An Invitation to Exhibit in Washington, DC H HHHHH H HHH H H Lead change. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Maximize impact. Learning Forward H HH HHHHH HHH H = More Traffic Conference Dates: Dec. 5–9, 2015 Exhibit Dates: Dec. 7–8, 2015 Washington, DC Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center HH Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall H Annual Conference 2015 An Invitation to Exhibit H HHHHH H HH H H H HHH H H HHH Learning Forward 2015 Annual Conference HHHHH Lead change. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Maximize impact. Learning Forward is hosting its 2015 Annual Conference in Washington, DC, Dec. 5–9. We are planning for more than 3,500 participants from across North America to participate in the conference. The conference is a great opportunity for you to network directly with potential customers and clients. The conference offers more than 35 preconference workshops, three general sessions with keynote addresses by nationally acclaimed speakers, and 350 concurrent sessions. Attendees will be served breakfast in the Exhibit Hall on Monday and Tuesday, and there will be a reception on Monday afternoon, multiplying your traffic and magnifying your ROI. Connect with Attendees Attendees include superintendents, central office administrators, staff developers, teachers, principals, and state and regional department of education personnel. They hold positions of leadership and budget authority in all levels of education. They are key decision makers regarding which programs and services their campuses and districts buy. Your Products and Services in the Spotlight Learning Forward honors exhibitors by hosting a reception for all conference participants on Monday, December 7 in the Exhibit Hall. This event features refreshments and other festivities. An exhibit booth isn’t the only opportunity to promote your company. Learning Forward offers sponsorship and advertising opportunities that provide you with additional exposure. You can be a sponsor and/or advertise in the 2015 Increase your virtual presence at the conference with the Mobile App Green Package. Enhance your app listing by adding your logo, product brochures, videos, and other resources to your booth in the Virtual Exhibit Hall. Save money on shipping costs by letting attendees download your information straight to their mobile devices. More than 3,300 people downloaded the 2014 Annual Conference mobile app, and with over 7,000 visits to the Virtual Exhibit Hall, don’t miss your chance to stand out from the crowd and track visitors to your virtual booth. For more information, contact Tom Manning at 972-421-0888 or [email protected]. The Conference App Green Package is just $100. Annual Conference Program (distributed to approximately 15,000 educators). All exhibitors will be listed in the Conference mobile app and on our web site that is visited by over 50,000 unique individuals every month. Attend Sessions Exhibitors can attend any open concurrent session. Please visit the onsite ticket exchange to check session availability and get tickets. Pre-registration for concurrent sessions is not available. General sessions and meals are not included. Prize Drawings Bring Attendees to the Exhibit Hall At Learning Forward’s Annual Conference, everyone comes away a winner. Attendees are introduced to your company when you donate a door prize or giveaway in the Exhibit Hall. Prize recipients pick up their prizes directly from you, providing another great opportunity to gain information about your company’s products and services. Book Signings Exhibitors are invited to host book signings in their booths during exhibit hours. Learning Forward includes a list of book signings in the mobile app and advertises them at the entrance of the Exhibit Hall. Conference participants enjoy the opportunity to make personal contact with the authors. Exhibit Area Location The exhibits are located in Maryland Ballroom of Gaylord National near registration, general sessions, and meals, making it easy for conference attendees to visit. The measurements on the diagram are as accurate as possible, but Learning Forward reserves the right to make modifications as necessary to adjust the floor plan to meet the needs of the exhibitors and exhibits. Exhibit Booth Specs & Fees $1,299 inline booths | $1,499 premium corner booths Exhibit booths are 10’x10’ and include a back-drape, draped side rails, and an identification sign. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JAN. REG. MARYLAND BALLROOM PREFUNCTION EC OFFICE IDF REG. EC. STO. STORAGE OFFICE EXHIBIT HALL HOURS STAIR C-10 Monday, December 7 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. • Exhibit Hall Reception 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. IDF A/V ENTRANCE 100 101 200 201 300 301 400 401 500 102 103 202 203 302 303 402 403 502 104 105 204 205 304 305 404 405 504 108 109 208 209 308 309 408 409 508 110 111 210 211 310 311 410 411 510 113 212 213 312 313 412 413 512 Focus Groups EC Tuesday, December 8 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 114 STO. 116 SERV. CORRID. MARYLAND BALLROOM PREFUNCTION STO. 115 214 215 314 315 414 415 514 117 216 217 316 317 416 417 516 121 220 221 320 321 123 222 223 322 323 125 224 225 324 325 127 226 227 326 327 129 228 229 328 329 131 230 231 330 331 133 232 233 332 333 135 234 235 334 335 118 120 122 124 126 128 Exhibitor Lounge 20' 132 60' STO. MOVE-IN Saturday, December 5 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, December 6 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. MOVE-OUT Tuesday, December 8 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. – Reserved for Sponsors LF BOOKSTORE 80' STO. IDF A/V 420 VEST. Exhibitor Lounge and Boothside Assistance Complimentary refreshments will be provided to exhibitors at designated times in the exhibitor lounge. Exhibitors may ask for assistance from members of the Host Committee or Learning Forward staff during Exhibit Hall hours. Attendee Mailing List Get in contact with attendees before and after the conference. The attendee mailing list is $300 and is available to rent for a one-time use. The list contains attendees’ names, professional titles, and mailing addresses in an Excel file. Attendee e-mail addresses are not available for purchase. Call 800-727-7288 to order by phone with a Visa or MasterCard. Checks can be mailed to the Learning Forward Business Office. Prepayment is required. The list is generally e-mailed the same day it is ordered. Space Assignment Requests for booth assignments will be processed on a first-come basis after conference sponsors have selected their booths. Assignments will only be made after a deposit has been received. Please indicate several choices on your exhibit contract. Double end cap locations will only be awarded to companies that agree to adhere to the design limitations for these locations. Please contact Renee TaylorJohnson at 800-727-7288 ext. 222 for additional information. Don’t Miss This Opportunity Exhibit space goes quickly, so respond as soon as possible. The deadline to ensure your listing in the 2015 Annual Conference Program is May 22, 2015. Please call the Learning Forward Business Office at 800-727-7288 if you have any questions. 3 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Connect with key decision makers for your programs and services. 22% WHO ATTENDS THE LEARNING FORWARD ANNUAL CONFERENCE? 42% (average from past three years) District/Central Office Leaders and Staff Technical Assistance Provider/External Organizations 21% About Learning Forward HFounded in 1969, Learning Forward 15% Principal/Assistant Principal Teacher/Teacher Leader/Coach now has more than 10,000 members in 50 states and 15 countries. HLearning Forward’s 40 state and provincial affiliates provide services and programs that connect staff developers within individual states or provinces or regions. HNearly 93% of members used a Learning Forward product or publication during the previous 12 months as a research source. HLearning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning have been adopted or adapted in 30 states to shape the quality of professional learning educators experience. About Learning Forward’s Annual Conference H30% of Learning Forward H96% of attendees report that they leave the conference with ideas they will implement or apply. members attend the Annual Conference (the average attendance for the last five years is 3,200). HAttendees include superintendents, central office administrators, staff developers, teachers, principals, and state and regional department of education personnel. H89% of conference attendees visit our Exhibit Hall. H 2015 Annual Conference: Sponsorship Opportunities Learning Forward invites you to choose one of these sponsorship opportunities and gain additional visibility with over 3,500 conference participants. Your support will be acknowledged in conference materials as well as throughout the conference in a variety of ways. SPONSOR LEVEL RECOGNITION: Legacy Level Sponsor:................. $50,000 or greater Capital Level Sponsor:................. $25,000 – 49,999 Gold Level Sponsor:..................... $10,000 – 24,999 Silver Level Sponsor:.................... $5,000 - $9,999 Bronze Level Sponsor.................. $3,000 LEARNING FORWARD SUPPORTER SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY ($3,000) Benefits include: • One complimentary three-day registration • One complimentary Learning Forward comprehensive membership • ½ page press ready color ad in Conference Program • Logo on conference exhibit all entrance unit • Enhanced listing in Mobile App Virtual Exhibit Hall (Mobile App Green Package) LEARNING FORWARD BASIC CONFERENCE SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY ($5,000) Benefits include: • Recognition as sponsor of Exhibit Hall Reception • 1 complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall • ½ page press ready color ad in Conference Program ** • Logo on Exhibit Hall entrance unit • Logo on registration attendee packet • Sponsor recognition with link to website displayed in Learning Forward annual conference website Note: Sponsor website reciprocity required. • Option to purchase additional benefits, marketing & content opportunities • Recognition at a General Session • Two complimentary three-day conference registrations • Five Learning Forward digital memberships to keep or give away • Sponsor ribbon on name badge • Enhanced listing in Mobile App Virtual Exhibit Hall (Mobile App Green Package) Please fax this page to 513-523-0638 or mail to the Learning Forward Business Office, and we will send you a sponsorship contract. Sponsorship packages can be customized to fit your needs. Contact Renee Taylor-Johnson at 800-727-7288 x222 or [email protected] for more details. Gaylord National Harbor Washington, DC ADDITIONAL SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES: (Can only purchase as a Basic Conference Sponsor) • Front row booth position in Exhibit Hall, only three will be available ($10,000) • Representation on the 2016 conference host committee – contributing to a powerful professional learning experience ($5,000) • Participation in the 2016 program selection process – contributing professional learning opportunities ($5,000) • One topic-approved preconference session with one or two presenters. Includes 2 three-day conference registration fees waived (AV beyond standard preset not included) – 2016. ($15,000) • One topic-approved presentation in Fast Forward session in showcase classroom ($2,500) -- complete Sponsorship commitment no later than September 1, 2015. • One IPD session in showcase classroom ($5,000) • One roundtable session ($2,500) • One topic-approved two-hour concurrent session with up to three presenters with a complimentary three-day conference registration (AV beyond standard preset not included) ($5,000) ** • Opportunity to schedule two small focus groups or client meetings during Exhibit Hall hours in Exhibit Hall private meeting room ($4,500) • Opportunity to schedule a one-hour focus group or client meeting during Exhibit Hall hours, in Exhibit Hall private meeting room ($2,500) • Private event hosting opportunity using Learning Forward conference meeting space post session hours ($5,000/event) • Five passes for VIP guest seating during one general session of choice. This can include seating with guest Keynote speaker, or local and state leaders attending the conference. ($2,500) • Banner over booth provided by Learning Forward ($5,000) • Splash graphic on Mobile App ($7,500) One space available • Opportunity for one of the four banners available on our conference mobile app ($3,750) • Lead sponsor at Member Welcome / Opening Reception with 2-minute limit for welcoming remarks ($10,000) • Recognition as sponsor of Exhibit Hall Coffee and Preconference Coffee Breaks ($3,500) • Satellite tabletop in attendee registration area -- open during all registration hours ($5,000) • Insert (brochure, flyer, DVD) in conference attendee packets ($2,500) • General Session speaking opportunity (script approved by LF production team) – seven-minute limit ($100,000) ** Time sensitive item– inquire for deadlines COMPANY NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________________________________________________ STATE __________________ ZIP ______________________________ TELEPHONE (____________) _______________________________________________ FAX (____________) _________________________________________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning Forward Business Office / 504 S. Locust Street / Oxford, OH 45056-2129 / 800-727-7288 / Fax 513-523-0638 / 5 2015 Annual Conference: Advertising Insertion Order Learning Forward • 504 S. Locust St. • Oxford, OH 45056 Phone: 800-727-7288 • Fax: 513-523-0638 • 2015 Annual Conference Dec. 5–9, 2015 Gaylord National Washington, DC ADVERTISER COMPANY _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON ______________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY ________________________________________________________________________________ STATE _______________ ZIP ______________________________________ TELEPHONE (____________) _______________________________________________ FAX (____________) __________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Advertising rates are for color ads in the Conference Program. ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM – 8.5” X 11” QUESTIONS? Please contact Stephanie Wagers at 513-523-6029 x225 or [email protected] (mailed and distributed) COLOR AD SIZE SELECTION DEADLINES: May 22, 2015 - Ads due for Annual Conference Program 1/2 page horiz / $999 1/2 page vertical / $999 Full page / $1,599 FORMAT: Please submit ads as press-ready 4 color process PDFs (no spot colors) to Stephanie Wagers at [email protected] or 513-5236029 x225. AD DUE DATE: May 22, 2015 1/2 page vertical Full page 1/2 page horizontal DATE: Ads not received by the due date may lose their space in the publication while the advertiser is responsible for the bill. PRICE Price of ad(s) .................................... $___________ 7.5” x 4.875” 3.625” x 10” 7.5” x 10” no bleed 8.75” x 11.25” w/bleed Special instructions/comments: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT (CHECK ONE) A check is enclosed with this form. (Make check payable to Learning Forward) Please bill my company. A purchase order is enclosed with this form. Charge to my: Visa MasterCard Discover __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Card account number Expiration date 6 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY ADVERTISER RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY LEARNING FORWARD __________________________________ _____________________________________ Billing address Signature 3-digit security code 2015 Annual Conference: Exhibit Contract Please complete and return this application by May 31, 2015 in order to receive the $50 discount on the exhibit booth fee. Send Exhibit Contract along with credit card information or a check payable to Learning Forward to: Learning Forward, 504 S. Locust Street, Oxford, OH 45056. EXHIBITOR 2015 Annual Conference Gaylord National Washington, DC Conference Dates: Dec. 5–9, 2015 Exhibit Dates: Dec. 7–8, 2015 (PLEASE PRINT) EXHIBITING FIRM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (as you would like it to appear on your sign) CONTACT PERSON ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________________________________________________ STATE _______________ ZIP _________________________________ TELEPHONE (____________) ______________________________________________ FAX (____________) _________________________________________________ E-MAIL _______________________________________________________________________ WEB SITE ____________________________________________________ Cost of Exhibit Space: The fee is $1,299 for inline booths and $1,499 for premium corner booths for each 10’ x 10’ booth. One-half the booth rental fee is due with this application. The balance is due upon notice of booth assignment. Failure to make payment by Oct. 15, 2015 will subject exhibitor to cancellation of contract and forfeiture of deposit. Full payment is due with all applications mailed after Oct. 1, 2015. Number of Booths Preferred Booth Location (See the exhibit map on page 2 and note space number) ________ 1)_________ 2)_________ 3)_________ 4)_________ 5)_________ Exhibit Description (30 words or less): __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Use same description as last year. Please note descriptions may be edited. Descriptions must be received by Oct. 15 to be included in onsite conference materials. Add the Conference App Green Package for only $100. See page 2 for details. PAYMENT (CHECK ONE) A CHECK is enclosed with this form. (Make check payable to Learning Forward.) Please charge: Full amount now Expiration date MasterCard Billing address May 22, 2015 Deadline to be included in Exhibitor listing in Annual Conference Program May 31, 2015 Last day to receive $50 discount on exhibit booth fee Oct. 15, 2015 Final payment due for booth rental Return completed forms and fees to: Learning Forward Business Office 504 S. Locust Street Oxford, OH 45056 800-727-7288 Fax 513-523-0638 For additional information: Card account number VISA Discover 1/2 of booth rental fee DEADLINES: 3-digit security code Signature PRIZE DONATIONS If you would like to donate a prize for our prize drawings, please complete this section. Please return this form by Nov. 1, 2015 to be included in onsite conference materials as a prize donor. Prizes to be Donated: (3 maximum) Renee Taylor-Johnson Assistant Director of Business Services 800-727-7288 x222 renee.taylor-johnson@ SIGNATURE AND AGREEMENT The exhibitor agrees to abide by all exhibit terms, conditions, and regulations set forth in this contract and in the exhibit brochure. 1.________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________ Please bring the prize with you to the conference and hold it in your booth. The recipient will be directed to pick it up from you there. Thank you for participating in this incentive effort. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE PRINT NAME AND TITLE TO BE COMPLETED BY LEARNING FORWARD: SPONSOR? YES ACCEPTED BY LEARNING FORWARD DATE SPACE ASSIGNED TOTAL COST DEPOSIT RECEIVED CHECK NO. AMOUNT DUE NO 7 DEC. 5-9, 2015 • GAYLORD NATIONAL RESORT AND CONVENTION CENTER • NATIONAL HARBOR, MD HHHHH H HHHHH H Cancellation All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Learning Forward Business Office. If notification is received on or before October 1, 2015, all monies less a $100 (US) service charge will be refunded. Cancellations received after October 1, 2015 obligate the exhibitor to full payment of the rental and forfeiture of all monies paid. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THIS DATE. Failure to occupy the exhibit space in no way releases the exhibitor from the obligation to pay the full cost of the rental. If exhibit space is not completed by 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 6, Learning Forward exhibit management will have the right to use the space as it sees fit to eliminate empty spaces in the Exhibit Hall. Use of Space All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. Sufficient space must be provided within the exhibit to contain persons watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share the space allotted without the knowledge and consent of management. In no case may the height along side dividers for the front half in from the aisle exceed four feet. Interference with the light and space of other exhibitors is prohibited. Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, materials, or for any other reason, and also to prohibit or to evict any exhibit that in the opinion of the management may detract from the general character of the Learning Forward exhibit as a whole. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that the management For additional information, contact: Renee Taylor-Johnson • Assistant Director of Business Services [email protected] 800-727-7288 x222 • Fax: 513-523-0638 H H H HHH PLEASE NOTE: All exhibits must be staffed and must remain intact until the official closing hour. Exhibitors may not pack, tear down, or remove any portion of the exhibit prior to the official closing of the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, Dec. 8. Failure to observe this rule may result in a penalty and/or jeopardize the exhibitor’s space assignment to exhibit at a future Learning Forward Conference. H Exhibit Installation and Removal Exhibitors may set up on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 6 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Exhibits must be in place by 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 6. Dismantle will be Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. after the Exhibit Hall closes. Exhibits must be removed from the exhibit area by 11:59 pm, Tuesday, Dec. 9. Materials not removed will be put in storage at the exhibitor’s expense. = More Traffic determines is objectionable. In the event of such restriction or eviction, Learning Forward is not liable for any refunds or other exhibit expenses. Sales Exhibitors are permitted to make sales on the exhibitor floor. The exhibitor is responsible for obtaining tax requirements and agrees to comply with all state and local tax regulations. The exhibitor is also responsible for collecting and submitting payment of their own sales tax to the appropriate legal authority. Liability The exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and save Learning Forward, the Gaylord National and its employees and agents harmless against all claims, losses, and damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines, attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by the exhibitors installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof excluding such liability caused by the sole negligence of the Gaylord National, its employees and agents. In addition, the exhibitor acknowledges that Learning Forward and Freeman do not maintain insurance covering the exhibitor’s property and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by the exhibitor. Security Exhibit management will provide security during hours the exhibit area is closed. However, the exhibitor is solely responsible for his own exhibit against loss or damage from theft, accident, vandalism, fire, or other causes. All property of an exhibitor is understood to remain in his care, custody, and control in transit to or from the confines of the exhibit area. Circulation and Solicitation Distribution of advertising material and souvenirs must be confined to exhibitor’s space. Canvassing in the exhibit area or distribution of advertising materials in other conference areas is prohibited. Failure to observe this rule may jeopardize the exhibitor’s space assignment or the right to exhibit at a future Learning Forward Conference. Music Licensing Any music licensing fees incurred by the exhibitor are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Miscellaneous All materials used in decorations must be flame-proof. Helium balloons are not permitted in the Exhibit Hall. H Space and Service Information Freeman is Learning Forward’s official decorating company. All services customarily required by exhibitors will be obtained through Freeman. Service kits containing shipping instructions and information regarding furniture rental, electrical work, drayage, etc. will be e-mailed to exhibitors with your confirmation. HHH Exhibitor Rules & Regulations HH Breakfast in the H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HExhibit H H HHall HHHHHHHH
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