RAPID COMMUNICATION A New Treatment for Polycythemia Vera: Recombinant Interferon alfa By Richard T. Silver Recombinantinterferon alfa, a natural product with growth inhibitory capabilities, has been demonstrated for the first time to have significant therapeutic efficacy in controlling the red cell mass in patients with the myeloproliferative disease polycythemia vera. The starting dose was 3.0 x lo6 U three times a week, subcutaneously (SC). In three patients the dose required was 5.0 x lo6. U five times a week, SC. Side effects were easily tolerated. The striking advantage in the use of this drug is its presumed absence of antileukemic effect. Further evaluation is necessary, but the initial responsesare encouraging. 0 1990 by The American Society of Hematology. P by Lin et a1’ indicate that interferon alfa antagonizes the action of PDGF by interfering with the activation of GO cells for G1 traverse and S phase entry. The important clinical implication of these observations is that interferon alfa may control the proliferative aspects of polycythemia vera and inhibit the development of myelofibrosis, a consequence of the natural history of the disease. The fact that interferon alfa is not leukemogenic adds significant attraction to its proposed use. The effectiveness of r I F N a was briefly noted after the successful treatment of three patients with polycythemia In this report, follow-up of the first three patients is extended to approximately 3 years, and two additional patients have been included. OLYCYTHEMIA VERA is a disease of long duration and varied complications in which several species of hematopoietic cells are involved simultaneously or sequentially in the proliferative process. Although most hematologists believe that survival is increased and complications are reduced in treated as compared with untreated patients, conflicting opinions regarding optimum therapy are still held by various investigators. Phlebotomy alone as the sole form of therapy is advocated by those who believe that the major causes of morbidity and mortality in polycythemia vera will be prevented by correcting the increased red cell mass and blood volume. However, phlebotomy has its risks in the elderly patient and may produce thrombocytosis leading to thrombosis. Others endorse myelosuppressive therapy, citing the additional beneficial effects of these agents on thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, hyperuricemia, and hepatosplenomegaly. Unfortunately and importantly, these drugs may be leukemogenic. Because of the slow but, nevertheless, progressive nature of polycythemia vera (even in patients treated with phlebotomy only) and in an attempt to avoid the leukomegenic effects of either P3*or chemotherapy (particularly in younger individuals), alternative treatment modalities have been constantly sought. Recombinant interferon alfa (rIFNa) is a biologic response modifier. It has had demonstrated myelosuppressive activity that has been used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia by’.2 and others. It has had demonstrated effectiveness in treating elevated platelet counts in patients with chronic myeloid l e ~ k e m i a ,polycythemia ~ vera: and essential thr~mbocythemia.’.~ Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) initiates proliferation of fibroblasts. Recent studies From the Division of Hematology/Oncology. The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY. Submitted April 2, 1990: accepted May 16,1990. Supported by grants from the Cancer Research and Treatment Fund, Inc, United Leukemia Fund, and the Audrey Lippman Cancer Research Fund. Presented in part at the 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, December 5,1988, San Antonio, TX. Address reprint requests to Richard T. Silver, MD, Division of Hematology/Oncology, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, 525 E 68th Si, New York, N Y 10021. The publication costs ofthis arficle were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 I990 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/90/7604-002583.00/0 664 RESULTS After receiving written informed consent, five patients previously treated with phlebotomies only for control of their disease were treated with rIFNa. The age, sex, year of diagnosis, and average number of phlebotomies per year before the institution of r I F N a for each patient are shown in Table 1. There were three women and two men whose ages ranged from 46 to 64 years. Although the duration of the disease differed, the activity of the disease was essentially the same for four patients, since the numbers of phlebotomies per year were nearly the same (Table 1). The fifth patient required 12 phlebotomies in the 5 months before the initiation of rIFNa. Values of the red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet counts, hematocrit, and spleen size at diagnosis and median counts during phlebotomy and 1 year after r I F N a are shown in Table 2. The starting dose was 3.0 x lo6 U three times per week, SC. Since good control of disease occurred in two patients, it was possible after 4 months to reduce gradually the dose of r I F N a to 1.0 x lo6 U and then to 0.45 x lo6 U three times per week, and, finally to discontinue it after 2 months. In both patients, the hematocrit slowly rose, and rIFNa was restarted after 4 months and maintained at a dose of 0.5 x lo6 U twice a week. In the next three patients, the starting dose of 3.0 x lo6 U three times per week was inadequate; it was subsequently escalated to 5.0 x lo6 U five times per week, and remission was induced within 4 months. After the hematocrit fell to 45.0% or lower, the maintenance dose ranged between 3.0 and 5.0 x lo6 U, three to five times per week. Patient 3 required phlebotomies during the first 6 months after r I F N a was started (Table 1). His dose has remained a t 3.0 x lo6 U, three times per week. Patient 4 B/ood, Vol 76, No 4 (August 15). 1990: pp 664-665 POLYCYTHEMIA VERA AND R I F N ~ 665 Table 1. Results of Patients With Polycythemia Vera Treated With rlFNa-2b Ptn. No. Year of Diagnosis AaeISex Average No. Phlebotomies/yr Before rlFNa-Zb 1970 1983 1983 1986 1988 64lF 52lM 46lM 55/F 46/F 3.4 5.5 4.5 6.0 12.0t No. Phlebotomies While on rlFNa-2b Duration After rlFNa-Pb (mod* 34 34 39 23 20 *As of 311/90, tAfter diagnosis (1/88), patient required 12 phlebotomies in 5 months. Table 2. Median Hematologic Findings in Five Patients With Polycythemia Vera Before and During Phlebotomy, and After r l F N a 9 b Therapy RBC lx lo6/&) PLT I x 1O'lpl) WBC ( x 103/pl) HCT (%) SPL. Ptn. No. lmos duration) A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C l(34) 2(34) 3 (39) 4 (23) 5(20) 8.0 6.48 6.66 5.8 8.38 5.11 7.09 5.48 5.11 6.01 4.61 5.87 6.42 6.67 6.48 72.0 57.8 59.0 53.0 74.6 47.0 49.0 51.0 46.0 44.6 39.5 37.6 44.7 48.0 43.0 13.5 18.2 8.1 8.3 13.3 7.7 12.7 6.6 7.5 16.6 7.3 10.7 4.3 5.0 9.6 276 305 654 480 724 300 350 425 524 1,324 192 329 482 451 445 2.0 15.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 15.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 0 14.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 ~ Abbreviations: RBC, red blood cell count; HCT, hematocrit level; WBC, white blood cell count; PLT, platelet count; SPL, spleen size; A, before phlebotomy; 6, during phlebotomy; C, after rlFNa-2b therapy. 'Spleen size measured below the left costal margin in the third clavicular line. required one phlebotomy during the first 3 months of r I F N a therapy. Of considerable interest is the fact that the spleen regressed in size in four patients after r I F N a whereas it had remained the same or enlarged slightly during treatment with phlebotomy. In the fifth patient (Patient 2) the spleen remained unchanged in size. This was related to a previous documented portal vein thrombosis. The side effects of r I F N a were similar to those reported in other studies and were dose-related. These included myalgia, low grade fever, and muscle weakness in three of the five patients. Virtually all symptoms were relieved with acetaminophen in the usual dose. One patient complained of dry skin. Interval bone marrow determinations 1 year after the institution of r I F N a indicate that the marrows have remained hypercellular with no significant change compared with pretreatment marrows. There has been no change in marrow reticulin or levels of serum erythropoietin. COMMENTS For the first time, these results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of r I F N a in controlling the excess red cell mass in polycythemia vera. Red cell values were controlled within 6 months, eliminating the need for phlebotomy in all five patients. Furthermore, as previously noted in other myeloproliferative diseases, elevated platelet counts were reduced'" and spleen size diminished after rIFNa. In all patients, it was possible to subsequently maintain the patient on relatively small doses of drug. Based on these studies, a reasonable starting dose is 3 to 5 x lo6 units SC, three to five times per week. It is possible that subsequent patients may require more or less interferon, depending upon response. Obviously, further follow-up is required to determine the development, frequency, and type of complications that may occur with long-term use of rIFNa. The Occurrence of acute leukemia, myelofibrosis, and cytogenetic abnormalities will be monitored carefully. In the meantime, further evaluation of this drug in a larger number of patients with this disease is certainly warranted. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The assistance of Audrey Gutfriend, BSN, and Helen Zurawinsky in this study is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. 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