ANNUAL REPORT | tulsachamber . com 2012 Tulsa’s Future Annual Report and 2013 Outlook pg 1 Tulsa’s Future is building a unique, high- performance regional economy by mobilizing private-sector leadership and public partnerships, and 140 public and private sector regional partners support the Tulsa Regional Chamber’s economic development efforts through the Tulsa’s Future initiative. PRINCIPAL CHIEF GEORGE TIGER, Muscogee (Creek) Nation “The primary advantages of investing in Tulsa’s Future are the development of close and collaborative relationships forged between and among Tulsa’s Future participants and the opportunity to work together for the common economic good of the Tulsa region. As a federally recognized Indian Nation with a jurisdictional area encompassing all or parts of 10 counties, regional economic development is a very high priority for Muscogee Creek Nation.” STEVE MACKIN, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southwestern Regional Medical Center in Tulsa “I believe in the power of businesses working collaboratively with the city and chamber leadership to drive economic growth to this region and prosperity to the citizens of the greater Tulsa metro area. Business growth in the region and increased competition is good for everyone. Investing in the Tulsa’s Future program provides direct line of sight to the strategies that are helping Tulsa be competitive, allowing us to attract business and talent to this wonderful Tulsa region.” pg 2 Tulsa’s FUTURE Tulsa’s Future Annual Report The Tulsa region continued to establish itself as a leader in economic development throughout 2012, with strong job creation catalyzed by the Tulsa’s Future plan. We are positioned to build upon this momentum, with continued success anticipated for the coming year. The Tulsa’s Future initiative will continue to strengthen our regional economy while enhancing residents’ quality of life. By investing in Tulsa’s Future, you are helping create jobs, attract new business, recruit a talented workforce and improve northeast Oklahoma’s competitive positioning and economic prosperity. The five-year goal of Tulsa’s Future (2011-2015) is to create 10,000 primary, high-value jobs with annual salaries of $50,000 or greater. The plan also has a goal to generate a capital investment of $1 billion. Through Tulsa’s Future, more than 3,500 jobs were announced in 2012; of which more than 2,400 were above the initiative’s annual income target of $50,000 or greater. We could not have achieved this growth without your investment and partnership. On behalf of the Tulsa’s Future Oversight Committee, the Tulsa Regional Chamber, the 140 Tulsa’s Future investors and the Tulsa regional community, thank you for your contribution to this critical plan to enhance our economy and quality of life. The importance of the role our many regional partners play in the economic development of northeast Oklahoma cannot be overstated. Sincerely, Stuart Solomon Alan S. Armstrong 2012 Chair, Oversight Committee, Tulsa’s Future 2012 Vice Chair, Economic Development, Tulsa Regional Chamber President and COO, Public Service Company of Oklahoma President and CEO, The Williams Companies, Inc. pg 4 New Investors & 2012 RECAP Tulsa’s Future Annual Report Tulsa’s Future welcomed four new investors in 2012: BRIEN THORSTENBERG, Director of Business and Economic Development, Muskogee City-County Port Authority Baker Hughes “The Muskogee City-County Miami Area Economic Development Service Port Authority finds our The Muskogee City / County Port Authority membership in Tulsa’s Future Wagoner County Economic Development Authority to be an important tool in our economic development efforts. In addition to the educational 2012 Recap and networking opportunities, Through the Tulsa’s Future plan, 3,503 jobs were announced in we have received additional 2012; of which 2,425 were above the initiative’s target income of leads and assistance with our $50,000 or greater, annually. recruiting and retention efforts.” The Tulsa region earned national and international recognition in 2012, including being named a top 100 world economy by the Brookings Institution and being recognized by the Fiscal Times as the No. 2 area in the country for young people to find a job. In addition, the Tulsa area is the No. 8 location, JUDEE SNODDERLY, Executive Director, Miami Area Economic Development Service, Inc. “Joining Tulsa’s Future was a nationwide, for manufacturing, according to Bureau of Labor no-brainer for MAEDS. We Statistics data. are continually researching ways to leverage our marketing dollars. A partnership with the Tulsa Regional Chamber has 3,503 JOBS ANNOUNCED raised the professionalism of what we would be able to offer on our own.” 2,425 JOBS ABOVE $50,000 TULSA REGION: TOP 100 WORLD ECONOMY Brookings Institute, 2012 #2 area in the country for young people #8 location, nationwide, for manufacturing Fiscal Times Bureau of Labor Statistics pg 6 Business RETENTION and EXPANSION Tulsa’s Future Annual Report The Tulsa Regional Chamber’s nationallyrecognized economic development division continued its peer-topeer outreach Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program, visiting nearly 500 existing businesses in 2012. The Chamber provided assistance for 36 local expansions, including the announcement that Lufthansa Technik Component Services, headquartered in Tulsa, is significantly expanding its local operations and workforce, with plans for further growth. Baker Hughes announced construction of a nearly $40 million DARTON J. ZINK, President and CEO, Zeeco, Inc. “Even though we export more than 75 percent of Zeeco’s products, regional economic development is essential to our past – and future – success. We depend on area suppliers to keep things running smoothly, and even more important, a thriving economy is critical to attracting research and development facility in Claremore, with plans to the kind of talented and increase its local workforce. dedicated workforce we need to In addition, Clear Edge Filtration Inc., a leading producer of grow and expand our business.” integrated industrial process filtration solutions, announced it is constructing a new global headquarters in Tulsa, with plans to increase its workforce. KEVIN O’SULLIVAN, Managing Director, MIRATECH “MIRATECH’s investment in Tulsa’s Future is based on our 36 Chamber BRE visited assisted existing local business businesses in 2012 expansions 500 belief we need a thriving region to attract and retain talented, educated employees to grow our business. We believe investing in the communities where our employees live makes our region more desirable and is what well BAKER HUGHES to contruct a nearly $40 MILLION FACILITY in CLAREMORE and increase local workforce CLEAR EDGE FILTRATION INC. NEW GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS IN TULSA meaning corporate citizens do.” pg 8 Business Attraction MARKETING Tulsa’s Future Annual Report The goal for Tulsa’s Future is to create 10,000 primary, high-value jobs with annual salaries of $50,000 or greater. The plan also has a goal to generate a capital investment of $1 billion. Tulsa’s Future focuses on job creation and economic development across the following diverse industries: Advanced manufacturing Aerospace and aviation Goals: 10,000 high-value JOBS with salaries of $50,000 or greater GENERATE A CAPITAL INVESTMENT OF $1 billion Energy Health care Information security Regional headquarters and professional services Transportation, distribution and logistics The Chamber participated in 39 scheduled business recruitment events in 2012. Staff attended the International Economic Development Council’s Annual Conference, as well as the Southern Economic Development Council’s and CoreNet’s annual events. Other conferences focused on identified targeted industries. The Chamber’s economic development division received a nationally-recognized accreditation and multiple awards this past year, including acceptance into the prestigious Accredited Economic Development Organization and SEDC’s Special Judges Award for its 2011 Tulsa’s Future Annual Report. Chamber staff attended: 39business recruitment events The INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL’S Annual Conference SOUTHERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL & CORENET pg 10 Entrepreneurship and Small Business DEVELOPMENT Tulsa’s Future Annual Report The Chamber continued its no-cost SourceLink referral network program in 2012. The program links owners of small and emerging businesses to area resource partners. The Chamber’s SourceLink Business Center fielded assisted nearly 400 visitors. Also in 2012, Tulsa’s Young Professionals moved its business incubator, The Forge, to a permanent home in downtown Tulsa and expanded its services. The Forge provides support to entrepreneurs and accelerates the development and success of start-up and existing area businesses. The Forge’s new location was made possible with help from a $600,000 federal grant from the U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration. The Forge’s expansion coincided with a partnership with the Tulsa Economic Development Corp. In 2012, two small businesses graduated from The Forge. Three new entrepreneurs became full-time tenants of The Forge. 400 visitors assisted by SOURCELINK THE FORGE: SECURED $600,000 U.S. GRANT MONEY Moved to a PERMANENT HOME in DOWNTOWN TULSA 2 GRADUATED small businesses 3 ACCEPTED NEW TENANTS pg 12 Education and WORKFORCE STEVE BERTONE, President, Linde Process Plants “The primary advantage of our company’s investment in Tulsa’s Future is the collective The Chamber advanced talent recruitment efforts in 2012 through a number of initiatives, events and collaborative partnerships: The Workforce division continued workforce roundtables for economic foundation that affords demand-driven industry needs across a variety of sectors, and all employers the opportunity organized a very successful “Hiring Our Heroes” career fair for to nurture and grow a better workforce.” military veterans as well as other successful sector-driven career fairs The Chamber Continued its participation in the College Access Career Readiness (CACR) program, a partnership with Tulsa Public Schools and the OU Community Engagement Center, to assist middle and high school students with career exploration. In addition, the Chamber Collaborated with TCC, as part of a Tulsa’s Future Annual Report five-state consortium, to secure $1.3 million through a National Aviation Consortium grant focused on demand-driven training in the aerospace sector. Chamber staff also worked with TCC to secure $2.5 million to fund job training in the manufacturing/ transportation industries. CHRIS COLLINS, V.P of Oklahoma Operations, Spirit AeroSystems “Economic development is key to growing the region and strengthening our quality of life. Spirit AeroSystems’ Other accomplishments for 2012 include: • Participated in the CEOs for Cities’ National Talent investment to the Tulsa’s Future campaign allows the Tulsa Regional Chamber to focus on Dividend Network, which provides resources and planning business retention, expansion sessions to help raise Tulsa’s college attainment rate and promoting education and • Hosted the Employer Workforce Outlook and Return On Inclusion Summit • Assisted 65-plus companies with recruiting, and more than 480 companies with other requests Tulsa’s Young Professionals continued its mission to attract and retain young talent in the Tulsa region and established a workforce attraction. We are proud to partner with other local companies to ensure the momentum continues.” DR. LARRY RICE, President, Rogers State University “In keeping with our mission of permanent headquarters in downtown Tulsa. TYPros hosted more advancing the communities we than 75 events in 2012 to help young professionals network, serve, Rogers State University develop leadership skills and become engaged in their community. The Tulsa Regional Chamber continued its Mosaic program to assist businesses with embracing diversity and is dedicated to regional economic development efforts, such as Tulsa’s Future program. The long-term competitiveness of our region will be determined inclusion as organizational practices. The Chamber incorporated by how productively we the program, Mosaic, into its strategic plan in 2011 as a dynamic collaborate and utilize our tool in attracting and retaining business and individuals to the human, capital and natural Tulsa region. resources. Widespread support Mosaic assists area companies with the knowledge necessary to understand and prepare for trends in diversity in the community and also provides businesses with referrals to consultants who can provide a comprehensive survey of their workforce on diversity and inclusion topics. Advocacy and Outreach for Tulsa’s Future program will continue to strategically position the region for the betterment of all stakeholders.” pg 14 ONEVOICE Legislative Successes Tulsa’s Future Annual Report Each year, the government affairs division works with regional partners to develop the OneVoice agenda, giving the region a stronger, unified voice for business-friendly legislation. With 56 regional partner endorsements, the 2012 56 REGIONAL PARTNERS OneVoice agenda celebrated a number of successes, many of which made a direct impact on the region’s economic development. 2012 OneVoice victories included OKLAHOMA BIZPAC launched and won 20 out of 22 endorsed candidates 20 • Secured an initial $7 million appropriation for the Quick Action Closing Fund • Strengthened transportation funding by returning a portion of motor vehicle fees to the state’s roads and bridges • Increased the number of the state’s physician residency slots • Secured $3 million for the OU Tisdale Specialty Health Clinic • Approval of the Supplemental Hospital Offset Payment Program at the federal level Legislative Focus • Launched Oklahoma BizPac, which actively supported and endorsed candidates in 22 state races, 20 of whom were elected • Hosted nearly 30 legislative events and led nine task forces in discussion and prioritization of legislative issues Hosted nearly THIRTY legislative events nine led task forces in discussion and prioritization of legislative issues 22 pg 16 Trade Mission to EUROPE Tulsa’s Future Annual Report Today’s global, knowledge-based economy is creating an environment where regions must be proactive or risk falling behind. With this in mind, the Chamber, through its OKLAHOMA GOV. MARY FALLIN “ There is great potential for growth in Oklahoma from the Tulsa’s Future regional economic development plan, partnered foreign-based companies already with Gov. Mary Fallin and the Oklahoma Department of located here,” Fallin said. “This Commerce to present the 2012 Governor’s Trade Mission to trip allows us to strengthen and Europe, Oct. 14-19. More than 20 government, economic development and business leaders, including Gov. Fallin and Tulsa Mayor Dewey F. Bartlett Jr., traveled to six countries in six days to participate build upon existing relationships that will ultimately help us attract more jobs and investment to Oklahoma.” in more than 18 appointments with representatives from 40 companies with a goal to thank companies for their business in the Tulsa region and to determine the assistance they need to continue to grow jobs. The contingency also had the opportunity to meet with the vendors and suppliers connected to these companies, as well as local dignitaries, who are prospective new investors for Oklahoma. 20 GOVERNMENT, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND BUSINESS LEADERS SIX countries SIX days EIGHTEEN appointments FORTY European companies pg 18 24 Community Trade Mission to DEVELOPMENT EUROPE Tulsa’s Future Annual Report The Tulsa Regional Chamber continues to emphasize growth and investment in downtown Tulsa and the river. JAY ESHELMAN, Regional Executive Vice President, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. “Tulsa has been at a crossroads these Downtown Tulsa attracted significant investment and last 5-8 years, and it became clear impressive development in 2012, with more than $435 million invested in downtown in the form of projects recently to me that we needed to do what we could to help push it over the constructed, under construction, planned or announced. In hump in a positive direction. The addition, 350 housing units are recently completed/under Tulsa’s Future program is a great construction in the downtown area, with another 420 units way for Gallagher to invest in the city in the broadest sense. As planned or announced. In 2012, City, County and Chamber officials announced a consultant group, Mary Means & Associates, will work to implement the downtown master plan approved by the Tulsa a downtown business, we have seen the positive effect of our investments first hand, and it is exciting to see the growing Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and the Downtown economic momentum in the Coordinating Council and adopted in 2010 by the Tulsa City Tulsa area.” Council. Special emphasis has been placed on marketing downtown Tulsa and the Arkansas River to destination retail; creating partnerships among organizations with similar interests in downtown development; and promoting office, residential, entertainment and other amenities to site consultants, developers and investors. PAUL KANE, Executive Vice President, Home Builders Association | Tulsa “A metro region is never static; it’s either growing or shrinking. The future of the Tulsa region is reliant upon actively making growth happen. The HBA invests in “Tulsa’s Future” because we believe $ 435+ MILLION in Tulsa’s future.” INVESTED IN DOWNTOWN TULSA 350 HOUSING UNITS are recently completed/under construction 420 HOUSING UNITS planned or announced pg 20 Financial Report 2012 Tulsa’s Future Annual Report REVENUE 2012 Actual* 2012 Budget Tulsa’s Future Revenue 2,832,048.04 2,879,745.00 Chamber Support 250,000.00 250,000.00 Contract with the EDC 250,000.00 250,000.00 3,332,048.04 3,379,745.00 Total Revenue 2012 EMPLOYMENT Direct Effect 3,503 Indirect Effect 5,716 Total Effect 9,219 2012 LABOR INCOME EXPENSES Economic Development Staff 1,256,694.50 1,270,124.60 Professioal Fees 65,773.62 210,000.00 Research and Training 98,307.33 70,860.00 Meeting Services 90,833.13 85,627.00 Travel and Hosting 219,764.24 125,150.00 Marketing 198,124.81233,675.00 Publications & Brochures 33,405.76 3,000.00 Government Affairs Program Support 100,000.00 100,000.00 Tulsa’s Young Professionals Program Support 132,225.00 130,228.00 Downtown Development Program Support 176,664.06 178,718.40 Administration and Overhead Allocations 776,062.64 742,019.00 Issues Fund 144,600.00 200,000.00 Other 39,592.9530,343.00 Total Expenditures Excess (Def) $587,202,312 $311,775,944 $275,426,368 DIRECT EFFECT INDIRECT EFFECT TOTAL EFFECT 2012 OUTPUT $2,051,255,007 $1,142,016,533 $909,238,474 3,332,048.04 3,379,745.00 (0.00) 0.00 *Unaudited Financial Data DIRECT EFFECT INDIRECT EFFECT TOTAL EFFECT Data for previous years of Tulsa’s Future can be found in the 2011 Tulsa’s Future Annual Report pg 22 Oversight COMMITTEE STUART SOLOMAN 2012 Chair, Tulsa’s Future President and COO Public Service Company of Oklahoma WILLIAM COLLINS Vice President Base Maintenance ALAN S. ARMSTRONG 2012 Vice Chair, Economic Development, Tulsa Regional Chamber President and CEO THE HONORABLE DEWEY BARTLETT Mayor City of Tulsa RICHARD BOONE Foundation President St. John Health System CHET CADIEUX Chairman, CEO and President QuikTrip Corp. Williams MICHAEL COOPER Director, External Affairs NEIL CORNELIUS Chief Executive Officer AT&T Osage Casinos JOHN W. GIBSON Chairman and Chief Executive Officer HANS HELMERICH President and CEO JAKE HENRY, JR. President and CEO KEN LEVIT Executive Director ROBERT E. LORTON, III Publisher and CEO STANLEY A. LYBARGER President and CEO Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Saint Francis Health System George Kaiser Family Foundation Tulsa World Bank of Oklahoma American Airlines ONEOK Inc. KEVIN GROSS President and CEO Hillcrest HealthCare System Tulsa’s Future Annual Report STEVE MACKIN President and CEO BERT MARSHALL Former President PAULA MARSHALL Chief Executive Officer DAVID PAGE Market President, Oklahoma STACY SCHUSTERMAN Chairman and CEO Cancer Treatment Centers of America Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma Bama Companies, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Samson Investment Co. SHAWN SLATON Chief Executive Officer COMMISSIONER JOHN SMALIGO 2012 Chairman SCOTT THOMPSON Former President and CEO GEORGE TIGER Principal Chief Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. Muscogee (Creek) Nation RICHARD B. WILLIAMSON Chairman of the Board Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC BECKY J. FRANK 2012 Chair, Tulsa Regional Chamber Chairman and CEO Schnake Turnbo Frank | PR Tulsa County Industrial Authority T. D. Williamson, Inc. Tulsa’s Future Annual Report pg 24 Tulsa’s Future INVESTORS American Airlines Ernst & Young LLP American Heritage Bank Explorer Pipeline Company American Residential Group The F & M Bank & Trust Company AmeriTrust Corporation First Fidelity Bank, N.A. Anchor Paint Manufacturing Company First Oklahoma Bank Anchor Stone Co. Frederic Dorwart, Laywers Anonymous Air Power Systems Co., Inc. Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. Arvest Bank AT&T Baker Hughes Bama Companies, Inc. BancFirst Tulsa Bank of America – Oklahoma Bank of Oklahoma Bill Knight Automotive Group BizJet International Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma BNSF Railway Company Cancer Treatment Centers of America Capital One Auto Finance Case & Associates Properties, Inc. Central Plains Cement Co. HUB International CFR Flintco, LLC ONB Bank & Trust Co. ONEOK Inc. Oral Roberts University Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce Gardner Denver, Inc. QuikTrip Corp. The Cherokee Nation George Kaiser Family Foundation R. L. Hudson & Company City of Bixby City of Broken Arrow Greater Tulsa Association of REALTORS® Reasor’s Foods The Robson Companies, Inc. City of Collinsville Rogers State University City of Jenks SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC City of Okmulgee Saint Francis Health System City of Sapulpa Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Samson Energy Company, LLC City of Skiatook Hillcrest HealthCare System Schnake Turnbo Frank PR City of Tulsa Hilti, Inc. Selser Schaefer Architects City of Owasso Holly Refining & Marketing Southcrest Hospital Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Claremore Rogers County Partnership SpiritBank INCOG St. John Health System Miami Area Economic Development Service Griffin Communications, LLC (KOTV / KQCW) Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson HP Enterprise Services Hughes Lumber Co. J. D. Young Company Jackie Cooper Imports of Tulsa, LLC Jim Norton Toyota JPMorgan Chase & Co. Littlefield Brand Development Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. Manhattan Construction Co. McElroy Manufacturing, Inc. McGill’s MidFirst Bank Summit Bank T. D. Williamson, Inc. Muscogee (Creek) Nation The Muskogee City / County Port Authority Tulsa National Bank The Osage Nation Tulsa World Owasso Chamber of Commerce UMB Bank Skiatook Chamber of Commerce United States Beef Corp. (Arby’s) Tulsa Airport Authority University of Oklahoma – Tulsa Tulsa County Industrial Authority University of Tulsa Tulsa Port of Catoosa Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Tulsa Regional Chamber The Walton Family Foundation Wagoner County Economic Development Authority Webco Industries, Inc. Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co. The William K. Warren Foundation Crafton Tull MIRATECH Holdings, LLC Williams Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, L.L.P. Miss Helen’s Private School XETA Technologies Nadel and Gussman Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. Northeastern State University The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Oklahoma State University Medical Center City of Sand Springs Tulsa Community College Cox Communications Eller & Detrich, P.C. Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce Public Service Company of Oklahoma Linde Process Plants, Inc. CommunityCare Managed Healthcare Bartlesville Development Corporation GableGotwals Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Claremore Rogers County Partnership Omni Air International, Inc. Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation Frontier International Trucks John Zink Company, LLC Citizens Security Bank REGIONAL PARTNERS Program Management Group, LLC Cherokee Nation Entertainment, LLC Cimarex Energy Co. Oklahoma State University in Tulsa / OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Zeeco, Inc. Staff List ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT pg 25 MAIN CONTACT CELL PHONE Jim Fram, Senior Vice President [email protected] (918) 560-0231 (918) 576-9964 Justin McLaughlin, Vice President [email protected] (918) 560-0240 (918) 830-8090 Rusty Linker, Director Director, New Business Development & Marketing [email protected] (918) 560-0233 (918) 606-1857 Bob Ball, Economist Economic Research Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0262 (918) 557-8913 Denise Reid, Director Talent Strategies and Recruitment [email protected] (918) 560- 0255 (918) 633-0073 Angie Moore Executive Assistant [email protected] (918) 560-0217 (918) 906-3990 Dennis Altendorf Director, Aerospace Development & Strategy [email protected] (918) 560-0257 (918) 510-7661 Rocky Bright Project Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0239 (918) 859-5422 Jessica Chaffee Project Manager of Entrepreneurship [email protected] (918) 560-0265 (918) 557-8759 Elissa Baker Project Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0285 (918) 549-8769 Heather Davis Executive Director Small Business & Business Retention, Expansion [email protected] (918) 560-0235 (918) 899-4048
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