defence and security procurement seminar

April 15 2015, 8.30 am -1.00 pm.
When are dual use items covered by Directive 2009/81/EC? To what extent can software be
regarded as ‘sensitive services? What is the state of play for collaborative defence procurement? And when are government to government contracts excluded from the Directive?
These questions and many other are put to the test by national and international experts at
Poul Schmith’s recurring Defence and Security Procurement Seminar.
Nearly four years after its implementation deadline, Directive 2009/81/EC still poses challenges for contracting authorities in determining when contracts are covered by the Directive’s material scope. This assessment is of immense practical importance, both in light of
the advantages gained from the Directive’s flexible provisions and the consequences that
may arise if the Classic Directive should have been applied instead. The seminar will begin
by examining this complex issue from various practical angles.
Moving on, recognized scholar and seasoned practitioner Baudouin Heuninckx will give
the audience a thorough walk through of the topic of his PhD thesis, collaborative defence
procurement via international organisations and lead nation models. From both a practical and legal perspective, Baudouin will explain what collaborative procurement is, why it
is important, how it is managed, and how to improve it.
Lastly, attorneys Tomas Ilsøe Andersen and Andreas Estrup Ippolito will discuss the exclusion of government to government contracts from the Directive. This exclusion is currently under the scrutiny of the Commission who is expected to publish a guidance note
on this particular topic soon. The guidance note will also shed further light on the Commission’s general enforcement policy in the field of defence and security procurement.
08:30 Registration and breakfast
09:00 Scope of the Directive – Defence procurement
Tom Sandberg Jørgensen, Senior Legal Counsel, DALO, Baudouin Heuninckx, Ph.D., University of Nottingham, Branch Chief Helicopters, Belgian Defence
09:45 Scope of the Directive – Security procurement
Tomas Ilsøe Andersen, Attorney and Managing Partner
Andreas Estrup Ippolito, Attorney
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 Collaborative defence procurement
Baudouin Heuninckx, Ph.D., University of Nottingham,
Branch Chief Helicopters, Belgian Defence
11:45 Light lunch
12:15 The exclusion for government to government contracts and the Commission’s
enforcement policy
Tomas Ilsøe Andersen, Attorney and Managing Partner
Andreas Estrup Ippolito, Attorney
01:00 Closing remarks and networking
Vester Farimagsgade 23
1606 Copenhagen
Registration at [email protected].
Please let us know if you would like to attend the
breakfast at 8.30.