CHIEF’S PAGE Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS interacting with Gen Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan, Chief of the Army Staff, Bangladesh Army on 01 Apr 15 Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS presenting the Colours to 20 MADRAS at Madras Regimental Centre on 05 Mar Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS presenting the Colours to 21 MADRAS at Madras Regimental Centre on 05 Mar Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS interacting with oficers of Defence Services Staff College, Wellington on 06 Apr 15 Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS thanking an oficer (who is superannuating on 30 Apr) for his services to Indian Army on 07 Apr 15 Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS interacting with General Gatot Nurmantyo, Chief of Staff, Indonesian Army on 09 Apr 15 4 Baatcheet April 2015 VETERANS CARE & SUPPORT VETERANS CELL In recent times, the establishment of the Veteran Cell at the Army Headquarters has provided a platform to address the grievances of the ex-servicemen to their logical conclusion. Veterans Cell with toll free numbers have been set up at the lower formations and station headquarters to provide 24x7 assistance. With a view to enhance our footprint, it was felt necessary to ield an internet based web portal to facilitate the redressal of ex-servicemen grievances irrespective of their location across the country. Army Veterans Grievance Handling Portal provides a unique platform to upload the grievances of ex-servicemen on a wide range of issues, with an inbuilt feature of addressing the grievance directly to the concerned respondent(s). The Veterans can register themselves from any of the ESM Cells located across the country, and thereafter use the electronically generated USER ID and PASSWORD to follow up the complaint at his/her level. It is expected that the web portal will contribute immensely to the existing means or mechanism for redressal of grievances in the Indian Army. Veteran Cell Toll-free Helpline is 1800-116-644. The service is available on all working days i.e. from Monday to Friday from 0900-1730 hours. You may also visit, to keep abreast with latest policy changes. REHABILITATION/CARING FACILITIES FOR VETERANS Paraplegic Rehabilation Centre (PRCs). Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centres (PRC) at Kirkee and Mohali with a capacity of 109 and 45 beds respectively are being run for rehabilitation of Paraplegic and Tetraplegic ex-servicemen. The addresses of these institutes are as under:Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre Park Road, Kirkee Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre SAS Nagar Pune (Maharashtra)- 411020 Tele - 020-26023191, 020- (Mohali) Phase VI, Dist - Mohali (Punjab)-160055 5803191 Fax - 020-5820505 E-mail - pararehab_c@sify. Tele : 0172-2225352 com Artificial Limb Centre, Pune. A pioneer in manufacturing superior quality prosthesis. Providing med and trg support to needy amputees of Armed Forces. Artiicial Limb Centre, PIN 900449, c/o 56 APO Palliative Care Centre, Base Hosp, Delhi Cantt. Established at Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt for serving and ex-servicemen and their dependents suffering from terminal stage of Cancer and other diseases can avail this facility. Palliative Care Centre Base Hosp, Delhi Cantt. Tele – 011-25681276 & 37308 (Extn) Old Age Home “Home away from Home” on “pay and stay” basis is established at Lucknow and is under construction at Panchkula with 60 units to provide a digniied living for Offrs/JCOs/OR at an affordable cost. Queen Mary’s Technical Institute (QMTI), Pune. Imparts Training to disabled soldiers to enable them to be inancially independent. Contact No- 020-25816779 Email- [email protected] Website- www. Red Cross Home, Bangalore. Home for disabled (physically challenged) ex-servicemen as well as Rehabilitation Centre Contact No- 080-25514595 St Dunstan’s After Care Home, Dehradun. Training of Visually handicapped defence personal being carried out for orientation in collaboration with National Institute for Visually Handicapped (NIVH). Contact No: 0135-2733841. Baatcheet April 2015 5 ECHS EX-SERVICEMEN CONTRIBUTORY HEALTH SCHEME (ECHS) Indian Army is committed to fulfill its mission to provide quality healthcare to veteran pensioners and their dependents through a network of ECHS Polyclinics, Service Medical facilities and Civil Empanelled Hospitals spread across the Country. Apart from increasing its footprint, to reduce the distance to the nearest Polyclinic, the organisation has concurrently sought to improve the quality of services though a number of measures. One significant aspect of the Scheme has been cashless treatment as far as possible and on-line billing thereby, smoothening out the procedural encumbrances faced by beneficiaries. Launched on 01 Apr 2003, the growth of ECHS has been phenomenal. It had a beneficiary base of only about 3.5 lakh in 2003 and in about a decade, its beneficiary base has expanded to about 46 lakh. Having started with 13 Regional Centres and 227 Polyclinics, the Scheme expanded in Oct 2010 with 15 more Regional Centres and 199 Polyclinics. Of the 426 Polyclinics, 414 Polyclinics have been operationalised as on dt and an endeavour is being made to make the remaining 12 Polyclinics functional at the earliest. Presently, ECHS has more than 1100 empanelled medical facilities and with its countrywide network of Polyclinics, it has made healthcare facilities accessible to ESM and dependents at their doorstep. Lately, the ECHS facilities have been operationalised in Nepal too. Three Polyclinics have been established at Kathmandu, Pokhara and Dharan. These measures will benefit about three lakh Nepal Domicile Gorkha pensioners and their dependents. Mobile Polyclinics will also come up subsequently. The following are eligible for membership of the scheme:Ex-servicemen drawing pension/disability pension. Unemployed widowed/divorced daughters. Widow drawing family pension. Mentally/physically challenged children for life Dependent parents whose combined income is less than Rs 3500/- plus DA per month. Unemployed sons below 25 years, unemployed and unmarried daughters. Spouse. As per policy all service personnel retiring on or after 01 April 2003 will become members by making a one-time contribution. The amount will be deducted at source by CDA (Pensions). This one time contribution makes a member a beneficiary of the scheme for life. CATEGORY ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION OFFICER Rs 60000/- JCO Rs 39000/- The Person with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation), Act 1995. OR Rs 21000/- (a) As per policy in vogue, ECHS facilities have been extended to legitimate dependent children of an ECHS beneficiary up to the age of 25 yrs or till the time of their employment, whichever is earlier. There is no provision in the Scheme, wherein the facilities can be extended beyond the age prescribed. (b) In the recent past numerous representations have been received by the Central Org ECHS to extend the facilities of ‘White Card’ to other disabled children also and who need a lifelong treatment and their disabilities have not yet been covered in terms of ‘The Person with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation), Act 1995. At present the permanent disability (Physical/Mental) are as specified. PERMANENT DISABILITY • BLINDNESS • LEPROSY CURED • LOW VISION • MENTAL ILLNESS • HEARING IMPAIRMENT • MENTAL RETARDATION • LOCOMOTORS DISABILITY Advantage of becoming ECHS Member. • No bar on age or medical condition for becoming a member. • One time contribution ranges from Rs 15,000/- to Rs 60,000/- (depending upon Grade Pay). • No monetary ceiling on treatment. • Indoor/outdoor treatment, tests and medicines. • Country wide network of ECHS Polyclinics. • Familiar environment and sense of belongingness. • Covers spouse and all eligible dependents. The ECHS is striving hard to ensure that our veterans and their dependents are provided with quality healthcare and all necessary measures are being instituted to ensure the same. ECHS Toll-free Helpline. ECHS Toll free Helpline has been made available for all ECHS members at 1800-114-115 for resolving queries on Membership, Treatment and Employment. The service is available on all working days i.e. from Monday to Friday from 0900-1700 hours. ECHS beneficiaries can also vis to keep abreast with latest policy changes. 6 Baatcheet April 2015 AWES The Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) is managing 134 Army Public Schools across the country that caters to the educational needs of serving and retired personnel. Established in April 1980, the AWES was formed by incorporating 28 existing regimental schools, thus making a modest beginning. Today, these schools provide education to two lakh children and 5000 children are added each year. As per the present mandate, it is proposed to have ten MES buildings sanctioned every year for the APS schools. The first professional college, the Army Institute of Technology (AIT) Pune, was set up in 1994. Ever since, eleven more professional colleges have been added to fill a void in the higher education of our wards. ARMY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(AIT) PUNE. The Institute offers a four years Bachelor of Engineering Degree courses in Electronics and Tele Communications with annual intake of 120 seats and Computer Science, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering, for an annual intake of 60 seats in each stream total intake is 30 students per year. ARMY INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION(AIE) GREATER NOIDA It offers a one year regular B. Ed degree course for an annual intake of 100 students. Eligibility is graduation and admission is based on the merit obtained in a combined written admission test conducted under the aegis of AWES every year in April/May. ARMY INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY (AIHM & CT) BANGALORE The institute offers a four year Bachelor Degree course in Hotel Management with an annual intake of 60 students through Written Admission Test (WAT) conducted by AWES in Apirl / May every year. ARMY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT& TECHNOLOGY (AIMT) GREATER NOIDA It offers two year regular MBA course for an annual intake of 120 students. Eligibility if graduation and admission are carried out on the basis of relative merit obtained in CAT Conducted by IIM, Group discussion and Interview. ARMY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (AIMK) KOLKATA ARMY INSTITUTE OF LAW (AIL)MOHALI It imparts quality education in Management Studies by offering a two year MBA It offers a five years integrated BA LLB degree course. Eligibility is 10+2 and degree course for an annual intake of 120 students. admission is through LET conducted by one of the University nominated by department of higher education Govt of Punjab. ARMY COLLEGE OF NURSING (ACN)JALANDHAR CANTT It offers a four year B.Sc. Nursing degree course exclusively for female candidates for an annual intake of 50 students. Eligibility is 10+2 and admission is carried out on the basis of Combined Written Admission Test, conducted under the aegis of AWES every year in April/May. ARMY CENTRE OF EDUCATION (ACE) PACHMARHI It offers a one year regular B.ED. Course exclusively for female candidates for an annual intake of 60 students. Eligibility is graduation and admission is on the basis of Combined Written Admission Test, conducted under the aegis of AWES every year in April/May. ARMY INSTITUTE OF NURSING (AIN) GUWAHATI It offers a four years B.Sc. Nursing degree course exclusively for female candidates for an annual intake of 40 students (36 for Army and 4 for civilian from North Eastern States). Eligibility is 10+2 and admission is carried out on the basis of Combined Written Admission Test, conducted under the aegis of AWES every year in April/May. ARMY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES(ACMS) NEW DELHI It offers 4 1/2 years course of studies leading to award of Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S) followed by one year compulsory rotator internship Eligibility is 10+2 with an auunal intake of 100 (Army 82% & SC/ST/PH 18%)students. Admission is through CET conducted by GGSIPU. ARMY COLLEGE OF DENTALSCIENCES (ACDS) SECUNDERABAD It offers a four year Bachelor of Dental Science Degree course followed by one year compulsory internship with an annual intake of 40 students, of which 34 are allotted to the Army wards and 06 to Andhra Pradesh candidates. PG with two seats each in Prosthodontics & Crwon & Bridge, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Periodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Orthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has been introduced. Admission is based on merit of WAT conducted by AWES. ARMY INSTITUTE OF FASHION &DESIGN (AIFD) BANGALORE The institute is affiliated to Bangalore University to conduct three year B. Sc (F&D) degree course in Fashion and Apparel Design for an annual intake of 60 students. It is also recognized by Mysore University for two year Post Graduation Courses in Masters in Fashion and Apparel Design (MFAD) and Masters in Fashion Retail Management (MFRM) for annual intake of 56 (Army-40 and Civil-16) students. Admission is carried out on the basis of Written Admission Test conducted under the aegis of AWES every year in April/May for B. Sc degree course. Performance of all our AWES institutions has been par excellence. The Army Public Schools in particular have been rated as the best among the Kendriya Vidyalayas and other govt schools. The professional colleges too are ensuring good placement opportunities for the students across the country.Army Welfare Education Society was selected for the award 2014-16 for outstanding achievements & performance relating educational fields for wards of Army personnel. Maj Gen BS Daulta, AVSM, VSM (Retd) MD AWES received the Award at on 29 Nov 2014 at Mumbai. In recognition of the efforts of the excellent work that the schools are doing, the Principals / Teachers have been honoured at various levels. Mrs Shashi Sharma, Principal APS Bikaner has been conferred “National Teachers Award - 2013” by the President of India, Sh. Pranab Mukherjee, on 05 Sep 2014. CBSE Teachers Award was presented by Hon’ble HRD Minister, Smt Smriti Zubin Irani to Mrs Manjula Raman, Principal APS Bengaluru and Dr Moin Ahmed, TGT APS Hempur on 04 Sep 2014. COAS Rolling Trophy has been instituted wef 2013 for induction of max No of students to NDA / TES. The trophy for the yr 2014 was presented to APS Bengaluru(First) and APS Lucknow (Second). Baatcheet April 2015 7 AWWA The AWWA is aptly termed as the invisible hand of an organisation that works relentlessly for the welfare of army spouses, children and their dependents. Established as a welfare society in August 1966, the AWWA is one of the largest voluntary organisations in India tasked to fulfil its societal obligations by ensuring the social empowerment and skill development of army spouses and widows. In particular, the organisation is geared to ensure their larger well being and that of their children and other dependents. Its major activities are: • • • • • • • • • Rehabilitation of war widows and widows. Empowerment and rehabilitation of differently abled children. Reaching out to widows of veterans and rehabilitating them as per their capabilities and qualifications. Supporting the establishment of suitable projects and interfaces with other organisations in the handicraft sector, to promote individual entrepreneurship, and setting up self-help groups and cooperatives to achieve the larger objectives of women’s empowerment. Organising counseling for the amicable and logical resolution of marital disharmony. Assisting army wives, including war widows in receiving their legitimate dues in terms of financial grants, allowances and other benefits from the Army, and the central and state governments. Awarding of education scholarships to the meritorious and needy children of widows of veterans. Promotion of family health and hygiene including mother and child care. Assisting in welfare of patients in military hospitals. The AWWA has been at the forefront of social empowerment, confidence building, and the environmental and health awareness of the spouses of serving soldiers and retired personnel and runs various projects for them :VTC (VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRES) AWWA HOSTEL VTC is located at various military stations that impart training in nursery teaching (NTT), computer education, language and driving skills, candle and paper bag making, stitching and tailoring, health and beauty, home based agro ventures and various handicrafts. Efforts are on to affiliate our VTC’s to Jan Siksha Sansthan The AWWA Hostels, spread across the country provide lodging, messing, and transport facilities for our children who are pursing higher studies away from home. These hostels have over time evolved into multi-dimensional self-empowerment centres that serve to provide a good quality of life to the student community. AAHWAN VEER NARI COMMITTEE AAHWAN is one such project for empowering women, by suitably employing them to produce quality handicraft items, block printing, batik, paper bags, stitching and candle making. The projectset up in Delhi. Other important projects such as the JEEWAN JYOTI, NIRALI, PARISHRAM, etc are being run with great vigour and energy across the country A Veer Nari Committee has been constituted to provide support and care to war widows. Conscious efforts are made to ameliorate the sufferings of the bereaved families and provide a meaningful interface through AWWA help lines located at various stations. AWWA also provides ex-gratia aid to the families of the deceased soldiers, special education scholarships to the children of widows of veterans, and distress grants during natural calamities as well as financial assistance to veteran families in penury. PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOLS AWWA’s endeavour on Early Childhood Education courses supports 250 pre-primary schools, being run in different military stations across the country, which cater to approximately 35,000 children of serving and retired soldiers. The AWWA has till date trained more than 1800 teachers of these pre-schools with the academic guidance of the NCERT. ASHA SCHOOLS AWWA helps and supports the 38 ASHA Schools for the differently abled children. The ASHA Schools, which were set up in 1991, are known for their thematic handmade greeting cards and the delivery of quality care to differently abled children. The ASHA Pre-Vocational Training Centre (P-VTC), imparts training to rehabilitate differently abled children. Established in September 2009, the P-VTC serves as an adjunct to the ASHA Schools and prepares these children closing on to 18 yrs of age, for further employment. Cards and gift wrapping sheets painted by ASHA School Children are printed every year. Profits generated are utilised for creation of facilities in ASHA Schools. 8 SUPPORT GROUPS AWWA provides emotional support to the army wives and dependents through the patient care cells, cancer support groups, marital discord counselling centres, ASHA Schools, and so on. PRERNA is one such important support initiative for the welfare of cancer patients at the Army Hospitals and it is providing valuable emotional support and guidance to cancer patients. FAFA Field Area Families Welfare is an initiative to ensure the safety, security and welfare of the families of soldiers serving in difficult areas. Regular interaction is carried out paving way for a formal support structure and to maintain approachability. AWWA LUNCH PROJECT The AWWA Lunch Project is a venture of AWWA with a twin aim of providing hygienic, well cooked meal at reasonable rate to all ranks/ civilians of the three services posted at IHQ Delhi and to give a sense of purpose to enhance the self-esteem of VEER NARIS/families of ex-servicemen. Baatcheet April 2015 J&K AND NORTH EAST DIARY EDUCATONAL/MOTIVATIONAL TOUR Under project Operation Sadhbhavana a tour was organized to Delhi and Agra for 23 students and two civil teachers from remote border areas of Poonch District. It was flagged off by Maj Gen Saranjeet Singh, YSM, GOC, Ace of Spades on 19 Feb 15. The tour provided the students a rich exposure and opportunity to visit the National Capital & city of “The Taj Mahal”. During the tour students got a golden opportunity to interact with President Shri Pranab Mukherjee and ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. TRN HIMALAYAN MED CAMP AT 16700 FT. A med camp was conducted by 14 SIKH LI under the aegis of HQ 112 Mtn Bde for yak herders of the cold desert of the Plateau Sector in Bunker, North Sikkim. The two days camp org on 29th and 30th Jan 2015 provided relief to the sparse and widely spread migratory Yakateer population who move up to the Trans Himalayan Plateau in the month of Nov-Mar. The camp is being hailed as the highest med camp org by Indian Army. MEDICAL CHECK UP ON WORLD HEALTH DAY 16 MARATHA LI organised a free medical checkup camp for students of Army Goodwill School, Harka Bahadur and Army Goodwill School, Badgam in Kargil region on 07 Apr 15 in commemoration of the World Health Day. Capt Arunchand R, RMO, 16 MARATHA LI with his team carried out a comprehensive medical check up of 396 students of both the schools. Free medicines were also given to the students. Detailed medical advice on healthy eating habits along with hygiene and sanitation tips were given by the RMO to the students during the event. SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN AT TRAL Towards the massive mass movement to create a clean India, 42 RR Bn (ASSAM) organised a Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at Tral, in the Battalions Area Of Responsibility. 117 youths from the locality and 55 personnel of the unit participated and cleaned the area on 23 Feb 2015. The initiative instilled a sense of cleanliness amongst the local population and spread the message of proper disposal of wastes. Winning Hearts and Minds In Kashmir In continuation of the efforts by ‘Chinar Corps’ to provide relief and succour to the sections of population in Srinagar, 15 Corps Int & Svl unit under the aegis of Operation Sadhbhavna distributed amenity items including TV’s, Room Heaters and Almirahs to the orphanage “ Jammu and Kashmir Yateem Trust”. The unit also distributed stationery and sports items to three schools in downtown, Srinagar. Such initiatives, which are highly appreciated by the local population, reflect the genuine good will existing between the Indian Army and the Kashmiri Awaam. REALIGNING THE SILK ROUTE The village of Kathalguri Chauhan Basti in Udalguri District is listed among Below Poverty Line villages of Assam. Under the flagship program of ‘Nari Shakti’ the Army Camp stationed at Udalguri with the assistance from ADWR, an NGO and the Seri Culture Department, 10 women were imparted a training capsule and provided with Seri Spinning Looms free of cost as a new mean of livelihood. This step of women empowerment has won accolades from the district administration in a region infested with insurgency and poverty. Baatcheet April 2015 9 IN FOCUS ARMY COMMANDERS CONFERENCE The Bi-Annual Army Commanders’ Conference commenced on 20 Apr 15, in New Delhi, to deliberate on major operational, human resources and logistic issues affecting the Army and concluded on 25 Apr 15. This conference is the highest level ‘Military Conference’ and is held bi-annually to discuss current internal and external strategic issues, review of operational preparedness of the Indian Army and aspects pertaining to military technology and force modernisation. Gen Dalbir Singh, Chief of the Army Staff, welcomed the Raksha Mantri, Shri Manohar Parrikar on 20 April 2015, and later the conference was addressed by the RM. In his speech, after being introduced to the Army Commanders, the RM emphasized on National Security and Capability Development, reiterating that Capacity Building was a continuous process that must proceed apace and unabated. He further highlighted some key issues and challenges, both external and internal that had an impact on the Nation’s security calculus. The RM congratulated the Indian Army saying that the Indian Army was one of the most professional institutions of the country. He exhorted the exemplary leadership shown by the Indian Army and complemented the way the Army dealt with very difficult challenges including the proxy war. He further highlighted the selfless response by the Army in dealing with Jammu & Kashmir floods. He also emphasised that one of the topmost priorities of the Government was the welfare of Ex-Servicemen in which the ‘One Rank One Pension’ scheme implementation process is underway. Similarly, other welfare projects like the ECHS will continue to be fully supported by the Government. In the end, he wished The Army Commander’s Conference every success. HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT SYSTEM 2.0 HRMS 2.0 (Human Resource Mgmt System 2.0) application was released to the Indian Army by Gen Dalbir Singh, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, COAS during Army Commanders Conference at Manekshaw Centre on 22 Apr 2015. HRMS 2.0 is a web enabled software developed under the aegis of Army Software Development Centre, Directorate General of Information System and automates various ‘A’ functions (like Human Resource Management, Finance, Office Automation, Legal & Law) at unit level. The application will replace legacy applications with the facility of data migration from them. Each soldier will have a dashboard where he can see his personal information and status of his DO Pt II Orders. It has the capability of integration with other applications including ARPAN (developed for automation of Record Offices). Besides automating various ‘A’ functions, it also provides faster means of transfer of DO Pt II Orders to the Records offices and PCDA(O) with greater accuracy which results in higher acceptance of the same and early admittance of financial dues to the personal. Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS releasing the HRMS 2.0 handed over by Lt Gen JS Matharu DGIS on 22 Apr 15. CAMBRIAN PATROL SELECTION 2015 Maj Gen Rajbir Singh, VSM, Commander JL Wing presenting the rolling trophy to 3/4 Gorkha Riles on 04 Apr 15. 10 The Cambrian Patrol Selection Trial was conducted by Commando Wing, JL Wing, Infantry School, Belgaum wef 23 Mar to 04 Apr 15 wherein a total of 13 teams participated. The teams were assessed on various procedures and drills like close target recce, river crossing, NBC and combat first aid to name a few, over a testing period of 72 hours without respite. They traversed across rugged terrain for around 100 Km with an individual battle load upto 35 kg. The 3/4 Gorkha Rifles (Eastern Command) was adjudged first and has been selected to represent the country and the army in the coveted Cambrian Patrol Exercise to be held in Wales (UK). The runner up team was 8 Garhwal Rifles. The rolling trophy was awarded to 3/4 Gorkha Rifles by Maj Gen Rajbir Singh, VSM, Commander JL Wing, on 04 Apr 15. Baatcheet April 2015 IN FOCUS INDIAN ARMY EVEREST MASSIF EXPEDITION Fifty years ago, an Indian team, led by Capt (then Lieutenant Commander) MS Kohli conquered the coveted Mount Everest (Sagarmatha) for the first time. Major A S Cheema, became the first Indian to summit and proved that the Indian Army can triumph over the mightiest of obstacles. On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee year of this first ascent of the Mount Everest by India, the Indian Army Everest Massif Expedition 2015 is embarking on a challenging journey to scale the highest and the fourth highest mountain in the world, i.e. the Mount Everest and Mount Lhotse. Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS, handed over the Expedition Flag to the team on 01 Apr 15 during the Flag Off Ceremony conducted at Manekshaw Centre. The team will not only summit monumental peaks, but also clean the Everest region by bringing down non-biodegradable mountaineering waste left on it by a generation of climbers. Thus Gen Dalbir Singh, COAS, handing over conveying a message of our Honourable Prime Minister’s vision of a clean environment the Expedition Flag to the expedition to the entire world. The expedition will carry out cleaning of the staging camps from leader Major RS Jamwal on 01 Apr 09 to 15 May 2015 and will attempt the ascent from 16 May 2015 onwards. Major RS 2015 Jamwal, an experienced mountaineer is the expedition leader. EXERCISE ‘BRAHMASHIRA’ To hone its combat skills and validate its strike capabilities the ‘Kharga Corps’ undertook Exercise ‘BRAHMASHIRA’ in the area of Suratgarh in Rajasthan. The exercise was conceptualised by the Kharga Corps under the aegis of Western Command for rapid mobilisation and speedy multiple offensives deep into enemy territory. More than 20000 troops participated in the exercise which envisaged mechanised manoeuvres in an entire spectrum of new generation of equipment, including major weapon platforms. Live Firing By Artillery During Exercise AKRAMAN-II With the aim of testing combat endurance and operational skills, a forthright-long exercise ‘Akraman-II’ was conducted by the Chetak Corps. The exercise conceptualized by Sapta Shakti Command involved rapid mobilisation and execution of offensive plans by launching multiple thrusts in sync with the Air force. The troops were exercised through the full spectrum of operations in desert terrain. More than 300 combat vehicles, main battles tanks, long range artillery guns and about 10,000 troops took part in the exercise. Swift mechanized maneuvers along with troop insertion using third dimension were thoroughly rehearsed during the exercise. Improved mobility, inventory management techniques and the extensive use of information technology was ensured during the exercise so that the logistics keep pace with the fast paced asymmetric battlefield. Mechanised Maneuvers During Exercise TANK BIATHLON COMPETITION Tank In Action During the Competition Baatcheet April 2015 Tank Biathlon Competition was conducted from 30 Mar to 02 Apr 15 in Division Battle School (DBS) at Babina Field Firing Range (BFFR) under the aegis of 31 Armd Div. The 12 participating teams got an opportunity to compete in Tk Driving, Main Gun & Secy Armt Firing. The competition took place in two parts, a relay race and indl race. The aim of the Competition was to select the Indian Army team to represent India in the Tk Biathlon: MOSCOW- 2015, to be held in Aug 2015 at Albino Rgs, Russia. Two crews have been selected from each command. On completion of the competition Maj Gen Alok Kler, VSM, GOC, 31 Armd Div distributed prizes to winners and motivated them. 11 SNIPPETS SPL BPM AT NATHU LA PASS An Indo – Chinese Special Border Personal Meeting was held at the historic ‘Nathu La Pass’ in Sikkim on 14 Apr 15 on the occasion of Baisakhi. The Special Border Personnel Meeting included formal and informal interactions between both delegations followed by Peace and Tranquillity Volleyball and Table Tennis matches, in which mixed teams comprising of players from both countries participated. This was followed by a cultural program portraying the diversity of both the countries. An atmosphere of cordiality and friendship prevailed. Volleyball match During the BPM at Natu la Pass on 14 Apr 15 REHABILITATION CAMP Trishakti Corps organized a Medical Outreach Camp and Rehabilitation Camp for the Differently Abled Ex Servicemen and their dependents at Katihar on 27 & 28 Apr 2015. The camp provided medical care and consultation for eye and ENT disorders, free distribution of medicines and presentation of assistive devices for Differently Abled persons. The camp was inaugurated by Lt Gen GS Chandel, YSM, GOC, Trishakti Corps who reiterated the commitment of the Indian Army towards the veterans and families of servicemen and Ex servicemen. A total of 112 physically challenged beneficiaries were presented assistive devices which included wheelchairs, tricycles, crutches, walking sticks and spectacles. Lt Gen GS Chandel, YSM, GOC Trishakti Corps with à beneiciary during the Rehabilitation Camp at Katihar on 28 Apr 15 INDO - OMAN JOINT EXERCISE Battle Drill being conducted during the Joint Exercise at Jebel Akdhar in Jan 15 The first ever Joint Military Exercise with a Gulf Nation by Indian Army (IA) was conducted in Oman in January 2015. The platoon level Inaugural IndoOman Joint Exercise was conducted under the ageis of Royal Army of Oman (RAO) for a duration of two weeks at Jebel Akdhar Training Area, Muscat, Oman. The IA was represented by a platoon of 1 NAGA (DRAS) during this Inaugural Joint Exercise while the RAO was represented by a Platoon from Northern Frontier Regiment. The exercise was primarily aimed at enhancing Indo-Oman bilateral military relations and develop interoperability in Counter Terrorist operations through mutual exchange of best practices. The training culminated with a Joint Lecture and Demonstration on Advance to Contact by RAO & a Joint Demonstration by IA on Search & Destroy Operation. ATTESTATION PARADE Lt Gen SPS Katewa, AVSM, Commandant of ASC Centre & College and Colonel Commandant of the ASC reviewed the impressive Attestation Parade in which 292 recruits passed out from the ASC Centre (North) on 25 Mar 2015. ASC Centre (North) is an institution that trains Animal and Store Handlers, MT Drivers and Chefs for the complete Indian Army. All the parents present were honoured with a prestigious ‘Gaurav Padak’ instituted by the Indian Army as a small token of recognition of their noble gesture of encouraging their ward to join the countless braves of the Indian Army. 12 Lt Gen SPS Katewa, AVSM, Commandant of ASC Centre & College and Colonel Commandant of the ASC reviewing the attestation parade on 25 Mar 15. Baatcheet April 2015 SNIPPETS TRAINING TO LEBANESE ARMED FORCES The complete security scenario of Lebanon governed by its ethnic fault lines throws unperceptive challenges to the peacekeepers deployed there. 9 SIKHLI Battalion Group is operationally deployed in Sector East as part of UNIFIL under UNSCR 1701. Its area of operation is characterized by most arduous operational environment found in the entire UNIFIL Area of Operations coupled with significant strategic importance of the area. In furtherance of the UN Mandate of strengthening the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and assisting them to ensure the security situation in the country, INDBATT reaffirmed its strong commitment and organised another phase of Capacity Building Training for the LAF. An exhaustive training capsule incorporating various aspects of Enhanced Military Drills, Map Reading, Night Navigation, Signal Communication and Military Administration was organised for LAF personnel. The training helped the LAF troops to further hone their tactical proficiency. Such activities undertaken by the Battalion ensured in UNIFIL and INDBATT building a positive image of itself in the eyes of LAF and the local population, the same being equally appreciated by LAF Commanders. DE-ADDICTION CAMPAIGN De-addiction campaign was launched by Western Command to spread awareness on the subject of drug abuse amongst the youth of rural areas. Aimed at building a better society the campaign was organized at Amritsar(Khasa Areas), Ferozepur Area, Gurdaspur Area and Dera Baba Nanak Area in the State of Punjab. In order to derive maximum benefit from the campaign, various activities were executed across the State, Run for Health, Slogan Writing Competition, Lectures covering the aspects of Drug Abuse Associated Health Problems and Steps for De- addiction, Skits highlighting the socio economic problems related to Drug Abuse, Deaddiction March, Painting Competition. De-addiction campaigns organized at these locations drew positive response from the local population and many parents came forward to get their children counseled by the Drug De-addiction Centre. INAUGURATION OF CORPS BATTLE SCHOOL Corps Battle School at Samdong, North Sikkim for High Altitude Warfare training for the troops of Eastern Command was inaugurated by Lt Gen MMS Rai, AVSM, VSM, GOC-In-C Eastern Command on 30 Apr 2015. It was the vision of the Army Cdr to establish a training institute on the lines of HAWS Gulmarg to train the troops of Eastern Command on terrain, specific to the AOR. Striking Lion Division, under guidance of Trishakti Corps, undertook the arduous task and achieved the milestone within six months with complete infrastructure, instructor staff and specialized equipment for the training put in place. The first batch of 50 Students commenced training wef 01 May 15. BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” (Save girl child, educate girl child) is a Government of India scheme that aims to generate awareness and improving the efficiency of welfare services meant for women. Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi launched the campaign on 22 January 15 from Panipat, Haryana on International Day of the Girl Child. In order to promote the campaign in the Armed Forces, 326 Lt AD Regt (Comp) under the aegis of 616 (I) AD Bde organized a “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” campaign for the personnel of Rising Star AD Bde on 28 Feb 15. The campaign was organised for all ranks, their families and children. A total of 900 personnel attended the campaign and various events were organized like Lecture on Women Empowerment, Recurring Deposit Scheme through AWWA(FPO), Civil Post Office Deposit Scheme for Girl Child, Sukanya Samridhi Account, SBI and Traffic Safety. Baatcheet April 2015 13 SPORTS AND ADVENTURE ARMY POLO CHAMPIONSHIP 2014-15 The Delhi Polo Season was heal at Delhi from 02 - 08 Feb 2015. The final of the tournament was witnessed by Gen Dalbir Singh, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, COAS, who commended the regiment for its performance and conduct. The enthralling final was played between 61 Cav ‘A’ Team and RVC in which the 61 Cav emerged victorious. The final tally was 10 - 5½ goals. The team was ably led by Lt Col Ravi Rathore, Second - in - Command who scored 5 goals in the final. The winning team comprised of Lt Col Ravi Rathore (Captain), Maj Vishal Chauhan, Capt Apurva Dabhade and LD Iliyas Ali. CYCLING EXPEDITION To motivate youth to join Indian Army and to spread awareness about biodegradable and non-biodegradable energy resources, 65 Engr Br Regt (PMS) conducted a cycling expedition, from 13 to 21 Mar 2015 from Gandhinagar to Nasirabad. The cycling team comprised of 12 members i.e. one Officer, one JCO and 10 OR. The team started from Gandhinagar and went through Mehsana, Unjha, Palanpur, Mount Abu, Pindwara, Udaipur, Chittorgarh and finally reached Nasirabad covering a total distance of 686 Km on 21 Mar. Every year Army conducts such events to foster camaraderie and feeling of brotherhood among the soldiers and also to encourage them to participate in adventure activities with full enthusiasm. RANBANKURA RIDERS CLUB RALLY As a concerted effort to reach out to Ex Servicemen in the villages and to the villagers of border areas as also to develop synergy with them in Bikaner region, a Motorcycle Rally consisting of 16 Bullet Motor Cycle Riders was flagged off from Bikaner on 02 Apr 15. The rally was led by the GOC Ranbankura Division Maj Gen JK Sharma with other participants being young officers. The rally passed through regions of Bajju, Ranjitpura, Jaisalmer and Agneu and finally culminated at Bikaner on 03 Apr 15 after covering nearly 430 Kms in two days across the Thar desert and also had interaction with people. TREKKING EXPEDITION 10 ASSAM/91 Inf Bde undertook a Pathfinder Trekking Expedition to Ombattu Gudda (Western Ghats) from 15 to 25 Mar 15 under the aegis of ‘Southern Star Comd’. The Pathfinder Trekking Expedition covered a distance of 160 Km over 10 days testing the team for endurance, navigation & survival skills. In addn to charting out a safe & challenging route for future trekkers, the expedition also cataloged the rich flora & fauna of the region. The Expedition was ‘Flagged Off’ by Brig Samir Salunke, Cdr 91 Inf Bde & ‘Flagged In’ by Maj Gen AK Singh, VSM, GOC K & K Sub Area respectively. The expedition was led by Maj Ben MS of 10 ASSAM with one JCO & 10 OR under comd. The newly charted route has been painstakingly marked by use of Cairns & the GPS Data regarding the same have been shared with local trekking clubs. EXPEDITION TO INDRAHAR PASS As part of the 11th Raising Day celebrations, the Yol based Rising Star Corps launched a ten day trekking expedition to the towering Indrahar Pass at 15000 ft seated in the mighty Dhauladhar Ranges in Himachal Pradesh. The expedition self contained inculcated the spirit of adventure and nurtured esprit-de corps amongst the troops participating. The expedition of four Officers and Sixteen Other Ranks, was flagged off by Lt Gen Rajeev Tewari, GOC, Rising Star Corps on 17 Apr 15 and was flagged in on 26 Apr 15. 14 Baatcheet April 2015 RAISING DAYS Lt Gen Bobby Mathews AVSM, VSM, releasing the First Day Cover during 50th Raising Day of Golden Katar Div on 01 Apr 15. Lt Gen A B Shivane, VSM, laying wreath during 50th Raising Day of 1 Corps at Mathura on 01 Apr 15. Lt Gen Amit Sarin, DGOS paying homage at the Amar Jawan Jyoti during the 240 th raising day of Army Ordnance Corps on 08 Apr 15 Lt Gen Arun Kumar Sahani, UYSM, SM, VSM, GOCin-C South Western Comd paying homage during the 11th Raising Day on 15 Apr 15. Lt Gen SP Nawathe GOC 101 Area paying homage to Martyrs during their 52nd Raising Day on 22 Apr 15. Maj Gen Avinash Singh, YSM, Colnel of the 3rd Gorkha Riles laying wreath at War Memorial during bicentenary celebration on 24 Apr 15 Baatcheet April 2015 15 AR M Y N Army Welfare Placement Organisation (AWPO) facilitates placement of retired/retiring Army personnel, widows and wards in getting a suitable job in public/ private sector and Govt offices. Website: TIO SA CEMENT A L P E OR R A GA F L NI E W VACANCIES AVAILABLE FOR MAY 2015 OFFICERS Post Head Security Manager, Charitable Foundation Trust Regional Manager Finance Chief Security Officer, Factory Dy Manager, Travel Company Manager, Skill Development Chief Security Officer, PSU Project Director Special Striking Force, Odisha Police Jharkhand Police FEO Reliance JIO Field Manager in Mahindra Finance Security Supervisor Believe Solution Pvt Ltd Conductor UP State Road Transport Corporation Consolidation Accountant Site Engineers Special Striking Force, Odisha Police Jharkhand Police Security Asst Grade-II Lok Sabha Security Guards Believe Solution Pvt Ltd Field Executive Mahindra Finance FEO Reliance JIO Conductor UP State Road Transport Corporation Consolidation Accountant Location Mumbai Delhi Varanasi Murshidabad Gurgaon Aligarh Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ajmer & Cochin Kolkata & Delhi NCR Pay (Per Year) 18-20 Lac 12-15 Lac 11 Lac + Car 11 Lac 8-9 Lac 8-9 Lac 6 Lac+DA+Allces 12 Lacs JCOs Odisha Jharkhand All India UP & Uttrakhand Jamnagar (Gujrat) UP 3.5-4 Lac 2-2.5 Lac 4-5 Lac 2.5-3 Lac 2.5-3 Lac PB-1, GP-1900/- UP Kolkata & Delhi NCR PB-1, GP 2000/Last pay drawn NCOs Odisha Jharkhand New Delhi Jamnagar (Gujrat) UP & Uttrakhand All India UP UP 2.5-3 Lac 1.8-2 Lac 3-4 Lac 2-2.5 Lac 2.5-3 Lac 3.5-4 Lac PB-1, GP-1900/PB-1, GP 2000/- Note : Offrs/JCOs/OR likely to retire in next year are requested to register with AWPO. Offrs/JCOs/OR already registered are requested to contact their respective Placement Node (PN). -Number of vacancies existing are much more than listed above. 16 Toll Free: 1800-11-9922, Tele : 011-26100241/ 26186075 E-mail : [email protected] Baatcheet April 2015
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