Editor: John Runt June - July 2015 GOVERNOR’S CORNER: Hello: I probably don't need to introduce myself to most of you, but if we haven't met please introduce yourself to me. I'll try to stop in daily to see what's going on at the lodge. My wife and I have lived in Hempfield Township for 44 years, we have two adult sons in the area and two grandchildren. I am an Army Veteran having served in Vietnam. This being my first letter as your Governor it is an honor to serve you, I am looking forward to a wonderful year. First off congratulations are in order to John Runt our Past Governor and Carol Booth Junior Grad Regent for their successful year and all that they did for the benefit of the lodge. Congratulation go out to all the new lodge officers, and Marilyn Colinear the Senior Regent of WOTM and all of her officers. I would also like to welcome all the newly enrolled members. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming year and working with our Lodge Officers. There are a lot of events happening this summer. In June we're having trivia, lightning bingo's, the Pirates Game on the 24th (it's fireworks night), be sure to sign-up! We're having a benefit spaghetti dinner for Dave Scaramuzza's son Cody Fanso who has a life threatening illness: the date is June 15th 5:00pm to 9:00pm. On June 27th we're having DJ Bruce Jennings for a benefit for “The Candy Man” Bruce Blystone 9pm. We'll be having the annual Father's Day Golf Outing on June 21st at Irwin Golf Course, sign-up sheet to be posted. In July the Moose International Convention the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th in Nashville, TN. I will be attending and will bring back all the information I can as well as new changes. There will be a picnic meeting on the 20th of July at 7:00pm. Keep in mind we are always in need of helpers it takes a lot of work to have a successful picnic. There will be sign-up sheets at the lodge for all the different activities. The picnic will be held from noon to 6pm at the Wendel Club located on Hahntown/Wendel Road, don't forget bring a chair as well as some kind of dessert to share, the lodge will supply the picnic food. PLEASE CHECK THE CALENDAR for the many activities in June and July. Don't forget to stop in for a cold brew and catch a Pirate game or a NASCAR race. And by all means have a safe and happy summer. Fraternally yours, Rick Booth Governor SENIOR REGENT’S CORNER: Hello to all! Moving up from Jr. Regent to Sr. Regent is an honor and I will try my best to fulfill the duties of Sr. Regent and support the Lodge as needed. I will welcome support from the seasoned officers to keep me on the straight and narrow! We all need to recognize and give a big THANK YOU to Carol Booth for all the great work she accomplished this past year. Most recently, she arranged and used monies for new carpet in the bar area and the play area by the ladies room. Also, she took the lead on all the improvements to the ladies room with more to come! I do want to thank the Lodge members for all their hard work who supported these projects. One of my goals is to reach out to old and new members and ask for support and friendship to keep this a great Family Center. I am grateful for all the co-workers who have already offered to help me in any way. As of our meeting on May 6th, we had 411 WOTM members! Can you imagine what 411 women can do to make things happen to this Family Center? Don’t forget the WOTM meetings are upstairs on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. The third Wednesday is always enrollment. We welcome all co-workers to come to the meetings and share new ideas or suggestions. Congratulations to Betty Crowe for receiving her Red Stole at the recent Installation of Officers! Check the calendar for the WOTM Lightning Bingo’s and upcoming events. School will be out soon and I wish the children and families a safe and fun summer! One important thing, we have an opening for Jr. Regent. I would be glad to discuss with anyone who is interested in going forward with the WOTM! Respectfully, Marilyn Colinear Sr. Regent LEGION LEDGER: Moose Legion meetings are always held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. June’s meeting will be on the 16th and July’s meeting will be on the 21st. Each month the Legion sponsors one of the lightning bingos held in our lodge. This is our main source of income which enables us to offer food and drink discounts to all of our Moose legion members. Please support these bingos so that we can continue to offer these discounts. If you are not a Moose Legion member, please consider joining. The Legion is called the “Degree of Service” and as Legionnaires, we strive to make our Lodge a better place for all members to enjoy. When you join the Legion you are saying “I believe in the Moose fraternity and the ideals that it embodies.” See any Legion officer or member for an application. Have a great summer!!! Fraternally yours, Bud Colinear Legion Secretary NEW MEMBERS: NEW MEMBERS: LODGE: WOTM: NEW MEMBER SPONSOR NEW MEMBER Paul O’Brien Tom Robosky Bob Critchlow D. J. Zelezak Steven Weber Bryan Conn Doug Solaczyk Dennis Stecko John Brabender Chris Matsko George Krolik Josh Van Kirk Larry Golder Tom Shenefelt Nick Buccigrossi Ray Scalise Jason Muggli Drew Daniels Mason Brough Tom Kendro Terry Mauger Paul Farabaugh Ted Colinear Joel Colinear Jim Vargo Scott Cearns Alexander Signorini Greg Houser Jay Harris Jesse Yaklich Shane Hubler Paul Hunt Brian Rasel Del Nolfi Jr. Mike Plumb Jr. Melanie Kotvas Nick Hvasta Tom Kerin Jr. Transfer Dale Bickerstaff John Runt Vic Hensler Ken Brough Lori Palm Tom Colinear Jr. Rick Booth Joe Pazur Jr. Rich Olwell Tom Colinear Sr. Tom Colinear Sr. Transfer Kim Brough Clyde Wilson Ken Brough Kevin Harrigan Kevin Harrigan David Smith Tom Colinear Jr. Tom Colinear Sr. Carol Booth Carol Booth Rick Booth Rick Booth Rick Booth Brianna Acalotto Melanie Kotvas Noreen Wolfe Ted Putz Al Kabana Ken Lindsay Janice Best Jayme Brozeski Caitlyn Cranshaw Lois Craze Mary Ann Daniels Stella Filipowski Patricia Garasich Judy Gebert Lisa Grosz Betty Harris Lisa Howell Sharon Jafre Annette Kardos Kellie Kemp Barbra Klein Brenda Kresic Elizabeth Krolik Rosanne Kulasa Samantha Melius Diana Merlin Mary Molina Rachel Muggli Debbie O’Toole Patty Painter Lisa Palangio Lisa Patten Cathy Pavlovic Tammy Pavsek Tammy Pacsatko Jamie Radovich Michelle Rigo Megan Shaffer Reenie Sherbondy Renee Shuber Stacy Skarja SPONSOR Jean Grosz Aubrey Fraser Patricia Putz Barbara Hensler Clyde Wilson Ed Filipowski Carol Booth Laura Bernard Jean Grosz Carol Booth David Brough Marcel D. Jaffre Jean Grosz Colleen Melocchi Laura Bernard Susan Berton Carol Booth Robert Dippolito Brianna Acalotto Nancy Colinear Herbert Cox Kimberly Brough Noreen Wolfe Noreen Wolfe Noreen Wolfe Robert Dippolito Tiffany Gonzales Barbra Hensler David Brough Noreen Wolfe Aubrey Fraser Chuck Oswald Colleen Melocchi Donald Acalotto David Skarja NEW MEMBERS: NEW MEMBERS: LODGE: WOTM: NEW MEMBER SPONSOR NEW MEMBER Alan Spoonhoward Robert Spoonhoward Chuck Anthony Richard Copeman Jason Shenefelt Chris Wesolowski Gerard Price David Caruso Raymond Bacha Nick Kampert Pat Rafferty Joe Stecik Henry Williams Steve Wannstedt Steve Arbasak Tom Stremple Eric Crowe Marcel Jaffre Marcel Jaffre Vic Hensler Vic Hensler Brianna Acalotto Mike Peters (Butler) Nathan Price Tom Colinear Sr. Ed Halpin Robert Dippolito Al Kabana Bonnie Stecik Brianna Acalotto Vic Hensler Herb Cox Earl Crowe Earl Crowe Carol Spoonhoward Mary Ellen Stecko Tina Stitely Jennifer Varner Joan Wilhelm Rosemary Yurkovich Virginia Zieglar SPONSOR Rick Booth Kimberly Brough Kimberly Brough Nancy Colinear Rick Booth Teri Soltis Rich Olwell Get well wishes go out to the following members: Don Acalotto Sr. Aiden Denne Kevin Sige GET WELL SOON!!! BROKEN CIRCLE: Brother Bruce Blystone Brother Dan Rose May they rest in peace. Our prayers go out to their families. Thank you! Thank you to the following people for their generous donations: Earl and Betty Crowe Mike Daykon NEWSLETTER NOTE: If you know anybody that would like to have the newsletter emailed to them, please give them our email address [email protected] with the subject “Newsletter”. We will also make the newsletter available through our website and Facebook. There will be limited printed newsletters available in our lodge for those of you that do not have access to a computer. We will have the calendars printed as placemats. Newsletter Advertising Any business can advertise in our newsletter for $60.00 per year or $15.00 per single issue. Contact our Administrator Donny Acalotto for details. LODGE OFFICERS: CHAPTER OFFICERS: PAST GOVERNOR: JOHN RUNT GOVERNOR: RICK BOOTH JR GOVERNOR: KEN LINDSAY PRELATE: BUD COLINEAR TREASURER: JEFF ADAMS ADMINISTRATOR: DONNY ACALOTTO TRUSTEE: REGGIE LITTLE TRUSTEE : GREG REDOVAN TRUSTEE: ED FILIPOWSKI SGT-AT-ARMS: J.R.ACALOTTO INNER GUARD: RUSS URSINY OUTER GUARD: LES HILDENBRAND JR GRADUATE REGENT: CAROL BOOTH SR REGENT: MARILYN COLINEAR JR REGENT: GUIDE: NOREEN WOLFE SECRETARY: MARILYN KERIN RECORDER: DIANE RAMSEY LEGION OFFICERS: Chairman: Rick Booth 1st V Chairman: Jason Merwin 2nd V Chairman: John Hensler Treasurer: Bob Brackney Secretary: Bud Colinear
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