Saint Ann Catholic Community 1311 Robinson Drive P.O. Box #1285 Haines City, FL 33845 Church Office: 863-422-4370 FAX: 863-421-2522 WEBSITE: PASTORAL STAFF PASTORAL STAFF Fourth Sunday of Advent Fr. W.W. Mitchell -Pastor Fr.Robert Robert Mitchell -Pastor [email protected] Cuartro Domingo de Adivento [email protected] Fr. Pawel Pazdzioch -Assoc. Pastor Fr. Frank Lobo, PhD — [email protected] Parochial Vicar December 21, 2014 21 de Deciembre de 2014 [email protected] Sr Sr.Josie JosieCanevari, Canevari,O.S.F. O.S.F. Director of Religious Director of Religious Education Education 863-438-2700 863-438-2700 [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Hector Colón Deacon Deacon Hector OrestesColón Hernández Deacon Robert Demming Deacon Fernando “Fred” Molina Deacon José Ramos [email protected] Deacon José Ramos Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Music Director - Bob Macar [email protected] Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Secretary - Michelle Wieber [email protected] [email protected] Office Support—Luz Gonzalez [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith Office Support - Michelle Wieber 863-419-1935 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith MASS SCHEDULE 863-419-1935 Monday—Friday 9:00 AM Eng. SaturdayMASS SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Eng. Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 Monday—Saturday 9:00 PM AM Eng. Eng. Sunday 8:00 AM Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 PM Eng. Eng. 10:00 Sunday 7:30 AM AM Eng. Eng. 12:00 PMEng. Sp. 10:00 AM 7:00PM PMSp. Sp. 12:00 HOLY DAYS: As announced. 7:00 PM Sp. CONFESSIONS: HOLY DAYS: As announced. Spanish CONFESSIONS: Sunday: 11:30 AM –11:50AM In English and Spanish English Fridays at 6:00, Saturday at 3:00 pm Saturday: 3:00 PM –3:45 PM Reconciliación—Español e Inglés Viernes: 6:00 pm, Sábado: 3:00 pm Sacramental Preparation Info Sacramental Preparation Information Contact the Church Office. Contact the Church Office. Preparación Sacramental Preparación ComunícateSacramental con la oficina Comunícate con la Oficina Parroquial parroquial St. Vincent VincentdedePaul: Paul: 863-419-4819 419-4819 St. WELCOME. Thank you for joining us today! Bienvenidos. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! Page 2 December 21, 2014 Christmas in the Heart. Hopefully, by the time you read this, all your preparations for Christmas will be complete and you’ll be able to spend the last few days in a state of relative calm as we draw ever closer to our celebration of the Birth of our Savior. We call Jesus the “Prince of Peace” and yet if we aren’t careful we find that our celebration of His birth can become a frantic scramble of shopping, cooking, gift giving and card sending. In all this rushing around we can forget what it’s all about. We see the slogans: “Keep Christ in Christmas,” and “Jesus is the reason for the season.” But do we heed them? Once we’ve been to Mass on Christmas Eve or on Christmas morning, is that the last though we give to Him? As we gather around the tree for an orgy of ripping open packages that someone spent hours wrapping (you can tell I hate wrapping gifts!) and eating too much rich food, we enjoy the company of our loved ones and those close to us. But does Jesus get another thought? Do we even stop to say grace before our Christmas Feast? Do we remind the little ones that we are doing all this because we are celebrating the coming into our world of Someone Who loves each and every one of us more than we can begin to imagine? Do we tell them that all the gift giving and sharing are just a glimpse of the time when we will all be together with Him in a new world where everyone will have enough and everyone will be happy the way that we are now? Do we remind them (and ourselves) that although Jesus has won this new world for us and awaits us there, He also expects us to play our part in making it a reality? My mother used to say ‘it’s easy to be nice to nice people.” If our celebration of Christmas is just a mutual sharing with those closest to us and has no element of being open to others – our neighbors, our workmates, our schoolmates, the homeless and those out of work – then we’ve most certainly missed the point. As I have mentioned on many occasions, St. Ann is an amazingly generous community. My prayer this Christmas is that we continue to grow and to build on the wonderful foundation that we have received from those who have gone before us. May we live up to their example of imitating the Lord in His self-giving. We find it hard to give up small things. If we remember that Jesus put aside being GOD for us, then our feeble efforts pale into insignificance. And yet Jesus longs to receive those feeble efforts so that He can take them and transform them and use them for the building of His Father’s kingdom. Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. May the Babe of Bethlehem, the Prince of Peace, God-made-man give His most precious gift: Peace – peace in your homes, in your community, in our nation and above all in your hearts. Fr. Robert. EVERY THING IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD God brought David from the sheepfolds and established him as a King of Israel. A pastor, is a simple person who is charged with the task of caring for the sheep of the flock. The good shepherd lays down his life even for his sheep. This is the kind of shepherds which all flocks need to give them food and drink at the proper time, and lead them to greener pastures. All these features can be transferred to shepherd leaders of different social groups. First of all to the parents and also after them, to teachers. It is also the same for good shepherds or leaders of nations and of the Church. Anyone who holds authority must understand that it was God who gave them the power to serve and care for his people. There is a constant call from God to human beings to be happy, simple, humble and generous people. God wants leaders to be creative, energetic and intelligent, practical in meeting the various community problems and finding wise solutions. The problems are always going to visit us, but it is important that we know how to act calmly and with an open heart. The difficulties are as they are, but humans can mold ourselves and make decisions, ask for help, wait, analyze the "pro’s" and "con’s" and at the same time. When we fail to find the right solution, then we adapt to and we can even give up - but this is not the best option. In the end we have several options. We can always keep the hope of knowing that in one way or in another the matter will be resolved gradually. St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians, Chapter 4 verse 13, says: "I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me". According to the Apostle of the Gentiles, anything is possible if we believe. The Virgin Mary, Queen of Evangelization never thought of traveling to all corners of the earth to teach people of all nations the message of her Child to make it known to all mankind and to all g enerations. However, she is now the most famous woman in the Catholic world, there is no other capable of being loved, recognized and respected like the Virgin Mary. She goes by many names, we can just read the Litany of Loreto to see some of those names. In Christ She is One for all and we are one in her for God. She placed herself in the hands of God, saying, "Be it done unto me according to your word" (Lk 1: 38.). And God worked wonderful deeds in her life. We can say that the Virgin Mary is the Divina Pastora. She, as church leader, solved problems by believing. Undoubtedly this wisdom comes to us from God. But this wisdom, useful for leaders, can also help every ordinary human being. The supernatural virtue of Faith, makes us believe in Divine Providence. God gives to man the tools and knowledge to help others to solve the problems that look impossible to solve. We can believe or give up. We can believe and continue to believe despite the difficulties. What is certain is that God never abandons us. For us it easier to stop trusting. Although it costs us to keep the faith, we can choose to move forward sustained by hope, knowing that God´s will not deceive us if we choose to live in obedience of faith that was given to us by God's fidelity and the firmness of His covenant given to us in our Baptism making us part of the sacred lineage by sharing the divine dignity of Christ. We learn from the psalmist to say to God: "You are my father, my God, my rock of salvation." and even amid situations that look impossible, we´ll be victorious, for the Lord has said: “forever he will keep my favor, and my covenant with him will be stable We have been celebrating Aguinaldo Masses at 6:00 am every day until December 24th , beginning each day with a special preparation for the Feast of the Birth of the Child Jesus. The Posadas at 7:00 pm help us to go to rest inspired and ready to wake up for Mass the next day. I would love to have your company in this Novena of Christmas and wish you Merry Christmas 2014 and may God continue blessing you and your family. Fr. Frank Page 3 December 21, 2014 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Imagine how Mary felt at the birth of Jesus: excited, awed, frightened. Deep faith was her light in the darkness on the night when Jesus was born. In faith is found the real, lasting and deep joy of Christmas. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank our parishioners and ‘snow birds’ for your wonderful generosity in buying gifts for our Angel Tree families. You helped 130 families which included 409 children. God bless you and Merry Christmas! SAINT VINCENT de PAUL NEEDS A TRUCK Our Box Truck has over 170,000 miles and is starting to need costly repairs. If you can give us or would like to help us buy a different truck, please call St. Vincent de Paul at 419-4819 or Judy at 427-3040 . If you have baptized your child at Saint Ann and not received a Baptismal Certificate, please come by the Church Office and pick it up. The flowers around the Altar are in loving memory of Robert Bowers and Daniel Woern. ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 a.m. on Friday with benediction at 5:45 PM. No Adoration on 12/26. HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF ST. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH? DO YOU WANT DONATION ENVELOPES? In order to have contribution envelopes, you must register. In order to register you must request a registration card from any Usher or from the Church Office .After filling it out, please put it in the collection basket at Mass or turn in to the Church Office. You may also register on-line. Automatic monthly mail service normally takes 1 to 2 months but the Church Office will send out your first month’s package upon receiving your registration request. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Church Office. Welcome to St. Ann, your friendly community that enjoys photographing special events, especially visitors. Pictures are free, if sent out as an email. Printed copies are available upon request, $2 each for a 5x7. If we missed you before Mass, see us in the Narthex following Mass. Volunteers are needed, call Jacquie Menard, at 863422-1063, leave a message or email: [email protected] . We are accepting all empty ink and toner cartridges for reward points to defer the cost of ink. Please drop them off at the Religious Store. We welcome you into our Community of faith. For information regarding RCIA please call the Faith Formation Office and speak to Sr. Josie. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 20th, 2014 9:00 AM Intentions of Robert Trichel1 4:00 PM +Elias & Emelia Anchunda Sunday, December 21st, 2014 7:30 AM Pro Populo 10:00 AM +Angeles Morales 45th Wedding Anniversary of Angeles & Felix Gallardo 12:00 PM +Gregoria del Valle 7:00 PM +Alexander Perez Monday, December 22nd, 2014 9:00 AM +Magaly Miranda Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 9:00 AM +Lea Erin Schmidt & Family Wednesday, December 24th, 2014 9:00 AM +Memorial Mass Association 4:00 PM +Henry & Josephine Iovino 9:00 PM + Marco Gonzalez Thursday, December 25th, 2014 12:00 AM +Cecilia, Madona & Melissa Hellman 7:30 AM +Paul Katich 10:00 AM +Louis Ware 12:00 PM Friday, December 26th, 2014 9:00 AM +Aggie Stieber Saturday, December 27th, 2014 9:00 AM +Louise C. Hartig 4:00 PM +Bill Wergin & Marion Schaefer Sunday, December 28th, 2014 7:30 AM +Karen Werckman 10:00 AM Pro Populo 12:00 PM Intenciones de Carlos Daniel Castillo 7:00 PM + Page 4 If you have questions involving an Annulment, please make an appointment with Carolina Breton who is the Regional Advocate for the Diocese of Orlando’s Tribunal. Call 863-646-3556 ext. #101. December 21, 2014 50-50: Blanche Murphy won the 50-50 this week for $166 and then donated it to St. Vincent de Paul. Please remember: it takes $2.00 to play. If you don’t have a 50/50 envelope, you may get one from the Narthex. LECTORS: Proclaim with joy and excitement, praising god for the many ways in which he is present in your life, you parish community, the universal Church and the world. If you are interested in becoming a lector, please call Ann Wolber at 407-433-8048. MINISTERS TO THE SICK: Compelled by Christ's love we reach out beyond the walls of our church. We share the word and mystery of Christ's presence in Holy Communion with members who are physically unable to attend our Eucharistic celebration. WANTED: BEREAVEMENT MINISTERS. We will train. Please call MJ Arpin at 913-961-1760. This invitation applies to all our winter visitors also. The Haines City Knights of Columbus Business Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 PM. Council Social: 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 PM. All Knights & family are welcome at the Social. BINGO is every Monday & Thursday starting at 12:30 PM. For more info, call Roger Werckman.@ 863-956-5123. The following persons have been remembered with flowers around the Altar at Christmas: Las flores alrededor del Altar están dedicadas a los siguientes: +Carrie Arndt +The Badeau & Tillotson Families +Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brunner +Ken Brunner, Jr. +Lou Brunner, Sr. Charles & Beverly Dean +The Donch Sisters +Leo Donovan +Paula Donovan +Vincent Gariepy +Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hellyer +Paul Katich, Jr. +Dolores Ladwig +Gerald E. Phillips +Paul Scott +Tom & Jane Seibel +Jenniffer Seibel +Martin Shea +Marsha & Michael Thornton +Mary Agnes & Lawrence Weiber SNEAKER DRIVE Donate your old sneakers, regardless of their condition. Sneakers will be repaired, cleaned and given to the homeless and veterans. Others will be sent to Haiti, Pakistan or Africa. Others will be ground for material for athletic surfaces and mulch. Tell your friends and family members. Raise awareness! Keep thousands of sneakers out of landfills while doing something good for the community. Drop your sneakers off in the box in the Narthex of the Church. This is being sponsored by the Haines City Knights of Columbus Council #10484. We have placed a book in the Narthex where you can write the names of those who may be sick and for whom you wish us to pray. At Mass we will pray for "for those who have asked us for our prayers, especially those in our intention book." You can neatly write names into the book right up to the start of Mass and the book will be carried to the altar. Please pray for the sick in our Parish who have asked for our prayers. The Church Office will be closed on December 25th & 26th for the Christmas holiday. Page 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION This Saturday is the last Faith Formation class for 2014. Our Classes will begin again on January 10th, 2015. May you have a Happy, Blessed, and Safe Christmas; and may the New Year bring you many special blessings and graces to keep you close to Jesus and His most Blessed Mother. Remember that our classes begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00a.m. Some students are still not coming to class on time. Also pick-up is at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The Knights of Columbus are collecting old or not so old sneakers. Does your child have a pair of sneakers that he/she no longer wants or has out grown? We will be collecting them during our Faith Formation Class time. Thank you for your loving support. If you have not paid Tuition, you may do so on the Saturdays that you drop off your child/children. PLEASE CALL , 863-438-2700, BEFORE COMING TO MATO E SURE THAT I AM REALLY IN THE OFFICE AS SOME DAYS I HAVE MEETINGS, ETC. AND AM NOT IN THE OFFICE. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. Sister Josie ST. ANN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Religious Vocations' Promotion Committee A MISCONCEPTION among some Catholics is that the priest has an ideal job: he works one day each week, Sunday. They forget that the other six days a week, the priest works long and hard behind the scenes, among other things: bringing communion to the sick and elderly, counseling troubled families, visiting school classes, preparing individuals for sacraments. Often the job is frustrating, exhausting and thankless, but always of vital importance. Take some time this week and express appreciation to your priests for the difficult work they do. Dear Parishioners: I am asking that everyone continue to give at the level that they did this time last year. This is what our budget is based on and it’s vital that we stick to it. Thank you again for your continued generosity. This week 12-14 & 15, 2013 last year….$12,481.50 This week 12–13 & 14, 2014 this year.....$13,134.43 Difference: + $ 652.93 Thank you for your generosity. December 21, 2014 Flowers for the Altar-- Christmas Flower Fund -- Now accepting donations for this season. This season we will be setting the table for family dinners and putting lights on our houses. Please consider helping to dress God's table for the Christmas season and decorating His house. Please consider remembering your loved ones during the Christmas season with a $20 donation to the Christmas flower fund. The more generous the donation: the more joyous the celebration! Place your donation in the flower fund or use one of the Christmas Flower Fund envelopes in the Narthex. Be sure to include in the memo of your check or the flower fund envelope the name you want placed in the Christmas bulletin. THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet every Wednesday to make teddy bears, chemo hats and prayer shawls. We are so grateful for the many skeins of yarn for our shawls and chemo hats and material for the teddy bears that we have received from our Church members.. Thank you so much. If you know of someone needing a prayer shawl because of poor health or who have lost a loved one, please come see us on Wednesday mornings in the Fr. Anderson Building or call the Church Office at 422-4370. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Are you celebrating a birthday, wedding anniversary, a baptism or other occasion in the next few months? Why not consider spiritually making your day extra special by volunteering to bring the Gifts to Father during the offertory. It will mean extra joy for you and your day and it will help us immensely. Please contact Mary Jo to volunteer for the 4 o'clock Mass @2995590, Joyce Crane for the 7:30 AM @419-1200, Joyce Greenwood for the 10 AM Mass @956-4548 or feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] , please add "Gift Givers" to the subject line and be sure and tell us what date and Mass time you are requesting. You may also talk to any Usher who will forward the request to us. The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday morning after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Fr. Carlos Building. Come join us! Area Advent Reconciliation Services: St. Matthew: Monday, December 22nd @ 7:00 PM Página 6 21 de Deciembre de 2014 Navidad en el Corazón. Esperemos por el momento al leer est, odos los preparativos de Navidad se vayan completando y usted sea capaz de pasar los últimos días en un estado de relativa calma mientras nos acercamos cada vez más a nuestra celebración del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador. Llamamos a Jesús el "Príncipe de Paz" y, sin embargo, si no tenemos cuidado nos encontramos con que nuestra celebración de Su nacimiento puede convertirse en una lucha frenética de ir de compras, cocinar, dar regalos y enviar de las tarjetas. En todo este ir corriendo alrededor, podemos olvidar de lo que realmente se trata todo esto. Vemos las consignas: "Mantener a Cristo en la Navidad", y "Jesús es la razón de la temporada." Pero, ¿les prestamos atención? Una vez que hemos estado en la Misa el día de Nochebuena o en la mañana de Navidad, inclusive pensamos que es lo último que nos faltaba para darle a Él? Al reunirnos alrededor del árbol para una hora de rasgadura paquetes abiertos que alguien pasó horas envolviéndolos (en lo personal, debo decir que ¡odio envolver regalos!) Y comer alimentos demasiado ricos. Disfrutamos de la compañía de nuestros seres queridos y las personas cercanas a nosotros. Pero, ¿Jesús, habrá podido conseguir otro pensamiento? ¿Incluso el de detenernos para decir gracias antes de nuestra fiesta de Navidad? ¿Les enseñamos a los más pequeños que estamos haciendo todo esto porque estamos celebrando la entrada en el mundo de alguien que ama a todos y cada uno de nosotros más de lo que podemos llegar a imaginar? ¿Acaso ahora decimos que todo el don de dar y compartir es sólo una idea de la época en que todos vamos a estar juntos con Él, en un nuevo mundo en el que todos tiene suficiente y todo el mundo estará encantado por la forma en que nos encontramos? ¿Recordamos que aunque Jesús ha ganado este nuevo mundo para nosotros, también nos espera allí, Él también nos espera, haciendo cada uno nuestra parte en hacerlo una realidad? Mi madre solía decir que "es fácil ser amable con gente agradable" Si nuestra celebración de la Navidad es sólo un mutuo compartir con las personas más cercanas a nosotros y no tiene ningún elemento de estar abierto a los demás entonces nos falta algo -. Si nos olvidamos de nuestros vecinos, nuestros compañeros de trabajo, nuestros compañeros de escuela, los sin techo y los sin trabajo - entonces sin duda perdimos el significado de la Navidad. Como ya he dicho en muchas ocasiones, St. Ann es una comunidad increíblemente generosa. Mi oración en esta Navidad es que sigamos creciendo y construyendo sobre el fundamento maravilloso que hemos recibido de los que nos han precedido. Que vivamos su ejemplo imitando al Señor en Su don de sí mismo. Nos resulta difícil renunciar a las cosas pequeñas. Pero, si recordamos que Jesús dejó a un lado su dignidad divina para ser uno de nosotros podremos actuar como Él aun en nuestros más débiles esfuerzos. Y sin embargo, Jesús anhela recibir esos débiles esfuerzos para que Él pueda tomarlos y transformarlos y utilizarlos para la construcción del reino de su Padre. Tengan una maravillosa Navidad con sus seres queridos. Que el Niño de Belén, el Príncipe de Paz, Dios hecho hombre les dé el regalo más precioso: la paz. Paz en sus hogares, en su comunidad, en nuestra nación y sobre todo en sus corazones. Padre Robert. PARA DIOS TODO ES POSIBLE Dios sacó a David de los apriscos y lo estableció como Rey de Israel. Un pastor, es una persona sencilla a quien se le encarga la tarea de cuidar a las ovejas del rebaño. El buen pastor inclusive da la vida por sus ovejas. Esta es la clase de pastores que necesita todo rebaño para que les dé la comida y la bebida a su tiempo, y lo conduzca a pastos verdes. Todas estas características del pastor pueden transferirse a los líderes de los distintos grupos sociales. En primer lugar a los padres y madres de familia y después de ellos a los maestros de escuela, colegios y universidades. También le corresponde tener corazón de buenos pastores a los líderes de las naciones y a líderes de la Iglesia. Todo aquel que ostenta una autoridad debe entender que ha sido Dios quien le ha conferido ese poder para servir y cuidar a su pueblo. Hay un constante llamado que Dios le hace a los seres humanos de ser personas alegres, sencillas, humildes y generosas. Dios quiere que los líderes sean creativos, enérgicos y prácticos para encontrarle soluciones inteligentes a los distintos problemas de la comunidad y de la vida. Los problemas siempre nos van a visitar, pero lo importante es que sepamos actuar con serenidad y corazón abierto. Los problemas son como son, pero los seres humanos podemos moldearnos y tomar decisiones, pedir ayuda, esperar, analizar los “pro” y los “contra” y en algunos momentos, cuando no encontramos la solución más deseada, llegamos hasta a adaptarnos e inclusive hasta podemos renunciar. En fin, tenemos diversas opciones. Sin embargo, podemos conservar la esperanza de saber que de una u otra manera se irán resolviendo poco a poco. San Pablo, en la carta a los Filipenses, capítulo 4 verso 13, dice: “todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece”. Según el apóstol de los gentiles, todo es posible si creemos. La Virgen María, Reina de la Evangelización nunca pensó en viajar a todos los rincones de la tierra para enseñarle a las gentes de todos los pueblos el mensaje de su hijo y ser conocida por toda la humanidad y a través de generaciones y generaciones, sin embargo, Ella es hoy la mujer más famosa del mundo católico, no existe otra capaz de ser amada, reconocida y respetada como la Virgen María. Ella recibe muchos nombres, basta leer las letanías lauretanas para ver algunos de ellos. En Cristo Ella es una para todos y nosotros somos en ella uno para Dios. Ella se abandonó en las manos de Dios diciendo: “Hágase en mí según su Palabra” (Lc. 1, 38). Y Dios obró en ella maravillas. Podemos decir que la Virgen María es la Divina Pastora. Ella, como líder de la iglesia, encuentra la solución de sus problemas en el Hágase. Indudablemente esa sabiduría proviene de Dios. Pero esa sabiduría, útil para los líderes, también puede ayudar a todo ser humano. El sentido sobrenatural, es decir: la fe, nos hace creer en la Providencia Divina. Dios provee al ser humano de las herramientas y el conocimiento que le permitirá resolver hasta los problemas que lucen imposibles de solucionar. Podemos creer o dejar de hacerlo. Podemos creer y continuar creyendo a pesar de las dificultades. Lo que es seguro, es que Dios nunca nos abandona. Para nosotros resulta más fácil dejar de confiar. Aunque nos cueste mantener la fe, podemos optar por seguir adelante sostenidos por la esperanza, sabiendo que en Dios no quedaremos defraudados si decidimos vivir en la obediencia de la fe que nos enseña la fidelidad de Dios y la solidez de su pacto con nosotros cuando por medio del Bautismo nos ha incorporado al linaje sagrado de su estirpe divina por medio de Cristo, como nos lo enseña el salmista diciendo también nosotros: “Tu eres mi Padre, mi Dios, mi roca salvadora,” y nuestra fe, aun en medio de las situaciones que parecen imposibles, saldrá vencedora, porque el Señor ha dicho: Le mantendré eternamente mi favor, y mi alianza con él será estable. Las Misas de Aguinaldo las estamos celebrando a las 6:00 de la mañana todos los días, hasta el 24 de diciembre abriendo cada día con una especial preparación para la Fiesta del Nacimiento del Niño Dios. Y las posadas a las 7:00 de la noche para irnos a descansar ya inspirados y preparados para madrugar a la Santa Misa del día siguiente. Me gustaría seguir contando con su presencia en esta Novena de Aguinaldos y les deseo que en esta navidad 2014 Dios siga bendiciéndolos a Uds. y a sus familias. Feliz Navidad. Fr. Frank Página 7 21 de Deciembre de 2014 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Formación de Fe: Imagínese cómo se sintió María en el nacimiento de Jesús: emocionada, asombrada, asustada. Su fe profunda era su luz en la oscuridad, la noche en que nació Jesús. En la fe encontramos la verdadera alegría, duradera y profunda Navidad. Estimados Padres de familia, La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul quiere agradecer a nuestros feligreses y a todos los visitantes durante la temporada de invierno, por su maravillosa generosidad en la compra de los regalos para nuestras familias del Árbol del Ángel. Ustedes ayudaron a más de 130 familias incluyendo a 409 niños. Dios les bendiga y Feliz Navidad. Las familias que se registraron para los regalos del Árbol del Ángel, les queremos informar que la distribución de los regalos será el próximo, Domingo 21 de diciembre de 2014 de 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. en el salón social. COMUNIDAD CATOLICA SANTA ANA Comité de Promoción de Vocaciones Religiosas UNA CONCEPCION INCORRECTA entre algunos católicos es que el sacerdote tiene un trabajo ideal: que él trabaja un día a la semana, el domingo. Se olvidan de que los otros seis días de la semana, el sacerdote trabaja largo y duro detrás del escenario, entre otras cosas: llevando la comunión a los individuos enfermos y ancianos, aconsejando familias con problemas, visitando las clases escolares, preparando individuos para los sacramentos. A menudo, el trabajo es frustrante, agotador y poco agradecido, pero siempre de vital importancia. Tómese su tiempo esta semana y exprese aprecio a sus sacerdotes por el difícil trabajo que realizan. Este sábado es la última clase de Formación de Fe para 2014. Nuestras clases comenzarán nuevamente, el 10 de enero de 2015. Les deseo una Feliz y Bendecida Navidad que el Año Nuevo les traiga muchas bendiciones y la gracia para mantenerse cerca de Jesús y su Santísima Madre. Recuerde que nuestras clases comienzan a las 9:00 a. m y las 11:00 a.m. y los estudiantes deben de llegar a tiempo a clase. Los horarios de salida de los estudiantes son 10:30 a.m. y a las 12:30 p.m. Los Caballeros de Colón están recogiendo tenis de deporte usado o sin usar. ¿Tiene su hijo un par de tenis para deporte que él / ella ya no quieren o han crecido y están calzando otra talla? Estaremos colectando los tenis durante la clase de formación en la fe. Gracias por su apoyo Si usted no ha pagado la cuota de la matricula, puede hacerlo el sábado antes o después dejar su niño/a en clase. Mis horas de oficina son: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles de 9:00 a.m. POR FAVOR, llame a mi oficina, 863-438-2700 antes de venir para asegurarse que estoy disponible. Que Dios continúe bendiciéndole a usted y su familia. Gracias, Sr. Josie No te olvides de: Dar amor, dar esperanza, dar ánimo... Dar sin pedir nada a cambio, es un regalo. Decidamos ser personas predispuestas a DAR a A la comunidad de Santa Ana le gusta fotografiar eventos especiales. Las copias de impresión son por pedido. Costo: $ 2 por cada 5 x 7 o gratis si se envían por correo electrónico. Para mas información me pueden llamar al 863-422-1063 o enviar un correo electrónico [email protected]. todos los que necesitan, ya que una simple actitud puede cambiar una vida! “Todo el bien que hagas a tus semejantes, lo habrás hecho para Dios” ATTENCION: Favor de no olvidar y dejar una donación cuando encienda una vela en la torre. No permitan que los niños jueguen dentro de la torre.
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