St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Community April 7 & 8,, 2012 Easter Sunday 415 E. Fond du Lac Street & 218 Blossom Street, Ripon, Wisconsin Parish e-mail: [email protected] Website - OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- Noon Monday & Wednesday 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and by appointment. WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 pm 228 Blossom St. Sunday 8:00 am 415 E Fond du Lac St. 10:00 am 228 Blossom St. Parish Office 218 Blossom St WEEK DAY MASSES 8:00 am Monday—Friday St Ann Chapel, 218 Blossom St 920-748-2325 FAX: 920-748-3760 8:00 a.m. Saturday 228 Blossom St. Priest’s Residence 920-748-8218 CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00—3:30 pm 228 Blossom St. Baptism Classes Parish membership and a preparation class is required for all baptisms. Please call the parish office to register for the next class. Prayer Hot Line Marriage Parish membership is a requirement for Marriage at St. Catherine of Siena. Archdiocesan Policy requires contact with the parish office at least six months prior to your marriage and before a date can be finalized. The pastor will work with you to complete the necessary requirements and preparation in order to enter into the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church. Parish Staff Rev Robert A. Fictum, Pastor Fr. John Schmitz ,Senior Priest Fr. William Whalen, Senior Priest Director of Religious Education (RE)- Karen Miller Assoc. Dir. Of RE/Youth Minister - Theresa Mueller RCIA Coordinator - Dennis Haag Administrative Assistant - Barb Trochinski RE Secretary./Bulletin Editor - Sally Kasuboski Maintenance - Tony Pauli If you are in need of prayer or would like to pray for others, please call: Laura Kasuboski 748-5913 [email protected], or Carol Kimball 748-3933. or the parish office. Rosary We pray the Rosary every Friday morning at 7:40 a.m. before Mass. The intention for the month of April will be for our all students who will be graduating this spring. St Patrick Cemetery Fred & Sally Kasuboski 748-2002 Parish Membership We are happy you came to share the Eucharist Celebration with us. If you have come as a stranger, we hope that you will leave as a friend. Come back often and know that you are always welcome. If you wish to join our parish community, just visit the parish office during office hours or call to arrange an appointment. We appreciate your presence and your support. Readings for the Week of April 8, 2012 Mass Intentions Sunday, April 8 Easter Sunday 8 a.m. + Edward Przybyl by Family 10 a.m. + Edward J Fictum by Anne Braun Monday, April 9 8 a.m. + No Mass Tuesday, April 10 8 a.m. + Deceased members John & Marion Gruszynske Family by Estate Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b -8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Wednesday, April 11 8 a.m. + Michael, Rosa & Gerald Duzinske by Estate Thursday, April 12 8 a.m. + No Mass Friday, April 13 (7:40 am Rosary) 8 a.m. + Gerald Brady by Jim & Jackie Goluba Saturday, April 14 8 a.m. + Anna, Edward & William Andrus by Robert Andrus 4p.m. + George Soda by Doris Wallace Sunday, April 15 8 a.m. + Fred Lehman by Ellen McNally 10 a.m. + Lorraine “Teenie” Witkowski Bob & Ann Somers Liturgical Ministries 4 p.m. Saturday, April 14 Lector: S Polcyn, L Krause Eucharistic Ministers: Bread: R & J Wheaton, S Stigen Wine: T Polcyn, J Racine, L Sonnenberg, J Zimmerman Servers: T Polcyn, J Racine Ushers: R Stigen, L Krentz, B Zimmerman, R Schmitz, T Vranak Scrip Seller: J Zimmerman Liturgical Dedications 8 a.m. Sunday, April 15 Lector: L Michels, R Klemm Eucharistic Ministers: Bread: W Kubick Wine: F Kubick, K Piernot Shut In Ministry: J Zimmerman: Fountainview & Wolverton Glen D Miller : Home Visits & Maple Crest L Wilkens: Prairie Place & Barrett House Servers: J Isaac, B Stroik Ushers: B & L Trochinski, K & D Jozwiak Bread and Wine In memory of Tom Moniz Sr. by Tom & Penny Moniz Please contact the office to schedule your dedications of Bread & Wine and Sanctuary Candles. These dedications can be for a special occasion or in memory of someone. 10 a.m. Sunday, April 15 Lector: 8th grade Graduation Mass Eucharistic Ministers: Bread: A Brumley, M Brandl, S Brophy Wine J & D Galica, J Ernst, H Cerney Servers: A Moldenhauer, L Novak Ushers: D & L Cerney, Volunteer, T Kuharski, B Freiseis Scrip Seller: H Cerney Cost: Bread & Wine $20, Sanctuary Candle $10. New Members Please welcome the following new members to St. Catherine of Siena and make them feel at home. Parish Counters April 10 Tuesday P Baranowski, C Kimball, H Voysey Brian, Sara & Nathan Mateske Tune in to Relevant Radio 100.1FM or online at talk radio for Catholic Life in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee! 2 From the Pastor’s Desk… Further Thoughts and Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012 "Do not be afraid...He has been raised just as he said." In the Northern Hemisphere the world is coming alive. You can see it in the trees; you can smell it in the air. There is a freshness about to burst forth. Newness seems to be standing on tiptoes, eager to reveal itself, ready to be born. The life that was hidden in the darkness of winter is impatient to appear in all its glory. Nature itself seems poised to reenact the drama of death and resurrection. On Easter Sunday the changes in nature all point to the transformation that we find in the death and resurrection of Christ and the transformation that takes place in us as we participate in that resurrection presence. The scripture readings testify that if we die with Christ we will appear with him in glory; if we cast out the old yeast we will be fresh dough. When this wondrous transformation takes place, everything is new, everything is fresh. To what newness are we called? To what must we die in order to rise transformed? What old yeast of corruption must be cast out in order that we might be fresh dough? On Easter we renew our baptismal vows. What is it we really renounce? Ours is a world of violence, of prejudice, or indifference. Too often we harbor feelings of anger and resentment, of selfishness and disdain. Easter proclaims that Christ has died and has risen; with him we die to all the wickedness in our lives and in our world, and we set our hearts on higher things on sincerity and on truth. Though we know well the Easter story, we never fully grasp its meaning. The stone has been rolled back and the tomb is empty; resurrected life cannot be contained. Like the first believers, we so often must continue to live even with our dashed hopes and our misunderstanding of God's mysterious power. Like the first believers, we come to the tomb and expect to find death, but instead we find signs of a new life we cannot even begin to comprehend. Like the first believers, we do not realize that history has been broken open and is now filled with the resurrected presence of Christ. History no longer makes sense. The one who was maliciously singled out and shamefully hung on a tree was really the one set apart by God to judge the living and the dead. Who can comprehend such a mystery and paradox? But he, who goes to a town expecting to find life? History has been broken open, and now we really do not know what to expect? This same resurrection power works in our lives today. "This is the day the Lord has is wonderful in our eyes!" We too hear the Easter proclamation. By it, we too are brought into the power of the resurrection. Preaching the New Lectionary by Sr. Diane Bergant, CSA OFFICE CLOSED Our parish office will be closed on Monday, April 9 LOCATION OF WEEKDAY MASSES Beginning Monday, April 16th weekday Mass will be moving back to the FDL street site location for summer and fall. This change of location applies to weekday Masses from Monday through Friday. The only exception to this rule is the monthly day of Eucharistic Adoration when the Mass is celebrated at the St. Ann Chapel in the parish center. NEWLY RECEIVED AND CONFIRMED I want to welcome Nicole Moniz, Henrik Schatzinger and Robert Dahlgren who were received into Full Communion in the Catholic Church and received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. May God continue to walk with you and support you on your journey of faith. We welcome you into our parish community and the Catholic Church. My special gratitude to Dennis Haag for guiding these individuals through the RCIA process during this past year. On behalf of myself and the staff of our parish I want to wish you and your loved ones Easter blessings. May the Risen Christ go before you in your daily living and work. Fr. Bob Fictum 3 Lighthouse Catholic Media Religious Education Information April 8 Easter no classes April 11 Grades 1-5 class 3:45-4:45pm Check the Lighthouse Catholic media CD stand in the gathering space at the Blossom St. site. There are 12 new inspirational CD’s available for just $3 Grades 6-10 class 7-8:30pm Parents scheduled to attend: Gr.7 Will April 15 Lighthouse Catholic Media CD Why I am Catholic When I Could be Anything Else by Patrick Madrid 8th grade Graduation Mass 10am Children’s Church 10am For those who aren’t Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. Best-selling author Patrick Madrid, director of the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College, gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he is a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given by Christ. Confirmation class 6:30-8pm April 18 Grades 1-5 class 3:45-4:45pm Grades 6-10 class 7-8:30pm Confirmation Classes St Catherine of Siena Relay for Life Event June 8-9 will resume on Sunday, April 15that 6:30pm. DTS will be held on Sunday April 22nd. We still need a lot of help! Can you help us with the following: Monetary Donations, people to walk and collect money. We are also asking people to donated baked good for sale at our chicken BBQ on April 14th. On April 29th, we will be having a brat fry at Pick n Save. Please consider helping in the booth or just coming down and supporting us with you brat purchase. The Life-Long Faith Formation Board will be meeting on Tuesday, April 17th at 6:30pm. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the Religious Education program or Youth Ministry please feel free to join us as we discuss the past year and plan for next year! There will be a Mass celebrating the Graduation of our 8th grade students on Sunday, April 15th at 10am. Please pray for these young people as they look forward to beginning High School! Please contact Joan Amend at 920-294-6958 if you can help or if you have any questions. Tess Mueller Youth Minister and Assoc DRE Parish Calendar of Events April MACCW District 8 Spring Meeting Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Shepherd of the Hills, Eden WI Registration 8:30 am Lunch $7. Speaker Abbot Nicholas Zacharladis of the Holy resurrection Monastery These monks are part of the 21 Eastern Catholic Churches specifically the Romanian Greek Catholic Eparcy of St George. For reservations contact: Laura Kasuboski at 748-5913 by April 17. 9 Parish Office Closed 10 Christian Women Meeting 6:30 pm 10 Human Concerns Meeting 630 pm 12 Parish Life meeting 6:30 pm 14 Chicken BBQ 17 Life Long Faith Formation mtg. 6:30 pm 21/22 Blessed Art sale 23 4 Parish Council 6:30 pm Room 8 Human Concerns Committee Human Concerns Committee Operation Rice Bowl Reflection: The Resurrection Our celebration of the resurrection brings us new joy and hope! Throughout Lent, your support of Operation Rice Bowl has helped offer hope to millions of people around the world who benefit from the work of Catholic Relief Services. For six weeks you have prayed for the people of Madagascar, fasted in solidarity with the people of India, learned about the challenges in the lives of people in Viet Nam and El Salvador, and given sacrificially to create economic opportunities in Zambia. Their struggles- and the efforts of CRS- are far from over, but you have made a difference. Thank you for participating in CRS’ Operation Rice Bowl! Our faith community helped make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from poverty and hunger. To ensure that Catholic Relief Services is able to continue providing life-saving work to these communities, Please return your Rice Bowl by Easter Sunday. To help our community you may write a check payable to St. Catherine of Siena, and please write Operation Rice Bowl in the memo line of the check. You may place your gift in the regular collection or bring/send it to the parish office. Thank you for your generous support. Just a reminder: Please turn in your Rice Bowls by Easter. If you wish to write a check, please make it out to St. Catherine of Siena, and put Rice Bowl on the memo line. Welcome!!! BBQ Chicken Dinner Saturday, April 14 from 4-7 pm. Either join us in the activity center for a meal of outdoor-grilled chicken or our take advantage of our drive-up Blossom Street curb service. Enjoy a meal and help support our parish." If you are currently not a member of our parish and would like to join, you can call the parish office at 748-2325 or email them at [email protected]. The parish staff will gladly take your information and register you as a member of St. Catherine of Siena Parish., Ripon. Address & Phone Number Changes Desserts & Bake Sale Items Needed Please advise the parish office if you change your address or phone number. We are in need of finger bars for the drive though for the chicken BBQ on April 14. It costs the parish if we mail out items and they are returned to us because of the wrong address . Desserts are also needed for the dine-in meals. Mary’s Mantle Books & Gifts We are also having a bake sale to benefit our St. Catherine Relay for Life team, at the chicken BBQ of St. Catherine of Siena Store Hours Wednesday from 2-8:30:pm Come in and see what items we have available New this year handmade First Communion cards. These cards are made by a parishioner. Scrip Buy Scrip Gift Cards before and after the 4:00 and 10:00 Mass or through the parish office and support the Christian Women of St. Catherine of Siena. The Christian Women Pray for our troops Please keep in your prayers all our men & women that are in the military fighting for our freedom. May God watch over them and keep them safe. 5
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