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Kidd Courier
S.H.A.R.P = Safe, Helpful, Accountable, Respectful, Positive
March 11, 2015
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have had a wonderful and busy
second term! The classrooms were
buzzing with activity and energy as students continued
their learning journeys and worked to their personal best.
The second term of school is usually one where students
consolidate new skills and apply their knowledge in a
variety of ways. Our dedicated staff continues to support
and encourage students in and out of the classrooms with
enriching programs.
Spring Break is just ahead of us. It’s a great time to get
outside for some fresh air and exercise. We hope that
everyone has a restful and enjoyable time with family and
friends. See you back at school on Monday, March 30th!
Ms. H. Wong
Grade 4/5 Sports News
Nearly every grade four and five student at Kidd took part
in the recent noon hour league playing for the Yellow
Blazers, Red Bulls, Blue Washworld, White Oklahoma,
Golden Hawks or Mighty Marshmallows! It was close in
the finals with Washworld and Blazers winning the last 2
games. Thanks go out to the grade six and seven players
who helped referee and score-keep the grade four-five
games, making these intramurals an exciting, fun
introduction to competitive basketball.
Special acknowledgements go to Mr. MacMath and Mrs.
Lochbaum for sponsoring the intramural teams and games!
Bullying Awareness/Pink Day
There was a sea of pink on Feb. 26th at Kidd. That was the
day we celebrated diversity and learned more about the
prevention of bullying. A special thank you to the
Richmond Fire Department who attended our assembly
with mascot “Blaze” and their fire trucks!
The S.H.A.R.P. Corner
Kidd Cobras are
Congratulations to the following S.H.A.R.P Stars who
were acknowledged on Pink Day:
Div. 1: Jonathan W, Frank
Div. 2: Jeremy, Michael, Jordan, Angela R, Ayesha
Div. 3: Jastan, Audri, Faith, Gurjot, Joshua V, Gina,
Jessica, Jiya, Kenji
Div. 4: Imaan, Naiya, Jonas, Callum
Div. 5: Lily, Jasmine, Fitz
Div. 6: Jack, Sam, Myra
Div. 7: Nathan, Grace, Jashan, Aryan
A special acknowledgement goes out to Cobra Council
who have worked hard to build school community with
Spirit Days and TK Breakfasts!
Past Events
Hoops: Final Update!
The Grade 6/7 Boys and Girls Basketball
teams ended their successful season at the
McNair Marlins Classic Basketball
Tournament last week. They played
intense games against Woodward, Walter
Lee, Kingswood and Hamilton. All the Cobras showed
great sportsmanship and skills. The boys team finished the
tournament in 2nd place! Congratulations Cobras!
Further congratulations to team MVP’s and Hot Shot
finalists Islam Leghari and Ashley Grewal.
A very special thank you to our volunteer coaches, referee
and scorekeeper: Ted Woo, Russell Lee, Mr. MacMath,
Mrs. Challand, Mrs. Burian, Mrs. Birarda, Mrs. Kho, and
Manreet Buttar.
Upcoming Events
Report Card Time!
A reminder for parents and students that report cards will
be handed out to students by
Thursday, March 12th. We hope
that all of our Kidd families take
time to read these reports together,
and that special attention is paid
to the efforts of our students.
Over Spring Break, families are
encouraged to reflect and work on a plan for each child’s
goals for Term 3!
March 16th – 27th, 2015
Rest, Relax,
Have Fun!
Spring Cleaning: Cash
for Clothes Fundraising
Help the Grade 6/7 students go to Camp Jubilee!!!
Fill up the white plastic bags from the Developmental
Disabilities Association with used clothes, linens, bedding
and pillows (anything soft) and the school will get $2 per
bag to subsidize the cost of Outdoor Education! Hard
items such as toys, books, dishes, games and electronics
Thomas Kidd Elementary School 10851 Shell Road, Richmond, B.C. V7A 3W6
Tel: 604 668-6602 Fax: 604 270-8278
Early Warning Answering Machine: 604 668-6602
Mrs. H. Wong, Principal
Ms. W. Lim, Area Superintendent
Mr. K Chiu, School Liaison Trustee
School web page:
can be put into boxes. So do your Spring Cleaning and
help Thomas Kidd students at the same time! Items can
be dropped off at the gym between April 13 – 15th!
Ongoing Events
The TK PAC group continues to work hard in supporting
the students at our school. Planned for Term 3 already are
Family Photo Nights, the Spring Fair and monthly Snack
Shacks, Popcorn Days and Hot Lunches.
PAC meetings are held each month and all parents and
guardians of students at Thomas Kidd are encouraged to
attend and participate in PAC activities. The next meeting
will be on Monday, April 13th at 8:45 am.
If Your Child Is Sick
It has been a very bad flu and
cold season this year in the
Lower Mainland! Many of our
students have been ill with fever,
sore throats and a long-lasting
cough. Please take care of your
child and others during times of
- Be meticulous about washing your hands with soap
and water
- Do not share food
- Keep your hands away from your face
If you should be come ill:
• Stay home from work or school for two days after
your symptoms stop.
• Drink small amounts of fluids such as water or
rehydration drinks frequently if having vomiting and
• Try to stay with your normal diet as much as
possible. Eating your usual diet will help you to get
enough nutrition and make you feel better faster. Try
to avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar. Also
avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and coffee for two days
after all symptoms have disappeared.
Dates for Your Calendar
Mar. 16th – 27th
Mar. 30th .......
Apr. 1st .........
Apr. 2nd .........
Spring Break
First Day Back After Spring Break
Class Photo Day and TK Breakfast
Popcorn Day and Cobra Council Easter
Egg Hunt
Apr. 3rd ……..
Good Friday (No School)
Apr. 6th ……..
Easter Monday (No School)
Apr. 8 and 9th.. PAC Family Photo Nights
Apr. 10th ……. Outdoor Ed Bake Sale
Apr. 13 – 15th . Drop Off for Clothes for Cash
Apr. 17th ……. PAC Hot Lunch
Apr. 24 – 30th .. Hip Hop Dance Program
May 5th ......... . Zone Track Meet at Minoru
Kidd Cobras – Hard at Work and Play