r o t c e p s Pro 7+('8167$1 Issue 10 25 June 2015 7HORIILFH#GXQVWDQVFKRROQ]ZZZGXQVWDQVFKRROQ] 37$0((7,1* 0RQGD\-XO\ILUVWGD\7HUP DWSPLQWKH0HHWLQJ5RRP $GPLQ%ORFN$OOZHOFRPH /\QGD*UD\3UHVLGHQW'HEELH0F1DOO\6HFUHWDU\ 6(1,25,17(59,(:(9(1,1*6 :HHN:HGQHVGD\-XO\ Appointments will be made in the usual way -‐ online. The site opened on Wednesday, 24 June (before reports are posted home). These interviews will be held in the School Gymnasium 4pm -‐ 7pm. You are able to book online for a seven minute interview with staff. Please be aware that some staff may be away on other school business. If you cannot get an interview time with a staff member, or you experience any problems, please email ([email protected]) or phone the school office (03 448 8595) and they will pass the message on to the staff concerned. To book an interview with a teacher, go to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz Our school code for this set of interviews is <:<* We look forward to seeing you at interview time. Please enter the Gymnasium through the main doors. Staff will have their names above their desks. They will be in alphabetical order. The main gym and the mezzanine floor are used. NB: If you require access to the Parent Portal, please email [email protected] with a password you would like to use. '+637$6(&21'+$1'81,)2506+23 2SHQ:HGQHVGD\VSP²SP 2SHQ7KXUVGD\VDPSP DQGRWKHUWLPHVE\DUUDQJHPHQW (QTXLULHVWR-XG\'\PRFN DQG9\Y:HOOHU 2015 PLATINUM PARTNERSHIP FROM THE PRINCIPAL Congratulations to Dunstanza and the Dunstanza Senior Girls on their respective performances at The Big Sing held last week. I was fortunate enough to travel to Dunedin and watch both choirs perform at the competition and they certainly did us proud. The Senior Girls choir received four awards from Brent Russell the judge; a commended award, a highly commended award as well as the trophy for the Most Improved Choir. The other trophy the choir received was the People’s Choice Award which was decided by members of the audience who attended the Gala Concert on Friday evening, so to win this award, was very satisfying. The Big Sing is a national competition and our choirs were up against 24 other school choirs from around the Otago and South Canterbury regions. Special thanks to Mr Buchanan (Choir Director), Mrs Barnes, Mrs Affleck and Sharon McLennan (Accompanists), along with our parent supporters who travelled with the choirs to Dunedin. The annual interschool against Central Southland College in Winton was also a very successful event with Dunstan winning 5-‐3. Congratulations to the staff and 102 students who took part in this annual exchange. The games were very competitive and played in an excellent spirit. A big thank you to the staff members, coaches, managers and parents who travelled to Winton and supported our teams. Best wishes for the term holidays which begin in a week’s time. Brent Russell, Principal Supporting the roles of the Sports/Arts Co-‐ordinators and other activities in the school: $KLSDUD/X[XU\7UDYHO$OH[DQGUD5RWDU\&OXE%RGHNHU6FLHQWLILF%UHHQ&RQVWUXFWLRQ&R /WGUnichem Pharmacy, &HQWUDO0RWRUZD\V&RDFKHV Checketts McKay Law Ltd, Feron Motor Court, )XOWRQ+RJDQ&HQWUDOHouse of Travel Alexandra, 1HZ:RUOG$OH[DQGUD3DSHU 3OXV3HWHU/\RQ6KHDULQJ&RQWUDFWRUV3LRQHHU*HQHUDWLRQDQG7RQ\%RWWLQJ/RQGRQ Any other businesses interested in supporting the school should contact the DHS office please. We would appreciate your support. ,1752'8&,1*/,6$:2/) Hello my name is Lisa Wolf. I am 24 years old and I am from Germany. I want to tell you more about me. I live in Cologne, which is the fourth largest city in Germany with about a million inhabitants. In 2014, I successfully completed my apprenticeship as a Sport and Fitness administrator in a Golf Club. A lot of my free time I spent at the horse stable. Riding is my biggest passion. In Lisa Wolf addition to my riding I am trying to improve my handicap in golf. Since I was young I had the motivation to travel. Many times I saw on pictures and documentations the diversity of the New Zealand countryside and I had heard a lot about the friendly and open people and about the culture. This is one reason why I am here and I am happy to meet so much interested people who can bring me closer to the culture and life in New Zealand. Thanks and best regards Lisa Wolf Lisa is living and working at the hostel during her time in Alexandra. PREVENTING ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR IN RELATIONSHIPS 681'$<6.,75,367275(%/(&21( Sunday ski trips to Treble Cone Ski field for the Dunstan High School community families will be running on the below dates. Forms with details and consents are available from the school office. There is mini van transport available, but families are welcome to travel independently Student Rates: Adult Rates: Lift, lesson, $40 Lift, lesson, rental $60 Lift only $40 Lift and rental $70 Transport: $18 Sunday 26th July, Sunday 9th August, Sunday 23rd August, Sunday 6th Sept, Sunday 20th Sept Booking sheets must be returned to school the Thursday prior to departure. If you require more details please pick up an info package from the school office or email: [email protected]. WORKSHOP: A GUIDE TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS -XO\/DVW)ULGD\RIKROLGD\V '+63HUIRUPLQJ$UWV6XLWH DPSP/XQFKEUHDN )UHHWR<UDQG*LUOVDQG%R\V RYHU/LPLWSHRSOH 4XDOLILHGIDFLOLWDWRUV For more details and consent forms, see Mrs Williamson (Guidance Counsellor) or Ms Anderson The workshop material focussed on preventing abusive behaviour in re-‐ lationships, and can be assessed by parents and students: http://www. police.govt.nz/advice/personal-‐and-‐community-‐advice/school-‐portal/ resources/successful-‐relationships/loves-‐me-‐not 326,7,9(%(+$9,285)25/($51,1*3%/ ZZZSEOWNLRUJQ] 5HVSHFW 3HUVRQDO%HVW ´5DLVHWKH%DUµ $326,7,9(0217+ Our focus has been on Personal Best this month and Mr Russell at assembly, congratulated our school choir, Dunstanza, for their outstanding performances at the Big Sing. A big well done also to the 102 students who attended the Central Southland exchange and gave their best in the sports and debating. All the games were played hard and with positive sportsmanship. It was great to bring the trophy home again. Well done to those seniors who listened to Mr Russell and worked hard to complete internal assessments and catchups on their return. Well done to the good citizens in Year 10, who refereed the primary schools’ Rippa Rugby Tournament. Their maturity, skill and manner was really appreciated. 6HWK+DUGLQJ$WUDHO.DYDQDJK%HDX0HHKDQ3UDVKQHHO6KDUPD&RQRU6WXPEOHV-DFRE&RZLH&DPSEHOO+DUULV%UD\GHQ/DLQJ0DWW1HYLOO+XQWHU6PLWK 6PLWK The 40 Hour Famine is on again, ably led by 1LNNL:KHHOHU and +DQQDK.HOO\. This is another opportunity to be a good citizen in a world project (World Vision). The Senior Executive students have also worked hard to set up a study zone for homework assistance. This will run on Tuesdays, after school, in the library and is open to all students. This month has certainly been one of personal bests and great citizenship. 3RVLWLYH%HKDYLRXU/HDUQLQJ R A I S E 6FKRRO &RPPXQLW\ &\EHU Live by your school values ‘friendship and honesty’ ‘look good feel good’ %HDJRRGFLWL]HQ ¶PDNHXVSURXG· Make good choices online ‘check yourself before you wreck yourself’ 2WKHUV Be nice to others ‘treat others in the way you would like to be treated’ Care for our school environment ‘tidy school’ /LYHE\RXUVFKRROYDOXHVLQWKH FRPPXQLW\ ¶EHD'+6DPEDVVDGRU· 6HOI Strive for your personal best ‘GPA of 9+’ Take advantage of every opportunity in school ‘join in’ Take advantage of every opportunity in school ‘join in’ Be a positive digital citizen ‘be a mate, don’t send hate’ Support others (to reach their goals) ‘who can I help this week?’ Cyber Angel ‘don’t be a sheep, be a shepherd’ 6HOI 5HVSHFW T H E B A R 3HUVRQDO %HVW 2WKHUV Support your friends ‘random acts of kindness’ Think before you act ‘would you show it to your grandmother?’ SPORTS &(175$/6287+/$1'(;&+$1*( The annual sports exchange with Central Southland College took place on 16/17 June, in Winton. We had ten teams make the trip down south this year and they were keen to keep a hold of the trophy for another year. The competition began with a close and intense game in the Girls Basketball with our girls coming away with a hard fought 5 point win. This was followed up by a dominant display from our boys team. The following day, our Hockey teams competed in two tight matches, with both our girls and boys coming away with a draw. The A and B Netball teams both went down in their games which brought the score for both schools back to two wins each. The Debators, arguing against the moot that a fat tax should be implemented, came away with the win. 2015 results: Girls Basketball: DHS 37 – CSC 32 Boys Basketball: DHS 74 – CSC 36 Netball B: DHS 18 – CSC 39 Netball A: DHS 19 – CSC 26 Boys Hockey: DHS 0 – CSC 0 Girls Hockey: DHS 1 – CSC 1 Debating: DHS 281 – CSC 240 Girls Football DHS 5 – CSC 1 Girls Rugby: DHS 0 – CSC 27 Boys Rugby: DHS 52 – CSC 3 2YHUDOOUHVXOW'+6²&6& Hockey matches -‐ Central Southland Sports Exchange The same was the case in the Girls Football with the team winning convincingly. The Girls Rugby team had a tough game against strong opposition and had a loss which brought the overall scores to 4 wins to 3. This meant we required the First XV to get a win to secure the trophy outright for another year. After going into the halftime break leading 12-‐3, the team proved too strong and skilful for their opponents in the second half, finishing the exchange off in style, with a 52-‐3 win. Well done to the students for their efforts in securing the trophy for another year. Last, but not least, a big thank you to our coaches and managers for making the trip down to Winton and playing your part in making the exchange another successful year for Dunstan. %HDX0HHKDQ, of our Under 15 Rugby team, competes for the ball in a lineout during their game against Upper Clutha. Sam Malcolm Sports Co-‐ordinator ARTERATI '8167$1=$$1''8167$1=$6(1,25*,5/6 ²%,*6,1* On Friday, 12 June, the two school choirs competed in The Regional Big Sing Competition in the Dunedin Town Hall. This followed a short three day tour to give performances at Cromwell College, Twizel Area School, Waitaki Girls and East Otago High School. The Big Sing competition is a nationwide event where secondary schools from around New Zealand compete in their regions. This year there were 26 choirs from the Otago-‐South Canterbury region. During the day the choirs sing three pieces in the competition and in the evening there is a public concert where every choir can choose one of their pieces to sing. DUNSTAN HIGH SCHOOL Proudly Presents 7+($''$06)$0,/< ²%52$':$<086,&$/ Alexandra Memorial Theatre 11-‐14 August, 7.30pm (Child $10 Adult $20) Matinee Performance Thursday 13 August, 10.30am (Child $8 Adult $15) Tickets on sale from Monday, 20 July, at DHS office Senior Girls Choir performing ‘Creep’ at the Dunedin Town Hall Both Dunstanza and the Senior Girls received standing ovations from some of the other schools who heard them in the evening. At the prize giving at the end of the concert, the Senior Girls received two cups – one for the Most Improved Choir and The Peoples’ Choice cup. This cup is chosen by members of the public at the concert for the choir they thought performed the best during the evening performance. Both choirs received a participation award and the Senior Girls also received a commended and a highly commended certificate for their performance during the day. Our thanks go to the wonderful parents who came with us on the tour and to those that came down to cheer us on during the competition. 7+(%2<=$5(%$&.,172:1 Andrew and Richie Cesan from World Renowned Identity Dance Crew for HIP HOP and BODY PERCUSSION Classes Koffie Fugah for AFRICAN DRUMMING and DANCE classes Kate Lahood for CONTEMPORARY JAZZ classes, and Jody from Flame Entertainment from Queenstown for CIRCUS SKILLS YOUR CHANCE TO DANCE )2&86,621)81 Classes for all abilities All age groups from primary to secondary school aged. Adult Classes will also be available. Keep these dates free: July 12,13,14 at Dunstan High School ALEXANDRA For more information, email [email protected] Visit our facebook page ‘Central Otago Dance Development’ Or phone Anna 022 652 2779, Teresa 448 8662, Tania 03 448 8782 ! ... ( ! & "$'#%' && '&& & Tearaway is YOUTH speaking to YOUTH about the things that matter most: Study/careers, music, arts/culture, sport, news, travel, science/technology, health, advice, reviews and more. Fresh content is uploaded daily and an e-mag is sent out once a month. We’re 100% digital – and absolutely FREE! : ‘’ I was a wide-eyed 15-year-old when I found myself sitting in the Beehive, interviewing the PM for Tearaway. Writing for the mag allowed me to meet incredible people. It fuelled my love of storytelling, and led to a career in print and TV journalism. I would never have ended up where I am, if TA didn’t take a punt on me – JEHAN CASINADER, TVNZ Reporter I think one of the best things about Tearaway is that it gives students a platform to be involved in and even on – the mag! – MASSAD, singer/songwriter Tearaway has helped me realise my passion and given me my first steps into the industry. Not only has it helped me gain confidence and experience, it’s brought me so many incredible and priceless opportunities that I will never forget – PATRICK CAMPBELL, 18, Tearaway’s Music Editor/Student at Auckland University of Technology Want to be a part of NZ’s favourite youth medium and gain experience in the media industry? Opportunities for: , Interviewing/Reporting , Opinion Writing Reviewing , Photography , Video , Design & Illustration , Marketing As a Tearaway Maverick, you will literally be helping to create your OWN magazine. 1. Want to receive the monthly e-mag? Sign up online, at www.tearaway.co.nz ☞ SCORE We also have great giveaways! 2. Want to apply to join The Mavericks? email: [email protected] Follow us @TearawayMag Tearaway has become one of the most exciting parts of my life. It’s provided me with so many opportunities I could only have dreamed of before – DEBORAH GRACE HADY, 16, Tearaway Maverick/Student at Marist College CAREERS 6((.:,6'20$6*2/' <($5678'(176 +DYH\RXVRUWHGZKLFK8QLYHUVLW\RU3RO\WHFK2SHQ'D\\RXZLOO EHJRLQJWRLQYHVWLJDWH" Go online to check when they are: *NB: The three Massey campuses have different Open Days. 8QLYHUVLW\RI2WDJR&ROOHJHRI(GXFDWLRQ7HDFKLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ (YHQLQJEarly Childhood, primary and primary bicultural courses available at the Southland Campus, Wednesday 1 July, 7.00pm, on campus, 100 Nelson St, Invercargill 6WHDP$KHDG&DPSXV'D\IRU<HDU0DRULDQG3DFLILFVWXGHQWV DW$XFNODQG8QLYHUVLW\ Wednesday, 1 July, 8.30am -‐ 1pm. Focus = STEM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (and Health Sciences) 8QLYHUVLW\RI&DQWHUEXU\2SHQ'D\: Thursday, 9 July /LQFROQ8QLYHUVLW\2SHQ'D\ Wednesday, 15 July 0DVVH\2SHQ'D\DW0DQDZDWX, in Palmerston North: Wednesday, 5 August 0DVVH\2SHQ'D\LQ$XFNODQG, Saturday, 15 August 6WXG\DW9LFWRULD2SHQ'D\: Friday, 28 August 0DVVH\2SHQ'D\LQ:HOOLQJWRQ: Friday, 28 August 8QLYHUVLW\RI2WDJR&RXUVH3ODQQLQJ'D\ is Term 3, Week 6, Friday 28 August, at the Dunstan Library. 8QLYHUVLW\RI$XFNODQG&RXUVHVDQG&DUHHUV'D\: Saturday, 29 August 1$6'$$XGLWLRQV due by 10 September. If you need to fly or drive -‐ you may be able to get a travel subsidy through Star Funding for your costs. Book first and take receipts to Mrs Driver and she will tell you if Star can help with some costs. +2:72*(7<2857((1$*(56 :25.5($'< )ROORZWKHOLQNEHORZWRYLHZWKH&DUHHUV1HZ =HDODQGZHEVLWH KWWSEORJFDUHHUVJRYWQ]KRZ WRJHW\RXUWHHQDJHUVZRUNUHDG\ Currently on display in the DHS office foyer, Admin Block CAREERS BECOME A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR Weekend training programmes start mid July for 9 Saturdays (ages 16 and above). For more details see cardronainstructor.com, phone/text 021 255 5929 or email [email protected] Mrs Thom has the latest copies of 1H[W 6WHS in her office for Senior leavers to collect please. Check out these pages in Issue #3. Rose Thom, Careers’ Advisor 2016 6(1,25&2856( &+2,&(%22./(76 ZLOOEHRXW 'D\7HUP -XO\ '()(16,9('5,9,1*&2856( QH[WFRXUVHWREHKHOGRQZHHNHQGRI DQG-XO\IURPDPDQG SPLQFO )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFW .D\H5RZHOO/DNHV'ULYHU7UDLQLQJ NURZHOO#[WUDFRQ] RUW[W 2015 PARTNERSHIP PLAN G OLD - Brian Luff Automotive, Cooneys Clothing and Footwear, Criterion Club Hotel, Dunstan Hotel, Feron Motor Court, McIntyre, Flannery Tait Ltd, PlaceMakers AlexandraSBS Bank, Stadium Tavern, Southern Wide Real Estate, Stu McLeod - Courier Post, Tarbert St Dental Surgery, The Community Trust of Otago, TradeZone Alexandra and Cromwell. aS ILVER - Central Betta Electrical, Deep South Distribution. B RONZE - CRT, Terrace Distributors (1985) Ltd.
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