CHEVRA TEHILLIM We will start at Chapter 133 ()קלג. We will be saying Tehillim the first two days of Pesach. To sign up please phone 718-3360251 or email [email protected]. WOMEN'S CHEVRA TEHILLIM The Women’s Tehillim will meet a half hour before Mincha in the Bais Medrash until further notice. We look forward to seeing you. ANITA WEINSTEIN MEMORIAL BIKUR CHOLIM Community Hospital Shifra Lam * Judy Mikhly Ari Kinsberg * Ann Panzer Beth Israel Kings Hwy Hospital Debra Marcus * Alice Loubaton * Deborah Markowitz April 3rd April 4th Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. Mincha & Maariv 7:00p.m. Shiur between Mincha & Maariv Yom Tov Candle Lighting 8:09p.m. Begin Seder after 8:09p.m. April 5th Shacharis Mincha Shiur between Mincha & Maariv Maariv Yom Tov Ends April 6th – 9th Shacharis Mincha Maariv April 9 – 11 MAZAL TOV DORIS & DR. SEYMOUR BENZVI ON THE BIRTH OF A GREATGRANDSON, YECHEZKEL EZRA, BORN TO THEIR GRANDCHILDREN, ILANA & YOSEF EZRA (DAUGHTER OF JULIE & DR. JEFFREY BENZVI עה. DIANNE & SOL GLICKMAN ON THE BAR MITZVAH OF THEIR GRANDSON, BILLY GLICKMAN. 15 Nisan 5775 Shabbos Candle Lighting before 7:03p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 7:15p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Begin Seder after 8:08p.m. התחלת הסדר th POOL CLOSED 2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn NY 11229 Tele: 718.-258-.3344 * Fax: 718-258-3349 Web: Email: [email protected] שבת פסח- Shabbas Pesach שחרית מנחה ומעריב הדלקת נרות התחלת הסדר 8:45a.m. 7:15p.m. שחרית מנחה 8:05p.m. 8:10p.m. מעריב צאת יום טוב Chol Hamoed Pesach 6:15/7:15a.m. 7:15p.m. 7:40p.m. שחרית מנחה מעריב th Last Days of Pesach Remember Eruv Tavshilin April 9th Yom Tov Candle Lighting Mincha and Maariv 7:09p.m. 7:20p.m. הדלקת נרות מנחה ומעריב 8:45a.m. 7:15p.m. 7:10p.m. שחרית מנחה ומעריב הדלקת נרות th April 10 Shacharis Mincha and Maariv Shabbos Candle Lighting April 11th Shacharis Mincha Maariv Yom Tov Ends 8:45a.m. Yizkor will be recited 7:00p.m. 8:11p.m. 8:16p.m. שחרית מנחה מעריב צאת יום טוב R. Etan Tokayer - Rabbi R. Mordechai Schiffman - Asst. Rabbi R. Shlomo Wolman - Shamash R. Milton H. Polin - Rabbi Emeritus Presidium: Yitz Elman & Jeffrey Grodko Board Chairman: Dr. Julian Seewald Board Vice Chairman: Jonah Meer PLEASE DAVEN FOR OUR CAPTIVE ISRAELI SOLDIERS! RABBI’S MESSAGE THANK YOU! Pesach is a holiday of gratitude. In that light, thank you to Rabbi Schiffman for coordinating once again the Hagadah Companion. Thank you to all who contributed. The new volume is quadrupled in size since Volume I. Finally, thank you to all who contributed to this year's Maos Chittim campaign which funds the Leon Yager Pesach Package Distribution and also provides direct assistance to members of our own Kingsway family. The mezuzah is a simple and rather ubiquitous sign that the homeowner is Jewish. It is no coincidence that on Pesach night, the Jews of Egypt affixed mezuzahs in the form of blood on their doorposts to identify themselves to Hashem as Jews. Rashi explains that without this identifying marker, even the Jewish first born would have been killed during the plague. And this begs the question: Did Hashem really need a sign to know who was inside the house? Should not the Jews also have been spared, regardless of any blood on the doorpost? R. Yochanan Zweig suggests that the blood on the doorposts was not how G-d identified the homeowners as Jews; rather it was how the people identified themselves as Jewish. The sad fact, according to the Midrash, was that most Jews did NOT want to leave Egypt. They saw themselves as good Egyptian citizens, albeit second class. Most Jews in Egypt remarkably did not identify as Jews and did not want to leave. Therefore, only Jews who identified as Jews were saved. The blood-mezuzah was how Jews proclaimed their Jewish identity. This brings us back to the mezuzah of today. One can find mezuzahs even on the homes of highly assimilated Jews. Regardless of any observance, they still identify as Jewish and that should be a great inspiration and source of hope for the vitality of K’lal Yisrael. It is also a challenge to us. Sometimes, with all that we do as observant Jews, we forget that at the center of our identity is the connection with Hashem. Everything else flows forth from that point – our Torah, our traditions, our history and our culture. Remove the foundation and all else crumbles. As we recall that night long ago when Hashem passed over our homes, let us recall that we are here today not simply by virtue of our DNA identification but by the identity we chose - both then and now - in the mezuzah that we affix(ed) to the doorpost of our homes. On behalf of the Rebbetzin, Aliza, Moshe and Yedidyah, we wish you and your family a Chag Kasher V’Samech. Good Shabbos. If you have an halachic question, email: [email protected]. I welcome your comments at [email protected]. IN APPRECIATION TO OUR USHERS 1ST DAY – Yitz Greenbaum & Dr. Sheldon Retkinski 2ND DAY – Dr. Dennis Wilbur & Ariel Habshush 7th Day – Michael Fineman & Lazar Mikhly 8th Day – Sol Glickman & Mark Jacobovitch Alternate last Days – David Korchak ב"ה IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REMEMBER MA’OS CHITTIM Please send your checks to the office or donate on line. PRESIDENT’S CORNER Pesach 5775: Welcome to the friends and family who are joining us this Pesach. It is time to enjoy and reap the benefits of all the preparations. Mazal Tov to our Board Member Sol Glickman, his wife Dianne and Family upon the recent Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Billy Glickman. We look forward to sharing continued smachot with the Glickmans and the entire Kingsway family, for that matter. Refurbishment Campaign Update: As we are now several weeks into the campaign and donations have started to come in, we have approached Board Members Sol Glickman and Etai Lahav and asked them to co-chair this project. Without hesitation, both Etai and Sol accepted. As we announced last week in shul, when our homes need repair; a paint job, new carpeting, lighting, we don't let it go. Naturally, the same applies to our Kingsway. We anticipate that the repairs will cost us close to $100,000. In order to help keep matters fresh, a letter will be sent out as well informing people of what we are doing and what our needs are. Youth: We thank and acknowledge Rabbi Schiffman for his effective lead role with two of our important pre-Pesach initiatives; the Pre-Pesach Fun Day for Kids and the Kingsway Hagaddah Companion. Both of these are enhancements to our Yom Tov. On behalf of the officers and executive Board, we wish you a Chag kasher v'samayach/ah zissen Pesach. Yitz Elman and Jeff Grodko- Presidium Kingsway 87th Annual Dinner May 17th 2015 Guest of Honor - Dr Freya Schnabel Avodah Awardees - Joyce and Yankie Fruchter THANK YOU REFURBISHMENT FUND PILLAR: Sarah & Leo Horowitz REFURBISHMENT FUND SPONSORS: Carin & Ben Dachs, and Marilyn & Marshal Richter. REFURBISHMENT FUND DONOR: Frayda & Benjamin Sasson in memory of Frayda’s beloved father, Solomon Waltuch עה. ROSH CHODESH KIDDUSH SPONSOR: Gale & Eduard Fridman Marilyn & Marshal Richter donated a brick to rebuild Kingsway in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ayelet Shakarchi, granddaughter of Mary Ann & Elliot Shakarchi and Phyllis & Stanley Tanzer. Marilyn & Marshal Richter donated a brick to rebuild Kingsway in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jenna Shakarchi, granddaughter of Mary Ann & Elliot Shakarchi. Sarah & Leo Horowitz made a generous donation to the Leon Yager Passover Food Distribution. Marion & Dr. Gerald Freilich made a generous donation to the Leon Yager Passover Food Distribution in honor of the birth of Alexandra Richter, granddaughter of Marilyn & Marshal Richter Renee & Dave Glass made a donation to Kingsway Jewish Center in honor of Gert Bloom’s special birthday. Kathe & Terry Ettkins made a donation to the Leon Yager Passover Food Distribution in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Shmuel Zev Epstein, grandson of Fran & Stephen Epstein. Judy & Ari Cohen donated a brick in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Billy Glickman, grandson of Dianne & Sol Glickman. SHUL REFURBISHMENT CAMPAIGN We have embarked on an important, ambitious campaign to make our shul a more beautiful and enjoyable place to daven. We thank Dr. Freya Schnabel, for launching this campaign with a most generous Matching Gift Challenge in memory of her father, Morris Schnabel עה. Please contact the Presidium to learn how you can participate. YOUTH CORNER Tani and Dani - Last week at Groups we said goodbye to Tani and Dani who are moving on from their position here at Kingsway. The youth presented them with an ice cream cake (which we all shared) and gave them a resounding thank you for the great job they have done over the past two years running Youth Groups. Moving forward, Libby will be leading groups, with the able help of all of our youth counselors First Days of Pesach - There will be no Youth Groups during the first days of Pesach. Second Days of Pesach - There will be no Youth Groups on Friday, but we WILL have Groups on Shabbos (the Eight Day of Pesach) starting from 10:30 until Ein Keilokeinu. Pre-Pesach Fun Day - Almost 40 youth joined us last Sunday for our Pre-Pesach Fun Day. We prepared for Pesach by designing Afikoman bags and kiddush cups. Some of the art work is on display in the back of the KJC Haggadah Companion. Best of all, parents were actually able to get some Pesach shopping done at the same time! KJC Haggadah Companion - Thank you to all of our youth who contributed divrei Torah and artwork for the Haggadah companion. We look forward to even more participation next year. MEMBERSHIP We invite you to join our growing Kingsway family or to renew your existing annual membership at your earliest opportunity. New members: $42/month or a one time payment of $500. This includes two High Holiday seats or two seats at our Annual Dinner. Returning members: $92/month or a one time payment of $1100 (includes the $600 Building Fund). For more information, speak to our Presidium, Yitz Elman and Jeff Grodko or contact our office staff, Mary Ann Shakarchi and Phyllis Tanzer. YOM HASHOAH PROGRAM SUNDAY – APRIL 19TH AT 10:30a.m. SPEAKER: Ms. Lyuba Abramovich, Former Partisan SAVE THE DATE – APRIL 22ND YOM HAATZMAUT PROGRAM with special presentation by Attorney Nitzana DarshaLeitner, named one of Israel's 50 most influential women. A legal defender of Israel, she is director of Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center, that last month won a landmark U.S. Federal case (Sokolow vs. PA) and a $215 million dollar judgment against the Palestinian Authority for support of terrorism. Details to follow. ISRAEL SHABBOS - APRIL 25TH LUNCH N LEARN - SALUTE TO ISRAEL WITH RABBI ALLEN SCHWARTZ of Congregation Ohav Zedek, Instructor of Tanakh, Greenwald Chair of Jewish Studies, Yeshiva University SAVE THE DATE KINGSWAY SEMI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE MAY 3RD, 1-7PM Please remember iron and Vitamin C are very important when donating blood. You should start eating iron and Vitamin C- rich foods. Please add this date to your calendar, plan on coming, donating, and saving lives! Thank you, Frima Peters and Tzila Seewald-Russell
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