hand in hers and passed through the valley of shadows to give you life. It was she who cared for you during the helpless years of infancy and the scarcely less dependent years of childhood. As you have grown less dependent, she has done the countless, thoughtful, trouble-‐healing, helpful and encouraging things which somehow only mothers seem to know how to do. You may have accepted these attentions more or less as matters of course and perhaps without conscious gratitude or any expressions of your appreciation.” That was taken from the Flower Talk in the DeMolay ritual. The month of May is a month to celebrate the virtue of filial love. It’s a time to reflect on all that you have achieved with the help of your mother, and all that you couldn’t do without her. My mother is the reason I joined Job’s Daughter’s, and from that the reason I ended up becoming involved in DeMolay, and I will forever be grateful for that. Throughout my life, my mother has been there throughout the bad and the good, and I’m very lucky to have a the mother that I do. But this month, I would not only like to celebrate my own biological mother, but all of the “Mom’s” that I am fortunate to have. All of the mother’s of my friends, sisters, and DeMolays who treat me as one of their own children. As a Jurisdictional Officer, I am often away from home, but because of them, I never feel too far. There’s a quote I like from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, it goes “Whatever else is unsure in this…world, a mother’s love is not.” And thank goodness for a mother’s love. Whether I’m at home, at DeMolay events, or at my best friend’s house, I always feel loved because of it. I know there are quite a few mother’s I could go to in times of need, or in times of advice and I am endlessly thankful for that. Spend time with your Mother’s, thank them, and try to return at least a fraction of the love they have given you over the years. Make sure they know how grateful you are for all that they have done. Thank not only them, but all the “Moms” in your life. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Much love, Dylan Vogel Sweetheart Northern California DeMolay Association The Explorer’s Journal Page 8 Greetings Explorers! There is a video on the web that is going viral, that in my opinion, each of us should take a minute out of our day to watch. In short, it is a man interviewing people for a job described as the most important job and assigned the title “Director of Operations”. The interviewer goes on the explain the requirements of the job: mobility; able to work standing up all the time; high level of stamina; 135 hours to unlimited hours a week; no breaks; excellent interpersonal skills; a degree in medicine, finance, and the culinary arts; no vacations; no time to sleep; and is absolutely unpaid. He goes on to describe the “benefits” of the position, the feeling you get from helping your “associate” is “immeasurable”. It is described as the “World’s Toughest Job” (also the name of the video), it is the job of mothers around the world. With Mothers’ Day fast approaching, now is a great time to think of how much you appreciate your mother and all that she has done for you, regardless of where she is now. As taken from the Flower Talk: “It was your mother who loved you before you were born – who carried you for long months close to her heart and in the fullness of time took God’s hand in hers and passed through the valley of shadows to give you life. It was she who cared for you during the helpless years of infancy and the scarcely less dependent years of childhood. As you have grown less dependent, she has done the countless, thoughtful, trouble-‐healing, helpful and encouraging things which somehow only mothers seem to know how to do. You may have accepted these attentions more or less as matters of course and perhaps without conscious gratitude or any expressions of your appreciation.” As filial love is the first precept in DeMolay, it is vital that each of us carry it throughout our daily lives. While Mothers’ Day is simply a day dedicated specifically to our mothers, do not skip out on other days of the year to show her your appreciation. A small token of your appreciation such as a homemade card, or even a simple, “Mom, I love you, and thank you for all that you do for me”, will make her heart smile. Thank you to all the DeMolay Moms for their support and love! Flower hugs and Hershey’s kisses, Gabby Hadley Northern California DeMolay Assoc. Princess Page 9 The Explorer’s Journal Attention all Sweethearts, Princesses, and Little Sis’! For those of you who don’t know, we have a lovely new Sweetheart Crowning Ceremony that we are implementing this year! It is what you were judged on for ritual this year at P.R.I.D.E., so if you have NOT already starting preparing for future ceremonies, you should start now! If you do not have a copy of it, you can find it in the NCDA EO Dropbox at www.dropbox.com, the e-‐mail is [email protected] and the password is “demolay”. You will find it in the “sweetheart information” folder. You can also find it under the sweetheart tab on the NCDA website at www.norcaldemolay.com Hey Ladies! The convention membership deal applies to you too! If you get in three members, you get $50 off convention, if you get in five members, you get $100 off, if you get in seven members, you get $150 off, and for ten members, you get to go for free! This is a great opportunity to not only get money off of convention, but to also achieve your Pink Honor Key! For those of you ladies who don’t know, in order to receive your Pink Honor Key, you need to bring in five members. You need to sign the tops of their petitions, record their names on the PHK form (which you can find on the NCDA website), have your chapter advisor sign it, and submit it to the Nor Cal office! One of the most important things when being a sweetheart is keeping your crown and banner looking beautiful! There are easy ways to keep your crown looking shiny and new. Get a toothbrush or a soft washcloth, and you can use a little lemon juice mixed with a little water, toothpaste, or one part vinegar mixed with four parts water (if you use a lot of hairspray, the vinegar solution works well). For your banner, never EVER wash it in the washing machine. Always take it in to get it drycleaned. And if your cotton banner starts to get wrinkled? DON’T use an iron. DO use a hair straightener and lightly/quickly go over it a couple times. Make sure not to hold the straightener in one place for too long, however, you don’t want to leave a mark! These articles done by Dylan Vogel, NCDA Sweetheart The Explorer’s Journal Page 10 Northern California DeMolay Association’s vision is to assist DeMolays in discovering how extraordinary they are. Northern California DeMolay’s mission is to assist DeMolays in discovering how extraordinary they are by serving the members through new, innovative and revitalized programs, better communication, and exciting events to retain membership, attain positive growth, increase brotherhood, improve Northern California DeMolay and continue to be the leaders in marketing of DeMolay International. Page 11 The Explorer’s Journal Interested in donating supplies to Camp Taylor? Camp Taylor is in need of the following camp supplies: -10-20 acres of land to build a permanent camp home. -2 wood picnic tables -2 pop up tents for shade -8 brand new sleeping bags -8 Large packs of AA batteries -1 New/Used Good Condition Conference Room Table & Chairs -200 Insulated Water Bottles -New/Used 6 Passenger Golf Cart -250 All White Drawstring Standard Pillow Cases -1 Supersized Inflatable Waterslide -10 Purell Hand Sanitizer Pumps -12 Aerosol Waterproof Sunscreen (min 30 SPF) -3 day use of your family cabin/vacation home for Leadership/Mentor/SIBS Retreat Weekend Gift Cards to the following stores for supplies: Costco, Office Max, Staples, Target, Walmart and/or Sports Authority The Explorer’s Journal Page 12
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