Local couple launches Pool Buoy invention

Local couple launches
Pool Buoy invention
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
It was a hot summer day under
the sweltering Texas sun and all
Erica Sloan wanted was some
shade in her pool.
She asked her husband for a
tree, but he immediately shot her
request down.
“It’ll drop too many things in
the water,” he told her.
The couple agreed that buying a shade made specifically to
keep the sun out of the pool was
a better idea, but after browsing
the internet with no luck, husband Jeremy resorted to his own
“He went to Valero, busted up
a cooler, put two poles and a tent
on it and I stood under it,” Erica
17 de mayo de 2015
told La Prensa.
It was the first step towards the
invention of the world’s first and
only floating pool umbrella: the
Pool Buoy.
After nearly three years and
several tweaks from industrial
designer, Matthew Lucero, the
Pool Buoy now consists of a
7-foot beach-style umbrella, an
aluminum pole and five cup holders for social gathering purposes.
“The unique design of the pool
buoy keeps it stable in waves and
in reasonable amounts of wind,”
Jeremy added.
More importantly, the umbrella
is made of a protectant fabric that
blocks almost 95 percent of UVA
and UVB rays.
“It was important for Jeremy
and me that it do two things:
give families a new way to enjoy
time together in the pool and help
protect them from the sun while
doing it,” Erica said. “We have
two young daughters and while
we love being in the pool or at the
lake we wanted something that
would protect our family from the
sun and the Pool Buoy does that
quite well.”
The husband-and-wife team
began nationwide distribution
earlier this week and officially
launched their product in San
Antonio Thursday evening.
“As entrepreneurs and as a
startup, we are very proud to
launch Pool Buoy in San Antonio,” Erica said. “It is important
for us to be able to share our
invention with our hometown,
where Pool Buoy began and
where it will be headquartered.”
Thanks to five Pool Buoy dona-
tions from the Sloans, Northside
Swim Center will be one of the
first locations to try out the new
“We’re grateful the Pool Buoy
will help instructors over the
summer and it will help shade
kids and open up more lessons
for people, because we will have
shade,” President and CEO of San
Antonio Sports Russ Bookbinder
Jeremy added that one of their
goals is to make community
swimming spaces safer, especially for children.
In the future, they plan to invent
more products under their San
Antonio-based company Shade
Science, LLC established in 2014.
For more information on Pool
Buoy, visit www.MyPoolBuoy.
A Pool Buoy floats at the Wyndham Garden Riverwalk Hotel pool at the official launch of the product. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
Freeflow Research
focuses on boosting
Texas job market
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
America is losing the global STEM job market, largely
because increasing numbers of qualified STEM graduates are
immigrants returning to work and create businesses in their
home country.
Fortunately, San Antonio is tackling the “brain drain” problem
head on.
Freeflow Research, a non-profit global accelerator, was created to connect foreign-born students, business owners and
investors with resources and opportunities that they need to stay
and work in the U.S.
The San Antonio-based initiative was founded in 2012 by
Peter French, the current President of Café Commerce, and is
currently run by Ricardo Grimaldi, an international investor
who was born in Mexico.
French and Grimaldi hope that through public education initiatives, city-based programs and national statistics, they can stop
the “brain drain” from continuing in San Antonio.
“In Texas, I think our view of immigration has been skewed
toward Mexico and undocumented populations,” French said.
“But 40 percent of the Fortune 500 companies in the United
States were started by immigrants or children of immigrants.”
French and Grimaldi have worked with the City of San Antonio to establish resources for entrepreneurs and to study the
financial impact of immigrant entrepreneurs in San Antonio.
In 2010, more than $10 billion was generated by new immigrant business owners in Texas, and nearly 25 percent of
businesses in the state are owned by foreign-born individuals.
“The narrative of their impact on Main Street and Wall Street
is not really part of the conversation in San Antonio,” French
added. “But we want it to be.”
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, more
than 40 percent of students who are in Master’s and Ph.D.
programs are immigrants, but the current immigration system
makes it so that less than seven percent of all green cards are
issued to individual countries each year.
Texas struggles to retain students graduating from high school
and college, but Grimaldi and French are teaming up to develop
comprehensive resources for high school and college students
looking to stay in San Antonio after graduation.
“We want to advocate the opportunities for student visa holders to work, educating universities so that international students
have those work opportunities while they’re still students,”
French said.
Grimaldi is familiar with the challenges that face international
students after they complete higher education. He attended St.
See Freeflow on page 6-A
Mary’s University in San Anto-
Reforma energética mexicana
necesita más inversores
Por Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
La reforma energética de México podría transformar la vida del
mexicano en México de una
manera sumamente importante,
pero según el experto en energía
Duncan Wood, el gobierno mexicano primero debe de realizar
ciertos cambios para atraer a los
mejores inversionistas.
Wood, quien dirige el Instituto
de México en el Centro Wilson
(Washington, DC.), estuvo de
visita en San Antonio con el
propósito de participar en el
simposio de energía anual organizado por South Texas Money
Durante la conferencia, el
experto conversó con La Prensa
sobre el impacto de la reforma
energética en México.
Todo comenzó oficialmente
en diciembre del 2013 cuando la
más grande reforma energética
en 75 años se convirtió en ley
y puso fin al monopolio estatal
Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
De esta manera, la reforma abrió
la industria petrolera a la inversión privada.
En los últimos años, Pemex ha
enfrentado problemas para sostener la extracción de petróleo y
gas. Se espera que la inversión de
empresas privadas y extranjeras
ayude a revitalizar la industria
petrolera mexicana.
“Un tercio del presupuesto del
gobierno mexicano depende de
los ingresos del petróleo y del
gas”, explicó Wood. “El gobierno
tiene que generar más ingresos
fiscales para poder proveer los
servicios que el público mexicano
necesita y para poder invertir
en proyectos de infraestructura
que se necesitan para avanzar a
México al futuro”.
Wood añadió que la reforma
energética presenta la oportunidad de generar mucho más dinero
al igual que crear más empleos.
“Directamente, habrá la crea­
ción de trabajos en el petróleo y
el gas, pero como un efecto indirecto también habrá empleos en
infraestructura”, explicó Wood.
Sin embargo, para que la reforma energética llegue a su mayor
potencial, el gobierno mexicano
debe de atraer a los inversores.
En diciembre del 2014, el
gobierno mexicano presentó los
primeros contratos para invertir
en su industria energética.
“Este es un proceso que du-
rará aproximadamente seis meses
y recibirá crítica constructiva
del sector privado para realizar
modificaciones y publicarán los
términos finales para el 29 de
mayo”, indicó Wood.
Según Wood, los términos
iniciales no eran competitivos,
así es que muchas compañías no
se interesaron.
“En febrero, el gobierno emitió
nuevos términos de contrato y el
sector privado los vio y dijo que
eran mejor, pero no lo suficiente”,
añadió Wood. “El tiempo se está
acabando y el hecho es que el
gobierno mexicano ha hecho
unos cambios pero no parece
estar recibiendo el mensaje de los
El sector privado quiere contratos que sean competitivos en
estándares internacionales, lo
que significa que quieren medidas
reguladoras más bajas, impuestos
más bajos, y certeza que podrán
invertir por 25 – 30 años sin
temer que les vayan a quitar los
“El gobierno mexicano no ha
mostrado que ha recibido ese
mensaje y eso es lo preocupante,
pero quizás saquen el conejo de la
La disposición eliminada, impulsada por el demócrata por Arizona Rubén Gallego, hubiese instado
al secretario de Defensa a considerar si los jóvenes indocumentados que dispusiesen de un permiso
de trabajo pueden alistarse a las Fuerzas Armadas. EFE/Archivo
Cámara baja de EE.UU. vota
contra entrada de jóvenes
indocumentados al Ejército
EFE - La Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU. aprobó una
enmienda que modifica una ley
que abría la puerta a que el departamento de Defensa conside­
Vea Reforma energética rara la posibilidad de admitir en
en la pág. 6-A las Fuerzas Armadas a jóvenes
indocumentados, los llamados
“dreamers” o soñadores.
Con 221 votos a favor y 202
en contra, la mayoría republicana
de la Cámara aprobó la enmienda
presentada por el republicano por
Alabama Mo Brooks, que elimina
la disposición sobre el acceso a las
Fuerzas Armadas de los “drea­
mers” de la Ley de Autorización
de Defensa Nacional (NDAA, en
La disposición eliminada, imVea Cámara baja en la pág. 4-A
Comentarios... La promesa del Cinco de Mayo
El Cinco de
Mayo es un día
raro en Estados
Unidos. Muchos
lo usan como
Jorge Ramos excusa para ir
a bares a tomar
cerveza mexicana, comer chips
con salsa y ponerse un sombrero de
charro. Y muchos políticos lo aprovechan para hablar de los latinos
y de nuestra creciente influencia en
este país.
El pasado Cinco de Mayo no
fue la excepción. Al contrario, nos
regaló un adelanto de cómo pueden
ser las campañas presidenciales
antes de la votación de noviembre
del 2016. Fueron dos maneras muy
distintas de tratar de enamorar al
votante hispano. El republicano Jeb
Bush envió por las redes sociales un
mensaje, en perfecto español, sobre
cómo ha aprendido a amar y respetar
a México, el país de origen de su
esposa, Columba. Y la demócrata
Hillary Clinton, en inglés, pronunció un fuerte discurso sobre cómo
ayudaría a los inmigrantes indocumentados.
La verdad, Clinton fue mucho
más allá de lo que se esperaba.
Prometió, como Barack Obama en
2008, luchar en el Congreso por una
reforma migratoria que permita hacerse ciudadanos norteamericanos a
la mayoría de los 11 millones de
indocumentados. “No se equivoquen”, dijo. “Hoy ningún candidato
republicano, declarado o potencial,
está apoyando clara y consistentemente un camino a la ciudadanía
(para indocumentados). Ninguno”.
Pero luego fue mucho más allá
que el mismo presidente Obama. “Si
el Congreso se abstiene de actuar”,
continuó, “como presidenta, yo
haré todo lo posible dentro de la ley
para ir más lejos. Hay mucha gente
como los padres de los ‘Dreamers’
(o estudiantes indocumentados)
que merecen una oportunidad para
quedarse en este país. Yo también
voy a luchar por ellos”.
La acción ejecutiva de Obama
–que ayudaría a más de 4 millo­nes
de indocumentados– está atorada
en las cortes. Pero Clinton dice que
haría aún más y ayudaría a más
Llamémosle “la promesa del
Cinco de Mayo”. Ahora falta aterrizar ese plan. ¿Cuándo y cómo?
¿Lo haría durante sus primeros 100
días en la Casa Blanca? ¿Detendría
las deportaciones hasta lograr la reforma migratoria? Hay que ponerle
una fecha límite y mecanismos muy
concretos para que se cumpla.
Pero el problema de Clinton
es Barack Obama. El hizo una
promesa parecida en el 2008, y
no la cumplió. Por eso, cuando
muchos latinos oyeron el discurso
de Clinton, dijeron: “No creo nada;
ese cuento ya lo oí antes”.
Aparte de un problema de credibilidad, hay otro legal; todos sabemos que Clinton –si gana– solo sería
presidenta, no reina. Las cortes y
el Congreso podrían bloquear sus
mejores intenciones. Si eso ocurriera, “la promesa del Cinco de
Mayo” se evaporaría y no lograría
absolutamente nada.
Pero lo que sí logró la promesa de
Clinton es diferenciarla de todos los
candidatos republicanos, y los puso
en serios aprietos ante el electorado
latino. ¿Será posible que Clinton
tenga una propuesta migratoria
mucho más comprensiva y compasiva que dos candidatos presidenciales que son hijos de inmigrantes,
Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio, y que
Jeb Bush, cuya familia es latina?
Ningún candidato republicano se va
a salvar de que le preguntemos qué
promete para los indocumentados
a cambio de nuestro voto y de que
comparemos su respuesta con la
propuesta de Clinton. Y no hablar
de inmigración no es una opción.
Así es esto. ¿Qué nos van a dar a
cambio de nuestro voto? No basta
decir unas palabritas en español o
promesas vacías. Nos quemamos
antes, pero ya aprendimos.
Todos los candidatos están tratando de enamorar desde ahora a los
latinos porque saben perfectamente
que ellos podrían definir la elección.
Las matemáticas son sencillas.
Obama le ganó a Mitt Romney en
el 2012 por casi 5 millones de votos.
En el 2016 cerca de 16 millones de
latinos irán a las urnas, más que
suficientes para poner a cualquie­ra
en la Casa Blanca.
Se los dije: El Cinco de Mayo es
un día raro. Fue un día de promesas,
y ahora hay que oírlos a todos. Pero
no nos vamos a olvidar. Y si no nos
creen, pregúntenle al presidente
Obama lo que pasa cuando nos
prometen algo y no cumplen.
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge.
[email protected]. Por favor
incluya su nombre, ciudad y país).
Just a Thought: “What Would You Do?”
I wonder
how many
San Antonio
viewers watch
the awardwinning ABC
series, “What
Would You
Steve Walker Do?” hosted
by reporter
John Quiñones. It is the show
that uses hidden cameras to film
unsuspecting everyday people in
public places in various scenarios.
The premise of the show is to
see how people answer the question of “What Would You Do?”
when you overhear some stranger
loudly making rude or disparaging
comments about others around
them. The people who are rude and
loud are actually actors portraying
hostile and loud people.
The goal of the show’s producers
is to film participants to get some
sort of reaction from the immediate
crowd to see if they will confront
the abusive people (actors) and
intervene on someone’s behalf or
ignore the scenario altogether by
walking away.
Eventually the film crew, along
with reporter Quiñones, reveals
themselves to those involved in
the scenario and informs them that
the bullies they have encountered
and confronted are only actors.
Quiñones then asks how they felt
about the situation and why they
responded the way they did to the
perceived injustice.
Quiñones has won several Emmys for his long-running show
as well as other Emmys for his
many years of reporting around
the world.
Did you know that John Quiñones is a San Antonio native who
graduated from Brackenridge High
School as well as from St. Mary’s
Born in San Antonio on May
23, 1952, he graduated in 1970
as a Brackenridge Eagle. Despite
being a seventh-generation San
Antonian and a seventh-generation
American, Quiñones grew up in
a Spanish speaking household
and did not learn English until he
started school at age six.
When he was 13 years old, his
father was laid off from his job as
a janitor and John’s family, including sisters Irma and Rosemary,
joined a caravan of migrant farmworkers and journeyed to Traverse
City, Michigan to harvest cherries.
Quiñones shared his story with
the San Antonio Association of
Hispanic Journalists (SAAHJ) last
year when we honored him for
his work in Journalism. He also
shared the story at the annual Cesar
Chavez March Gala this year as
the Keynote Speaker. During this
year’s Fiesta, he also served as the
Flambeau Parade Grand Marshal.
I was thrilled to photograph him
at all three events. What I noticed
about him was his gracious and
humble demeanor. People at those
events flocked around him for a
chance to take a picture with him.
At the SAAHJ Gala, he patiently
posed with fans for nearly an hour
before and after the gala as well. He
did the same thing at the Chavez
Gala. I was able to take lots of
photos of him with fans. And there
were many.
Both times he spoke he mentioned the words of his father that
imprinted him for life. Referencing
working in the migrant fields he
quoted: “Juanito, do you want to
do this for the rest of your life?
Or, do you want to get a college
After graduating from St. Mary’s
University, he earned a Master’s
Degree from Columbia University‘s School of Journalism. Not
too shabby for a hometown hero.
Next time you hear somebody
say, “What Would You Do?”
remember John Quiñones and do
what he did.
As always, what I write is “Just
a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
Investing in San Antonio’s future leaders
As another
class of San Antonio graduates
cross the stage
to represent
our city in the
Lloyd Doggett world economy,
the affordability
and accessibility of higher education remains an important component in ensuring future economic
growth. Too many of our students
encounter huge financial barriers
to higher education, and too many
others leave college with enormous
amounts of debt. The level of student
debt nationwide has surpassed credit
card debt and totals more than $1
trillion. We must pursue policies to
reduce the student debt that burdens
so many. San Antonio was recently
recognized by the U.S. Department
of Education as one of the top five
cities in the nation in increases in
Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) completion rates.
More than half of San Antonio students graduating from high school
now apply for federal financial aid
to help assist with the high costs of
We need to make applying for
financial aid less of a burden on
students and their families. Talented
students should not find the FAFSA
process too complicated and difficult to complete—there are steps
we can take to simplify the process.
However, we continue to face big
challenges from those in Congress
who do not believe in federal aid to
education and who oppose adequate
funding for student aid. In their
budget this year, Republicans tried
to limit Pell Grants, which would
make college unobtainable for many
students of limited means across this
country. Unfortunately, attacks like
these are not unusual. The top Republican on the Subcommittee that
oversees Higher Education policy in
the U.S. House of Representatives
has told her colleagues that “it is
not the role of the Congress to make
college affordable and accessible.”
Despite challenges, I am working
to help ensure that all San Antonio
students are able to achieve their
full God-given potential. In the past
year, I have supported legislation to
avoid the doubling of interest rates
on federal loans and to continue
adequate funding for Pell Grants
and other types of federal student
financial assistance. I successfully
authored the “More Education” tax
credit to encourage those seeking
education beyond high school. Also
known as the American Opportunity
Tax Credit (AOTC), this law provides a tax cut to students or their
families by up to $10,000 over four
years as reimbursement for tuition,
textbooks, and other higher education expenses. This $2,500 annual
credit can go a long way in making
ends meet.
Even those attending school and
working part time, who do not have
as much as a $2,500 tax liability, can
still claim up to $1,000 in a refundable tax credit for eligible educational expenses, which is similar to
the refundable Earned Income Tax
Credit. I have introduced a bill again
this year to make this tax credit permanent at San Antonio schools and
to make it work better for students
who also receive Pell Grants.
During my visits with students at
the various colleges in my district,
I have heard time and time again
about the difficulty students face
when trying to finance their education. It is important that students
and families affected by the cost
of higher education contact their
elected officials at the local, state,
and federal level to express their
support for programs that help students afford college and reduce the
level of debt that burdens so many.
I believe that an investment in our
students is an investment in the future of America, but to maintain that
investment, it is essential that student
and families continue to make their
voices heard.
Many bright students from San
Antonio colleges and universities
serve as staff and interns in my
San Antonio and Washington, DC
offices. If you would like to apply
for an internship, or if I can be of
assistance on any federal issues,
please contact me by calling (210)
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17 de mayo de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
of May at St. Paul Square, join the City of San Antonio for pop
up shops, food trucks, live music, and more! OPEN is an initiative of The Center City Development & Operations Department
in partnership with property owners and retailers to offer local
entrepreneurs a no-cost short term lease in vacant downtown
properties. Check OPEN’s website for full information, www.
opensanantonio.com! The shops will be open May 15 through
May 28, Monday-Friday from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
MISSION MARQUEE MARKET - Mission Marquee Market
Mercado O’Liva brings together local growers and authentic
artisans, craftsmen, and artists to sell their goods in this historic
Southside location. The market features fresh and local organic
produce, chef-created items, hand-made local wares and more.
The next Market Day will be fourth Saturday, May 23 from 10
a.m.- 2 p.m. Free. Mission Marquee Plaza, 3100 Roosevelt Ave.
Call (210) 207-8612 or visit GetCreativeSanAntonio.com.
FAIR - Hosted by Commissioner Paul Elizondo, Bexar County
Commissioner, Precinct 2. Services provided include Diabetes
Screenings, Mammogram Checks*, HIV Testing, and Food
Demos. Education: Health & Wellbeing, Veteran Services,
Utility Assistance, Job Assistance. *Please pre-register for a
mammogram or pediatric care service by calling University
Health System at (210) 358-7020 to make your appointment.
Wonderland of Americas Mall, 4522 Fredericksburg Rd. from
10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, May 30.
BOARD - The City of San Antonio is currently accepting applications from residents in City Council Districts 1, 2, 4 and
8 who are eligible to serve on the Ethics Review Board. The
Ethics Review Board is comprised of 11 members appointed by
the Mayor and each City Councilmember for staggered two-year
terms. Those interested in applying for one of the District positions may do so online using the City’s web-based application
for boards and commission athttps://webapps2.sanantonio.gov/
SA YOUTH - Have you quit school and can’t get a job? SA
Youth is enrolling young adults ages 16 to 24 who need a lift up
and a second chance and who will commit to 35 hours a week.
Our free, award-winning youth build program offers 9 months
to a year of GED Prep, leadership and paid workforce training
of up to $400 a month. Get the education you deserve. Call (210)
223-3131 extension 219 or visit 1422 East Grayson across from
Fort Sam Houston. Success awaits you. Call (210) 223-3131.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Animal Care Services (ACS) is
looking for volunteers to assist with administrative duties, pet
adoptions and in the vet clinic and kennels. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days a week through SA Volunteers, the
City’s volunteer program, at the ACS main campus at 4710 Hwy
151, off-site adoption events and several PetCo and PetSmart
cat adoption centers.
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La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at
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17 de mayo de 2015
Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
Experts have documented
common patterns of symptom
progression that occur in many
individuals with Alzheimer’s
disease and developed several
methods of “staging” based on
these patterns.
• Alzheimer’s disease advances at widely different rates.
• Not everyone will experience
every symptom, and symptoms
may occur at different times in
different individuals.
• People with Alzheimer’s live
an average of 8 years after diagnosis, but may survive anywhere
from 3 to 20 years.
Determining what stage an
individual has reached helps
• Families and health care
professionals make better care
• Individuals and their families can prepare themselves for
the progression of the disease.
• People with dementia can
get involved with clinical trials
through TrialMatch®.
Global Deterioration Scale
• The Global Deterioration
Scale is a system that outlines
key symptoms and is characterized by seven stages ranging
from unimpaired function to
very severe cognitive decline.
• (NOTE: Below, GDS stages
correspond to the widely used
concepts of mild, moderate,
moderately severe, and severe
Alzheimer’s disease. Also noted
are which stages fall within the
more general divisions of earlystage, mid-stage, and late-stage
Pre-Clinical Stage - Stage 1
• This is a newly defined stage
of the disease reflecting current
evidence that measureable biomarker changes in the brain may
occur years before symptoms
affecting memory, thinking or
behavior can be detected by
affected individuals or their
• While the guidelines identify these preclinical changes
as an Alzheimer’s stage, they
do not establish diagnostic criteria that doctors can use now.
Rather, they propose additional
research to establish which biomarkers may best confirm that
Alzheimer’s-related changes
are underway and how best to
measure them.
o Symptoms:
• No impairment (normal
• No experience with memory
• An interview with a medical professional does not show
any evidence of symptoms of
Early Stage - Stage 2
• Mild cognitive decline.
o Difficulty in social or occupational settings.
o Friends or family may notice
o Symptoms:
• Very mild cognitive decline
(may be normal age-related
changes or earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease).
• You may experience memory lapses — forgetting familiar
words or the location of everyday objects. But no symptoms
of dementia can be detected
during a medical examination
or by friends,
family or co-workers.
Early Stage - Stage 3 - Mild
Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
due to Alzheimer’s disease
• In this stage, mild changes
in memory and thinking are
noticeable and can be measured
on mental status tests but are
not severe enough to disrupt
day-to-day life.
o Symptoms:
• Mild cognitive decline
Friends, family or co-workers
begin to notice difficulties.
During a detailed medical interview, doctors may be able to
detect problems in memory or
concentration. Common Stage
3 difficulties include:
• Noticeable problems coming up with the right word or
• Trouble remembering names
when introduced to new people.
• Experiencing noticeably
greater difficulty performing
tasks in social or work settings.
• Forgetting material that was
just read.
• Losing or misplacing valued
• Increasing trouble with
planning or organizing.
Early Stage - Stage 4 - Probable Alzheimer’s dementia
• The differentiation of dementia from MCI rests on the
determination of whether or
not there is significant interference in the ability to function at work or in usual daily
activities. This is inherently a
clinical judgment made by a
skilled clinician on the basis of
the individual circumstances of
the patient and the description
of daily affairs of the patient
obtained from the patient and
from a knowledgeable informant.
o Symptoms:
• Moderate cognitive decline
(Mild or early-stage Alzheimer’s disease)
At this point, a careful medical interview should be able to
detect clear-cut symptoms in
several areas:
• Forgetfulness of recent
• Impaired ability to perform
challenging mental arithmetic
— for example, counting backwards from 100 by 7s.
• Greater difficulty performing complex tasks, such as planning dinner for guests, paying
bills or managing finances.
• Forgetfulness about one’s
own personal history.
• Becoming moody or withdrawn, especially in socially or
mentally challenging situations.
Middle Stage - Stage 5
• Moderate cognitive decline
o Difficulty performing simple tasks.
o May need assistance with
activities of daily living such
as bathing or dressing.
o Symptoms
Moderately severe cognitive
decline (Moderate or mid-stage
Alzheimer’s disease)
Gaps in memory and thinking
are noticeable, and assistance
with daily activities is needed.
At this stage, the following
changes may be experienced:
• Inability to recall home
address, telephone number, or
the names of high school or
colleges attended.
• Confusion about time or
• Trouble with less challenging mental arithmetic; such as
counting backwards from 40
by subtracting 4s or from 20 by
subtracting 2s.
• Difficulty choosing proper
clothing for the season or the
• Significant details about
oneself and family may still be
• Assistance eating or using
the toilet may be required.
Middle Stage - Stage 6
o Symptoms
Severe cognitive decline
(Moderately severe or midstage Alzheimer’s disease)
Memory continues to worsen,
personality changes may take
place and extensive assistance
is needed to complete activities
of daily living. At this stage,
the following changes may be
• Loss of awareness of recent
experiences as well as surroundings.
• No changes in ability to recall one’s own name, but difficulty recalling personal history.
• Ability to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar
faces continues, but difficulty
remembering the name of a
spouse or caregiver may be
• Assistance may be required
with dressing properly and
avoiding such mistakes as
putting pajamas over daytime
clothes or shoes on the wrong
• Major changes in sleep
patterns may be experienced,
including sleeping during the
day and becoming restless at
• Help is often needed with
handling details of toileting
(flushing the toilet, wiping or
disposing of tissue properly).
• Increasingly frequent trouble controlling bladder or bowels may be experienced.
• Major personality and behavioral changes may occur,
including suspiciousness and
delusions (such as believing
that a caregiver is an impostor),
or compulsive, repetitive behaviors (such as hand-wringing
or tissue shredding).
• A tendency to wander or
become lost may occur.
Late Stage - Stage 7
• Severe Impairment
o Supervision or complete
assistance is required to complete all activities of daily
o Communication is severely
o Symptoms
Very severe cognitive decline (Severe or late-stage
Alzheimer’s disease)
In the final stage of this disease, losses include the ability
to respond to the environment,
to carry on a conversation and,
eventually, to control movement.
o Communication with words
and phrases may be possible.
o At this stage, assistance or
supervision will be required
to complete most daily personal care, including eating
or using the toilet. Losses can
include the ability to smile, to
sit without support and to hold
one’s head up. Reflexes become abnormal, muscles grow
rigid, and swallowing becomes
Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading
voluntary health organization
in Alzheimer’s care, support
and research. Our mission is to
eliminate Alzheimer’s disease
through the advancement of
research; to provide and enhance care and support for all
affected; and to reduce the risk
of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision
is a world without Alzheimer’s.
For more information, visit
Free Trade Alliance San Antonio reports major economic impact
By Adrienne A. Ornelas
The International Business
Development Center (IBDC)
of Free Trade Alliance San
Antonio reported its economic
impact figures for 2014. Over
the 12 month period, January
to December 2014, the IBDC’s
34 clients generated over 26
million USD in sales. The economic impact of the program
over that same time period
reached $50,105,010 USD, an
increase of 19.6% over its 2013
figures. The Center looks toward
similar growth this year as it
welcomes new entrant AgroSolutions USA. AgroSolutions
USA is an affiliate of AgroSolutions Mexico which has more
than 40 years of experience in
the produce industry throughout Mexico, Central and South
In Mexico, AgroSolutions
offers its associated growers a
variety of integrated solutions,
value-added products and services that range from biological,
nutritional, and high-quality
chemical solutions to financial
services that improve agricultural production. In the U.S and
Canada, AgroSolutions offers
long term commercial connection services between growers
and end customers, optimizing
their supply chain.
AgroSolutions USA’s first
project in San Antonio aims to
develop a logistical platform for
the Mexican produce industry
to the United States market,
optimizing the interests of the
growers and adding value to the
U.S. food industry. The company plans to create a one-stop
shop in the U.S for Mexican
produce and integrate services
such as special packaging, quality inspection, refrigeration and
processing--offering more options and convenience for U.S.
buyer companies. This will offer
more control over food safety,
traceability, and Corporate Social Responsibility matters.
“More than 50% of the flow of
goods between Mexico and the
U.S. pass through Texas before
reaching their final destination.
We want to represent the interests of Mexican growers in the
United States in a more effective
way. This center will offer a
specialized channel capable of
consolidating multiple orders
from different growers, thus
reducing costs and simplifying operations,” Cesar Cantu,
principal of AgroSolutions said.
He added that the IBDC program has been very useful in
generating the research and
business plan development for
the project.
“The IBDC program was
established in 1999 and we are
very pleased at this milestone
that the program has reached.
The soft landing approach is
the catalyst for new investors
into San Antonio and the South
Texas region and is gaining
recognition nationally. The
program provides all of the
necessary resources for an international company establishing a
foot print in the United States,”
José E. Martinez, President and
CEO of Free Trade Alliance
San Antonio said referring to its
2014 economic impact figures,
He added that with more than
15 years’ experience in assisting
overseas companies, the IBDC
is the best option to penetrate
and adapt products and services
to the US market.
The companies participating
in the IBDC program are largely
small and medium-sized companies producing and marketing
a wide range of goods and services including food and beverage products, communication
and IT services, and industrial
manufacturing and distribution.
The Center provides support to
foreign companies seeking to
establish or expand into the U.S.
by providing office facilities,
training, business counseling,
and a series of value-added services. The IBDC reduces startup
costs and provides access to
shared resources and useful
services at little to no cost.
17 de mayo de 2015
San Antonio Public Library unveils library for teens
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
The Central Library is home
to many special programs and
resources in the community, and
now teens can enjoy a space designed specifically for them on the
third floor.
It’s called Teen Library at Central and it offers 13 – 18 year old
students an opportunity to engage
in out-of-school learning experiences with the latest technology.
Ramiro Salazar, San Antonio
Public Library (SAPL) director,
said he hopes teens will use the
space to collaborate, develop ideas
together and build a community.
More importantly though, he hopes
it will become a place they can call
their own.
The 6,000 square foot Teen
Library includes a lab that allows
teens to explore 3D printing and
emerging technologies, a recording
studio with custom made sound
panels, a Wi-Fi lounge area, a
gaming space, a computer lab with
Mac desktops, and of course, a teen
book and resource collection. The
collection offers an array of teen
fiction novels, STEM materials, as
well as Manga and graphic novels.
“If you want to begin learning
how to play a guitar, we can help, if
you’re into sound mixing and video
editing, we’ve got equipment that
you can use,” Teen Services Coordinator Jennifer Velasquez said.
Salazar pointed out that Velasquez is one of the strongest supporters and advocates for the teen
services program.
“From the very beginning when
I arrived here, she’s been the
squeaky wheel saying we really
need to design and develop a space
for teenagers, a place that they can
call their own,” Salazar said.
Velasquez was all smiles when
she addressed the 100 teens from
Henry Ford Academy during the
ribbon cutting Tuesday morning.
“This place is for you right now,
it’s not a part of some nostalgic
childhood place, it’s not the you
that is the future tax payer and the
future voter, it’s the you right now
in this perishable precious part of
your life,” Velasquez said.
She and her Teen Services coordinator team will lead the different
activities and experiences provided
for the students on a daily basis.
District 1 Councilman Roberto
Treviño was on hand to applaud
the effort.
“Innovative initiatives like this
one are critical in improving educational and developmental outcomes for children and teens in
San Antonio,” Treviño said. “This
new teen library will connect
teens to each other where they can
engage and exchange information
and ideas.”
He added that learning how
to collaborate is one of the most
important things to learn.
Moreover, he emphasized that
the technology provided by the
library staff will encourage teens
A new space for teens at Ccentral Library has cutting edge equipment, including Mac desktops.
(Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
to activate their imagination and
“Access to 21st century learning he concluded.
will encourage both reading and tools is critical as teens prepare for
The Central Library is located at
digital literacy.
success in the professional world,” 600 Soledad Street.
Baylor University and Alamo Colleges Announce
New ‘Baylor Bound’ Transfer Agreement
By Kay Hendricks
Earlier this week, Baylor University and Alamo Colleges announced
the creation of a formal Baylor
Bound transfer agreement that will
help students transfer more easily
between the two institutions and
continue to expand educational
opportunities for young people all
across Texas.
Alamo Colleges Chancellor
Bruce Leslie, Ph.D., the five Alamo
Colleges’ presidents and Baylor
President and Chancellor Ken Starr
signed the partnership agreement
during a ceremony in the Killen
Center – Board Room at Alamo
As one of its goals under the Pro
Futuris strategic initiative, Baylor
intends to create 10 Baylor Bound
partnerships during the next five
years. The Baylor-Alamo agreement
is the sixth partnership, along with
McLennan Community College in
Waco, Tyler Junior College in Tyler,
Blinn College in Brenham, Collin
College in McKinney and Temple
College in Temple.
The Baylor Bound program will
serve highly motivated students
from Alamo Colleges who, upon
meeting the program’s criteria, will
transfer to Baylor to complete their
baccalaureate degrees.
“The majority of Alamo Colleges’
students continue their higher education by transferring to a university,”
Leslie said. “Partnership agreements
such as the one we are signing today
ensure that students will be able to
transfer seamlessly, and we are delighted to add one of the most highly
respected institutions in the state to
our roster of partner universities,”
he added.
“The remarkably popular Baylor
Bound program represents an affordable alternative for many community college students who wish
to complete their degree studies at
Baylor University. We are grateful
to Alamo Colleges for entering into
this collaborative partnership, which
will expand educational access
for students in Texas,” Starr said.
“What’s more, this partnership is of
personal significance to me as my
own higher education experience
began at San Antonio College. This
collaboration will provide an opportunity for students to begin with
a great education at Alamo Colleges
before concluding degree studies at
Baylor University.”
Students may declare their intent
to transfer to Baylor by submitting
the Baylor Bound application prior
to enrolling at Alamo Colleges or
while enrolled as a full-time student.
Admission to the program will be
determined by Baylor’s Office of
Admission Services.
Students at Alamo Colleges who
become part of the Baylor Bound
program can choose a plan from 66
majors, all of which are articulated
through specific MAPS – or Major
Academic Planners – that will assist
them as they move toward timely
degree completion. More information about these majors and course
transfer equivalency between Baylor
and Alamo Colleges is available atwww.baylor.edu/advising/bbmaps.
Students must be enrolled in an
approved A.A. or A.S. academic
program leading to an approved
Baylor B.B.A., B.A., B.S.W. or B.S.
degree and refer to Baylor’s Major
Academic Planner when planning
Advisers from both institutions
will help students select courses that
satisfy program requirements to allow for a successful transition from
Alamo Colleges to full-time status
at Baylor. Alamo Colleges Baylor
Bound students also will receive
information about scholarships for
transfer students and special transfer residential experiences. Also,
students from Alamo Colleges will
have access to Baylor’s libraries via
the Interlibrary Loan Agreement as
well as special opportunities to visit
the Baylor campus and meet with
Baylor representatives.
Baylor and Alamo Colleges officials, along with alumni, friends
and special guests from across the
region, gathered at a reception following the signing to celebrate the
historic partnership between the
two institutions. Speakers included
David P. McGee, chief executive officer and president of Amegy Bank
in San Antonio, Starr and Leslie.
San Antonio College presents
ALMA Conference
Join SAC for the 2nd Annual Conference on Male Student Success
Thursday, May 21, 2015
8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Nursing Allied Health Complex
(NAHC) Room 218
San Antonio College, 1819 N. Main
This FREE one-day conference features:
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
• Info about how to enroll in college.
• FREE lunch and giveaways!
RSVP now at Alamo.edu/sac/ALMA-Conference
Event is limited to first 100 RSVPs.
For info go to Alamo.edu/sac/ALMA-Conference or call 210-486-0125.
17 de mayo de 2015
Ward elected to National Texas A&M University-San
Academy of Sciences Antonio presents recordbreaking graduation class
By Ron Leibold
Dr. William Ward, a retired
Institute scientist at Southwest
Research Institute (SwRI),
was elected a member of the
National Academy of Sciences
for his excellence in original
scientific research. Membership in the NAS is one of the
highest honors given to a scientist or engineer in the United
States. Ward will be inducted
into the Academy next spring
during its 153rd annual meeting in Washington.
Ward was elected along with
83 others. Currently, there
are 2,250 active NAS members. Notable members have
included: Alexander Graham
Bell, Thomas Edison, Albert
Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer,
and Orville Wright.
Ward joined SwRI in 1998
following a 21-year career
at the NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, where he was a
senior research scientist. During his 16-year tenure at SwRI,
Ward contributed fundamental insights into the origin
and evolution of the Moon,
planet migration, planetary
mechanics, and planet and
satellite systems formation.
He is known for furthering
our understanding of the complex and subtle interactions
between planetary objects and
gaseous and particle disks. He
also helped develop the giant
impact theory of lunar formation and discover that the oscillations in Mars’ polar axes
drive strong climate variation
over time. He retired from
SwRI in August 2014.
“This is a great honor for
Bill Ward,” Dr. Jim Burch,
vice president of SwRI’s Space
Science and Engineering Divi-
By Marilu Reyna
Over 770 candidates for graduation from Texas A&M University-San Antonio crossed the
stage at the Spring Commencement Ceremony at the Freeman
Coliseum on Friday, May 15.
This graduating class was the
University’s largest ceremony
to date and the University saw a
full house as graduates and their
families and friends celebrated
this momentous occasion in
their lives.
The ceremony also saw Dr.
Cynthia Teniente-Matson, the
second president of A&M-SA,
shaking the hand of each graduate crossing the stage. Matson
joined A&M-San Antonio in
January of this year and is celDr. Bill Ward, National Academy of Sciences. (Courtesy Photo)
sion said. “While he was with
Southwest Research Institute,
his research contributed to and
expanded our understanding
of planetary science and the
formation of our solar system.”
Ward is the second elected
NAS member associated with
SwRI. Dr. Robin Canup, associate vice president of the
Space Science and Engineering
Division and head of SwRI’s
Boulder, Colo. office, was
elected a member in 2012.
Ward holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and physics from the University of
Missouri (Kansas City) and a
doctorate in planetary sciences
from the California Institute
of Technology. The American
Astronomical Society has honored him with two awards – the
prestigious Kuiper Prize from
the Division for Planetary Sciences in 2011, and the Brouwer
Award from the Division on
Dynamical Astronomy in 2004.
He was elected a Fellow of the
American Geophysical Union
in 2005 and a Fellow of the
American Association for the
Advancement of Science in
The National Academy of
Sciences is a private, nonprofit
honor society of distinguished
scholars engaged in scientific
and engineering research, dedicated to furthering science and
technology for the general welfare. Established in 1863, NAS
has served to “investigate, examine, experiment and report
upon any subject of science or
art” for the U.S. government.
For more information, visit:
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ebrating the completion of her
first semester as President. She
also accepted the invitation to
serve as keynote speaker for the
event to commemorate her first
graduation as president.
“I am honored to share my
story with the Class of 2015, the
faculty, staff and our guests. I
want them to know that I have
preciously clung to the ideal
that my parents shared with
me when I was 8 years old –
education is the foundation for
a better life. And wherever the
road takes them, graduating
from A&M-San Antonio will
be an outstanding pillar in their
success,” Dr. Cynthia TenienteMatson stated.
The Texas A&M University
System was represented by Ray
Bonilla, General Counsel for
the System.
Texas A&M-San Antonio
also takes pride in its commitment as a Military Embracing
University with distinctive
military honor cords for active
duty military and veteran students, who wore red, white and
blue “Patriot” commencement
cords for their contributions to
the country. Earlier this week,
a special ceremony was held to
drape the University’s student
veterans with their “Patriot”
commencement cords, further
enhancing their commitment to
the country both as a member
of the military and as a college
graduate. Many students will
also proudly wore honor cords
and stoles signifying academic
achievements and involvement
with honor societies.
The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.
RFP 15C-015
Deadline: 6/11/15
Pre-Proposal Meeting – Scheduled on May 27, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Killen Community
Education & Service Center, 201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. E, Room 108/109.
For more information, contact Asst. Director, Karen Gottfried, at 210/485-0122.
CSP 15A-017
Deadline: 6/11/15
For more information, contact Asst. Director, Jeremy Taub, at 210/485-0131.
CSP 15A-021
Deadline: 6/2/15
For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Terry Loomis, at 210/485-0056.
CSP 15A-023
Deadline: 5/21/15
For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Nikki Smith, at 210/485-0132.
CSP 15A-024
Deadline: 6/9/15
For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Nikki Smith, at 210/485-0132.
Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows:
By U.S. Mail or Courier Service:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693
San Antonio, TX 78212
By hand delivery by Bidder/Offeror:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101
San Antonio, TX 78212
Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the
hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s website www.
17 de mayo de 2015
BHP Billiton Gifts $2.4 million to Reforma energética...
San Antonio River Foundation
By Shana Avery
The San Antonio River Foundation announced a landmark
$2.4 million gift from leading
global resources company BHP
Billiton was received this week.
The gift was raised as part of the
Foundation’s Capital Campaign
to build Confluence Park and will
provide the funds necessary to
construct and name the Lake│Flato
Architects-designed “BHP Billiton Pavilion” & “BHP Billiton
Multi-Purpose Room” at the park.
Moving the Capital Campaign
beyond the halfway mark, the gift
is significant enough that it kicks
off Phase II of the Foundation’s
Capital Campaign to raise funds
for the design and build of the park
located at the intersection of the
San Antonio River and San Pedro
Creek on the Mission Reach of the
San Antonio River.
“One of our charter values as a
company is sustainability,” Rod
Skaufel, BHP Billiton Asset President, Shale said. “It’s defined as
‘putting health and safety first,
being environmentally responsible
and supporting our communities.’
Within that community support
priority, we place a strong emphasis
on education. The Foundation’s
educational vision for Confluence
Park is well aligned with our priorities and we’re proud to be able to
play a part.”
Announcement of the gift was
made at a luncheon at the generously donated Hilton Palacio del Rio.
The well-attended event included
members of the San Antonio River
Foundation Board of Directors and
staff, BHP Billiton executives, San
Antonio River Authority leadership
and local philanthropic and political leaders.
The San Antonio River Foundation’s most ambitious project
to date, Confluence Park will
transform a former Southside
industrial laydown yard into a
unique, interactive learning and
recreational space. The park will
include an educational pavilion, a
large scale water catchment system,
ecotype demonstration quadrants,
interactive educational play stations and an inviting gateway to
hiking and biking trails along the
Historic Mission Reach portion of
the San Antonio River. The entire
park is envisioned as a life-sized,
interactive teaching tool that will
inspire a greater understanding of
Texas ecotypes and their relationships with one another, encouraging students and adults alike to
become more involved with the
preservation and stewardship of
our waterways.
Established to provide amenities
and enhancements along the San
Antonio River and its tributaries not funded by public monies,
The San Antonio River Foundation (SARA) is operated with
the exclusive mandate to support
charitable, tax-exempt investment
in the educational, cultural and
ecological projects and activities
of the San Antonio River Authority. The Foundation’s investment
in Confluence Park will provide a
state-of-the-art outdoor classroom
to accommodate the River Authority’s well-established educational
outreach program that reached
22,000 students in the 2013-2014
school year. Educational programs
offered by SARA and supported
via funding through a secured $1
million SARF Educational Endowment will be offered to public
school systems free of charge,
including through the availability
of free transportation opportunities
for schools that could otherwise
not afford to participate in these
programs. This convergence of
resources will eliminate a huge
barrier to the provision of important
hands-on scientific environmental
educational experiences to San
Antonio area students.
Also unveiled at the luncheon
were new architectural renderings
of Confluence Park. Designed by
a much acclaimed team comprised
of Lake│Flato Architects, Matsys
and Rialto Studio, Confluence
Park’s programmatic elements and
educational features will include:
• Opportunities to experience and
learn more about five ecotypes that
occur in our region: The Grassland
Ecotype is a central feature in the
park around which the paths and
other ecotypes are organized; the
San Antonio River Improvement
Project Ecotype demonstrates the
species of plants used along the
river as part of SARA’s ongoing restoration project; the Trans
Pecos/Chihuahua Desert Ecotype
demonstrates the use of west Texas
plants that thrive in San Antonio
(this ecotype spreads into the parking lot providing dappled shading
for cars); the Texas Oak Conservatory Ecotype demonstrate the
many types of oak trees that thrive
in our region; the Texas Live Oak
Savannah provides shade around
the edges of the pavilion and will
help block unwanted winter winds
from the pavilion space.
• A site-wide water catchment
system which collects all the rainwater that falls on the site and feeds
this water into an underground
water storage tank
• Play areas are designed for
learning and exploration
• A primary pavilion constructed
of large concrete forms that together create a geometry that collects and funnels rainwater; this
lofty pavilion will provide shade
and shelter while at the same time
allowing visitors to understand the
cycle of water at Confluence Park
and how this cycle relates directly
to the San Antonio River watershed; the pavilion will speaks to the
confluence of water systems and
is oriented to point directly toward
the confluence of the San Antonio
River and San Pedro Creek
• Satellite pavilions that create
distinct gathering nodes throughout
the site and are derived from the
same form as the primary pavilion.
• A multi-purpose space that
has a green roof providing thermal mass for passive heating and
cooling; this space will be used
for classroom and meeting space
as well as pre-function space for
the primary pavilion; a supporting
actor to the pavilion structure, the
building’s lowered elevation will
make it appear to emerge from the
ground and gradually grow out of
the earth, becoming a fluid part of
the landscape
• A photovoltaic array that will
provide 100% of the energy use for
the project on a yearly basis
“With environmental education
as its core purpose, Confluence
Park is designed to inspire students and visitors to become more
involved with the river, practice
environmental stewardship and
gain a greater understanding of
Texas ecotypes,” San Antonio
River Foundation Executive Director, Estela Avery said. “This
generous gift from BHP Billiton is
instrumental in moving Confluence
Park from concept to construction.”
Local doctor hosts cultural
fashion show for children in need
By Christina Acosta
For the past three years, Ayesha Zaheer, M.D., has held a
fashion show to raise money
for The Children’s Shelter. The
theme for this year’s show is,
“Shine Bright like a Diamond.”
Coming from a Pakistani background, Dr. Zaheer has decided
to host a fashion show that will
represent Middle Eastern and
Asian cultures through clothing
and jewelry.
“What makes this runway
show different than the ones
from previous years is the cul-
ture. Middle-Eastern and Asian
cultures are known as closeknit communities,” Anais Biera
Miracle, Vice President of External Affairs at The Children’s
Shelter said.
Designers who will be a part
of the show include Pink Chiffon, Afsheen Mehboob, A.R.
Designs by Arefa Merchant, and
Deewani Collection by Amina
Hussain Pinky. Seamstresses will
be available to custom fit highend apparel for those interested
in purchasing clothing.
Dr. Zaheer wants to give back
to children who did not come
from a tight-knit family.
“She understands the value of
a physician and of a mother who
wants to help the community.
She enjoys giving back to the
community because she understands the crisis many families
go through in San Antonio,”
explained Miracle.
The funds collected from the
show will branch out to general
operating costs, emergency shelters and fostering and adoption
The luncheon and fashion
show will take place on Sunday,
May 17 from 12 p.m.to 6 p.m at
the Omni Hotel at the Colonnade,
9821 Colonnade Blvd.
chistera a final del mes”, expresó
De que habrá ofertas si habrá,
la pregunta es si habrá el mejor
tipo ofertas que aumentan el valor
de México.
Aparte de Wood, otros 10 ex-
pertos en energía participaron en
el simposio. Los temas de la conferencia variaron desde la política
en Washington hasta el sector de
energía en Canadá, Rusia, China,
Brasil, África y Libia.
South Texas Money Manage-
nio, but moved back to Mexico
with his family until he returned
a few years ago.
“There are a lot of people who
think immigrants take away jobs
from Americans, but they could
be taking the jobs that nobody
wants or that nobody is able to
fill,” Grimaldi said.
National and state-wide programs could work together to
fill jobs in high-skill fields like
nursing and low-skill jobs like
truck driving.
ment es una agencia que maneja
el dinero de diferentes compañías
y ha presentado el simposio por
los últimos 10 años como una
manera de actualizar a sus clien­
tes con las últimas noticias de
energía mundialmente.
(continued from page 1-A)
Right now, the United States
is facing a shortage of trained
nurses and health professionals,”
Grimaldi said. “There are trained,
high-quality nurses throughout the
world who are taught curriculum
similar to students here; Imagine
how much life quality would
improve if we could fill that gap.”
Thanks to the resources at Freeflow Research, Grimaldi was able
to apply for his National Interest
Waiver, which if accepted could
allow him to gain a Green card.
Cámara baja...
pulsada por el demócrata por
Arizona Rubén Gallego, hubiese
instado al secretario de Defensa
a considerar si los jóvenes indocumentados que dispusiesen
de un permiso de trabajo pueden
alistarse a las Fuerzas Armadas.
La propuesta de Gallego, que
fue aprobada anteriormente por
el Comité de Servicios Armados
de la Cámara en una votación
bipartidista, no hubiese tenido
un gran alcance, pero provocó la
reacción de los republicanos más
duros en materia migratoria, como
el legislador Steve King.
Brooks aseguró que la medida
de Gallego “traiciona a los estadounidenses al fomentar que el
departamento de Defensa contrate
(viene de la página 1-A)
Grimaldi plans to apply for law
school at St. Mary’s next year, so
he can better help individuals that
seek Freeflow’s assistance.
“There are other avenues and
pathways within the law that promote and advocate for solutions
that exist, and we work to find
them,” French added.
Individuals can visit Freeflow
Research’s Facebook page for
updates on upcoming programs
and events, www.facebook.com/
(viene de la página 1-A)
extranjeros ilegales en lugar de estadounidenses”, mientras que King
pidió que se retirase directamente
la enmienda del demócrata para
que ni siquiera fuese sometida a
debate, lo que terminó ocurriendo.
“No había razón para tener
esta batalla. Esta disposición no
debía haber sido controvertida.
Pero el señor Brooks y su banda
de republicanos extremistas antiinmigración sobrepusieron sus
políticas extremistas a los intereses
del Ejército y del país”, indicó
Galle­go tras la votación.
“Es decepcionante que los republicanos mantengan su guerra
contra las comunidades inmigrantes en lugar de reconocer las
contribuciones que han hecho y
pueden seguir haciendo a nuestro
país”, concluyó.
“¿Por qué el Congreso querría
detener a algunos de los mejores y
más brillantes de contribuir a nuestra sociedad y ayudar a la defensa
de nuestra nación?”, se preguntó el
presidente del Caucus Demócrata,
Xavier Becerra.
Bajo la ley actual, los jóvenes indocumentados no están totalmente
excluidos de la posibilidad de servir en las Fuerzas Armadas, ya que
algunos de los beneficiados por la
Acción Diferida implementada
por el presidente Barack Obama
en 2012 pueden unirse al cuerpo
militar en ciertos programas que
requieren especialización o el
conocimiento de otros idiomas.
Dealing with water damage
during a rainy season
By Erin Dufner
The Better Business Bureau
(BBB) offers tips for finding a
trustworthy water damage restoration contractor.
In Texas, springtime promises
many things: cars covered in pollen, seasonal allergies, bluebonnet
fields, warmer weather and light
rain showers. Unfortunately, not
all spring showers are “light.”
In fact, several areas in Texas
have seen so much rain that the
drought is all but forgotten. Just
this week, severe thunderstorms
have caused power outages, flooded roads and tornado warnings.
A gloomy weather forecast
is predicted to continue, which
means more rain and potential
damage for homeowners. The aftermath could lead to a leaky roof,
flooded basement or even mold.
So, don’t let the rainy day blues
ruin your mood—or your home.
BBB advises people dealing
with water or flood damage to:
• Contact your insurance company immediately. Inquire about
policy coverage and specific filing
requirements. This gets the ball
rolling on the claim process.
• Know the difference between
flood insurance and homeowners insurance: Flood damage is
typically caused by water that
has been on the ground before
damaging your home. Water
damage occurs when water damages your home before the water
comes in contact with the ground
(broken pipes, a leaky roof, etc).
These claims would be covered by
homeowners insurance.
• Do what you can to start mitigating further damage. If you’re
worried about wet carpets or
rugs, get fans and dehumidifiers
going. Talk to an expert to see if
the carpet/rugs or furnishings can
be salvaged.
• Document the damage to your
property. Take pictures or video
if possible.
Before hiring a contractor:
• Check work history and references. Ask for a list of references
to determine if the contractor is
familiar with your type of project.
A contractor should be able to give
you names and phone numbers of
at least three clients with projects
like yours. Ask each client how
long ago the project was and
whether it was completed on time.
• Find out if the contractor is
insured. Ask for copies of insurance certificates and make sure
they’re current, or you could be
held liable for any injuries and
damages that occur during the
project. The Federal Trade Commission recommends contractors
have personal liability, worker’s
compensation and property damage coverage.
• Prepare a written contract
agreement with anyone you hire.
It should specify the work to be
done, techniques to be used, and
the price breakdown for both labor
and materials. An agreed-upon
timeline is also a good idea.
• Never pay in full for all repairs
in advance, and do not pay cash.
• Don’t be pressured into making an immediate decision with a
long-term impact.
Although you may be anxious
to get things back to normal, avoid
letting your emotions get the better
of you. Make temporary repairs if
needed. Storm/flood damage victims should never feel pressured
to make a hasty decision or choose
an unknown company for repair.
Always do your research!
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17 de mayo de 2015
Dr. Thomas King selected CDC dicen que más hispanos
as 2015 Piper Professor tienen caries sin tratar que
By Will Sansom
Thomas S. King, Ph.D., a Distinguished Teaching Professor in
the School of Medicine at The
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, is a
2015 Piper Professor as selected
by the Minnie Stevens Piper
Dr. King received a $5,000
award, certificate and gold pin on
May 11, presented at the foundation’s request by William L.
Henrich, M.D., MACP, President
of the UT Health Science Center.
Only 10 faculty members statewide from institutions of higher
learning are honored annually as
Piper Professors.
Dr. King is a professor in the
Department of Cellular and Structural Biology and Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology. He
is very active as an instructor
throughout the preclinical curriculum, and is one of a number
of faculty central to the design
and implementation of a new and
highly innovative, clinically integrated curriculum in the School
of Medicine.
Dr. King sees himself as a
lifelong learner with a passion for
sharing his learning experiences
with his students. He doesn’t
subscribe to the idea that good
teachers are born that way.
“Good teachers have an innate
curiosity about the unknown, a
strong desire for sharing gained
knowledge and experiences and
a knack for communicating this
knowledge and experience to others,” he said.
“Tom is dedicated to empowering his students through knowledge and is relentless in his pursuit
of innovative methods that will
increase learning and drive lifelong learning,” said Chris Walter,
Ph.D., professor and chair of the
Department of Cellular and Structural Biology.
As an example, in collaboration
with colleagues and with funding
from AT&T, Dr. King developed
Virtual Microscopy for Health
Professionals, a comprehensive
set of digitally scanned color images of human tissue specimens
that all but replaces use of the
traditional light microscope and
glass slides to teach histology and
pathology to medical and dental
Over the course of more than
three decades of teaching in the
School of Medicine, Dr. King has
received numerous teaching accolades and awards, including the
prestigious University of Texas
System Regents Outstanding
Teaching Award in 2013. Other
awards include:
• Barbara Sanford Preclinical Teaching Award, American
blancos no hispanos
2015 Piper Professor, Dr.
Thomas King. (Courtesy Photo)
Medical Women’s Association
(AMWA) - 2002
• Gender Equity Award for
Preclinical Medical Education
(AMWA) - 1996
• Golden Apple Award, American Medical Student Association
- 1998
• Outstanding Faculty Award,
Graduating Medical Class - 2008,
2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003,
2002, 2001, 1992, 1989, 1988
• Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching - 1997
• UT Board of Regents Distinguished Teaching Professor - 2009
• UT Health Science Center
Academy of Master Teachers –
Ser higiénico la mejor
defensa contra infecciones
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
La higiene es la principal arma
para evitar infecciones en diversas
partes del cuerpo. Siempre he
tenido cuidado en casa, el trabajo
y sitios que visito, especialmente
centros gastronómicos y el consultorio médico al que, durante el
año, visito cuatro veces para mis
chequeos de costumbre.
A mis tres lectores les diré en
este testimonio que no es fácil
mantenerse alerta para evitar recoger algún microbio que lo ponga
a uno en la sala de emergencias o
en el quirófano.
Mis recomendaciones son siempre estar vigilante en lo que uno se
lleva a la boca, los ojos y partes
delicadas del cuerpo.
Para mí es fácil decirlo, pero me
ha funcionado. Nunca he visitado
sala de emergencias y hospitales,
por lo que les recomiendo ser cuidadosos consigo mismos y verán
buenos resultados.
Mi paciencia se acorta cuando
estoy en casa o en algún sitio
donde hay polvo o manchas en
los muebles, el piso y utensilios
que se utilizan para alimentos y
en las consultas médicas. Recien­
temente, en mi segunda visita
al doctor en lo que va del 2015,
estando en la sala de espera, comencé a observar polvo por todos
lados, manchas en los muebles.
Posteriormente, por si fuera
poco, en los momentos que el
asistente de mi doctor me llamó
para tomarme el peso en la báscula
“romana”, él sin ningún cuidado se
me acercó por el lado izquierdo,
resollando pausadamente muy
cerca de mi cara, lo cual comenzó
hacer mella en mi atrofiado cerebro que, de inmediato, empezó a
lanzar ataques al sistema nervioso
acelerando la alta presión y de
paso la ansiedad que padezco.
De la báscula el asistente médico me llevó a un cuarto en donde
se realizan los exámenes. Ni tan
siquiera me dio instrucciones
para que estuviera preparado en
los siguientes exámenes que se
me iban a realizar; cerró la puerta
y por espacio de cinco minutos
estuve tratando de controlar mi
ansiedad en ese encierro. A su
regreso, para entrar, tocó la puerta
y entró indicándome que me
iba a tomar la presión, sacarme
muestras de sangre y que luego
le entregara orina en un pequeño
recipiente de plástico.
Me tomó la alta presión, con
su continuo resuello de frente
a mi cara, lo cual me volvió a
impacientar. Luego, me preguntó
si estaba listo para dar muestras
de sangre, a lo cual respondí que
sí. Como de rutina, me pidió extender el brazo izquierdo, luego
con gruesa liga de plástico hizo
el tradicional “torniquete”, tomó
la jeringa y las ampolletas, sin tan
siquiera darse a la tarea por usar
guantes higiénicos de plástico.
No le referí nada. En dos minutos
llenó las dos ampolle­tas y luego
me pidió que fuera al sanitario para
traerle muestra de orina. Al entrar
al sanitario lo primero que me
llamó la atención fue una tupida
fuga de agua en el lavadero del
trapeador, traté de cerrar la llave,
pero nada pude hacer por contener
la fuga, ello volvió a impactarme;
sin embargo, me dediqué a dar la
muestra de orina.
Me dieron ganas de reportar
la fuga de agua. Esperé que los
siguientes clientes lo hicieran saber a la recepcionista o a la persona
encargada del consultorio. No fue
así y, bueno, yo seguí en espera de
ver a mi doctor.
Mientras estuve encerrado otra
vez, los minutos pasaban. Cada
vez se me hacían más largos.
Para ese entonces, visualmente,
ya había revisado cada rincón del
cuarto de exámenes, que presentaba sitios insalubres, polvo en
las orillas de la pared, debajo de
la camilla-reclinatorio, la llave
de agua tenía sarro en la “boca”.
En la puerta se encontraba una
lista de limpieza, que registraba
el último chequeo o revisión
hecho en el mes de noviembre
de 2013. Dicha lista indicaba que
la inspección higiénica tenía que
ser diaria. Yo pensé que en otras
ocasiones nunca le había puesto
tanta atención a la higiene en esa
clínica donde por diez años se me
ha dado asistencia médica. Quizás
en está ocasión mi mente se centró
en ver las falla para poder reclamar
un mejor servicio, debido a que en
la última sesión que tuve para mi
examen rutinario tuve que pasar
cuatro horas y media para que se
me dieran las recetas que periódicamente tengo que recibir de ese
consultorio. En esta ocasión pasé
dos horas y media, tiempo en el
que por mi mente pasaron miles de
pensamientos negativos. Me die­
ron ganas de salir corriendo, abandonar el consultorio y olvidarme
de regresar. No lo hice y en cuanto
tuve de frente al doctor le reclamé
diciéndole que siendo el segundo
paciente, él me atendió como el
quinto “cliente”. Su respuesta fue
lo siguiente: “Mire, señor Franco,
no nada más atiendo a pacientes,
los escuchó y examinó paso por
paso, a mí me interesa la salud
de cada uno, por ello les dedico
buen tiempo, su salud depende de
mí. Además, tengo que atender a
agentes representativos de laboratorios que nos traen nuevos medicamentos, como muestras que les
damos a clientes que comenzaran
nuevos tratamientos. Ello me lleva
tiempo. Usted verá como lo voy a
Claro, el doctor me dejó complacido, luego de haberme reali­
zado extenso examen, del que
salí bien. Lo que más me molestó
fue que es un “doctor muy platicador”, yo no voy al consultorio
a escuchar conversaciones entre
paciente y doctor. Voy porque
necesito surtir medicamentos que
son los que me han conservado en
buen estado de salud por espacio
de quince años, lapso que me ha
ayudado a mantenerme sobrio.
Lo de ser una persona que gusta
de la higiene en ocasiones me
ha causado problemas ante individuos que no tienen cuidado y
respeto para quienes les rodean.
Por ejemplo, cuando acudo a un
restaurante estilo bufet, donde
todos los clientes con sus manos
hacen contacto con cada cucharon
o tenazas, yo opto como medida
precautoria tomar con servilleta en
mano cada utensilio evitando así el
contacto con impurezas que cada
mango de utensilios pueda tener.
En mi cita regular con mi doctor
detesto que no se me atienda a la
hora que se me da la cita, desde ahí
comienzo mal, o que me tengan
encerrado por horas en el mismo
Lo que me ayuda a soportar la
pésima higiene y el encierro.
Mis experiencias (buenas o
malas) del tiempo que he pasado
encarcelado me han ayudado para
comportarme mentalmente en el
encierro. Pero estar en espera de
ver al médico siendo uno de los
primeros en la lista y que no se
me haga caso es cuando entonces
cambia mi estado de ánimo.
Les diré que no estoy curado del
todo, mi única enfermedad crónica
es el alcoholismo, para la cual no
existe medicamento alguno para
recuperar la sobriedad. La mejor
medicina depende de uno mismo y
el amor a nuestros seres queridos.
Hasta la próxima D.M.
EFE - Una mayoría en Estados Unidos tiene caries, y
entre ellos los hispanos que
superan a los blancos en la falta
de tratamiento de esta erosión
dental, reportaron los Institutos
Nacionales de Salud (NIH) y los
Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).
Cerca del 91 % de los adultos
entre 20 y 64 años en el país
tiene caries permanente, y el 27
% de estas no ha sido tratada,
según el reporte.
El informe encontró que la
proporción de caries sin tratar
era mayor entre los hispanos (36
%) y afroamericanos (42 %), en
comparación con los blancos no
hispanos (22 %).
Asimismo, el porcentaje de
personas con caries a los 65
años aumenta a un 96 %, con
al menos uno de cada cinco sin
El informe encontró que entre
los adultos de 65 años o más,
la pérdida total de dientes fue
menor en los hispanos (15 %),
en comparación con los blancos
no hispanos (17 %).
Las autoridades destacaron la
necesidad de redoblar esfuerzos
para mejorar la salud dental de
los estadounidenses, en especial
de aquellos más propensos a
padecer de este tipo de proble­
Entre las barreras citadas
en el estudio, se encuentra la
falta de acceso a cuidado dental
preventivo, falta de cobertura
dental y difícil accesibilidad a
servicios dentales cercanos a la
zona de residencia.
De acuerdo con un estudio
de los CDC divulgado previamente, el 27 %de los menores
hispanos entre 6 y 11 años tiene
caries en un diente permanente,
en comparación con cerca del
18 % de los niños blancos no
hispanos y asiáticos.
Asimismo, la proporción
de caries sin tratar en dientes
primarios fue dos veces más
alta entre los menores hispanos
entre 2 y 8 años que entre los
menores blancos no hispanos,
según los CDC.
Una mayoría en Estados Unidos tiene caries, y entre ellos los hispanos superan a los blancos no
hispanos en la falta de tratamiento de esta erosión dental, reportaron los Institutos Nacionales de
Salud (NIH) y los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). EFE/Archivo
“It Takes a Village”
tional needs are addressed. To
By Anais Biera Miracle
provide a great example, we have
VP of External Affairs The been in partnership with a local,
Children’s Shelter
family-owned pharmacy for over
40 years. Carvajal Pharmacy,
The African proverb, “It takes which is owned and operated by
a village to raise a child,” can Raymond and Charles Carvajal,
be heard around the globe and has been in business since 1969
is synonymous to parents and and is a staple on the Southside
caregivers of children. As a of San Antonio. Javier de Hoyos,
child-centered organization, The Case Manager at The Children’s
Children’s Shelter has placed Shelter emergency shelter recalls
children first since 1901. For one evening when a child was in
over a century we have relied on urgent need of their medication;
the guiding principle to fulfill our Mr. Charles Carvajal personally
mission to restore innocence and delivered the medication to our
strengthen families.
emergency shelter. Carvajal
People are amazed at the ser- Pharmacy is one example of
vices provided by The Children’s how they exemplify “it takes a
Shelter. The Children’s Shelter village.”
relies on a village to ensure we
Behind the services provided
provide high-quality, trauma- to our children and families, we
informed care services for all of have compassionate and empaour clients. We rely on qualified thetic people who have made it
and trained staff members to their work to serve the needs of
provide 24/7 care for our chil- children and families. We have
dren at our emergency shelter a team of parent educators who
and residential treatment center. work with families across Bexar
Along with meeting basic needs, County to prevent child abuse
we work with nurses, physicians, and neglect. The Children’s
mental health professionals, and Shelter not only has 220 full-time
teachers to ensure our children’s employees, we have over 150
physical, emotional, and educa- volunteers who are the pillars
in the lives of our children who
provide love and attention, as
this helps our children learn how
to build a healthy relationship.
When a child is discharged
from our care, there may be a
placement in one of our foster
care homes. Over 70 foster
families have made it their personal mission to open their heart,
home, and family to providing
temporary care for children who
are survivors of unspeakable
abuse and neglect. When a child
or sibling group cannot go home
due to the rights of their parents
being terminated or their case is
still in court, our children need
a safe, loving, and therapeutic
home, until their fate is decided.
Our entire continuum of care is
centered on the child and impact
to community. Without our village, we could not provide the
countless services to our children
and families to address their
most critical needs. If you are
interested in learning how you
can be on our team, volunteer
your time, or foster a child, visit
our website at www.childrensshelter.org or call 210-212-2500.
We can help.
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17 de mayo de 2015
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17 de mayo de 2015
LeBron or Jordan?
Week In
Deflated Status
Do these things ever stop? LeBron or
Jordan? Which is the better of the two?
By the time you read this, the Cavs may
have already ended the Bulls NBA
playoff dreams. Now we’re dealing
with Jalen Rose and Chris Webber
who want to air their dirty laundry and
their beliefs about which team is better,
Louisville or Michigan? Stay tuned!
Much more to come.
Kawhi Leonard dejó buenos números
El alero californiano Kawhi
Leonard no jugó seis partidos de
pretemporada y 17 del rol regular
(de los 82 que normalmente se juegan en cada temporada en la NBA)
por haber padecido conjuntivitis.
Dicha enfermedad le llevó a
mantenerse fuera de la duela hasta
que fue dado de alta para comenzar
entrenamientos y, posteriormente,
reunirse con la quinteta titular conformada por el poste brasileño Tiago
Splitter, el escolta neoyorquino,
el guardia francés Tony Parker y
el alero y capitán caribeño Tim
Duncan, nativo de St. Croix, Islas
Leonard, de 23 años de edad,
nativo de Los Ángeles, con estructura física de 6 pies y 7 pulgadas de
estatura (2.01 metros), 230 libras
de peso (104 kilos), cursó estudios
superiores en San Diego State University (SDSU), donde del 2009 al
2011 participó en 70 partidos con
el equipo Aztecs (apodo deportivo
de SDSU), asociado a la Mountain
West Conference (MWC), dejando
marca personal de una designación
como MVP novato de la MWC, así
como 14.1 puntos, 10.2 rebotes, 2.2
asistencias por partido.
En el 2011 Leonard fue parte del
equipo All-American.
Por sus buenos números en el baloncesto colegial, Leonard participó
en el NBA Draft 2011, quedando
sembrado en la primera vuelta en
el 15 escaño, y siendo elegido por
los Pacers de Indiana, franquicia
que posteriormente lo canjeó a San
Antonio por el guardia George Hill.
De acuerdo al entrenador Gregg
Popovich, Leonard llegó a los Spurs
como jugador disparador en el área
chica, con habilidades naturales en
la ofensiva y defensiva, por lo que
a su debido tiempo su equipo de
asistentes estuvieron trabajando con
él en el desarrollo de tiros triples, y
en el plan de juego acostumbrado.
Leonard, una persona callada,
en sus primeras dos temporadas
se dedicó a ser ejecutor de toda estrategia estructurada por Popovich.
En la tercera campaña Leonard
comenzó a dar rienda suelta a sus
capacidades sobre la duela colaborando con el equipo en la conquista
del quinto banderín de la Conferencia del Oeste, el que puso a los Spurs
en el sendero de la conquista de su
quinto campeonato, disputando la
gran final contra el Heat de Miami
en serie que se fue a toda la ruta,
los siete partidos programados por
la NBA.
Ante Miami, Leonard brilló
hasta el último minuto del séptimo
cotejo, el cual fue clave para ambas
franquicias. Pero al final con el lamentable resultado de haber perdido
la oportunidad de ganar el quinto
trofeo Larry O’Brien para San Antonio, ya que el Heat –encabezado
por autonombrado “King” LeBron
James– superó a los Spurs con
marcador de 95 a 88.
Sin embargo, Leonard y sus compañeros, sin quitarle el enfoque a un
campeonato más, en la campaña
2013-14 volvieron por sus fueros
finalizando en el liderato del oeste
con marca de 62 victorias por 20
derrotas, ganando el sexto banderín
del oeste y su pase de nueva cuenta
a la 2014 NBA Finals ante el Heat,
al que en cinco partidos destronaron
coronando sus sueños y la captura
del quinto campeonato mundial, en
el que obtuvo la elección del jugador Más Valioso (MVP) del playoff.
Consumado su sueño por obtener
su primera sortija de campeón en
la NBA, y con el precioso trofeo
MVP-Finals 2014 en su vitrina,
Leonard llegó optimista al campo de
entrenamiento para acondicionarse
físicamente y estar de nueva cuenta
en condición de juego.
Y estuvo listo para su viaje al viejo continente en donde celebraron
par de encuentros de pretemporada
ante representativos del baloncesto
La primera parada fue en la
ciudad de Berlín, donde disputaron
partido contra el local Alba Berlín,
que se adjudicó la victoria con marcador de 94-93. Posteriormente, se
enfrentaron ante el club Fenerbahce
Ulker de Turquía, al que derrotaron
A su retorno a San Antonio,
Leonard se reportó con infección de
ojo (conjuntivitis), lo cual lo ubicó
en la lista de jugadores inactivos
mientras convalecía de la molesta
En la pasada temporada 2014-15,
que fue el cuarto año para Kawhi
Leonard defendiendo los colores de
la franquicia Silver & Black, por el
tiempo perdido por su recuperación
tuvo participación como abridor
en 65 partidos de los 82 jugados,
ayudando a los Spurs a ubicarse en
el sexto lugar de la tabla general del
oeste con marca de 55 victorias por
27 derrotas.
En los 65 partidos jugados en el
rol regular, obtuvo marca personal
de 35.7 minutos de juego, en los
que encestó 20.3 puntos, con 7.4
rebotes, 2.6 asistencias, 1.1 robos
de balón por partido, siendo el líder
de la NBA en robos. Por esto fue
elegido por un panel de periodistas
que cubren la fuente de la NBA en
Estados Unidos y el Canadá como
el 2014 NBA Defensive Player of
the Year. “Este trofeo no solamente
NewsUSA - Basketball and
bicycling rank highest for injuries
among recreational sports, causing 1.5 million accidents per year.
Baseball, soccer and softball follow, each with almost half a million injuries yearly, according to
the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Whether you’re upping your
own practice schedule or you’re a
parent of a student athlete headed
back to school, heeding a few precautions goes a long way.
Here are some tips from osteopathic physician Marcel Fraix,
member of the Fellow of the
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
(FAAPMR) and assistant professor
at Western University of Health
Sciences. Fraix is also a staff physician at Casa Colina Centers for
Rehabilitation in California, where
he specializes in sports-related
* Start with a check-up when
possible. Physical stress on a young
body can be harmful when coupled
with an underlying medical condition or heart problem. Likewise, get
an exam before stressing the heart
if you’re middle-aged and mostly
Pre-conditioning programs for
specific sports help. Injuries usually
occur at the beginning of the season, when you are most likely to be
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
By Jessica Duran
[email protected]
In sports, one moment can either tarnish or define your career.
For New England Patriots fans,
quarterback Tom Brady’s legacy
is starting to be questioned after the
recent report by Ted Wells claiming
he falsely denied any knowledge of
Since the Wells Report has come
to life, the Patriots equipment manager has been suspended indefinitely; the NFL has suspended Brady
for four games, fined the team one
million dollars and stripped it of
three future draft picks.
The Patriots are no strangers to
any kind of scandal as they were
accused of spying on the Baltimore
Ravens nine years ago in the notorious “Spygate” incident. Coach
Bill Belichek has not been easily
trusted since.
The fallout from that incident
was tremendous, but Brady was
never questioned, just viewed as
a player who followed his coach.
But, some form of cheating has
seemed to linger over Brady and
the Patriots ever since. Some questioned the Patriots previous three
Super Bowl victories but eventually
let the attention surrounding those
titles die out.
After another scandal revolving
around cheating, fans are questioning what they can believe from the
football star. Without a doubt, Tom
Brady is one of the best to ever play
quarterback with or without the
scandals. As far as we know, this
incident is a one-time thing. No one
knows if this has been done before
the 2015 AFC Championship game
against the Baltimore Ravens.
What bothers fans so much is
that Brady lied to them. Instead of
owning up to the truth, apologizing
and taking the suspension like a
man, he has avoided the situation
and is looking to appeal the NFL’s
decisions. Yes, fans would be still
upset but not nearly as much if he
just accepted what is happening.
Unfortunately, it might not be that
simple since he has interfered with
the investigation by giving up his
phone, which could be huge trouble
for him legally.
NFL teams need to go back to
their roots by playing for the love
of the game and playing their hearts
out. If you win, you push harder to
keep winning. If you lose, you keep
your head up, brush it off and come
back fighting. In today’s game there
are cheating scandals, steroid scandals, DWI arrests, and other things
that keep football from being the
pure sport it used to be.
Teams should model themselves
after the Green Bay Packers and
the San Antonio Spurs (NBA).
After devastating playoff losses,
both teams have brushed it off and
continue to enjoy life and working towards next year. The Spurs
played paintball and went indoor
sky diving as a team, while the
Packers recently went to the Pitch
Perfect 2 premiere, as they actually
guest-starred in the movie as an a
capella group. And recently, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers
won $50,000 on Celebrity Jeopardy
that was later donated to charity.
If you’re heading into any major
sport professionally, keep your head
straight, work hard and you’ll see
results. Don’t cut corners and play
for the love of the game. With this
being my opinion and the Brady
Scandal, all I can say is Go Pack Go.
With NBA season just about to end,
everyone is now waiting for the NFL
season to begin. Oddly enough there
are five bad teams that could make
next year’s playoffs. The envelope
please: Atlanta Falcons, Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings, St. Louis
Rams and Cleveland Browns. Yeah,
we’re still laughing.
El alero estelar de los Spurs, Kawhi Leonard, se encuentra en el escaparate de agentes libres en
la NBA. Leonard en su contrato por cuatro años con San Antonio tuvo de sueldo base $8, 323,699
dólares. (Foto, Franco)
lo he ganado yo, también es de mis
compañeros quienes fueron los que
me ayudaron a realizar mi defensivo
juego”, dijo Leonard.
El angelino, en la primera ronda
del playoff, jugó los 7 encuentros
ante el rival Clippers de Los Ángeles, finalizando con marca personal
de 7 juegos jugados, 35 minutos
de acción, y 20.3 puntos anotados
por cotejo.
En el último segundo del séptimo
partido tuvo la oportunidad de oro
para encestar con asistencia enviada
por el poste francés suplente Boris
Diaw, quien de globo desde la
banda izquierda (en la cancha del
Staples Center de Los Ángeles) le
envió el esférico estando él ubicado
bajo el tablero. Leonard logró hacer
contacto, pero lamentablemente fue
interceptado por el delantero Matt
Barnes, que evitó el empate, cuando
los Clippers –con marcador a favor
de 111-109– estaban a punto de
celebrar su pase a la semifinal del
oeste, lo cual se concretó y Leonard vio esfumarse la oportunidad
de haber forzado el partido a cinco
minutos de tiempo extra.
“Kawhi Leonard hizo buen trabajo en la temporada y el playoff.
En cuartos de final no estuvo a la
altura de su nivel de juego. No siempre se puede contar con los mismos
servicios de cada jugador, cada
out of shape. Building hamstrings
and inner quadriceps muscles helps
prevent knee injuries.
* Diligently use the proper safety
equipment, e.g., mouth guards,
safety goggles, helmets and elbow
and knee pads. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen SPF 15 or higher.
* Stay adequately hydrated
with water or a water-electrolyte
drink. Replacing fluid lost from
sweating is essential to maximize
athletic performance and prevent
heat exhaustion, especially during
warm weather.
* Treat injuries on the spot.
Keep a first aid kit ready for cuts
and scrapes, allergic reactions,
insect bites and eye irritations.
Most importantly, be prepared to
treat muscle pain at the first sign
before it sidelines you. There are
safe, natural and unscented pain
relievers available.
Look for a homeopathic medicine like Arnicare Gel (www.
Arnicare.com), which works with
the body instead of just masking
pain. Try it on legs stiff from running or cycling, or on shoulders
aching from too many tennis racket
swings. It also helps with pain from
strained ligaments or bumps and
bruises from hard-fought basketball
* Limit practice and playing
time. Nearly half of all injuries
suffered by children are results of
partido es diferente. Leonard tendrá bien merecidas sus vacaciones
de verano, pero como lo conozco,
sé que estará activo entrenándose
por su cuenta”, apuntó el estratega
Ahora lo que sigue para el alero
californiano Kawhi Leonard es
la negociación de su contrato por
entrar a la lista de agentes libres en
la NBA.
Su agente Brian Elfus será quien
el primero de julio se siente en la
mesa de negociaciones con representantes de equipos y de los Spurs
para ver cuáles son las mejores
opciones que les garanticen un contrato de acuerdo a sus exigencias.
Keeping athletes safe on and off the field
(Courtesy Photo, NewsUSA)
overdoing it. Consider allowing a
child to take three months off per
year and limiting practice to 12
hours per week for one sport, and
20 hours for multiple sports.
La Prensa de San Antonio
17 de mayo de 2015
Rubén García Jr. es la nueva Stars Re-sign Danielle Adams
esperanza para la Nascar
Special to La Prensa
El joven piloto Rubén García Jr. es la nueva esperanza de México para sobresalir en competencias
automovilísticas del circuito Nascar Internacional. (Foto, cortesía)
Por Javier Mota
Nascar Wire Service
Con apenas 19 años de edad el
piloto Rubén García jr., nativo
de la Ciudad de México (Distrito
Federal), es todo un veterano del
automovilismo profesional. Y
con su segunda nominación al
programa NASCAR Next es la
nueva esperanza para que un piloto de México logre los mayores
éxitos de la Nascar Sprint Cup.
Su deseo de alcanzar los máximos niveles de la NASCAR lo
heredó de su padre, Rubén García
Sr., quien participó en algunas
carreras de lo que ahora es la
XFINITI Series, y lo que lo ha
ido guiando hasta convertirse en
una de las jóvenes promesas del
automovilismo en dos países.
“Empecé a los cinco años
piloteando Go-Karts y cuando
cumplí siete comencé a manejar
Touring Cars y a partir de ahí
he venido creciendo”, comentó
García Jr., quien fue informado
que resultó seleccionado para el
programa NASCAR Next por
segunda temporada consecutiva.
“Me inicié a pilotear en Nascar
cuando tenía la edad de 15 años
en el 2012 y desde entonces he
venido avanzando paso a paso
buscando siempre metas más
García Jr. ya cumplió cuatro
temporadas completas en la México Toyota Series y quedó en segundo lugar en la Clasificación de
Pilotos la temporada pasada, cuando
logró una victoria y 10 Top 10s.
Además, ya ha participado en tres
carreras de la XFINITY Series en
Estados Unidos.
“Estoy contento por el nombramiento para este año. Es un
programa muy importante para mi
carrera porque me da muchísimo
apoyo y publicidad dentro y fuera
de la pista y eso es justo lo que
necesitamos los pilotos que estamos buscando un camino hacia
algunas de las Series Nacionales
de la Nascar. Ahora estoy en
mi segundo año dentro del programa y estoy buscando sacarle
el máximo provecho para lograr
un proyecto más sólido”, explicó
García Jr.
El audaz y joven piloto, junto a
sus compatriotas Germán Quiroga
y Daniel Suárez, forman parte de
una nueva generación de pilotos
mexicanos que han empezado
a dejar huella en la Nascar, tras
pioneros como Carlos Contreras,
quien el año pasado logró el récord como único mexicano con
más de 100 carreras en las series
nacionales de la Nascar, pero
quien nunca logró mayores éxitos.
“Nascar ha crecido en México.
Actualmente es la categoría más
importante. Es un mercado en
crecimiento donde existe mucho
talento. Ya hemos visto a Daniel
Suárez (piloto de la XFINITY
Series) que está teniendo buen
año. Por igual Quiroga, que tuvo
un par de buenas temporadas en
la Truck Series, y con eso Nascar
ha visto que hay mucho talento en
México, y hay mucha oportunidad de poder internacionalizar la
categoría. Es un buen momento
para aprovechar y buscar un buen
proyecto como mexicano en Estados Unidos”, explicó García Jr.
Este crecimiento de la Nascar
en México y las oportunidades
que se abren en Estados Unidos
para pilotos jóvenes como él,
gracias al programa NASCAR
Next, fueron los factores para que
el capitalino (García Jr.) se deci-
diera por buscar oportunidades en
esta serie en lugar de otras quizás
más populares en su país como
la IndyCar Series y sobre todo la
Fórmula 1, en la que compite su
compatriota Sergio Pérez con el
equipo Force India.
“A mí siempre me ha gustado la
Nascar, siempre me he inclinado
al camino de la Nascar, así que
aunque no existiera el programa
NASCAR Next yo seguiría haciendo la lucha para correr en
alguna de las series principales
de la misma. Pero sin duda esto
ayuda para que sea un camino
menos difícil en la búsqueda de
encontrar una oportunidad acá”,
añadió Rubén García Jr.
El piloto mexicano continúa
demostrando su talento en la pista.
En esta temporada ya logró dos
Top 10s en la NASCAR México
Series y está en cuarto puesto de
la Clasificación de Pilotos, porque
confía en poder pelear por el
campeonato una vez, antes de dar
el salto definitivo a Estados Unidos, donde esperan retos dentro y
fuera de la pista.
El programa NASCAR Next
está en su quinto año y ya cuenta
con destacados egresados como
el campeón de la XFINITY Series Chase Elliott, el ganador del
Premio Sunoco al Novato del Año
2014 en la Sprint Cup. También
Kyle Larson y Cole Custer, el ganador más joven en la historia de
una carrera de la Camping World
Tuck Series. Para García Jr. esta
será una nueva oportunidad de
mostrarse ante los equipos de la
Nascar de Estados Unidos.
“Vamos a tener muchas actividades todos los meses en las que
tendremos gran apoyo mediático.
Se espera mucho contacto con la
gente importante de NASCAR,
con los pilotos y los equipos de
Sprint Cup para darnos a conocer
y hablar con ellos para buscar
una oportunidad para nosotros”,
apuntó García Jr.
En su alargada entrevista el
piloto mexicano opinó que los
coches de aquí son más rápidos,
los autódromos son más amplios
y todo eso hace la diferencia en
cada competencia. A ello dijo que
si se le agrega que en la XFINITY
Series hay por lo menos ocho
pilotos que tienen el nivel para
ser campeones en la Sprint Cup.
“Ya hablamos de un nivel
que es muy importante a nivel
internacional. A mí me sirvió
muchísimo para aprender de ellos
y aplicar las experiencia en el desempeño de mi estilo de pilotear
en México donde he visto mejorar
mis habilidades y estar listo para
lo que me depara el futuro en la
NASCAR”, concluyó el audaz
piloto mexicano Rubén García Jr.,
quien antes de cumplir los 20 años
ha comenzado a fincar su nicho
entre los mejores de su categoría
en Nascar.
The San Antonio Stars (Women’s National Basketball Association/WNBA) have re-signed
forward Danielle Adams to a
multi-year contract, head coach
and general manager Dan G.
Hughes recently announced.
Adams played 34 games in 2014
and ranked fourth in the team,
averaging 10.9 points, while adding 4.1 rebounds in 20.6 minutes.
She finished the season ranking
third on the Stars in total field
goals (135) and tied for third in
three-point field goals made (39).
“We are pleased to have Danielle Adams with the Stars going
into the future,” Hughes said.
“She is truly a unique and versatile player that creates matchup
issues for the opposition. Danielle
has become an exciting WNBA
story after being drafted in a later
round in 2011, and we are happy
to have her in San Antonio.”
In her career, Adams has appeared in 125 games, averaging
12.4 points, 4.5 rebounds and 1.0
assists in 22.1 minutes. She was
a Western Conference All-Star in
2011, and holds the Stars singlegame record for points, scoring
39 on the final day of the 2013
season against the Atlanta Dream.
Adams was selected by the
Stars in the second round (20th
overall) of the 2011 WNBA Draft
out of Texas A&M where she won
a NCAA Championship during
her senior season. She was named
to the 2011 WNBA All-Rookie
team along with teammate Danielle Robinson.
The San Antonio Stars will
begin the 2015 season, presented
by CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health
System and H-E-B, on June 5
when they travel to Phoenix to
take on the defending WNBA
champion, the Phoenix Mercury
at the US Airways Center at 8
p.m. The Friday night opener
marks the second consecutive season and eighth time in franchise
history that the Stars will begin
the season away from home, dating back to their move from Salt
Lake City, Utah to San Antonio
in 2003.
Following a second road game
in Atlanta on June 11, the Stars
will host their home opener on
Sunday, June 14, at 3:30 p.m.
against the Tulsa Shock. Each of
San Antonio’s 2015 home contests will be played at the Freeman
Coliseum, as the AT&T Center is
scheduled to undergo extensive
The Stars face the defending
champion Phoenix Mercury four
times during the 2015 season,
with three of those matchups
scheduled for June. San Antonio
Stars forward Danielle Adams. (Photo, Franco)
will face 2014 playoff foe Minnesota Lynx four times during the
campaign, the first of which lands
on June 19 at home.
San Antonio will begin the
34-game schedule by playing
five games at home and four on
the road in the first month of the
season. The longest road trip
of the year spans seven days in
three cities, starting with a July 10
matchup in Indiana, then followed
by a July 12 game in Minnesota
and finishing on July 15 in New
August marks the busiest
month for the Stars, who will play
11 games, five at home and six
on the road, in a span of 29 days.
San Antonio will conclude its
2015 regular season schedule on
September 13 in Seattle against
the Storm.
Also the 2015 home schedule will feature exciting theme
nights, including Camp Day,
Military Appreciation Night and
Breast Health Awareness Night;
the latter of which includes the
annual jersey auction following
the conclusion of the game with
proceeds benefiting breast health
The 2015 Stars season marks
the team’s 13th year in San Antonio and the 19th season in the
WNBA. Stars games can be heard
on The Ticket 760 KTKR-AM
with Andrew Monaco giving the
play-by-play. For more information on Stars single-game tickets,
planned theme nights or full and
partial season ticket plans, visit
SAStars.com. Individual tickets
will be available to the general
public at all San Antonio Ticketmaster locations, including by
phone at (210) 225-TEAM, or
online at ticketmaster.com, or by
calling (210) 444-5090.
The San Antonio Stars are
one of four professional sports
franchises owned and operated
by Spurs Sports & Entertainment
(SS&E), along with the San Antonio Spurs (NBA), the Rampage
(AHL) and the Austin Spurs
(NBA Development League). The
2015 season will mark the team’s
13th year in San Antonio, as the
Utah Starz it relocated to the
Alamo City in 2013. In operation
since 1997, the WNBA –which
features 12 teams, is the most
successful women’s professional
team sports league in the world.
Águilas de La Sauceda de Héctor
Ibarra y Benito Martínez se agenciaban sorpresiva victoria ante
Juggernauts, que fue campeón de
la zona norte y subcampeón del
playoff inverna.
Por otra parte, directivos, jugadores y aficionados por este
conducto dan su sentido pésame a
la señora Elvia Rodríguez, esposa
del presidente Rodríguez, por el
fallecimiento de su padre Tomás
Altamirano, quien junto con su
esposa fueron grandes colaboradores de Tex-Mex IBL.
Este domingo 17 de mayo si el
clima lo permite el rol de juegos
se jugará con los siguientes partidos.
A las 9 a.m. Desperados vs.
12:30 p.m. High Sox vs. Águilas de La Sauceda.
4 p.m. Rough Riders vs. Juggernauts, que será el clásico.
Le tocará descansar al club
“Mis suegros, desde que
inauguramos Tex-Mex IBL, nos
dieron gran apoyo. Siempre estuvieron con nosotros aportando
su valioso tiempo. Siempre lo
recordaremos. Descanse en paz”,
dijo el presidente Rodríguez.
Tex-Mex IBL
La pasada jornada dominical en
Tex-Mex Independent Baseball
League (Tex-Mex IBL), que se
jugó en el estadio Capital Park
(ubicado en el 11793 Bulverde
Road), el presidente y fundador
Gilberto Rodríguez recopiló las
estadísticas de los tres partidos
que se jugaron ante un buen
número de espectadores.
En el primer cotejo High Sox
derrotó a los Desperados del
padrino de temporada Elías Contreras, que no ha podido levantar
el vuelo.
Marlins sorprendió al trabuco
de Rough Riders, mientras que
Like us on
Facebook for
updates, local
news and weekly
17 de mayo de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio
Real Nacional y San Jacinto campeones en Soccer Liga de Los Altos
Por José I. Franco
En espectacular gran final
los equipos Real Nacional y
Club San Jacinto se coronaron
campeones en la primera división
y primera A, respectivamente.
Real Nacional disputó el
banderín ante Leones Negros,
que cayeron doblegados con
marcador de 3 a 2 goles, con
dos tantos anotados por Michael
Los directivos Enrique Ca-
rreto y Edgar Lira recibieron el
flamante trofeo presentado por el
señor Juan Padilla, presidente de
Soccer Liga de Los Altos.
“Se jugó una intensa final
en la que hubo buen fútbol.
Nuestros jugadores jugaron
con el corazón, pasión y fuerza
logrando concretar el título que
tanto se nos había negado”, dijo
Edgar Lira.
En la división de ascenso
(Primera A) el debutante equipo
Club San Jacinto de Griselda y
Daniel Flores con marcador de
2-1 ganaron su primer banderín
ante el duro rival Deportivo Laredo de Roberto Vargas.
El torneo de consolación lo
ganó el Deportivo Jiménez del
director técnico José Jiménez
que, con un marcador de 3-0,
derrotó al Deportivo Louisiana.
El Levi Strauss Park fue el
marco donde el presidente Padilla y su familia estuvo reconociendo y presentando trofeos a
los campeones, subcampeones,
líderes de la tabla general, goleadores y porteros campeones.
En la primera división el tercer
lugar fue para Club Deportivo
Tlagua, en la de ascenso se le
destinó al plantel Arsenal. Deportivo Juvenil se agenció trofeo
por haber culminado de súper
líder en la tabla general de la
primera división.
El delantero Jesús García
“La Rata”, capitán de Leones
Negros, con 12 goles anotados
en la temporada fue el campeón
goleador. “Este trofeo es el
número ochenta que ganó y todavía me salen debiendo”, dijo
El trofeo de portero menos
goleado fue para Jesús Pérez,
que tuvo 14 goles en contra.
En la división A, el campeón
goleador fue Ángel Aldape con
14 goles del Atlético.
El portero campeón fue Raymundo Solís con 18 goles en
contra del subcampeón Deportivo Laredo.
“En la siguiente temporada
LSDA premiará al campeón
de primera división con juego
de uniformes y cuatrocientos
dólares. El segundo lugar tendrá
de premio inscripción gratis.
Gracias a todos los equipos y
colaboradores por su deportiva
aportación. Les recuerdo que
en la siguiente temporada la
disciplina será primordial en la
competencia y fuera de la cancha”, dijo Padilla.
Los equipos ya formados y los
que estén por integrarse, si desean probarse en SLDA, pueden
obtener información llamando al
teléfono (210) 426-4305, solo se
aceptarán llamadas serias.
Jesús García “La Rata”, capitán y delantero del equipo Leones
Negros, con su trofeo número 80 de campeón goleador. “Y todavía me salen debiendo”, dijo el popular artillero y rompe redes. Roberto Vargas, jugador, entrenador y dueño del club Deportivo Laredo, con dos de sus jugadores estelares recibió trofeo de sub(Fotos, Franco)
campeón y de súper líder de ascenso presentados por el presidente Juan Padilla.
Astros vs. Red Sox a final de playoffs Titanes doblegaron a los Rieleros
Por Sendero Deportivo
Los Astros en el segundo
partido de semifinal ante O’s
se agenciaron tremendo nocaut
ganándose el boleto para la final
del playoff contra Red Sox.
Con su lanzador estelar Rodd
Kurtz, en cinco entradas, los ganadores blanquearon a los O’s,
que tiraron la toalla en el cierre
del quinto capítulo por tener una
pizarra adversa de 14-0. A
Astros que fueron visitantes
anotaron en el primer episodio 6
carreras con 12 bateadores.
En el cuarto inning marcaron 6.
Y en la parte baja alta de la quinta
entrada registraron 2 anotaciones.
O’s no presentaron bateadores
en el home plate en cierre del
quinto inning, por lo que aceptaron la derrota de 14-0.
Omar Ramírez, el timonel y
jugador de O’s, sufrió el descalabro en la serpentina. Y tras no
contar con el apoyo de su cuadro
y jardineros, que nada pudieron
hacer para batearle al lanzador
rival Kurtz, optó por detener las
acciones y dar paso a una nueva
“Ganó el campeón Astros, felicidades y suerte en la final del
playoff. Que gane el mejor de
los dos equipos. O’s regresarán
en la siguiente temporada con
mejores refuerzos. Si en la pasada
temporada pudimos clasificarnos
al playoff, en lo que sigue vamos
a dar mejores noticias”, dijo el
timonel Ramírez, quien tiene
experiencia dirigiendo escuadras
en el béisbol colegial.
Por su lado, el manager y jugador de Astros Jaime Guerrero y
su coach y jugador José Montes
hicieron énfasis sobre el plan de
juego que harán ante su rival de
gran final (Red Sox).
“Entraremos al cuadro con
nuestra mejor alineación. Estamos listos para defender el
título de campeón en el playoff”,
apuntó Guerrero.
El timonel y jugador Pedro
Espinoza de los Red Sox, quien
estuvo presenciando las acciones
en el partido Astros vs. O’s, celebrado en el legendario estadio
Colt 45 Baseball Field (sede de
Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán) opinó sobre la calidad
de los contendientes.
“Ante los Astros será una serie
a tres partidos, los cuales van a
ser bastante peleados. Red Sox
cuenta con mejor pitcheo con
los lanzadores Will Martínez,
Charlie Zapata, George Freeman y Calixto Moreno, quienes
tendrán buen respaldo defensivo
y defensivo en el cuadro y en el
El coach y jugador de cuadro
José Montes dijo sentirse orgulloso por jugar al lado de sus
cuatro hijos que ya dan la edad en
la categoría veteranos, con Tony
de 45 años, Erick de 44, Óscar
de 42 y Meño de 41, lo que los
convierte en el único equipo en
San Antonio en tener alineados
a padre e hijos. José Montes y
sus cuatro herederos impusieron
otra marca familiar jugando con
Astros en Tex-Mex IBL, donde
debutaron sus nietos JC, hijo de
Erick, Nathan, hijo de Meño, ambos de 15 años de edad, y Devon,
hijo de Óscar de 14 años.
Gonzalo “Chalo” Carramán,
presidente de esta liga, honrará
a José Montes y sus hijos, nombrando la temporada de verano
en su honor.
“Estoy de acuerdo en reconocerle
su trayectoria en el béisbol a José
Montes y sus hijos, entre ellos a
su hija Claudia, quien jugó softball rápido con los equipos Lady
Astros y Cardinals”, comentó el
presidente Carramán.
“Me siento orgulloso y privilegiado por tener un equipo
ganador y con cuatro hermanos
y su papá José Montes en nuestra
alineación, es algo único y especial
en San Antonio”, dijo Guerrero.
La serie Astros vs. Red Sox
comenzará este sábado con doble
partido. El primero se jugará a
las 12 p.m. con el segundo programado a las 3:30.
En el intermedio Carramán
presentará trofeo y premio
económico a los Astros por
coronarse campeones de temporada con marca de 12 victorias
y 2 derrotas, y a Red Sox que se
clasificaron segundos con récord
de 12-2.
Por José I. Franco
En el segundo cotejo del rol
regular los Tucanes de Saúl
Navejar y Piratas (campeón
del primer torneo) finalizaron
empatados 3-3 por límite de
tiempo, destacándose el potente
bateador Nacho García, que dio
perfecto 2-2 con 2 bases por
bolas recibidas, seguido por sus
compañeros Cuco Arias (que
pegó de 4-3) y Memo Arriaga,
quien fue el que anotó las tres
carreras por Tucanes.
Liga Dominical Potranco
cambia las acciones este domingo al diamante Coach Arthur
Bain, ubicado en el Rusty Lyons Sports Complex (500 Basse
Road y McCullough Avenue),
donde a las 10 a.m. se miden los
equipos Bravos vs. Westsiders.
A la 1 p.m. van Piratas vs.
4 p.m. Tucanes vs. Diablos.
Juan Sánchez y Saúl Navejar
encabezarán la selección de San
Antonio categoría veteranos
para asistir a torneo internacional a jugarse en Memorial Day
los días 23 y 24 de mayo en
la ciudad anfitriona de Terán,
Nuevo León, México, donde
participarán los equipos de
Houston, Texas, Saltillo, Coahuila, y equipo representativo
del anfitrión Terán.
“Vamos a cumplir con invitación
y estrechar lazos deportivos,
esperamos traer buenos resultados”, dijo Sánchez.
El clásico dominical entre
las potentes novenas de Titanes y Rieleros fue del agrado
de espectadores y damas que
estuvieron celebrando en plan
grande el Día de las Madres en
el estado Potranco No.1.
Titanes con su lanzador estelar derecho Josh Arriaga,
con pizarra de 7 carreras por 4,
doblegaron a los Rieleros y su
pitcher abridor Justin Neaves,
que no tuvo respuesta de sus
compañeros en lo que fue un
aplaudido partido dedicado
especialmente a las mamás ahí
“Josh Arriaga no dominó con
su variado pitcheo. Tiene un
buen cambio, recta, curva hacia
abajo, lo que no le pudimos
batear”, dijo Johnny López,
quien juega para Rieleros en
la pradera izquierda y batea en
el quinto lugar de la alineación
En otros resultados del segundo torneo organizado por
Juan Sánchez en coordinación
con el magnate Eloy Rocha y la
gentil secretaria de la mesa directiva, señora Claudia López,
los Diablos “madrugaron” a
los Westsiders que perdieron
por blanqueada de 13-0 en el Justin Neaves, lanzador abridor de Rieleros, no tuvo suerte ante
partido mañanero.
la artillería de los Titanes. (Foto, Franco)
Titanes se reforzaron con los valiosos servicios del lanzador derecho Josh Arriaga que –a medio
Jaime Guerrero, manager, jugador y patrocinador del campeón Astros, con su coach y jugador brazo– los guió a importante triunfo ante los Rieleros. Josh Arriaga cuenta con experiencia en el
José Montes. Ambos son el pilar de Astros, que estarán defendiendo su título en el playoff ante el béisbol colegial, por lo que si Titanes lo retiene en su alineación bien pueden ser el equipo a vencer
duro rival Red Sox. (Foto, Franco)
en el segundo torneo de Liga Dominical Potranco. (Foto, Franco)
La Prensa de San Antonio
17 de mayo de 2015
Spirit of Catholic education inspires quality
learning, proclamation of Good News of Christ
By Jordan McMorrough
Today’s Catholic
The 24th Annual Outstanding
Leaders in Catholic Education Banquet was held at the
DoubleTree by Hilton May 1,
with three school anniversaries, 24 Teachers of the Year,
and five Outstanding Leaders
recognized for their accomplishments.
Master of ceremonies Ernie
Zuniga of Fox News First on
Fox 29 welcomed the close to
500 attendees prior to the singing of the National Anthem
by the St. John Paul II School
Choir. Invocation for the evening was prayed by Father
Martin Leopold, moderator of
the Curia for the archdiocese.
Following dinner, Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Marti West presented comments of gratitude prior to the
presentation of awards.
Awards were given to three
schools celebrating significant
anniversaries. The Atonement
Academy marked 20 years, St.
Leo the Great School is celebrating 90 years, and Sacred
Heart Catholic School in Del
Rio is observing 115 years of
Teachers of the Year and five Outstanding Leaders were honored at the 24th annual Archdiocese of San Antonio Catholic Education banquet held at the DoubleTree
by Hilton Hotel on May 1. (Today’s Catholic)
providing Catholic education.
Teachers of the Year were:
Minerva Aleman of Little
Flower Catholic School, Mary
Beth Bauer of Our Lady of the
Hills Catholic High School
in Kerrville, Ann Blake of
St. Mary’s Catholic School
in Fredericksburg, Melanie
Brintnall of Blessed Sacrament
Catholic School, JoAnn Castillo
of St. Margaret Mary Catholic
School, Gary Cook of St. Monica Catholic School in Converse,
Mark Davila of St. John Bosco
Catholic School, Monica Deans
of St. John Berchmans Catholic
School, Micaela Duron of St.
Leo the Great Catholic School,
Angie Garcia of Mount Sacred
Heart Catholic School, Lourdes
Garcia of Holy Spirit Catholic
School, Matthew Hausheer of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Catholic School in Selma,
Paulina Justiniani of St. Mary
Magdalen Catholic School,
John Leon of St. Anthony
Catholic High School. Shelley
Marek of St. James Catholic
School in Seguin, Kay McGilbray of Notre Dame Catholic
School in Kerrville, Patricia
Murray of Rolling Hills Catho-
Legislation allowing child welfare service providers
to use religion to discriminate filed as amendment
By Anna Nuñez
Yet another piece of legislation
designed to allow discrimination
against gay and transgender Texans
could come to a vote on the floor of
the Texas House of Representatives.
State Rep. Scott Sanford’s bill HB
3864, which would allow child welfare service providers to use religion
to discriminate, has been filed as a
proposed amendment to the sunset
bill for the Texas Department of
Family and Protective Services
(DFPS). That sunset bill, HB 2433
by state Rep. Cindy Burkett, is on
the Texas House calendar.
If enacted into law, Rep. Sanford’s amendment would allow
child welfare providers to discriminate against not just gay and
transgender families seeking to
provide loving homes for children
who need them, but also against
people of other faiths, interfaith
couples and anyone else to whom
a provider objects for religious reasons. This would seriously weaken
the state’s child welfare system by
further shrinking the pool of qualified parents who can provide a safe,
loving home for children.
Moreover, the amendment would
expose minors to potential harm,
even allowing child welfare service
providers to force gay and transgender minors into abusive and discredited reparative “therapy” programs
to change their sexual orientation
or gender identity. In fact, the state
would potentially have no recourse
to act to protect such children from
that harm.
This amendment puts a political
agenda and personal beliefs ahead
of the interests of children in the
state’s welfare system, many of
whom have come into that system
because of abuse and neglect.
Decisions about the placement of
those children in safe, loving homes
should be based on their needs and
on the ability of families to meet
those needs, not the religious or
moral objections of the agencies
with which the state has contracted
to provide those services.
The move to amend Sanford’s
bill onto HB 2433 comes in the
same week that the Senate and
House are considering other bills
targeting LGBT Texans. HB 4105,
which would bar public officials
from granting or recognizing marriage licenses for same-sex couples,
even if the Supreme Court overturns
the state’s ban on such unions, was
set for a House vote at time of press.
SB 2065, which deals with clergy
performing marriage ceremonies,
passed the Senate on third reading,
lic School, Emmanuel Odin of
Sacred Heart Catholic School
in Del Rio, Andrew Peinado of
Sacred Heart Catholic School
in Uvalde, Debbie Quinones of
Incarnate Word High School,
Rita Rodriguez of St. Anthony
Catholic School, Irma Urdialez
of St. James the Apostle Catholic School, Kristie Weems of
The Atonement Academy, and
Patty Yznaga of Holy Cross of
San Antonio.
In addition to a Golden Apple
Award, each of the five Outstanding Leaders also received
a $1,200 Hope for the Future
Award to be designated to the
school fund of their choice.
Honorees were Sylvia Boehme
of St. Louis Catholic School
in Castroville, whose award
was designated to the St. Louis
Curriculum Development in
Social Studies; Andrew Iliff
of St. John Paul II Catholic
High School in New Braunfels,
whose award was to go to the
St. John Paul II School Bus
Fund; Norma Miller of Sts.
Peter and Paul Catholic School
in New Braunfels, whose award
was slated to go to the Sts. Peter
and Paul Guardian Fund; Ana-
bel Perez Rodriguez of Mount
Sacred Heart Catholic School,
whose award was given to the
Mount Sacred Heart New Beginning Campaign; and Nicole
Wienecke of St. Mary Catholic School in Fredericksburg,
whose $1,200 gift was awarded
to the St. Mary’s HVAC Project.
In closing remarks, Julie Seguin, director of Hope for the
Future, announced an additional
gift to the Ernie Zuniga Scholars Fund in appreciation for his
years of service as emcee for the
schools’ event.
“Mi hija (soltera) está
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el
caso de una mujer que “descargó
su conciencia” en nuestro sitio
www.conciencia.net. Lo hizo de
manera anónima, como pedimos
que se haga; así que, a pesar de
que nunca se lo había contado
a nadie, nos autorizó a que la
citáramos, como sigue:
“Soy madre soltera. El papá de
mi hija falleció hace doce años....
He sacado a mi hija adelante.
Ahora ella tiene dieciocho años.
Hace (unos) días me dijo que
está embarazada. ¡Mi mundo se
me vino encima! Yo soñaba con
verla siendo toda una profesional.
El muchacho es de la misma edad
de ella, sin trabajo. Ella ha sido
una niña muy buena. Yo la estoy
apoyando, aunque mi situación
económica no es buena.
“¡Estoy tan deprimida! No le
digo nada a ella. No quiero que
ese bebé, que no tiene nada de
culpa, sufra. Pienso que no he
sido una buena madre. ¿Qué
Este es el consejo que le dio
mi esposa:
“Estimada amiga:
“Usted se siente muy sola en
estos momentos y cree que nadie
puede comprender lo que está sufriendo. Lo cierto es que casi toda
familia tiene a un pariente que
se ha encontrado en esa misma
situación, aunque muchas veces
es algo que se mantiene oculto.
“Cuando nuestro Padre celestial creó a Adán y a Eva, les dio la
facultad de escoger entre el bien y
el mal. Les dio una sola regla sencilla que seguir, con la opción de
obedecerla o de quebrantarla. Y
ellos desobedecieron. ¿Acaso eso
hace que Dios sea un mal padre?
“No, Dios es un padre perfecto.
Cuando Adán y Eva quebrantaron
la regla, y el pecado entró así en el
mundo, Dios no dejó de amarlos.
Y cuando nosotros, como sus
hijos, quebrantamos sus reglas
y pecamos, Él tampoco deja de
amarnos a nosotros. De hecho,
nos ama tanto que dio a su Hijo
Jesucristo para perdonar nuestro
“Tal vez usted haya sido un
magnífico ejemplo para su hija.
Pudo haberle enseñado a distinguir entre el bien y el mal. Y
tal vez le haya explicado que el
plan de Dios es que las relaciones sexuales se den solo dentro
del matrimonio. Pero su hija de
dieciocho años es una adulta, y
los adultos toman sus propias
“¿Entonces qué debe hacer
usted? La respuesta es que debe
seguir haciendo lo que ha hecho
hasta ahora. Perdonar a su hija
es seguir el ejemplo de Dios,
quien nos perdona cuando se lo
pedimos. Sin embargo, así como
Dios permite que afrontemos
las consecuencias naturales de
nuestra conducta, también usted
debe permitir que su hija encare
las consecuencias naturales de lo
que ha hecho. Ella tendrá que trabajar para sustentar al bebé, aun
cuando por eso no pueda seguir
sus estudios.
“Si su hija y el joven no se
aman y no se casan, la animo
a que investigue los recursos
legales que tiene en su país para
asegurar que él también pague el
sustento que le corresponde. Hay
muchos jóvenes que creen que
deben poder disfrutar de relaciones sexuales sin responsabilidad
alguna y sin consecuencias. Por
eso muchos países tienen leyes
que motivan a los padres jóvenes
a que hagan lo debido aun cuando
sean reacios a hacerlo.
“La felicito por comprender
que esa preciosa criatura que va
a nacer no tiene culpa alguna de
lo sucedido. ¡Quiera Dios que
se críe en un hogar amoroso y
“Dame entendimiento
para seguir tus
preceptos, pues
quiero meditar en tus
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
17 de mayo de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio Marrow drive for San Antonio firefighter
By Carmen Davila
Friends, family and the community at large will have a chance
to save a life on Tuesday, May 26,
at a marrow drive for San Antonio
firefighter Mike Grosso.
The Stone Oak Business Association, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and Bob’s Big
Burgers are sponsoring a marrow
drive in honor of Grosso, a 14-year
veteran of the SAFD who is suffering from leukemia, from 4 to 8
p.m. that day at Bob’s Big Burgers, 4553 N. Loop 1604 West.
Representatives of Be The
Match, through San Antoniobased GenCure, will be at the
event to answer questions and
register potential donors. Grosso’s
leukemia has progressed to the
point where he needs a stem cell
The community is asked to join
the marrow registry in hopes of
finding a match for Grosso or
the thousands of other searching
patients around the world. Joining
the registry is easy and only takes
about 10 minutes.
A $10 donation from participants at the event will go to Be
The Match and the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society Woman of the
Year campaign.
The event also will include
drawings, door prizes and a silent
auction. For information, call
210-348-8233 or send an email to
[email protected].
Grosso, a lieutenant at Station
18, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia, known as
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in July 2014. He was within
a month of completing his initial
round of treatments and was in
remission in March when he had
a relapse.
He now is taking part in a
clinical trial at the MD Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston.
VIA holding open house on
I-10 Park and Ride project
By Lorraine Pulido, Ph.D.
VIA Metropolitan Transit will
hold an open house to share information and seek community input
on a proposed Park and Ride facility on I-10 West near the Bexar/
Kendall County line. The meeting
will be held Thursday, May 21
at 5:30 p.m. in the Leon Springs
Baptist Church at 24133 Boerne
Stage Rd. in Leon Springs.
The I-10 Park and Ride project
is part of SmartMove, a near-term
capital implementation program
that advances projects identified
in the VIA 2035 Long Range
Comprehensive Transportation
Plan. The open house will allow
members of the public to visit
with the project team, share comments, and view project maps and
The meeting location is accessible by wheelchair. Individuals
with hearing impairments may request an interpreter 48 hours prior
to the meeting by calling TDD
210-362-2019 or 210-299-5929.
VIA Metropolitan Transit
provides public transportation
services to 13 cities in the San
Antonio area and the unincorporated areas of Bexar County. VIA
buses operate seven days a week
on 90 bus routes, and, last year,
VIA provided 44 million rides
across the region. VIA’s mission
is to enhance the community’s
environment and quality of life by
providing regional and customeroriented public transportation
that is dependable, cost effective, and enticing to more riders.
VIA’s AAA bond rating reflects
sound management and financial
Visit www.viainfo.net for more
information. Follow us on www.
facebook.com/VIATransit, www.
Twitter.com/VIA_Transit, and
Fit Family Challenge gets families
moving together this summer
By Carolyn Wheat
Challenging families in San
Antonio to exercise and develop
healthy habits, Councilman Rey
Saldaña joined San Antonio Sports
officials to kick off the 2015 Fit
Family Challenge, presented by
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, at
City Hall on Wednesday, May 13.
Organized by San Antonio
Sports, the sixth annual Fit Family
Challenge will offer fitness activities, health screenings and incentives to San Antonio families to participate in between May and August.
Incentives include $25,000 in cash
and fitness prizes, including sports
and movie tickets, $1,000 drawings
every three weeks at family-friendly
Saturday Big Events, and a grand
prize drawing at the end of the summer for a $1,000 gift card.
A grant from the Kronkosky
Charitable Foundation supports the
free family fitness program aimed at
motivating families to break away
from a sedentary lifestyle, get out
of the house and come together for
fun, fitness-focused events.
“Programs like the San Antonio
Sports Fit Family Challenge are
helping families get healthy together,” Councilman Rey Saldaña
said. “It’s free. It’s fun. And it’s
accessible to everyone.”
The San Antonio Sports Fit
Family Challenge, presented by
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas,
is comprised of four three-week
sessions that run through Saturday,
August 15. It promotes a healthy
lifestyle by encouraging people to
make changes, such as integrating
a walk into everyday routines and
choosing water over sugary beverages and eating more fruits and
vegetables. There are weekly free
fitness events located throughout
the city that include Zumba® for
adults and teens, and fitness classes
for children three to13 years of age.
Participants are asked to
• Exercise as a family, at least
60 minutes a day, five days a week
• Make healthy food choices
• Keep a fitness journal through a
tracking log that can be downloaded
at fitfamilychallenge.com
• Take a health screening four
times over the summer.
If they attend at least three weekly
fitness events during any of the four
sessions and take a health screening,
they are eligible for a prize drawing
Dist. 4 City Councilman Rey Saldaña and the cheer team from
Palo Alto Elementary helped kick off the 2015 Fit Family Challenge. (Courtesy photo)
of $1,000 at that session’s Big Event.
They also earn cumulative points towards rewards including sports and
movie tickets and $1,000 gift cards.
The program is open to all families in Bexar County. However, it
focuses its message in the ten zip
codes in San Antonio that have the
highest rates of diabetes and obesity
78201, 78207, 78210, 78211, 78221,
78223, 78227, 78228, 78237 and
78242. Within those zip codes are
seven school districts that include:
San Antonio Independent School
District, South San Antonio ISD,
Edgewood ISD, Harlandale ISD,
Southside ISD, Northside ISD and
Southwest ISD. In an effort to eliminate barriers to participation, the
weekly events take place at schools
in the target neighborhoods.
Approaching physical activity
and healthy eating as a way of life
increases your chances of success
in making changes and sticking
with them, says Russ Bookbinder,
President and CEO of the nonprofit
San Antonio Sports. “Our Fit Family
Challenge program is designed to
get the whole family involved. We
know that being active, enjoying
regular family meals and finding an
activity that you enjoy are all keys
to influencing behaviors that will
reduce the risks associated with diabetes, cancer, obesity and a lifetime
of low self-esteem. The Fit Family
Challenge offers free fitness activities and health screenings, along with
incentives that will keep families
motivated throughout the summer.”
Jessica Acosta Medina started her
journey to health at the Fit Family
Challenge. Over the course of three
years, she lost over 100 pounds and
has kept it off. Her fitness levels
improved and energy levels soared.
She brings her mom and children,
and sometimes her husband to the
weekly classes and has changed
the family’s diet gradually so that
now they eat differently and more
“The Fit Family Challenge was
the catalyst that got me started on
a healthier lifestyle,” said Acosta
Medina. “In order to change yourself, you must challenge yourself.
If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t
change you. We look forward to
participating again this summer.”
More than 1,000 people have
registered to run the Fit Family Challenge kickoff event, the D4 Heroes
5K, a free, chipped and timed race
offered through the Fit Family Challenge on Saturday, May 16. The
remaining sessions’ Big Events are:
• June 6
• June 27 (with City Council
District 8)
• July 25 (with City Council
District 3)
• August 15
Each Big Event will feature a
fitness activity for families, the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio Kids
Fit Zone and numerous community
resources for families interested in
leading healthy, active lifestyles.
Weekly schedule (May 18-Aug.
Every Monday:
· SW High School-9th grade
campus (SWISD) 5 p.m.
Every Tuesday:
• Rayburn Elementary (HISD)
5:45 p.m.
• Martin Elementary (NISD)
5:45 p.m.
Every Wednesday:
• Whittier Middle School (SAISD)
5 p.m.
•Dwight Middle School
(SSAISD) 5:30 p.m.
• Emma Frey Elementary (EISD)
4:45 p.m.
Every Thursday:
• A.C.E.S Early College High
School Gym (SISD) 5:30 p.m.
Los hispanos tienen más fluidez en
inglés y hablan menos español en casa
Las estudiantes Elia Torres (primer plano) y María Martínez laboran en una empresa estadounidense
únicamente en inglés, aunque en casa ambas afirman utilizar solo el español. (EFE/archivo)
EFEUSA - Los hispanos que
viven en Estados Unidos tienen
cada vez más fluidez en inglés y
hablan menos español en casa,
según un sondeo del centro
de estudios Pew publicado en
A medida que aumenta el
dominio del inglés entre los hispanos, ya un 68 % lo maneja con
soltura, al tiempo que disminuye
el porcentaje de latinos que elige
el español para sus conversaciones en el hogar, de acuerdo con
Se trata de una tendencia demostrada a lo largo de 13 años,
en los que el número de hispanos
que habla inglés de manera fluida
ha pasado del 59 % en el año
2000 al 68 % en 2013, mientras
que la proporción de latinos que
utiliza el español para las conversaciones familiares ha pasado del
78 % en el 2000 al 73 % en 2013.
En total, 33,2 millones de hispanos hablan inglés con soltura,
12,5 millones se defienden en
este idioma y 3,2 millones reconoce
que no puede manejarse en esta
lengua, según el estudio del
centro Pew, destinado a retratar
las tendencias lingüísticas de la
población hispana del país con
datos que se remontan a 1980.
A pesar del descenso porcentual del uso del español en casa,
la cifra total de hispanos que
hablan esta lengua (38,5 millones)
ha aumentado en los últimos años
debido, sobre todo, al mayor
número de nacimientos de hispanos y no tanto a la llegada de
inmigrantes de Latinoamericana,
que ha descendido en los últimos
Por ello, el uso del español ha
estado marcado en los últimos
años por el nacimiento de nuevos ciudadanos estadounidenses
de origen hispano, que en 2013
superaron casi dos a uno (35
millones frente a 19 millones) al
número de latinos nacidos en el
El aumento de nacimientos de
hispanos en Estados Unidos es
uno de los factores clave para
explicar el crecimiento del uso
del inglés, según remarcan los
En este punto, la encuesta
muestra que el 89 % de los latinos
nacidos en el país norteamericano
hablaban inglés con soltura en
2013 porque, bien crecieron en
ambientes donde solo se hablaba
inglés (en un 40 % de los casos),
bien desarrollaron sus relaciones
familiares tanto en inglés como
en otra lengua, algo que experimentó el 49 %.
El perfecto uso del inglés entre
los nacidos en Estados Unidos ha
crecido en las últimas décadas,
un progreso que se desarrolla
más lentamente en el caso de
los hispanos que nacieron en
Latinoamérica, según el estudio.
Así, aunque el uso del inglés
ha crecido entre la población
latina, el número de nacidos en el
extranjero que decía hablar “muy
bien” la lengua de Shakespeare
fue en 2013 del 34 %, lo que
supone un cambio muy ligero
desde 1980, cuando el 31 % se
sentía cómodo en inglés.
Según el estudio, además del
lugar de nacimiento, otros factores como la edad, el género o
el nivel de estudios influyen a
la hora de elegir la lengua en la
que se entablan la mayoría de las
En este sentido, los investigadores destacan que el 21 % de
los hispanos que no habla inglés
tienen 65 años o más y, por géneros, el 57 % son mujeres.
El estudio muestra también que
el 75 % de los hispanos que no
habla inglés tampoco pudo graduarse en la escuela secundaria,
mientras que aquellos latinos que
accedieron a estudios superiores
en la universidad hablan inglés
perfectamente en seis de cada
diez casos (61 %).
En términos de edad, el centro
Pew muestra que el aprendizaje
del inglés de los nacidos en el
extranjero se produce más rápido
entre los niños, que entre los
De esta forma, el 46 % de los
niños de entre 5 y 17 años que
han vivido en EEUU durante más
de cinco años hablan inglés con
soltura, una cifra que alcanza el
84 % cuando los pequeños pasan
entre 11 y 15 años en el país; y
sube un punto porcentual cuando
el periodo de estancia se prolonga
entre 16 y 17 años.
El centro concluye que, cuanto
más tiempo han pasado los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos,
mejor manejan el inglés, una
lengua predominante en el país,
pero que no es el idioma oficial
a nivel federal.
A pesar de esta circunstancia,
algunos estados como Illinois
o Tennessee cuentan con leyes
que convierten al inglés en el
idioma oficial y varias voces en
el Congreso, como la del legislador republicano Steve King,
han intentado sin éxito convertir
este idioma en oficial mediante
iniciativas legales.
Para pintar esta imagen de
las tendencias lingüísticas de la
población hispana entre 1980 y
2013, los investigadores del centro Pew utilizaron dos encuestas
de la Oficina del Censo (una de
2013 y otra de 2010), así como
los censos elaborados cada diez
años por la esta institución y que
se publicaron en 1980, 1990 y
Pet of the week
If you are looking for a low-key buddy to
watch television or read a book with, Farmer
is the guy for you! He is a 7 year old distinguished looking Chihuahua mix who is ready
for his forever family. He walks perfectly
on a leash and when you’re out and about
and stop to talk to someone, he sits down
and waits patiently for you to finish. What a
sweetheart! After his walk, Farmer is happy
sitting on your lap and being petted. If you
want a chill gentleman who will always
want to cuddle, come by the SAHS and meet
Farmer - he will happily join your family!
Please remember to spay/neuter your pets
to help ensure every dog and cat born has a
home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane
Society, Connecting Friends for Life.
Adoption fees for Dogs:
25 pounds & under - $99
26 pounds & over - $65
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip,
de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam
within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA
animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science
Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804
Fredericksburg Rd. or call (210) 226-7461.
CLEAN, $13,025.
(210) 860-1642.
Need a Baker specializing in Mexican
Bread & Cookies.
Good working environment. Please call
(210) 226-2979 or
apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
--------------------Solicito mecánico,
carpintero, electricista, nivelador y
yardero de México
para trabajar en un
rancho. (210) 3620875.
--------------------Need help to clean
carport. Also renting
house in Valley Hi
area, 4 bedroom. Call
(210) 685-1679 or
(210) 537-7944.
--------------------¿Cansado de su
economía? Empresa
líder busca 2 personas
que quieran ganar
dinero extra. Irma
(210) 264-1340.
--------------------Panadería y taquería
necesitan cajera,
cocinero/a y ayudante
general. 223 Palo
Alto. Favor de llamar
(210) 416-8985.
--------------------Drivers CDL-A: Lots
of Miles Great Pay/
Benefits & Bonuses
Home Weekly; No
Slip Seat No Touch
Freight, Newer
Equipment, Recent
Driver Grads Welcome. (877) 7238932
--------------------Se necesitan 2 carpinteros, con experiencia
en gabinetes. Interesados (210) 8871658.
--------------------Furniture Installation Supervisor: We
have an outstanding
opportunity for an
experienced Furniture Installation Supervisor in our San
Antonio office. The
ideal candidate for
this position will possess at least 3 years of
experience in furni-
ture installation. Primary responsibilities
include leading teams
in the installation and
configuration of systems furniture within
client facilities. Must
have a valid driver’s
license and be able
to drive bobtail truck.
We offer competitive
pay, an excellent benefits package which
includes medical,
dental, vision, STD,
LTD, 401(K) and a
Bonus Plan. Apply
at: http://www.hmwrasa.com/employment.html
--------------------Drivers-Company &
0/Op’s: Get Home
More-Spend Time
w/Family & Friends!
Dedicated Lanes! Pay
and Benefits YOU
Deserve! 855-5822265.
--------------------Drivers: HOME
NIGHTS & Weekends! Local & Regional San Antonio
waiting! CDL-A w/
TWIC card a plus.
Call Bob at BTT:
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any areas
and any condition, 25
yrs. Experience. Privacy assured! Call
John (210) 300-4000.
--------------------Conviértete en propietario de una casa
hoy, sin verificación
de crédito. Casa están listas para entrar
y vivir. Por favor de
contactarnos al (210)
648-2262 para más
Own and operate your
own floral and/or gift
shop in the downtown
San Antonio area for
as little as $795 per
month, $95 equipment rental fee per
month, plus $1,600
of existing floral inventory. This shop is
located four blocks
from the newly developed River Walk and
Pearl Brewery areas.
We are leasing floral
La Prensa de San Antonio
sections and selling
most of the floral
tools and materials
needed to run and
operate a full service
floral shop. We also
own a professional
floral school so we
can train you for as
little as $800 and in
one month you will
be ready to open your
own business for just
slightly over $2000.
If you are interested
or you know of someone who might be
interested in owning
and operating their
own floral or gift
business, please call
(210) 229-9204 or
(210) 772-2900.
--------------------Departamento de una
recámara $450.00
mensuales más
depósito (210) 8623873 o (210) 5342757.
--------------------Se renta casa, baño,
cocina grande. Una
cuarto solo, pareja
mayor $450 al mes,
$200 depósito, área
Las Palmas. Llame
(210) 495-7352 o
(210) 952-1484.
(210) 967-3405.
--------------------Crestwood Estates.
Lotes para su mobile
home y mobile homes
en venta, nuevas y
seminuevas, pagos
accesibles. Angie
Rdz. (210) 716-9097.
--------------------Crestwood Estates le
ofrece mobile homes
de venta y lotes de
renta. Los mejores
precios en el área.
Abby Rubio (210)
--------------------Crestwood Estates
has mobile homes for
sale and lots for rent.
Call and ask for our
special. (210) 6821314.
--------------------Secluded 2+ acres,
wooded subdivisión,
near Lake Medina.
Paved culdesac at entrance, water/electric
at street, $29,500 w/
only 5% down. (832)
--------------------Maytag dryer large
capacity $85. call after 6:00pm Monday
thru Friday and SatSALE/VENTAS:
urday or Sunday after
1:00 pm (210)508FOR SALE • 315 Ar- 8085.
rid • Owner to Own(05/31/15)
er • 2BED 1 BATH
(House needs work) SERVICIOS:
Across the street
from Southside Lions $7.50 SERVICIO
Park $54,000•$3,000 A D O M I C I L I O ,
Down • $595 Month. REFRIGERADOIncludes Tax & Insur- RAS, LAVADORance . Call John (210) AS, SECADORAS
(05/17/15) AÑO GARANTÍA.
--------------------LLAME A (210)
FOR SALE • 838 291-5431.
Keats (Southside)
• Owner to Owner•
--------------------3 B E D 1 B A T H , Corto yardas, pongo
E x t r a L a r g e L o t tile, azulejo, textura,
$ 7 0 , 0 0 0 • $ 4 , 0 0 0 hago y reparo cercas
Down • $850 Month de madera y alambre;
Includes Tax & Insur- pinto casas, plomería,
ance. Call John (210) sheetrock, hago y rep414-4210
aro cercas, carpin(05/17/15) tería, pongo puertas y
--------------------ventanas. Habla con
Buriel Lot, Mission Jesús Villa. Llame a
Park South, San An- (210) 797-6677.
tonio, $1,600. Call
--------------------Reparamos desde $49
lavadoras, secadoras,
refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s. Todas
marcas, garantizado.
Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779.
para toda clase de
lastimaduras (210)
--------------------Movida e instalación de mobile
homes, conexiones
de plomería y electricidad, decks y faldón.
Llame a 3B’s Services. (713) 494-0084.
--------------------Le ayudamos a cambiar el título de su
mobile home. Si no
tiene título o lo tiene
perdido. Llamenos
(210) 628-1314.
--------------------Prestamos joyería de
oro, titulo de carro y
bienes raises. (210)
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place it
within your own broken heart where your
Father sees it. Then in
his merciful eyes it will
become your favour
not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no
matter how imposible
Prayer to the three
Beloved Archangel
Gabriel, Archangel of
purity and resurrection,
I love you and bless
you and thank you for
what you mean to me.
Load these my decrees
and provide me your
cosmic love your help,
I thank you.
Beloved Archangel
Michael, on behalf of
the divine presence
of God in me and all
of humanity, I invoke
your presence and your
legions of Blue Angels
to protect me and my
loved ones, I thank you.
Beloved Archangel
Raphael, Archangel
of healing of consecration, I love you and
bless you, seal me in
your flame healing and
help me to be aware
only of perfection.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia que
necesito, pongo en tus
benditas manos, Padre
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré a
ti en vano, pues eres el
Hijo de Dios y auxilio
de los cristianos, Gloria
al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido,
lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every
blessing, I adore you, I
love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins
I offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I may
live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort me
in my afflictions. Give
me health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
17 de mayo de 2015
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and invokes you universally,
as the patron of difficult
cases, of things almost
despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God for
me that He brings visible and speedy help
where help is almost
despaired of. Come to
my assistance in this
great need that I may
receive the consolation and help of heaven
in all my necessities,
tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
- (make your request
here) - and that I may
praise God with you
and all the saints forever. I promise, O
Blessed St. Jude, to be
ever mindful of this
great favor granted me
by God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid
and almighty doctor of
the infirm. Holy Infant,
we honor you.
Here you say three Our
Fathers, Hail Marys,
and Glory be to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart to
help me. Please be with
me in thought and spirit
when I find my peace
and that you will be
with me in the Heavens
of Bethlehem. Amén
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
hacen de abrir e mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace un
City of San Antonio
Department of Planning and Community Development
Public Notice
The City of San Antonio is commencing with the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development’s (HUD) PY 2015-2019 Five Year Consolidated Plan and
2015 Action Plan. The plan assesses affordable housing, community development needs, and current market conditions in order for the City to make datadriven, place-based investment decisions on an estimated $89 million in U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) formula block grant programs. Grants include the Community Development Block Grant, Home Investment Partnership (HOME) program, Hearth Emergency Solutions Grant (HESG),
and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program.
The first of two public hearings will take place beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday,
June 17, 2015 in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Plaza Building. This will
be the first of two U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development required
city-wide public hearings for the City’s 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and 2015
Action Plan for the four grant programs.
A copy of the proposed Consolidated Plan and Action Plan with budget is currently available for review and comment on the City’s website www.sanantonio.gov/
gma through the date of the public hearing. This information also will be available
for review and comment at the Department of Planning and Community Development located at 1400 S. Flores, Unit 3. The notice shall be placed on the City
Clerk’s Bulletin Board located on the First Floor of City Hall, 100 Military Plaza,
San Antonio, TX 78205.
Citizens wishing to speak at the public hearing may individually sign the appropriate sign-in sheet for that purpose which will be provided at the entrance of the
City Council Chambers prior to 6 p.m. the day of the hearing. Each citizen will
have three minutes to speak on one or multiple agenda items. Groups consisting
of three or more citizens will be allotted nine minutes total to address the council
on any one item.
This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The accessible entrance is located
at the Municipal Plaza Building/Main Plaza entrance. Accessible visitor parking
spaces are located at City Hall, 100 Military Plaza, North side. Auxiliary aids and
services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight (48) hours
prior to the meeting. For assistance call the Department of Planning and Community Development at (210) 207-6600 or 711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf).
Close captioning is available on broadcasts of the Council Meeting on cable channel 21-TVSA.
/s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/MMC
City Clerk
17 de mayo de 2015
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo han
vencido siempre en la
lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor
sucumbiré por falta de
ayuda. Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando viernes). Publicar antes
de los ocho. Confío
en Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
Oración a Maria
Rosa Mystica
Oh María, Rosa Mística, Madre de Jesús y
también Madre nuestra! Tú eres nuestra
esperanza, nuestra fortaleza y nuestro consuelo. Danos desde el
cielo tu maternal bendición en el nombre del
Padre, del Hijo y del
Espíritu Santo, Amén.
Rosa Mística, Inmaculada Virgen , Madre
de la gracia, en honor
de tu Divino Hijo, nos
postramos ante Ti, para
implorar la misericordia de Dios. No por
nuestros méritos, sino
por la bondad de tu
Corazón maternal, pedimos ayuda y gracias,
con la seguridad de ser
escuchados. (Rezar un
Rosa Mística, Madre
de Jesús, Reina del
Santo Rosario y Madre
de la Iglesia, Cuerpo
Místico de Jesucristo.
Te pedimos para el
mundo destrozado por
las discordias, el don
de la unión, de la paz y
de todas las gracias que
pueden convertir los
corazones de tantos hijos tuyos. (Avemaría?)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de los apóstoles, haz
florecer alrededor de
los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales
y religiosas, que con
la santidad de su vida
y el celo ardiente por
las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu
Hijo Jesús por todo el
mundo. Derrama, Oh
Madre sobre nosotros
tus dones celestiales.
Salve, Oh Rosa Mística, Madre de la iglesia,
ruega por nosotros.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina y
humana, sencillo pescador a quien dio el
Salvador el distinguido
título de piedra fundamental de su templo
militante; por esas prerrogativas concedidas a
tus excelentes virtudes
y, especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo a tu
sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra
se auxilia al que sor-
prende el malhechor,
tu sombra refrigera al
afligido, al enfermo y a
cuantos te piden favor.
La Prensa de San Antonio ORACIONES
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión
obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables
pierdan el derecho que fe inquebrantable que
tienen a la gloria.
te hizo servirte de las
cosas terrenas buscando las del cielo,
Oración a Santa
por aquella esperanza
Clara de Asís
firme con que venciste
Gloriosa Santa Clara todas las dificultades
de Asís, por aquella que se oponían a tu san-
tificación, por aquella
caridad pura y ardiente
que te movió en todo
los momentos de la
vida, yo te suplico con
humilde confianza que
intercedas ante Dios y
me obtengas su favor
en lo que te pido (hágase la petición) y esperanza firme y caridad
ardiente para con Dios
y el prójimo. Padre
nuestro, Ave María y
Comisión de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas
SOLICITUD Alcoa Inc., 14555 Old Corpus Christi Rd, Elmendorf, Texas 78112-9607, ha solicitado a
la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ por sus siglas en ingles) Permiso Num.
19789 del Estado autorizar enmendar la modificación de un(a) Locación de Producción Secundaria
de Aluminio en la dirección 14555 Old Corpus Christi Rd, Elmendorf, Bexar County, Texas 78112. La
enmienda autorizará un aumento en las emisiones de los siguientes contaminantes atmosféricos:
compuestos orgánicos.
Request for Proposals
The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for:
Electrical Repair and Replacement Services
Proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on June 9,
2015 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the
SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on
May 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at 818 S. Flores, San
Antonio, Texas 78204.
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors will be required to provide economic, educational and/
or training opportunities to very low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at http://www.
saha.org, or at http://www.nahro.economicengine.com, or
at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores,
San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
prodigios, permíteme,
Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra no
El director ejecutivo de TCEQ ha hecho una revisión técnica de la solicitud y preparado un permiso, el
cual, si es aprobado, establecerá las condiciones bajo las cuales dicha locación debe operar. El director ejecutivo ha tomado una decisión preliminar de emitir dicho permiso, porque cumple con todas las
reglas y regulaciones. La solicitud del permiso, la decisión preliminar del director ejecutivo y el borrador del permiso estarán disponibles para ser visto y copiado en la Oficina Central del la TCEQ, en
la Oficina Regional del TCEQ en (San Antonio, Texas), y en Elmendorf City Hall, 203 Bexar, Elemendorf, Bexar County, Texas empezando el primer día de la publicación de este aviso. El expediente de
cumplimiento de la locación, si existe alguno, está disponible para su revisión en la oficina regional de
TCEQ en 14250 Judson Rd, San Antonio, Texas.
COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS/REUNIÓN PUBLICA Usted puede presentar comentarios públicos,
solicitar una reunión pública, o solicitar una audiencia de lo contencioso a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial en la dirección que se encuentra más abajo. El propósito de la reunión pública es proporcionar la oportunidad de hacer comentarios o preguntas sobre la solicitud. Si el director ejecutivo
determina que existe un importante nivel de interés público con respecto a la solicitud o si lo solicita
un legislador local, se llevará a cabo una reunión pública sobre la solicitud. Una reunión pública no
es una audiencia de lo contencioso. La TCEQ tomará en cuenta todos los comentarios públicos para
desarrollar la decisión final sobre la solicitud. La fecha límite para presentar comentarios públicos
es 30 días después de que se publique el aviso en el periódico.
límite para los comentarios públicos, el director ejecutivo considerará todos los comentarios y preparará una respuesta a todos los comentarios relevantes. Debido a que no hay solicitud de audiencia en
este punto, después de preparar las respuestas a los comentarios, el director ejecutivo podrá entonces
emitir la aprobación final de la solicitud. La respuesta a los comentarios, junto con el aviso de la
acción del director ejecutivo sobre la solicitud, serán enviados por correo a cualquier persona
que presente comentarios o que se encuentre en la lista de envío para esta solicitud y será
publicado electrónicamente al Commissioners’ Intergrated Database (CID).
INFORMACIÓN DISPONIBLE EN LÍNEA. Cuando estén disponibles, la respuesta del director ejecutivo a los comentarios y la decisión final sobre esta aplicación se podrá acceder a través del sitio web
de la Comisión en www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid . Una vez que tenga acceso al CID utilizando el enlace
de arriba , introduzca el número de permiso para esta aplicación que se proporciona en la parte superior de este aviso. Este dirige a un mapa electrónico del sitio o ubicación general de las instalaciones
que se ofrece como cortesía pública y no como parte de la solicitud o notificación . Para conocer la
ubicación exacta , consulte la aplicación.
h t t p : / / w w w. t c e q . t e x a s . g o v / a s s e t s / p u b l i c / h b 6 1 0 / i n d e x . h t m l ? l a t = 2 9 . 2 7 3 8 8 8 & l n g = 98.368055&zoom=13&type=r.
LISTA DE CORRESPONDENCIA Aparte de presentar comentarios públicos, puede solicitar que lo/
la incluyan en la lista de correos para recibir en el futuro avisos públicos para esta solicitud específica
que envía por correo la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe enviando una petición por escrito a la Oficina del
Funcionario Jefe de TCEQ a la dirección a continuación.
INFORMACIÓN Los comentarios públicos o peticiones para una reunión pública o audiencia de caso
impugnado se debe presentar a la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe, MC-105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087,
Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o por el Internet al www.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments.html. Para mayor
información acerca de esta solicitud para permiso o el proceso para permisos, favor de llamar a la Oficina de Asistencia al Público, al 1-800-687-4040. Si requiere información general de TCEQ dirigirse al
portal electrónico www.tceq.texas.gov/.
Se puede obtener información adicional también de Alcoa Inc. 14555 Old Corpus Christi Rd, Elmendorf, Texas 78112-9607o al llamar a R. Samantha Plourde, Manager EH&S al número 210-635-6238
Fecha de Expedición: 27 de abril 2015
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y
deseo conocer una mujer de 30 a
60 años, solteras, casadas, viudas
o divorciadas sin compromiso.
Soy muy romántico y cariñoso.
No se arrepentirán.
----------------------------Soy señor joven de 63. Me
veo más joven. Estoy retirado.
Busco una dama de peso entre
los 175 a los 220. De estatura
de 5’3’’ para arriba. De edad
entre los 30 a 60 años. No tomo
ni fumo, soy cristiano.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Mido
5’2’’ pulgadas. Peso 150 libras.
Católico de buenos principios
y sin vicios. Busco una damita
que sea hispana, no más de 5’
pies de altura, no más de 110
libras, blanca y de ojos de color.
Que sea buena y tenga buenos
principios y católica. No más de
55 años de edad. Gracias.
----------------------------47 años. Mexicano. 5.8. 235
libras. 9 años de viudo. 2
hijos de 18 y 19 años. Busco
una mujer sincera, honesta y
hogareña que quiera algo serio.
De 40 a 50 años. El físico no
me interesa. Que sea de México
o de aquí, Estados Unidos, de
San Antonio TX o de afuera, sin
----------------------------Busco un hombre que sea
sincero, solo, que no tenga
compromiso. De 60-65 años,
que sea mexicano, que sea
alegre, que le guste el baile, cine
o reuniones familiares. Yo soy
una mujer divorciada. Tengo
59 años. Soy muy alegre, buen
carácter. Soy blanca, mido 5.2
----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer sola y viuda
sin compromisos. Busco un
hombre que tenga más o menos
mi edad, de 68 a 70 años. Soy
blanca, ojos café, pelo café.
Mido 5’5’’. No me importa
si el hombre es más bajo que
yo, no más que sea bueno y le
guste lo que a mí me gusta. Si
es moreno está bien, no más que
sea buena persona conmigo. Yo
ya tengo mucho de estar sola sin
compañero, por eso yo busco un
buen hombre. Yo sé que muchos
hombres están solos a la edad de
nosotros. Necesitamos un cariño
de veraz. Si hay alguien que le
guste mi carta, pues conteste.
Estaré esperando una buena
persona para mí. Su amiga.
----------------------------Soy un caballero de 59 años
solo. Soy alto, mido 6 pies,
pelo negro, moreno claro. Peso
normal. Soy buena persona. Te
ofrezco mi atención, mi amor.
Sé valorar. Te doy toda mi alma.
Busco una dama. 45 a 55 años,
sola, sin niños, que su talla sea
12 o 14, peso normal. Que sea
buena persona, cariñosa, que
desee una relación seria.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Vivo
solo, tengo mi apartamento, mi
carro, estoy retirado y trabajo.
Busco una señora para una
relación seria, no importa el
físico. No juegos, ni pasatiempo.
Si buscas lo mismo escríbeme.
No te arrepentirás.
----------------------------Soy una mujer de 45 años de
edad y soy divorciada, amable y
cariñosa. Estoy en busca de un
hombre bueno de 45 a 50 años
que busque algo muy serio. Si
te interesa, mándame tu carta. conocer un hombre de 68 años,
alto 5’8”, de peso entre los
Te espero.
D-230 178 a los 185. Que sea: fiel,
sincero, honesto, de buenas
----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 48 costumbres, buen carácter,
digno, que hable como hombre
años alto, mido 1.87, algo
y que no tenga vicios con las
blanco, cuerpo normal, muy
drogas, atractivo, educado, de
aseado, trabajador, no tengo buenos principios, respetuoso
vicios, me gustan los deportes, y de buenos sentimientos. Que
leer, salir a comer, ver alguna sea de Estados Unidos, de San
película en casa y divertirme Antonio TX. Si hay alguien
sanamente. Busco dama sincera, que tenga todo esto: escríbeme,
cariñosa, sencilla y de nobles porque yo tengo todo esto.
valores para una bella relación
----------------------------seria y duradera, la edad no
importa, solo que desee ser feliz. Caballero buscando una dama
C-231 de 63 para arriba. Quizás poder
convertir un sueño en realidad. Mi
----------------------------salud: excelente. No fumo/tomo.
Soy una mujer de 68 años,
Visiones: ir a la playa, fotografía,
Latina, 5’3”, 142 libras,
viajes a ríos, la pesca, flora,
morena clara. Yo tengo buenos
fauna, lugares históricos, leer un
sentimientos y soy honesta. Me
buen libro. Soy adaptable. Speak
gusta la música y las diversiones
English? No un requerimiento.
sanas. Me gusta la verdad, la
Aquí esperando
dignidad de las personas. Deseo
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
17 de mayo de 2015
17 de mayo de 2015
Twisted Taco, una feria popular de gran colorido
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
El 5th Annual Twisted Taco
Truck Throwdown presentado
por Twisted Tea el sábado 9 de
mayo concentró una multitud de
comensales quienes disfrutaron
de la amplia variedad de tacos
elaborados en 20 llamativos
camiones (cocinas móviles), de
los que se han multiplicado en
los últimos años creando fuentes
de trabajo y un gran atractivo
para la ciudad cuando se instalan
para dar sabor a ferias y fiestas
populares en cualquier época
del año.
Esta singular celebración se
desarrolló en 10th Street y Ave.
B. en VFW Post 76.
El evento empezó a las 4 de la
tarde y terminó a la medianoche.
Pero entre tanto de las 4 a las
8 de la noche los asistentes
probaron todas las muestras de
cortesía de los diferentes restaurantes participantes y negocios
que solo dependen de uno de
esos camiones.
Los tacos y otros platillos
Tex-Mex se vendieron a precios
muy razonables, como por ejemplo tacos al pastor por solamente
un dólar.
17 de mayo de 2015
La popular mascota The Coyote y las dinámicas chicas de la porra Silver Dancers durante la temporada 2014-15 NBA animaron con éxito los 42 partidos locales de los Spurs jugados en el AT&T
Center, así como tres encuentros del playoff en la Conferencia del Oeste contra el visitante equipo
Clippers de Los Ángeles. The Coyote ostenta varias nominaciones a nivel nacional como la mascota
de mayor popularidad en eventos deportivos. (Fotos, Franco)
Ramillete de bellas mamás se divirtieron durante el dominguito de béisbol y el Día de las Madres.
El estadio Potranco se vistió de gala ofreciendo excelente ambiente deportivo y musical, el cual
disfrutaron las gentiles damas Claudia López, Laura Cano, Aracely (Chely) Reza, Laura Martínez, Lidia Martínez y Teresa Celestino, quienes siempre han apoyado a sus respectivos esposos
y familiares en la práctica del rey de los deportes. Felicidades.
El señor José Montes celebró la coronación del equipo Astros del cual es coach y jugador (temporada
Veteranos) bajo la dirección del manager Jaime Guerrero. Montes comparte responsabilidades con
sus hijos Tony, Erick, Óscar y Meño. Su hija Claudia juega softball rápido con los equipos Lady
Astros y Lady Cadinals. “Estoy orgulloso de jugar con mis hijos en el béisbol veterano y dominical”,
dijo Montes, quien junto con sus hijos será homenajeado por Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán.
Enrique Carreto y Edgar Lira, directivos del club Real Nacional, en el Día de las Madres tuvieron
doble celebración en Levi Strauss Park, donde ganaron el precioso trofeo de campeón en la máxima
división de Soccer Liga de Los Altos. “Estamos felices porque este día se logró doble celebración.
Todos jugaron con el corazón y pasión haciendo más grande los festejos”, dijo Lira, quien agradeció
el apoyo de sus seguidores y mamás ahí presentes.
El club Deportivo Jiménez del técnico José Jiménez honró a los
Pumas de la UNAM vistiendo la casaca dorada, lo que les dio
suerte para coronarse campeón en torneo de consolación de
SLDA, y, posteriormente, celebrar en grande con alegre convivio.
El plantel Leones Negros con su capitán Jesús García, apodado
“La Rata”, y el propietario Juan Moncivais, acompañados por
futuros astros del balompié infantil y juvenil, celebraron el subcampeonato. García obtuvo trofeo de campeón goleador.
Disfrutando delicioso platillo en el Día de las Madres, las estiDoña María Muñoz, aficionada de por vida al rey de los deportes, madas y gentiles damas Mireya Martínez, San Juanita Ramírez
en el Día de las Madres admiró las acciones en Potranco Baseball y Patricia García, quienes recibieron felicitaciones y buenos
Field acompañada por sus amigas, señoras Raquel Torres y Rosa deseos durante la inolvidable fiesta ofrecida por Liga Dominical
Mrs. Pauline Franco, en el Día de las Madres, recibió bellas aten­
ciones y felicitaciones de sus hijos Vidal Franco, Greg Fuentes,
nieto David Fuentes, hija Burline Fuentes y familia. Su esposo
José I. Franco, como es costumbre, le sirvió desayuno continental
en cama. Felicidades.
Club San Jacinto, propiedad de los esposos Griselda y Daniel
Flores, celebró su primer campeonato de ascenso en Soccer Liga
de Los Altos (SLDA), ganado el Día de las Madres. Los esposos
Flores premiaron a sus jugadores con alusivas medallas y una
deliciosa cena.
17 de mayo de 2015
La diseñadora Graciela muestra sus creaciones en sombreros de la temporada de verano u para Atractiva modelo muestra las creaciones en rebozos y atuendos típicos disponibles en el sitio www.
fiestas formales.
Bello sombrero muestra esta niña en reciente festival en la catedral
de San Fernando.
Janell Hernández, nuevo talento del acordeón.
Pequeña princesa en traje típico para presentarse en la Plaza
del Charro.
Preparadas para el sol o la lluvia, Andrea Gómez y Gloria Alba,
gentiles damas del Westside.
Angela Mendoza, una de las jóvenes intérpretes de la música
tejana más solicitadas en San Antonio.
Katy McKenzie, naciente estrella en el firmamento de la música
country. (Fotos, Roberto J. Pérez)
Andrés Ricardo Morín asiduo participante en el desfile del 5 de Saludos de un futuro lector de La Prensa descansando en la Plaza
Mayo, que anualmente presenta el distrito escolar de Edgewood. Guadalupe.
Cientos de opciones. Más ahorros cada día.
• No se requiere membresía especial • Sin cuotas de inscripción
• Disponible a clientes con o sin cobertura de prescripciones médicas
Para ayudarte a ahorrar en tus medicamentos, tu Farmacia H-E-B tiene más de 260
medicamentos genéricos a precios tan bajos como $4 por un suministro de 30 días*.
Además, tenemos disponibles medicamentos genéricos de $8 y $12 en suministros de 30 días*.
Para ver qué medicamentos genéricos califican para este programa, visita
heb.com/pharmacy o habla con tu equipo de la farmacia de H-E-B y ahorra hoy mismo.
*30 días de suministro en un régimen de mantenimiento comúnmente prescrito o en la etapa crónica de la terapia. Lista sujeta a cambio en
cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Basado en suministros de 30 días en dosis comúnmente prescritas.
©2015 HEB, 15-0572
17 de mayo de 2015
COCINA: Mexican home cooking found at Linda’s Restaurant
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
“I knew how to run a business
because I had opened two or
three locations for Popeye’s but
I didn’t know anything about
Mexican food.
“I’m a better boss,” Sosa added
with a laugh. “I know how to
cook but I prefer to be the boss.”
The small restaurant boasts
delicious and affordable plates
like homemade carne guisada,
fresh caldo, or the fideo loco, all
freshly prepared by Sosa’s Mexican grandmother, Esther Gloria.
The entire menu is made-to-
order, including the house gorditas, filled with your choice of
juicy shredded chicken or savory
and tender beef. The kitchen staff
works fast to make fresh flour and
corn tortillas that are the perfect
addition to any dish on the menu.
The second location plans to
open their drive-thru window
sometime next week, which
means you can take your favorite
plates and sides to go.
“We like to serve the community,” Sosa said. “At the number
one location, everyone knows us.
We know 85 percent of our customers by name. We like to get to
know our customers like family.
We treat everyone like family.”
With plates like these, it’s easy
to feel at home.
Linda’s Mexican Restaurant #2
is located at 2218 N. Zarzamora.
The restaurant and drive-thru
will open for business Monday
through Saturday, from 6:30 a.m.
to 3 p.m., and from 7:30 a.m. to
2 p.m. on Sunday. The restaurant
only accepts cash payments at
this time.
Price Range: $
There are many Mexican restaurants in Westside San Antonio, but Linda’s Mexican Restaurant #2 stands out as the place to
go for comforting and flavorful
dishes found in Mexican home
Linda Sosa opened her first
restaurant in 2005 with a simple
goal: to provide good service and
good food to customers while
giving back to the community.
Ten years later, Sosa and her
husband Reynol celebrate their
success of Linda’s Mexican Restaurant #1 on Guadalupe St., and
hope to expand their reach to their
new location on N. Zarzamora.
“I come from Mexican parents
who were immigrants, and I was
the first one from my family to be
born here,” Sosa said. “We grew
up in a family where my mom
made tortillas every day; she
made moles and papitas, that’s
what we grew up eating.”
Although Sosa enjoys eating
Mexican food and has worked
in the restaurant industry since
age 17, she prefers to stay on the
business side of the restaurant.
“When I first started I didn’t
know anything about Mexican
food because I had always run Linda’s Restaurant #2 offers made to-order Mexican classics like homemade gorditas, served
fast food restaurants,” Sosa said. with rice and refried beans. (Photo, Lea Thompson)
17 de mayo de 2015
Saúl Hernández: “El amor es un ejercicio
de confrontación a tu existencia”
Por Adda Montalvo
[email protected]
Con la guitarra en mano, canciones y su conciencia social
muy viva, Saúl Hernández, líder
de Caifanes y Jaguares, se encuentra en plena gira en diversas
ciudades de la unión americana
para promocionar su segundo
disco en solitario: “Mortal”.
Y en medio de su agenda de
conciertos platicó con La Prensa
sobre “el alma” de su nueva
producción y sobre el porqué no
olvidar ciertos acontecimientos
De “Mortal”, el “primer grito de batalla” es el sencillo
“Fuerte”, que suena desde finales
del año pasado.
En el coro de la canción el cantante aboga por sacar la fuerza
interior de cada mexicano para
enfrentar los diversos conflictos
sociales que el país atraviesa.
“Y es que hoy estoy fuerte /
Más fuerte que nunca…”, canta.
Hernández relató que cuando
escribió esta canción experimentó emociones encontradas,
pero la que más sobresalió fue
“la integridad: nos podrán golpear, pero nunca tocarán nuestro
corazón… la escribí pensando
en nuestro México contemporáneo”, explicó.
Así, cada línea de la canción
(como “Podrás quemar mi historia, podrás quitarme la razón, podrás esconderme la memoria…”)
es un grito de resistencia y un
Con 51 años y más de treinta años en el mundo del rock, Saúl Hernández define como “un regalo ejercicio de reflexión y memoria.
de Dios” el enorme público juvenil que asiste a sus conciertos. (Foto, cortesía)
SeaWorld’s conservation
efforts on display
“Cuando hice el video quise
mostrar a la gente que lo de
Ayotzinapa no es nada nuevo
en nuestro país. Y el video comienza con lo del 68, y de allí se
va derivando en varios eventos…
Atenco, la guardería de niños
hasta llegar a Ayotzinapa. Un
poco quise mostrar que la historia del México contemporáneo es
muy triste y con mucha injusticia”, subraya.
“Una vez Vargas Llosa, que
estuvo en México, dijo ‘aquí
hay una dictadura disfrazada’,
una dictadura perfecta, aparentemente la democracia está
por un lado y la represión sigue
estando debajo del agua. Y
hemos visto durante muchos
años una agresión muy fea a los
campesinos, a los indígenas, a
la gente que de alguna manera
sus escasos recursos económicos
no les ayudan para mantener un
juicio o, simplemente, porque
no pueden pagar la justicia. Es
triste, en un país la justicia debe
ser para todos, y de repente pasan
cosas y todo se queda en el aire.
Si el estado no tiene memoria, el
pueblo sí tiene memoria y tiene
recuerdos. El video comienza
con esto que te estoy contando
y arranca con una emoción del
pueblo mexicano”, expresó el
El video de “Fuerte” es dirigido por Alberto Resendiz y
muestra imágenes de los conflictos sociales mencionados por
Además insiste que él quería
que en el video el artista fuera un
pretexto y que el verdadero rock
star fuera la gente, “su mirada, su
sonrisa, ese reflejo de lucha, de
seres humanos peleando por sobrevivir, por exigir simplemente
el hecho de existir, estar bien”.
En ese sentido lo califica de un
video así “guerrillero, un video
muy sutil, pero muy poderoso”.
El álbum, las experiencias
A sus 51 años, Saúl Hernández
ha experimentado el éxito en el
rock en español en su patria y
Latinoamérica, Europa y Estados
Unidos. Todo esto de la mano de
Caifanes, Jaguares y ahora en su
faceta como solista.
Desde famosos covers como
“La negra Tomasa” en la década
de los 80’s, sus experiencias
personales y sociales le llevan
a componer sus canciones que
emanan madurez al confrontar
más su existencia. “Ahora veo
cosas que no veía. Cuando tenía
15 años y empezaba a tocar, solo
veía lo que tenía enfrente, ahora
me asomo y veo el océano”,
Y en esa reflexión compuso las
canciones de su segundo disco
como solista “Mortal” bajo el
hilo conductor de la esperanza,
así como otras anteriores: “Mortal”, “Fuego”, “Te levantaste”,
“Nadie como tú”, “Tú y yo”,
“Por un mes”, “Sangre”, “Kalimán”…
Pero además de la conciencia
social, le pregunto si el amor
cabe en este disco. “Hay de todo,
todo. Finalmente, el amor es un
vea Saúl Hernández
página 3-D
Festival honors S.A. music roots
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
female performers and bands
this Sunday in their “Women
in Conjunto Music Tardeada
Weekend attendees can expect to see great performers
like Corpus Christi’s Grupo
Imagen and San Antonio’s
Eva Ybarra in addition to
well-known performers like
Flaco Jiménez and Los Dos
When Grupo Imagen joined
together in 2013, they became
the first female-driven Conjunto band. The band’s accordion player, Silvia Navarro
noted that being female hadn’t
stopped the band from playing
“hard-core Conjunto.”
“As usual, just looking forward to jamming and sharing
our music with the public and
having fun,” Navarro said.
“The accordion is our roots.
This is what we listened to
when we were little. I love all
genres and types of music, but
that’s where our heart is, that’s
why we chose Conjunto.”
Visitors can also look forward to seeing Eva Ybarra, a
talented Conjunto accordion
player on Sunday. Ybarra has
been in the music industry for
more than 60 years, and she’s
happy to see San Antonio’s music fan base expand and grow.
“It’s great to see people from
all over town,” Ybarra said.
“People at every age and from
all over the countries come here
because they like the music. In
Texas, [the music] is like an
artifact, ya know?”
The Tejano Conjunto Festival will take place this weekend
at Rosedale Park, 340 Dartmouth. Three-day passes can
be purchased for $40 online at
org or over the phone at (210)
271-3151. Individual tickets
for the Friday and Saturday
performances cost $15, and the
Sunday performances cost $12.
Tejano and Conjunto are
beloved by people around
the world, but San Antonio is
arguably the birthplace of the
unique music filled with accordions, bajo sexto and drums.
The city celebrates those cultural roots at the annual Tejano
Conjunto Festival, being held
this year from May 13 to May
17 at the Guadalupe Theater
and Rosedale Park.
Now in its 34th year, the
festival showcases the best
of modern day Conjunto and
Tejano performers in a familyfriendly environment filled
with food booths, fun dance activities and music workshops.
Although the Conjunto and
Chris Bellows, Vice President of Seaworld’s Zoological Operations, works to save endangered and
music industries have
threatened species like the lemur pictured here. (Courtesy Photo.)
been traditionally dominated
ing away.”
to present information and even by men, this year’s festival feaBy Lea Thompson
According to Bellows, the interactions with animal species tures some of the world’s best
[email protected]
world’s most endangered marine affected by growing populations,
mammal is the vaquita, a por- city expansion or poaching.
Endangered Species Day was poise found on the coast of Baja,
Many animals listed as “endancreated ten years as ago as a way California. Experts estimate that gered” are doomed to extinction,
to celebrate and save animal pop- less than 100 of these friendly but Bellows notes that there have
ulations threatened by humans. and charismatic animals are liv- been several recent exceptions,
In 2015, SeaWorld and Busch ing today, due to the high market like the American alligator and
Gardens will celebrate “Endan- price that fishermen can get for the American bald eagle. San
gered Species Day” by kicking catching them.
Antonio visitors can stop by Seaoff a new partnership with the
“I’m hoping that we haven’t World’s exhibits of both animals,
Association of Zoos & Aquariums waited too long,” Bellows said. which are now thriving thanks to
(AZA) and Saving Animals from “It would be awful to lose this conservation efforts and public
Extinction (SAFE) to help protect species.”
endangered animals.
SeaWorld has partnered with
“We try to make a connection
SAFE has focused its con- the San Diego Zoo, the Marine between anyone so they can have
servation efforts on 10 species, Mammal Foundation and the a greater appreciation of these
eight of which will be helped by Mexican government to try to animals. You can look on your
SeaWorld and Busch Gardens save the species through dona- iPad and see pictures, but when
including: sea turtles, sharks, go- tions and by working with marine you see, smell and feel an animal,
rillas, cheetahs, Asian elephants, experts and veterinarians.
people feel more inspired to go
African penguins, the black rhiZoos and aquariums through- out and make a difference,” Belnoceros and the vaquita.
out the country will begin taking lows said.
SeaWorld fans and visitors can endangered animals off exhibit,
Anyone can make a difference
learn more about the animals and to show visitors what the world by writing letters to their local
international conservation efforts would look like without these lawmakers and advocating for
through social media and the animals.
change or the abolishment of
online campaign #SavingSpecies.
SeaWorld is also working to unsafe practices that affect ani“This is especially important to increase people’s understanding mals, like the hunting of sharks
our oceans,” said Chris Bellows, and awareness of animals through for food.
Vice President of Seaworld’s education. SeaWorld’s education“It’s going to take more than
Zoological Operations. “Some al ambassadors walk throughout zoos and aquariums to save these Grupo Imagen is among the featured female bands playing in the Tejano Conjunto Festival this
of these species are quickly go- the park and visit local schools animals,” Bellows added.
Sunday at the “Women in Conjunto Music Tardeada Showcase.” (Courtesy photo)
Final Call for Entries to URBAN15’s 2015 Josiah Media Festival
By Eric Awad
In 2015, the Josiah Media Festival
will celebrate its 9th consecutive
year as a juried festival and is one
of the nation’s longest-running film
festivals exclusively for young filmmakers. Over the years, this festival
has received increasing international attention and participation
from filmmakers around the world,
including India, Australia, Denmark, Brazil, Canada, the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands, South
Africa, Thailand--and right here in
San Antonio!
In January, the URBAN-15
Group opened the call for entries
for the Josiah Media Festival, accepting short films from around
the world made by filmmakers age
21 or younger. June 1 is the final
deadline to submit an entry. There
is no entry fee to submit a film, and
the film festival will be awarding
nearly $2000 in prizes to winning
Requirements for film submissions:
• No longer than 20 minutes totalrun-time
• Choose one of four categories
for entry (narrative, documentary,
animation or experimental)
• Submit film as an HD digital file
on a thumb drive, as a Data-DVD
or digitally.
• Film submissions can be entered
URBAN-15 is now ccepting films for the 2015 Josiah Media
Festival! Submission deadline is June 1, 2015! (Courtesy photo)
into the competition via mail or
through online digital submission.
Mailed submissions should be sent
to the Josiah Media Festival at 2500
S. Presa, San Antonio, TX 78210.
Filmmakers interested in entering materials online can call (210)
736-1500 or email josiahfestival@
urban15.orgor [email protected] for more information
on the online submission process.
must be accompanied with a completed Entry and Release Form,
available for download at URBAN-15.org and josiahmediafestival.com.
The Josiah Media Festival was
founded in 2007 to honor Josiah
Miles Neundorf, a talented and prolific media artist from San Antonio
who succumbed to bone cancer in
2006. In honor of his memory, his
parents Marcus and Nancy Neundorf and URBAN-15 created the
Josiah Media Festival, designed
to showcase outstanding works by
young filmmakers around the world.
Since its founding, filmmakers participating in the Josiah Media Festival have gone on to receive acclaim
at other film festivals worldwide
and from national and international
media, and have begun thriving
professional careers.
When: Submission deadline on
June 1st, 2015
Where: Mail entries to Josiah Media Fest, 2500 S. Presa, San Antonio,
TX 78210
Contact: Jonathan Anderson, Josiah Media Festival Manager
Phone: 210-736-1500
Email: info@josiahmediafestival.
com or [email protected].
Bichir once again onstage, on
big screen, this time with family
EFE - Mexican actor Demian
Bichir this year is joining family members onstage and on
the big screen, getting back to
his theatrical roots and finding
relaxation, as he told Efe, from
the daily grind of his career,
which he is now steering toward
The 51-year-old Bichir will
place himself under the directorship of his father Alejandro and will join his brothers
Odiseo and Bruno to star in “El
ultimo preso” (The Last Prisoner) in The Montalban theater
in Los Angeles, joining the tour
late due to his Hollywood commitments.
This Friday, Bichir will wrap
up filming on “The Hateful
Eight” by Quentin Tarantino, a
“western” that will begin showing in theaters at the end of this
year after assorted delays, the
latest caused by heavy snowfall
in Colorado.
The play was first staged in
December in Mexico City and
has been on tour since April
with just one performance in
the United States, the one on
Saturday as part of the LeaLA
Book Fair in Los Angeles, and
with Demian now on board for
the performances in Tijuana
on May 20 and in Mexicali the
next day.
“It’s very emotional. It’s a
blessing for me to join my family once again. An incredible
joy,” the actor said, adding that
the process was, nevertheless,
Flights to Mexico to rehearse
when Tarantino gave him a
break, meetings via Skype and
all with the added burden of
having to prepare himself for
two characters.
Bichir on Saturday will play
the role of the last prisoner,
which his father had done up
Mexican actor Demian Bichir. (EFE/File)
to now but who will now focus
on directing, and in Tijuana he
will spell Odiseo in his role as
the police sergeant and, for the
first time in his life, act with
his father.
The Bichirs began their careers together in the theater in
1980 with “Ah, soledad” and
they once again joined forces in
“El pequeño Malcom y su lucha
contra los eunucos” (2001) and
later in “Extras” (2003).
“El ultimo preso,” written
in 1958 by Poland’s Slawomir
Mrozek, was already brought to
theaters by Alejandro Bichir in
1980 and places the viewers in
a fictitious country where statesponsored repression has been
so heavy that the only dissident
left decides to do an about-face
in his political views, leaving
the system with the problem
of whom to imprison now that
there are no enemies.
The actor also is coproducing
with his brother Bruno his first
work as director and screenwriter - “Refugio” - a feature film
that is in post-production and in
which he stars along with Eva
Longoria and his nephew Jose
Angel Bichir, Odiseo’s son,
who plays the younger version
of his character.
“The story unfolds in 30 years
and finding people who look
like you is not easy. Jose Angel
was always a very clear option.
He’s a great actor, dedicated,
who works seriously,” said Bichir, who also made a place for
his father in the work, a drama
about a man who, in his search
for true love, goes from working
with a circus in Mexico to the
New Orleans night life.
“We’re working on other
stories and when I have a new
script ready I’m going to do
everything possible to film it
once again,” he said.
As soon as his theater foray
ends, Bichir will begin filming “Low Riders” on May 27,
in Los Angeles and under the
direction of Peru’s Ricardo de
Montreuil, known for “Mancora” (2008).
17 de mayo de 2015
Memorial Day at Morgan’s Wonderland to
include special music and entertainment
By Bob MCCullough, APR
Morgan’s Wonderland, the
world’s first ultra-accessible
theme park designed with special-needs individuals in mind,
will observe Memorial Day –
Monday, May 25 – and salute
the nation’s military heroes
past and present with special
patriotic performances.
Gates will be open from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., and special entertainment has been scheduled as
follows: 10:30 a.m. – German
shepherd “Sgt. Rambo” from
Gizmo’s Gift, an education and
charitable organization that educates the public about military
working dogs; 11 a.m. – Dreams
Fulfilled Through Music, a
musical ensemble celebrating
its tenth year of entertaining
audiences; and 2 p.m. – “The
Fabulets,” a pop music group af-
filiated with the Kidsville Kids
“This special Memorial Day
entertainment will be an added
bonus to more than 25 popular
rides, playgrounds, gardens and
other attractions that already
exist for Morgan’s Wonderland
guests,” Nikki Young, entertainment director said. “Memorial
Day weekend also will signal
the start of the summer season
for Morgan’s Wonderland,
which will be open daily May
27 through Aug. 23, except on
Sgt. Rambo, the furry mascot
for Gizmo’s Gift headquartered
in Converse, will meet with park
guests and pose for photos. The
organization generates financial support for the health and
well-being of military working
dogs, and it facilities adoption of
retired dogs. More information
is available at www.gizmosgift.
Dreams Fulfilled Through
Music (DFTM) of San Antonio
will present the Alamo Angels
Accordion Orchestra, comprised
of students with special needs
and senior citizens who serve as
mentors. DFTM exists to make
music education more accessible for those with disabilities.
For further details, visit www.
The teens comprising The
Fabulets specialize in pop-music
vocals, and on Memorial Day,
they’ll perform a lively patriotic
medley. Additional information
about The Fabulets can be found
at www.thefabulets.com.
The latest information on
Morgan’s Wonderland admissions, operating days/hours of
operation and special events/celebrations can be found at www.
17 de mayo de 2015
Saúl Hernández...
Sisterhood Hits Aca-mazing
Notes in ‘Pitch Perfect 2’
By Christina Acosta
When many of us go to the
movies to see a sequel, we assume
that the first one will always be
the best one. This was not the
case for “Pitch Perfect 2.” The
sisterhood of the a capella group,
The Barden Bellas, did not fall
off the charts for their second
In Elizabeth Banks directorial
debut, the story fast-forwards to
three years later when The Bellas are now seniors at Barden
University. After their big win
in the first movie, they become
national darlings.
They have a special performance at the Lincoln Center that
includes audience members like
President Obama and First Lady
Michelle Obama. Unfortunately,
Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) has
a wardrobe malfunction while
doing acrobats and belting out
Miley Cyrus’s, “Wrecking Ball”.
Ac-ward! The embarrassment
banned them from going to nationals and even initiating new
group members.
These new rules do not stop
The Bellas from allowing Emily
(Hailee Steinfeld), a freshman
who always dreamed of becoming
a Bella, from joining. Steinfeld
even shows off natural talent by
using her own voice, a feat not
many actresses can pull off in
Hollywood. I’m glad there is a
moment for her young character
to shine as she tries to fit in with
the other seniors throughout the
Main character Beca (Anna
Kendrick) sees the humility as an
opportunity to start on her own
secret project, one that strains her
from the group. Chloe (Brittany
Snow) turns the dilemma around
and finds a leg-up to compete for
(viene de página 1-D)
do “Remando”. Aunque también
incluye famosos temas como
“Maténme porque me muero”,
“Detrás de los cerros”, “La célula
que explota”, entre otros.
Y aunque todavía espera que
el sencillo “Fuerte” suene más
fuerte, adelante que tal vez el
próximo tema a lanzar será “Me
Sobre el género musical,
Hernández dice no creer incursionar, personalmente, en
otros géneros de moda como
la bachata o hip hop, porque
no le gusta aprovecharse de
las circunstancias. Aunque ha
sido invitado y ha participado
en otros proyectos. Por ejemplo
con el grupo Ángeles Azules en
la canción “Entrega de amor”
o haciendo un cover de Juan
Gabriel “Te lo pido por favor”.
“Pues voy a experimentar en el
ping pong”, bromea “no sé si yo
hago pop rock, no me considero
pop rock, pero mi próximo género lo voy a degenerar”.
Saúl Hernández se presentó
esta semana en Houston y Dallas. El próximo 28 de mayo
se presentará en concierto con
Caifanes en Highland (California), el 29 en Los Ángeles y el
30 en Mexicali (Baja California,
Mariana Vega esta semana en S.A.
L to R: Cynthia Rose (Ester Dean), Ashley (Shelley Regner), Jessica (Kelley Jackle), Emily (Hailee Steinfeld), Beca (Anna Kendrick), Chloe (Brittany Snow), Stacie (Alexis Knapp), Fat Amy
(Rebel Wilson), Chrissie Fit (Flo), and Lilly (Hana Mae Lee) in
“Pitch Perfect 2”. (Courtesy Photo)
the world international competition in Copenhagen.
The one group that stands between them and the trophy is the
popular German a capella group,
Das Sound Machine (DSM). The
group is a perfect combination
of technical choreography and
digital sounding voices, a type of
genre that is popular in today’s
In order to beat their competitors from around the world, the
group undergoes rigorous training
for the final competition against
DSM. Beca eventually discovers
that she must balance her project
with The Bellas in order to become the best a capella group in
the world. The Bellas include new
covers from Taylor Swift, Alt-J,
and a classic from Pat Benatar.
The movie as a whole did have
similar storylines from the first,
but “Pitch Perfect 2” delivered
more adventures, laughs, unexpected cameos, and more upbeat
Snoop Dogg shows that he can
not only rap, but also make jokes
that will make you jump out of
your seat with laughter.
Speaking of comedy, Wilson’s
performance proved that she is
more than just the happy-go-lucky
character we are used to seeing
her portray. Wilson delivered a
comedic performance, but also
allowed space for her character
to mature from college student
to an adult.
Kendrick and Snow showed
touching performances that make
any girl wish to be a talented a
capella singer. Both actresses give
us a message about how important
a sisterhood is once you find the
right group. With the right people
in your life, you can achieve more
than when you go it alone. The
base to becoming the best that
you want to be usually includes a
strong support group.
“Pitch Perfect 2” is a sequel that
you can’t shut down. There’s a lot
to learn from the a capella groups
who don’t let anything stand in
their way. You can even learn a
lesson from Fat Amy, who takes
on embarrassment with comedic
relief. It is a feel-good comedy
that will leave you screaming,
“Go Bellas” as one moviegoer did
after the credits.
Pitch Perfect opens this weekend!
Instant Classic
ejercicio de confrontación a tu
existencia y, bueno, la política
es también una confrontación
a tu manera de vivir dentro de
una sociedad y un país. A donde
quiero llegar, finalmente, es que
mis canciones van hacia una
confrontación existencial. Te
preguntas: ¿a dónde voy? ¿Quién
soy yo? ¿Qué voy a hacer de mi
vida? ¿Qué pasa alrededor de mi
“Mortal” es un disco divido en
dos partes: una en estudio (nuevas canciones) y otra en vivo.
La parte en vivo es el resultado
de la gira que empezó desde su
primer disco como solista titula-
Ganadora del Latin Grammy a Mejor Artista Nuevo 2014, la cantante Mariana Vega trae a la
ciudad de El Álamo su música pop rock folk. (Foto, cortesía)
Por La Prensa
La cantautora de origen venezolano Mariana Vega, quien es
ganadora del Latin GRAMMY a
Mejor Nuevo Artista 2014, dará
un concierto este jueves 21 de
mayo en San Antonio.
Con su género pop rock, la
artista promociona actualmente
su segundo disco titulado “Mi
burbuja”. En él “mezcla sonidos
folk alternativos con pop rock”,
describe su página web.
Entre sus canciones figuraran
“Mi Burbuja”, “Háblame”, “De
Tu Voz”, “Contigo”.
En los últimos meses, Vega
ha estado promocionando su
música en Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Ciudad de México,
Guadalajara, Caracas y Miami.
El pasado viernes 8 de mayo
formó parte del elenco que
ofreció el concierto ¡Desde
Aquí! en Ciudad de México con
motivo de la apertura del Centro
Regional para la Américas de
la Amnistía Internacional en
Ciudad de México.
En dicho concierto participaron también artistas como
Saúl Hernández, Lila Downs y
el joven talento Jordi Zindel. Al
final del concierto interpretó a
dúo con Lila Downs el clásico
de Fito Páez, “Yo vengo a
ofrecer mi corazón” y el gran
fínale, el himno hecho famoso
por Mercedes Sosa, “Todo
“Fue una experiencia como
pocas en mi vida. Estar rodeada
de gente tan valiente que sin
ningún tipo de ego luchan por
defender a aquellos que no
tienen voz, me ha llenado de
inspiración y gratitud. Que
privilegio formar parte de un
evento tan lleno de luz al lado
de colegas talentosos y comprometidos a ayudar como Lila
y Saúl”, expresó la cantautora.
Mariana Vega estará el 21 de
mayo en San Antonio TX en el
Nectar Lounge (19239 Stone
Oak Parkway No. 110, San
Antonio, TX 7825) a partir de
las 7:00 p.m. Para venta previa
de boletos visitar: http://bit.
Y el día siguiente estará en
Houston en el Alley Kat Bar.
Venta de boletos en: http://bit.
Diego Luna to star in “Star Wars: Rogue One”
EFE - Mexican actor Diego Luna will take on one of
the main roles in “Star Wars:
Rogue One,” the next film in
the famous galactic franchise
focusing on the attempt by a
group of rebels to steal the
plans for the Death Star space
station, the magazine Variety
reported Wednesday.
Luna’s participation has not
yet been confirmed by Lucasfilm, which announced that
Felicity Jones (“The Theory of
Everything”) will have a main
role under the directorship of
Gareth Edwards (“Godzilla”)
and with the screenplay fashioned by Chris Weitz (“About
Mexican actor and moviemaker Diego Luna during an interview a Boy”).
Other cast members include
with Efe in Mexico City. (EFE/File)
Ben Mendelsohn (“The Dark
Knight Rises”) and Riz Ahmed
(“Four Lions”).
“Rogue One” will be the
first “spinoff” of the Star Wars
saga and will appear in theaters
in December 2016 between
Episodes Seven - to appear in
December 2015 - and Eight,
scheduled to come out in May
The plot for “Rogue One”
occurs chronologically between
the events in Episodes Three
(“Revenge of the Sith,” 2005)
and Four (“A New Hope,”
Recently, Lucasfilm announced that Josh Trank had
refused to direct the second
spinoff, although the Star Wars
franchise has gained new life
since Disney bought George
Lucas’s production company
for $4 billion in 2012.
Producer Kathleen Kennedy
replaced Lucas at the firm’s
helm and sealed the deal with
J.J. Abrams to relaunch the
space opera with “Star Wars:
Episode VII - The Force Awakens,” which will appear in
The Star Wars saga exploded
into theaters in 1977 with “A
New Hope,” followed by “The
Empire Strikes Back” (1980)
and “Return of the Jedi” (1983).
The second trilogy was set
prior to the events in the first
trilogy and began with “Episode I: The Phantom Menace”
(1999), continuing with “Episode II: Attack of the Clones”
(2002) and “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” (2005).
In 2008, Lucasfilm aired the
animated television series “Star
Wars: The Clone Wars.”
Querida Nina:
Necesito de tu ayuda. Soy una
chica de 18 años y acabo de graduarme de preparatoria. Cuando me
gradué comencé a sentir mucha
confusión y ni siquiera entré a
universidad este semestre. Todo
el verano estuve de fiesta y
pasándola muy bien, pero creo
que sigo sintiéndome confundida
después de todo. Comencé a tomar y ahora no puedo controlarme
cuando tomo porque solo pierdo
el control y termino muy borracha
haciendo ridículos. Mi hermana
sabe lo que me pasa, y me ha
tratado de ayudar pero yo solo
le digo que es normal estar así y
que está exagerando. El problema
más grave fue la semana pasada,
cuando en una fiesta me besaron
a la fuerza y entre todos los hombres empezaron a aprovecharse
de que yo estaba muy tomada. Al
día siguiente amanecí en esa casa
y me di cuenta de que no había
llegado a dormir a mi casa. Me
asusté y ahora estoy muy preocupada porque no sé qué es lo que
me está pasando que me tiene
totalmente descontrolada.
Querida jovencita:
Sí es normal que a esta edad te
sientas confundida y que nadie te
entiende, pero eso es algo que por
lo general se puede controlar con
ayuda o sin ayuda. Comienza por
ordenar tus ideas y darte cuenta
de que lo más importante para ti,
deben ser tú y tu familia. Si dices
que no has sido así en tu pasado,
entonces busca la manera de
volver a ser tú misma. Ponte metas pequeñas que puedas cumplir
en una semana o dos. Lee un
libro, decora tu cuarto, procura
no salir de fiesta si sabes que no
puedes controlarte, y has ejercicio.
Después de haber cumplido metas
cortas podrás llevar a cabo metas
a largo plazo como tu inscripción
a la universidad, tu actitud, tu
manera de ver la vida, la fiesta y
otros detalles. Recuerda que aquí
lo importante es ser tú misma y no
dejar que nadie te influencie para
ser alguien que no eres. Lo difícil
es reconocer que tenemos un problema y tú ya lo has reconocido,
por lo que vas un paso adelante.
Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio,
TX 78212 o al correo electrónico: [email protected]
Jennifer Lopez residency in Vegas in 2016
EFE - U.S. pop star Jennifer
Lopez will become a resident
artist in Las Vegas in 2016, after booking 20 performances at
the Planet Hollywood Resort &
Britney Spears is currently
resident at the resort.
Lopez announced the gigs
Tuesday night on tv talent quest
‘American Idol’, where she is a
The deal was also reported by
US Weekly and other U.S. media
“(It’s) just the idea of creating
the show I always wanted to create,” she said.
“A tour is a different animal
and to be in the one place doing
a show that I’ve always imagined
creating at this moment in my life
- I’m very excited about it,” said
Lopez in a statement.
She added the concerts will be
17 de mayo de 2015
Levitation 2015
By Alyssa Bunting
[email protected]
There was so much to see
this past weekend at Levitation, formerly known as Austin
Psych Fest. Apart from the big
name bands that basically shaped
psychedelic music, such as the
Flaming Lips and the 13th Floor
Elevators, Levitation also opened
up the opportunity to a catch a
glimpse at psych music from all
over the world.
This year for example, experimental psychedelic band
Chui Wan from Bejing performed
on the amphitheater stage and
though the drone of distorted guitars and pedals was apparent, they
added an element of electronic
bongos which made for quite the
eclectic sound.
Another example is Vaadat
Charigim, a trio from Israel
whose lyrics are all in Hebrew,
and although there is not one
single distinct instrument, their
sound is truly unique in a way
that their lengthy sounds with
heavy, shoegaze melodies could
almost put them in a post-black
metal genre.
One of my favorite performances at the festival came
from a trio called Las Robertas
from Costa Rica. The band had
two frontwomen and added a
Latin, almost tropical element to
psychedelic music. One song of
theirs even had a reggaeton sound
to it that had the crowd bouncing around. “This is the biggest
crowd we’ve ever performed for,”
co-front woman Mercedes Oller
exclaimed at one point.
Levitation wasn’t always the
music festival it has grown to
be, now attracting thousands of
people from all over the world. In
fact, it started off in 2008 as Austin Psych Fest at The Red Barn,
a garden center in North Austin.
It was only for a single day and
consisted of bands mainly from
Austin, some of the most popular being The Black Angels and
Ringo Deathstarr, who would
later become Psych Fest veterans,
performing year after year.
It wasn’t until the second year
in 2009 that it became a three
day festival and not until 2013
that it had to be moved out onto
the Carson Creek Ranch, now
officially the festival’s home for
the past three years.
The evolution of Psych Fest
is a great story and I cannot help
but wonder what the city of San
Antonio could do to reach similar
momentum with its ever growing
music scene.
Of course, the Tejano Music
Awards and the Tejano Conjunto
Festival call San Antonio home
and feature big names in Latin
music, however, with Maverick
Music Festival now including
bigger headliners (for example
Roky Erickson of the 13th Floor
Elevators performed there two
years ago), and the fact that the
city is expanding its creative talent and with rumors that the old
Lone Star Brewery will become
a “mixed-used entertainment
complex” to include a new music
venue, I wonder what the future
will hold and what creative new
music events will develop along
with the growth of our city.
U.S. pop star Jennifer Lopez will become a resident artist in Las
Vegas in 2016, after booking 20 performances at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. (EFE/Gastón de Cárdenas)
a high energy “Jenny from the
Block party” blending pop, Latin
music, dance and hip-hop styles.
Her first show is scheduled
for Jan. 20, 2016 and the last for
June 12.
The music diva is the latest to
join the list of star performers
with residencies in Vegas including Celine Dion, Mariah Carey,
Britney Spears, Elton John and
Las Robertas performing at Austin Psych Fest / Levitation last weekend. (Photo Alyssa Bunting)
Rod Stewart.