Parish of Kilmovee “A family of families” Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kilmovee St. Celsus’ Church, Kilkelly St. Patrick’s Church, Glann St. Joseph’s Church Urlaur MISSION STATEMENT T he Parish of Kilmovee is a Christian Community, committed to making everyone welcome through meeting in liturgy, prayer and friendship as we bear witness to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Fáilte roimh gach éinne. Fifth Sunday of Lent 22nd March 2015 THIS WEEK KILKELLY CHURCH Wednesday 8pm-9pm Please consider including the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of your Lenten Journey. There will be an opportunity to do this on Sunday next, “Palm Sunday” between 6pm-7pm in Kilmovee Parish Church and in all our neighbouring parishes. The invitation is real and the wish sincere that all of us feel welcome to approach the Merciful Lord in this blessed exchange. “THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU” 13th and 14th Stations #Lent2015 Rtin PLEASE PRAY FOR We remember in prayer Mary Hessenthaler (nee Griffin) late of Culcare who died recently in U.S.; and all whose anniversaries occur around this time. May they rest in peace. Amen. EARLY MORNING MASSES There will be an early morning Mass in Kilkelly at 7am on Tuesday mornings during Lent There will also be early Mass in Kilmovee on Wednesdays at 7.30am. It is very encouraging to see how many people are choosing to attend these Masses. God bless you all. It would be great to have a few more along too:) LENTEN HOUR WITH THE LORD This Wednesday 25th March in Kilkelly Church, there will be a Lenten Hour for the Lord which will comprise of the Holy Hour with the stations of the Cross and opportunity for confessions. This week we conclude our journey of the Stations of The Cross beginning with the Thirteenth Station - “Jesus is taken down from the Cross”. Let us all meet one another there ….. range of performances from our Branch members and a range of invited guests. A special word of thanks must go to our music teachers Bernie Geraghty, Theresa O’Grady and Fiona Doherty for all their hard work throughout the year. We very much appreciate the support we receive and we hope to use the money raised in developing our Branch further and investing in new instruments, particularly a harp as we mentioned on the day. Ní Neart go Cur le Chéile KILMOVEE 10K As you know the annual Kilmovee 10k will take place on Holy Saturday April 4th. A record number of participants is expected this year and it is important that those intending to taking part register on-line asap, as this will make it easier on the morning of the race. If you do not have access to register on line it is possible to do so in Kilmovee Family Resource Centre. The office opens Monday-Friday 9.30-5pm. The 10k committee would like to thank you for your co-operation on this matter. Also a free t-shirt is available for the first 200 participants. We are also looking for volunteers for organising the route ,parking facilities, home baking and to assist in tidying after the race. We would appreciate if you could contact 087-2326463 or 086 0610769 by Friday March 20th if you would like to join the team that make this event an outstanding event in Kilmovee for the past 5.years KILMOVEE SHAMROCKS The lotto numbers drawn for Saturday March 14th were 2,6,34,40. There was no winner. The jackpot now stands at €7,250. The u12s training will resume on Monday evenings starting on Monday 23rd from 6-7pm. Also u14 training will continue on Friday evenings from 6-7pm. For insurance purposes registration must be paid before training begins , also don't forget to bring your mouth guard. MÍLE BUÍOCHAS ó COMHALTAS Kilmovee Comhaltas would like to thank all who attended our recent Mother’s Day Concert. The afternoon was a huge success with Kilmovee Community Centre full to capacity and the audience treated to a applies). To book a place on this pilgrimage, please contact the following: Pilgrim Section: Michael Walkin, Ballina, JWT representative on 086-6080763. Assisted/Invalid Pilgrim Section: Mary Loftus on 096-31462. LENTEN PRAYERS There will be a Holy Hour from 7-8pm in Kilkelly church which will include the Divine Mercy Chaplet. All are welcome. SWIMMING POOL A.G.M. The AGM of Kilmovee Swimming Pool Committee will take place at the pool on Monday March 30th at 9pm. Please support your local pool and come along to the meeting. New members are always welcome. COMMON SENSE PARENTING COURSE Cáirdeas Kilmovee Family Resource Centre will hold classes in Common Sense Parenting Skills after Easter. This is a practical, skill-based parenting program that can be applied to every family with children or teens aged between 6 and 16. Common Sense Parenting is aimed at helping parents to develop practical and effective ways to enhance their parenting skills and strengthen their children’s potential and quality of life. The programme will assist parents in learning skills to encourage positive behavior and to discourage negative behaviour, through developing techniques for using effective discipline and teaching their children alternatives to problem behaviour. The course is for 6 sessions of 2 hours and will be held in the evenings. If you are interested in attending, please let us know at the Family Resource Centre at 094-9649814. COMMUNITY GAMES LOURDES PILGRIMAGE The Killala-Achonry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishops John Fleming, and Brendan Kelly with Spiritual Directors: Fr. Tom Doherty, (Killala) and Fr. John Maloney (Achonry) from the 23rd-28th August 2015, departs Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights in full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €709 - (single rooms available, supplement The Mayo Community Games swimming finals will be held in Castlebar pool on Monday May 4th (Bank Holiday), U8 and U10 8.30 am - 11am ,U12, U14, U16 and relays 10.30 am to 1pm. If there is anyone interested in taking part please contact 0872326463. Also theU14 quiz will take place in Castlebar on April 11th, those interested should contact 0872326463 for more details MINISTRIES NEXT WEEK URLAUR: SS Reader: Breege Grennan Eucharist: Peadar Grennan Offertory: Gallagher Family Servers: Volunteers KILMOVEE: SS Reader: Frank Grehan Eucharist: Michelle Jordan Offertory: Reid Family Servers: J. Dunney, L. Dunney, E. Duffy, D. McCann GLANN: SS Reader: T. Coakley Gospel: R. Flatley & R. Callaghan Eucharist: Sadie Dunleavy Offertory: Flatley Family Servers: R. Haran & J. Kilkenny tasks, responsibilities, reporting on progress and summary reports for committees and boards. Groups should attend on the night but can register with Sheila Coll at 087741441 or [email protected] RECEPTION UP-SKILLING A training course on Reception and Clerical Skills is due to commence in Ballaghaderreen in April 2015 (subject to numbers). To book your place or for further information please contact the Community Resource Centre on 094 9862565 MAYO STROKE SUPPORT The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, the West of Ireland Cardiac Foundation will be holding their next meeting – Thinking Around! the Psychological impact of stroke on Thursday 26th March 2015 between 11.30am – 1.00pm in the Tennis Club, Castlebar. Admission is free. Tea/ Coffee provided. New members are always welcome to attend. For further information, contact Alanna Ni Mhiochain on 094-9042368 or Barbara Ginley on 096 80497 KILMOVEE KNITTING GROUP Kilmovee Knitting Group meet every second Wednesday in 'Cois Tine' heritage centre from 11.30am 1.30pm. Next session is on Wednesday March 25th. All stages catered for. Refreshments served. Admission is free. All are welcome. “DARKNESS INTO LIGHT” The Darkness Into Light Walk in aid of Pieta House (self harm or suicide crisis centre) will be held in the early hours of Saturday 9th May 2015. For the first time Ballaghaderreen will host a Walk, details of which will be announced in Durkins, on Wednesday 1st April from 6.30pm. All are invited to attend. The first of 3 pre-registration days will be held at Kilmovee Community Centre on Saturday 4th April from 12.30 until 3pm. COMMUNITY GROUP TRAINING A free training workshop for Community and Voluntary Groups will be given by Mayo Community Futures on Committee Management on Wednesday 1st April in Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar at 8pm. The training will cover topics such as roles of Committees and boards, Running meetings, time management and punctuality, setting an agenda, staying on topic, taking and distributing minutes, delegating “LAKES AND LEGENDS” MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS Kilmovee Thursday Club and Kilmovee Shamrocks will hold their annual quiz on Good Friday starting at 8.30 sharp. A good night’s fun is promised. FUN FUNDRAISER A Tractor, Vintage Car and Bike Run will take place from Carracastle on Sunday 12th April. Registration in Community Centre at 12 o'clock. Proceeds to the Community Centre and Scoil Iosa Initial Summer Festival meeting on Wednesday March 25th @ 7pm in the Community Resource Centre Ballaghaderreen. This year we are exploring ways of including other areas in the festival. Please feel free to join us on the night. KILKELLY: SS Reader: C. Kelly Gospel I. Leetch & A. Glavey Eucharist: M. Cafferkey & B. Kilcoyne Offertory: Volunteers Servers D. Regan & J. Devaney. _____________________________ GOOD FRIDAY QUIZ Fr. John. A sepcial invitation to those who take part in the Eucharistic Adoration to consider joining us on the day. (With that in mind, we might suspend Eucharistic Adoration on that day). LOUGH DERG ONE DAY PILGRIMAGE It is hoped to travel to Lough Derg as a parish for the one day Pilgrimage on Monday 25th May. The cost is €40. Anyone interested in going please contact Fr. Vincent or Information evening on caring for our mental health will be held in the Oakwood Village Circular Road, Ballaghaderreen on Tuesday 31st March at 7:30 – 9:30pm. Speakers include Niall Dunne (Mental Health Ireland), Dr Mary McGuire (Consultant Psychiatrist), Tom McEvoy (Pieta House) and Dr Martin Garvey (GP). All are welcome, refreshments provided. PARENTS’ MEETING The final meeting of the Parents of this year’s First Holy Communion children takes place on Thursday next at 8pm. We look forward to seeing you all as we conclude our series of meetings. Please continue to remember the children in prayer as they approach the celebration of First Holy Communion. THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU On PALM SUNDAY evening there will be an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Kilmovee Parish Church between 6pm-7pm. Priests will be available in many of our parish churches during that hour on Sunday evening. Further details on our diocesan site HOLY WEEK LITURGIES We will need additional people to assist with Ministries over the days of Holy Week. Those on rota are asked to take special note and volunteers will be needed! 5 201 CHURCH DIARY THIS WEEK K Gl ilm an ove n eRtin an , K d ilk Ur el la ly ur Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kilmovee Sunday 22nd March Monday 23rd March Monday 23rd March Tuesday 24th March Wednesday 25th March Thursday 26th March Friday 27th March Saturday 28th March Sunday 29th March 10.00am 10.00am ______ 10.00am 7.30am 11.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Bea Anna and James Feeney, Rusheens Special Intention Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00am-10.00pm People of the Parish Special Intention Tom and Margaret Duffy, Skeheen (Anointing of The Sick) Saturday 21st March Wednesday 25th March Saturday 28th March 7.00pm ______ 7.00pm John and Bridget Cassidy Clooniron Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5.00pm-10.00pm Tom and Mary Gallagher, Aughadeffin Mary Hessenthaler (nee Griffin, Culclare), Pensylvania Horan Family George and Rose Reid and deceased of Reid and Griffin Families Cloonamna St Joseph’s Church Urlaur St Celsus’ Church, Kilkelly Sunday 22nd March Tuesday 24th March Wednesday 25th March Wednesday 25th March Wednesday 25th March Thursday 26th March Friday 27th March Friday 27th March Sunday 29th March 11.15am 7.00am 9.00am ______ 8.00-9.00pm 9.00am 7.00-8.00pm 8.00pm 11.15am Paddy & Peg Hunt, Culmore Holy Souls Deceased members of the Lydon family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9.30am- 3.00pm Lenten Hour for the Lord with Confessions & Stations of the Cross Holy Souls Holy Hour with Divine Mercy Chaplet Leonard & Brennan Families Palm (Passion) Sunday Saturday 21st March Monday 23rd March Monday 23rd March Saturday 28th March 8.00pm ______ 8.00pm 8.00pm Sonny Harrington & Jack Cassidy Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 4.00pm– 9.00pm Paddy & Mary Hunt, Culmore Thomas & Mary Flatley, Glann St Patrick’s Church, Glann PRIESTS OF THE PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOLS Fr Vincent Sherlock: 094-964 9137 Fr John Maloney: 094-936 7031 Kilmovee NS: Kilkelly NS: Tavrane NS: 094-986 1282 094-936 7371 094-964 9065 PARISH EMAIL PARISH BULLETIN [email protected] Please submit items via email if possible, including contact details, by Thursday evening. PARISH WEBSITE ST VINCENT DE PAUL Contact Number: 086-372 5256 Monday to Friday 3pm-7pm PARISH AND DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING POLICY /safeguarding-policy
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