S i x t h S u n d a y o f E a s t er Scripture Readings Acts 10: 25-16, 34-35, 44-48 1 John 4: 7-10 John 15: 9-17 Music 9:30 am, 11:00 am, & 7:30 pm Gathering #886 Immaculate Mary Psalm Response “The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.” Gifts Preparation #642 What Wondrous Love Is This Communion #914 Lord, Who At Your First Eucharist Recessional #964 The Master Came to Bring Good News The texts of the Mass responses, the Gloria and Creed, can be found in the front covers of the worship aids. May 10, 2015 OUR NEW ORLEANS ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY PRAYER Loving and Faithful God, through the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism. We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people. Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence. Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we may be a holy family. I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church 130 Baronne Street New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 529-1477 / fax: (504) 524-0155 www.jesuitchurch.net STAFF Rev. Frank Reale, S.J., Pastor (ext. 243) ([email protected]) Rev. Daniel J. Tesvich, S.J. Parochial Vicar (ext. 222) ([email protected]) Cathy Brown, Executive Assistant (ext. 223) Julie Vanderbrook, Wedding Coordinator Paul Wattigny, Organist & Choirmaster JESUITS IN RESIDENCE Bro. Larry Huck, S.J. Mr. Jason LaLonde, S.J. Rev. Mark A. Lewis, S.J. INFORMATION CONTACTS Religious Education & Faith Formation Baptisms & Funerals: 529-1477 x 224 Weddings (Julie Vanderbrook): 504-442-2622 MASSES Monday-Friday: 7:30 am, Noon Saturday: 8 am, 4 pm (Sunday Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 7:30 pm CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday: Saturday: Sunday: DEVOTIONS Tuesday: Friday: First Friday: Sunday: CHURCH TOURS 11-11:50 am 3:15-3:50 pm 7-7:25 pm at Masses at Masses 12:30 pm 12:40 pm Perpetual Help Novena Sacred Heart Novena Benediction Stations of the Cross & Rosary 8-11:45 am Adoration & Benediction at Masses Sacred Heart Novena 12:30 pm Stations of the Cross & Rosary 9 am Rosary 7 pm Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction 3:15 pm Saturdays NEW ORLEANS, LA WEEKLY REFLECTION 6th Sunday of Easter Most of us by now have laid aside the festive mood of Easter and lost ourselves once more in routine activities associated with surviving in a complex and sometimes challenging world. But our Easter Season Mass readings insist on our returning again and again into the presence of the risen Christ and to the topic of love… God’s love for us and the mission which each of us has been given to love God and love others in return. Today’s readings emphasize how God, in love, befriends humanity and shows no partiality. In today’s first reading, Peter struggles with this new insight, but finally he comes to understand that “God shows no partiality.” Peter grasps that whoever fears God and acts uprightly is acceptable to God. The “fear” about which Peter speaks is not cringing before God; rather, it is becoming caught up totally in awe at the Holy One whose immense love is beyond comprehension and then responding by acting in right relation toward all: God, self, others and all creation. As Peter asserts, those who consider themselves already to be God’s best friends must try not to put any obstacles in the way of the new best friends upon whom the Spirit falls. Like a parent who loves each child differently yet equally, so is God’s loving embrace of everyone. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus speaks of having chosen and befriended all who have remained with him. The offer of friendship is part of a chain of love that begins with the Father, whose love is poured out in Jesus, who then offers friendship to all. Jesus tells his friends how to keep that chain unbroken: befriend others in the same way that he has done for them. He speaks of this as a “commandment.” In obeying it, we commit ourselves to deeds of loving kindness toward others, no matter how we might feel about them and whether or not they reciprocate the love offered. Living love in this way is not easy; it can even seem humanly impossible. That is why Jesus assures us that God will give us the necessary grace to do so if we just ask. And, as Jesus reminds us in today’s Gospel, living love - in Christ in communion with all his best friends - brings an inner joy that is impossible to beat! Perhaps in a quiet moment we might savor with Jesus the joy we experience in choosing to surrender in love to another… and let us ask God for the grace to love those we find most difficult to befriend and love. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EAST ER MAY 10, 2015 VISITING IMMACULATE CONCEPTION? Welcome! We are happy you are with us. If you would like to read about the art and architecture of our historic building, we invite you to consult the brochure found at the back of the church. A SPECIAL DAY… AND A SPECIAL MONTH During this month of May, we as a Catholic faith community honor in a special way Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Of course, today is also a special day within many nations and families as we remember our own mothers and thank God for the gift of their lives. Thank you, Moms! COFFEE AND DONUTS RESUMES After the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses, join other parishioners and guests for coffee, donuts and fellowship in Lenes Hall. BAPTISM PREPARATION Baptisms usually take place in our church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at noon, although other times can be arranged. Also, monthly we hold a baptism preparation class for parents and godparents. The next one takes place this Thursday, the 14th at 5:00 p.m. in the parish rectory. To register, please contact the parish office. 7:30 PM SUNDAY MASS CHOIR As the 7:30 p.m. Mass Choir begins its summer break, we express our gratitude for all that they have done during the past year to support the prayer of our Sunday evening adoration/benediction and Mass. Keep an eye out in August for notices inviting others, men and women, to lend their voices to this important ministry. HARRY TOMPSON CENTER - NEEDS The Harry Tompson Center currently is in need of gently used linens, pillows, pots/pans and kitchen items. If you can help, please phone 504-273-5547 or email [email protected]. DATES TO KEEP IN MIND… May 12 Tuesday May 14 Thursday May 14 Thursday Young Adult Reading Group Archdiocese of New Orleans Office of the Archbishop 7887 Walmsley Avenue New Orleans, LA 70125-3496 Office: (504) 861-6205 Fax: (504) 314-9614 Email:[email protected] April 29, 2015 To: Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: During the past week, we have heard reports and seen pictures of the tragedy in Nepal caused by the earthquake. It is reported that 4,6000 people have died and 4.5 million are in need of food and assistance. Another tragedy continues to darken our world as we see the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. As we have seen on television, many have been killed because they believe in Jesus Christ. Martyrdom continues today. The Bishops in the Middle East are doing their best to protect people and to care for those in grief. I ask you to remember the people of Nepal and the Middle East in prayer at this Mass. If you wish to offer a gift in the form of financial assistance, please forward this gift to my attention at 7887 Walmsley Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70125. We, in turn, will present these gifts to the Bishops and Catholic agencies in their local Church who are caring for them. In sending your gift, please note to which cause you wish to assist, or if you wish to support both causes. Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support as we extend the light of the Risen Christ to others in darkness. Wishing you God’s blessings, I am Sincerely in Christ, 7:00 pm / Lenes Hall Altar Society Church Cleaning 8:00-10:00 am Baptism Preparation Class 5:00 pm / Parish Rectory Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H N E W O R L E AN S , L A A PRAYER LIST Your prayers are asked for the following individuals who are facing illness or other life challenges. Anne Atkinson Francoise Benton Kirk Bernard Ronald Bourg Ronnie Bourgeois Olga Deegan Brown Rena Cantrell L. J. Falgout, Jr. Raymond Fitzgerald SJ John Garrity Dr. A. J. Giorlando Jimmy Godbery Bonnie Torres Gurtner Tommy Gurtner Sean Hallligan Philip Henriquez Patrick Hughes Dr. Luis E. Jimenez Celeste Landry Genevieve Lewis Kody McCord Cindy Migliore Olivia Sumrall Carl & Janette Todd Ellen Waller Joseph Waguespack II EACH MASS IS OFFERED FOR THE INTENTIONS OF ALL PRESENT & FOR THE FOLLOWING: Saturday, May 9 8:00 am 4:00 pm Gerald A. Wilson Dana Jones Woodcock Janet Tedesco Noonan John Odinet Paul Osterle SJ Maureen Poche Shelly Raynal Herb Sayas Shirley Schnyder Sharon Sciavico Jimmy Godbery Herman & June Carbo Louise M. Gonzales † Grace Brue Campbell † Karen Ott Sunday, May 10 Names appear for three months unless otherwise requested. To request that a name be included, please phone 529-1477. 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm Charles & Evelyn Sumrall IN MEMORY May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. John “Buddy” Curry, Jr. † Intention of Celebrating Priest Mass for the People Jackie Cambre † Joel Havnen † Mary B. Vincent Ann B. Weeks Monday, May 11 7:30 am Noon Apatini Family Juanita Sanchez † Tuesday, May 12 Mary Frances Arland † Norma Bair † Kenneth Barnes † Marlene Barnes † Robert Barnes † Curtis Binder † Wayne Breen, MD † William W. Brink, Jr. `† Musette Mary Buckley † Randolph I. Butler, Sr. † Jack A. Chaney † Nick Cimo † Harold Clavier † John Conners † Brandon Courtney † John Edward Curry, Jr. † Aaron Debarbieris † Dr. Marcus Lucas DiLeo † Billy Dwyer † Glen Derbes Eagan † Darian Feltman † Amelia Degan Formigue † Keith Gee † Celo Belou Geheeb † Ellen Isabel Geheeb † Ron Grampa † Patricia Grass † Bill Habighorst † Betty Ridley Hammer † Bruce R. Hoefer, Sr. † Marilou Marshall Hogeboom † Dr. Chukwuka Ilombu Gerard F. Johnson † Margie Jones † Thelma Grass Kelly † Joseph Michael Marques † Rita Cruthirds McCue † Mary Ann Moon † James Mulkey † Toddy Nathansen † Dan Ness † Lynn Ott † Althea Ulmer Ovella † Kaitlyn Pittfield † Thomas Redmon † Carmella Fernandez Robert † Leo Rodrigue, Sr. † Joseph Roper † James Schiro † Joseph Schmidt † Jean Slaten † Anne Sullivan † Michael Tofani † Thomas J. Ward † Katherine Webb † Treasure Williams † The names of recently deceased appear on the list for twelve months. Please phone 529-1477 to request that a name be included. HOLY FATHER’S MAY PRAYER INTENTIONS Care for the Suffering: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Openness to Mission: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures to be ready to proclaim Jesus. 7:30 am Noon Mary B. Vincent Esther Fischer Forst † Wednesday, May 13 7:30 am Noon H. Kenneth Adolph † Jackie Cambre † Thursday, May 14 7:30 am Noon H. Kenneth Adolph † Michelle Abadie Mahaffey † Friday, May 15 7:30 am Noon K. Kenneth Adoph † Victor E. Babin, Jr. † Saturday, May 16 8:00 am 4:00 pm Tony Logue † Jackie Cambre † Daniel Ness † Grace Brue Campbell † Donald Rowan, Sr. † WEDDING BANNS Please keep in your prayers those who in the coming weeks will be united in the Sacrament of Matrimony at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church. May 15/16, 2015 Kelli Anne Kreller & Robert Abbiati Rachel Fabacher & Daniel Currault May 22/23, 2015 Courtney Robottom & Griffin Fos Jazmin Yacaman & David Struble Megan DeWitt & Christopher Combes Adrianne Netterville & Kelly Edmundson May 29/30, 2015 Mary Frances Clement & Francis Eugene Bologna Thao Jenny Mai Nguyen & Peter Huy Quoc Nguyen Dominique Angelle Bourgeois & Vincent Joseph Landry II Samantha Morales & Kevin Schenker As one of the priests who has the pleasure of greeting folks after the weekend Masses, I often hear from our visitors, “Father, you have a very beautiful church.” Not infrequently, someone will add that it is the most beautiful church they have ever seen. Of course, Immaculate Conception is not “my” church; it is “ours,” reflecting the devotion and sacrifice of generations of New Orleans Catholics who have entered its doors since the 1850’s and who have entrusted it to us in these current times. With fellow parishioners, I appreciate our church’s beauty, both for how it draws us into a deepening sense of God’s presence among us, and for how it propels us outward in love and service to the world around us. And so, while our faith is not about buildings, there is no doubt that buildings, like good liturgy, can foster faith. That is why the successful completion last spring of our parish’s Legacy Campaign projects -- the new air conditioning system; the new reconciliation room; and, of course, the renewal of our stained glass windows -- are significant accomplishments and an ongoing source of pride and joy for all those who contributed to those efforts, as well as to all those who find a special spiritual home at Immaculate Conception. Sometimes I am asked by folks how they can contribute to the maintenance and renewal of our buildings. Two responses come immediately. First, we have a continuing need for “handy men and women,” individuals who can donate time and skill to addressing the repair or update of things which are largely unnoticed, but which left unattended, would soon find us “falling apart”! Secondly, of course, given the real and often expensive world in which we live, contributions to our maintenance fund are another significant way of assuring that we will have the means to keep up what I often refer to as our very historic, very beautiful, and very demanding facilities. Occasionally, I am approached by those who are able to make larger contributions, perhaps in honor of a living or deceased love one. To them I mention the possibility of continuing the tradition, begun during the Legacy Campaign, of “adopting” a window and creating a memorial plaque. If you are interested in speaking with me about any of the above, please know that I am happy to do so. And while this reflection may seem like a thinly-veiled appeal for contributions, please know that it is because I, like you, have fallen in love with Immaculate Conception and hope that many generations of future New Orleans Catholics will be able to do so as well. All God’s Best. Father Frank Reale, S.J. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER COLLECTIONS (April 27 - May 3, 2015) Sunday: $ 10,147.06 2nd Collection (Catholic Home Missions): $ 2,185.00 Weekdays: $ 525.00 ONLINE PARISHIONER REGISTRATION & GIVING We invite you to register as a member of our parish family. To do so, log on to www.jesuitchurch.net and click the “I’m New” and “To the Parish” tabs, or contact the parish office. Also, follow Immaculate Conception Parish on Facebook by logging onto www.facebook.com and entering Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church and “Like” us. In reflecting upon your support of the parish, please consider online giving, a quick and easy way to do your part to foster the life and ministry of Immaculate Conception. We thank all those who have fulfilled their Legacy Campaign pledges, as well as those who continue to fulfill their Legacy commitment by making their outstanding pledge payments. MAY 10, 2015 PARKING at 220 O’Keefe For registered Immaculate Conception parishioners, parking at a reduced fee of $2.00 for a 3-hour period is available in the CENTRAL PARKING GARAGE at 220 O’Keefe, next to the Quality Inn, near the corner of O’Keefe and Common. The garage is open to parishioners on Sunday mornings beginning around 7 o’clock, and then again beginning around 6 p.m. To get the reduced rate, you must use a magnetic voucher card available for purchase in the parish office, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To take advantage of the reduced rate, enter the garage from O’Keefe, and take a ticket from the auto attendant. KEEP YOUR TICKET. When you exit the garage, you will need to insert both that ticket and the voucher. Difficulties? The Central Parking emergency number is 504-655-3204. Questions? Please contact Cathy Brown at 529-1477, ext. 223 or Father Reale at ext. 243.
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