Contractor Projects and Seedlings

In Plant Wizard desktop, payroll contractors can use their own account, create their own projects, and
assign or create seedlings in cases where they need to access seedlings:
 owned by unmanaged accounts, or
 owned by managed accounts where the account owner DOES NOT manage planting via Plant
Wizard desktop
To create or assign seedlings, go to the Projects’ Seedlings tab:
1. Click on the “Add a new Seedling to this Project” button.
2. Type in the request key or crop name.
a. If that crop name already exists in SSMS and it is owned by a managed account you will be
notified and prompted to add a suffix in the adjacent box to create a new seedling. You can
then choose to use the seedlot and the species from the original (or enter different ones),
then input the # of seedlings. Your account will then own this new seedling. It will be
assigned to the SSMS Nursery to avoid confusion for the actual nurseries using SSMS. You
will not be able to manage shipments for these seedlings.
b. If that crop name already exists in SSMS and it is owned by an unmanaged account, you can
use the existing crop name, and will have the option to use the seedling’s seedlot and
species information, and add the number of seedlings. This will assign those seedlings to
your project, but the seedlings will still be owned by the unmanaged account.
c. If the crop name does not exist in SSMS, you can create it by entering a seedlot and species,
then specifying the # of trees. Your account will own these seedlings. These seedlings will
be assigned to the SSMS Nursery to avoid confusion for the actual nurseries using SSMS.
You will not be able to manage shipments for these seedlings.
Please be aware that if you have a client who DOES use Plant Wizard, DOES manage their seedlings via
SSMS, and has set up the project for you via their account, you should, in most cases not use this process.
Any seedlings and data you create will not be shared with your client.