L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH T HE M ESSENGER V OLUME 15, I SSUE 5 M AY 2015 T HE P ASTOR ’ S P EN W hen the weather gets better United Methodists seem to awake from winter slumbers and get busy, before the summer vacations begin, and Lee’s Chapel UMC is no exception! As you read this newsletter and see all the ministries in and around our church you will see what I mean! Before we get underway in the month of May, let’s reflect on the month of April! Easter was glorious! Thanks to our small but dynamic choir’s music that uplifted our waiting through the holy season of Lent. Thanks to our choir director and organist for the extra time and talent during the Lenten season. Thanks to Anne Smith and Linda Gordan for beautiful, meaningful bulletin covers and look for more during the next few months! Thanks to the Kitchen Committee for the hard work that went into updating our kitchen. The money for upgrades came from the Bazaar Fund from three years ago to last fall and we have purchased two brand new stoves, a new microwave and cord, new faucets for the sink and stackers for dishes, and a new freezer! The paint job is so bright and cheerful and thanks to Eddie Clymer (Lera and Dave’s son) for painting the ceiling and walls. Thanks to all of you who came on April 12th to dedicate the remodeled kitchen and brought covered dishes to share in a fellowship meal around the tables. Many of you brought new potholders, utensils, plastic products, spoons and Linda and Mike Brandon supplied the new kitchen floor mat for standing to do dishes. The ice maker was discarded and the old freezer donated. New grills have been purchased by Kathy Dubree for the upcoming Pancake Benefit to be held this month to help our sister church (Mt. Carmel in Eden) which burned down before Easter. The financial breakdown of how the fund was spent will be available in early June. The remaining balance was used to purchase new parament sets in the liturgical colors of Green and Red, for the Kingdomtide season of the church year and the Pentecost and special Sunday seasons of the year. The fabric is brocade and will be dedicated to the glory of God on Pentecost Sunday which is May 24th! They are exceptional paraments which include the altar table covering, the pulpit scarf and the Bible bookmark which we use under the offering plates. Included in this order were the linen banners for the walls of the sanctuary: 2 for Communion Sundays, 2 for Lent, and 2 for Pentecost Sundays. Thanks to Larry Bopp for securing the hooks for both banners! We are fixing up and cleaning up our church! The grant for the Serenity space will be used this month to begin our Recovery Reach out programs, and painting and clean up dates are in this newsletter. We need all the help we can get! And our trees are trimmed and cleaned up and a new gravel driveway has been laid. This is the first trimming in over 40 years according to Bridges Landscaping who was the bid the Trustees approved! Two grants have been made out of the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund to help two families in our church family. And the Parsonage will hopefully be on the market to sell by mid-May! Fred Curl has been exceptional in working with the (cont. on page 2) . T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 2 (Pastor’s Pen cont.) Trustees and all Ad-hoc committees for all these improvement projects! I truly believe it takes “a village to raise a child” and it takes all of us to raise a church! Each of you have been outstanding in your service commitment and I take great pride in serving as your pastor! This month come and be a part of your church as we spring clean and get ready for the summer and THANK YOU! Carol There is an opportunity to give a Mother’s Day gift that keeps on giving through our city’s Shepherd’s Center. Would you like to remember the wonderful women who raised us, the daughters and friends who continue to be strong role models and important mothers? Or is there a wonderful young woman you know in your family, congregation or community that you would like to honor? Consider your daughter?! When we receive your donation, we will personalize a beautiful 5x8 card to the person you designate. The card will be mailed the week prior to Mother’s Day in a glorious floral envelope, which will surely be a delight when they open their mail. You may want to order a few cards to carry with you to provide last minute gifts or for random acts of kindness for any Mom who could use a special note. No need to shop for a card or stamp; plus these lovely cards benefit the Shepherd’s Center and share in our “lives of purpose” mission! Your name will be mentioned, but the amount of your donation will not. Call for more info or questions @ 336-378-0766. Make your checks payable to Shepherd’s Center and mail to: 302 West Market St. Room #103, Greensboro, NC 27401. Do It Today! On March 28th I attended the UMW Northern Piedmont District Human Trafficking Event. The speakers for the day were from Triad Ladder of Hope and World Relief. Both organizations are faith based and work tireless to eliminate Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking. Some of the numbers that we heard that day were mindboggling. Numbers like: There are more people in slavery now than in 1809 at the height of slavery in the United States. Two children are taken into slavery/trafficking every minute. North Carolina is in the top 10 nationwide for human trafficking. After Drug Trafficking Human Trafficking is the 2nd most illegal industry in the world. 12.3 million People in the world are employed in the sex/servitude or forced labor. Education is what is needed to help stamp out this unforgivable way our neighbors are treated. You may not know or realize that there are people in your midst who are victims of human trafficking or domestic violence. It could be someone you work with, someone you sit beside at church or your waiter at a restaurant. Take the time to learn what you can do, what to look for, or how to help. What will you do to help! James 1:27 reads: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. If you would like to know more about the UMW let’s talk. In Christ’s Service Betty Durham 275-6047 [email protected] V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 5 P AGE 3 L E B EAUS IN C ONCERT S UNDAY , M AY 24 TH The LeBeaus are coming to sing during our morning worship on May 24th. Please mark your calendars. I think you’ll enjoy them. They are a father and son who are more southern gospel than contemporary. They will sing some of our favorite hymns. We will receive a Love Offering during the service, and their music will be on sale after church! This will be our celebration of Music in worship for the spring. Bring all your friends for a day of music to the glory of God and the enhancement of our Worship! If you are wondering what to get your mother for Mother’s Day, how about a beautiful hanging plant or a hosta for her garden? After worship Sunday, May 3rd, we will have a gigantic Plant Sale and enjoy a hot dog lunch. The plants will be coming from Pleasant Garden, where our Betty Gregory lives and has an annual Plant Sale for Emily’s Kids (in loving memory of her granddaughter Emily). This foundation provides children and their families’ gift cards for meals and gas for the patients at Brenner’s Children’s Hospital. The big Plant Sale is Saturday, May 2nd in Pleasant Garden, and all church members are cordially invited to check out what you want to buy on Sunday! This Foundation has been one of our church’s ministries and missions we have supported through the years after Emily’s passing, so please turn out on May 3rd and remember the next Sunday is Mother’s Day! Shop, shop, shop! Also on Mother’s Day we will collect a special offering for Arbor Acres in Winston-Salem. Offering envelopes will be provided in the bulletin. T HE M ESS ENGER P AGE 4 and forgiveness, and be grateful. To those of you who have offered prayers and support, I give my most sincere thanks. Thanks for being there to help us pray and rejoice Monday. Sincerely, Lori Rickard The Nurture Committee has purchased Mother’s Day Book Marks for all our mothers and grandmothers on Sunday, May 10th for the worship service. Please honor our mothers by bringing your mother to worship services that day. Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser One of our newest mothers sent a post from her facebook page and her grandmother asked that we print it in our May newsletter to celebrate Mother’s Day. It was written by Lori Rickard after she bought Lorelai Joyce home from Brenner’s Children’s Hospital on March 25th: You hear it all the time, “everything happens for a reason.” Rarely do we get to know what that reason is. For those of you who know, we were aware of Lorelai’s condition very early in my pregnancy. So, the months that followed were challenging to say the least. Now that she is in the NICU and recovering from her surgery, things haven’t exactly gotten easier. However, I’ve learned so much about myself in the process. 1-There is too much negativity in the world for me to contribute to it or be a part of it. There are blessings everywhere that I would rather focus on....for my wellbeing and others. 2- I truly believe that there are more good people in the world than not. Everywhere I turn, I see supportive, loving and compassionate people. 3-If I do nothing else in this world, I should try to make it better than I found it. I should support others, offer compassion F OR M T . C ARMEL UMC B UILDING F UND , S AT ., M AY 9 TH 7:30 AM TO 11:00 AM In March, the sanctuary at the Mt. Carmel UMC in Reidsville was burned to the ground because of faulty wiring. The congregation under the leadership of Rev. Glenda Bennett has been meeting in the Fellowship Hall since Easter morning. Lee’s Chapel will host a Benefit Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for our sister congregation with a menu including pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee! Donations will be accepted and given to Mt. Carmel UMC to help with their building fund. This May date is tentative at the printing of the newsletter, so watch for details in the May bulletins. We need cooks, servers, clean up persons and hungry folks! This event will be sponsored by our Mission Committee, and helps us reach out in our community! V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 5 The New Phone Number for the office of the Northern Piedmont District of the United Methodist Church is 336-282-3711office as of April 7th, 2015. Change all your directories and use new phone number for all contacts for Dr. Nancy Rankin, our superintendent. U PCOMING D ATES WNC Annual Conference will be June 16th–21st at Lake Junaluska. Our Lay Delegate is Betty Durham. The UMW will conduct the worship service for LCUMC on June 21st (Conference Sunday). A Missional Network Family Fun Day with our 7 area UM churches will be held Saturday, JUNE 13th at St. Paul UMC on Cone Blvd. Lee’s Chapel is responsible for freezers of homemade Ice Cream, and there will be softball games, hot dogs, games for children, music, and fun and fellowship! Every second Saturday will be Hot Dog Day at Newlyn Street UMC, one of our missional network churches, (212 E. Newlyn St.) from 10am-1pm. The best hot dogs and fried apple pies will be served on May 9th, June 13th, and July 11th. Mark those dates on your calendar! You're Invited to the Mother, Daughter, Friend Brunch May 16, 2015 at 11:00 AM Lee's Chapel UMC Fellowship Hall All women welcomed Cost for meal: Donation RSVP by May 8, 2015 [email protected] P AGE 5 Our pastor and several of our members will be in an all day seminar entitled “Celebrate Recovery” in Gastonia on Saturday, May 2nd to learn how to start a Christian Recovery Program using the 12 steps of the AA program. And speaking of Recovery, our painting and clean up dates for the Serenity Space in our basement are: Thursdays, May 7th from 4pm-6pm and May 14th from 4-6pm, May 21st from 4-6pm; Monday, th May 11 from 5-7pm; Saturday, May 23rd from 10am - noon; Sunday, May 24th from 3-5 pm; and Friday, May 29th from 4-6pm. Hopefully the Serenity Space will be done by June 1st! We need: painters, cleaning persons, and trash collectors. Come and help whenever you can fit it in your schedule. Golden Treasures In lieu of a regular April meeting, Pastor Carol led a group to Friends’ Home to serve communion to our members and a friend, Jo Lewis. Reeves Edens and Ruth Latham were treated to Easter baskets. Later in the month, we met at Mimi’s Restaurant for brunch fellowship. Please join us at Karondas for our regular May 5th meeting at 11:30. All are welcome! T HE M ESS ENGER P AGE 6 UM News in Brief United Methodists and Episcopalians draw closer NEW YORK (UMNS) — In celebration of the ecumenical bonds developing between two denominations, members of the United Methodist and Episcopal churches came together to share in Holy Communion early this month at the John Street United Methodist Church in New York City. Joanne S. Utley of the New York Conference has the story on the growing ties between the two denominations. Read story Is John Wesley trending? ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UMNS) — The Rev. Adam Hamilton, pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, is out with a book on John Wesley. In an interview with the website Read the Spirit, Hamilton asserts that the book, "Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It," is part of a resurgence of interest in Methodism's founder. (This is the study the Spiritual Pioneers Class is doing now!) Read interview United Methodist Women helping women in Cote d’Ivoire ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire (UMNS) — Eugenie Sowan Erse N’Ghessan is one of 48 women who received a micro-loan from United Methodist Women in the Côte d’Ivoire Conference. That loan started her business. N’Ghessan’s success is exactly what Dorcas Adou was praying for when she approached the international UMW office in New York three years ago and asked for $20,000 U.S. to start a program to help women become independent business owners. Kathy L. Gilbert has the story. Read story Native American offering enriches heritage, outreach GREENSBORO, N.C. (UMNS) — For the past two years, Carson Jones and his daughter, Sade, have been able to celebrate their heritage with other Native Americans at the Southeastern Jurisdiction Association for Native American Ministries — thanks to funds from the Native American Ministries Sunday offering. Jones, a member of the Lumbee tribe, explains to Interpreter magazine that without the financial assistance of the fund, they could not afford to attend. Read story Welcome to the church of ‘holy chaos’ ASHEVILLE, N.C. (UMNS) — Known as a church of “holy chaos,” the Haywood Street Congregation is a United Methodist mission church launched in 2009 as a place of welcome and ministry for people who are homeless or otherwise living on the margins in downtown Asheville. Duke Divinity School’s Faith and Leadership reports how the church is an example of “entrepreneurial and innovative ministry.” Read story 7 reasons your church should have a front porch TACOMA, Wash. (UMNS) — In this era where so many churches are struggling to grow and connect with new people, Patrick Scriven of the Pacific Northwest Conference wonders if it isn’t long overdue that we reevaluate where we spend our time and energy. He suggests why churches should adopt a front-porch orientation and get to know their neighbors. Read commentary What do we mean when we pray for revival? SAVANNAH, Ga. (UMNS) - The Rev. Ben Gosden, pastor of Aldersgate United Methodist Church, wonders what United Methodists mean when they pray for revival. "When we pray for revival or renewal in the church, are we willing to hear God's voice calling us to change?" he asks. He offers suggestions what such change might look like. Read blog post (Story hyperlinks are included with most stories so those reading online can access further information.) T HE M ESS ENGER P AGE 7 F OR A L AUGH . . . What Moms Really Want 10. To be able to eat a whole candy bar (alone) and drink a soda without any "floaties" (ie, backwash) 9. To have my 14 year-old daughter answer a question without rolling her eyes in that "Why is this person my mother?" way. 8. Five pounds of chocolate that won't add twenty. 7. A shower without a child peeking through the curtain with a "Hi Ya Mom!" just as I put a razor to my ankle. 6. A full time cleaning person - period! 5. For my teenager to announce "Hey, Mom! I got a full scholarship and a job all in the same day!" 4. A grocery store that doesn't have candy/gum/ cheap toys displayed at the checkout line. 3. To have a family meal without a discussion about bodily secretions. 2. To be able to step on a plane with my toddlers and NOT have someone moan, "Oh no! Why me...!" And the #1 thing that moms REALLY want is..... Four words: Fisher Price Play Prison Visiting Grandma Grandma, who appeared to become an ever-more intimidating personality as the years went on, was giving directions to her grown grandson who was coming to visit with his wife: "You come to the front door of the apartment complex. I am in apartment 14T. There is a big panel at the door. With your elbow push button 14T. I will buzz you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with your elbow hit 14. When you get out I am on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell." "Grandma, that sounds easy, but why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?" the grandson asked. "You're coming empty handed ...?" Back Seat Johnny A woman was driving her old beat up car on the Highway with her 7 yr. old son, Little Johnny. She tried to keep up with traffic but they were flying by her. After getting caught in a large group of car's flying down the road she looked at her speedometer to see she was doing 15 miles over the speed limit. Slowing down, she moved over to the side and got out of the clump that soon left her behind. She looked up and saw the flashing lights of a police car. Pulling over she waited for the officer to come up to her car. As he did he said, "Ma'am do you know why I pulled you over?" Little Johnny piped up from the back seat, "I do! Because you couldn't catch the other cars!" Wedding Dress Betty was soon to be married. More than anything, she wanted to wear the wedding dress her mother was married in. Betty's mother was beaming with pride as she gave her consent. Later in the evening, the family gathered in the living room to wait while Betty tried on the dress. When Betty entered the room, there was a chorus of approval. The dress fit perfectly and looked wonderful on her. Tears ran down the face of Betty's mother. Seeing this, Betty said, "Don't worry Mom, you're not losing a daughter, your gaining a son." "Forget about that!" she said with a sob. "I used to fit into that dress!" Do It Yourself When a guy's printer type began to grow faint, he called a local repair shop where a friendly man informed him that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned. Because the store charged $50 for such cleanings, he told him he might be better off reading the printer's manual and trying the job himself. Pleasantly surprised by his candor, he asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?" "Actually, it's my boss's idea," the employee replied sheepishly. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves first." V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 5 P AGE 8 MAY 1 George Gilbert 2 Mike Jordan 4 David Langston Allison Deaton 5 James Mabe 6 Patsy Simpson Cleo Schoolfield 7 Barbara Ingool 8 Anne Smith Martin Byler 9 Dorothy Welborn 10 Linda Gordon 11 Mary Turner 12 Banner Shoe 13 Mary Ellen Curl 14 Peggy Gardner 15 Myra Kay Hughey 16 Melissa Walker Nickolas Perry Jacob Geiger 19 Larry Bopp 20 Michael Smith 21 Allen Ridenour 23 Kitty Clarke Richard Vaughn 24 Daniel Wood Olivia Agbo 30 Will Anderson 31 Terry Robinson 1 5 11 13 15 16 18 19 20 23 26 29 31 J. T. & Kathy Clarida Anthony & Andrea Shreve Richard & Carol Nicks Allen & Rita Ridenour Lee & Gayle Owens Roy & Joyce Pepper Jimmy & Sandy Ellington Larry & Joan Johnson Daniel & Fran Wood Joseph & Lorae Barnett Todd & Brandy Beal Robert & Mollie Stowe Bill & Cindy Anderson Donald & Trista Grieder May 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Use the QR Code for Online Giving Phyllis Brinkley & Betsy Bopp Judy Henline & Katherine Willett Pam Ellis & Linda Brandon Misti Byler & Elaine Mabe Rita Ridenour & Mary Ellen Curl June 7th 14th 21st 28th Joyce Pepper & Becky Hayes Linda Chappell & Kathy Clarida Mickie Hendricks & Peggy Gardner Patsy Patton & Nancy Lawrence May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 5 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Golden Treasures 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Finance UMW Mtg Committee Mtg 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6 10 13 Thursday 7 Friday 1 2 8 9 7:30 –11:30 AM Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser 15 16 National Day 6:00 PM AA of Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Scouts Disciple 2 Class 11 12 2:00 PM Circle #1 - FH 6:00 PM AA Meeting 6:30 PM Circle 7:00 PM Choir 6:30 PM 6:00 PM #2 Practice Disciple 2 Class Disciple Class 7:00 PM Boy 7:00 PM Girl Visits Temple Scouts Scouts Emmanual 11:00 AM UMW Mother, Daughter, Friend Brunch - F/H 17 18 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12:15 PM Worship Committee Mtg 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 6:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Boy 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Scouts Scouts Disciple 2 Class 30 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 25 Pentecost 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 31 Trinity Sunday 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 20 14 Saturday 21 Newsletter Deadline 6:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Boy Practice Scouts 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Girl Disciple 2 Class Scouts Our sympathy is extended to Cleo Schoolfield in the death of her daughter, Vicki Schroll on March 26th at Clapp’s Nursing Care facility. Vicki is survived by her mother, her daughter Ashley and one granddaughter. Vick was a member of St. Paul’s UMC. Reeves Edens has been moved to the Maple Wing #52 - Whittier Skilled Care at Friends Home. L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 2303 Lee’s Chapel Road Greensboro, NC 27405 Phone: 336-375-3003 Carol Williams-Gilbert, Pastor [email protected] Allen C. Ridenour, Assisting Elder [email protected] Peggy Gardner, Secretary [email protected] Rebecca Locke, Director of Music [email protected] June Costello, Organist/Pianist [email protected] WE’RE ON THE WEB! LEESCHAPELUMC.COM Lee's Chapel is a mid-size, progressive, traditional United Methodist congregation in Northeast Greensboro. We worship at 11:00 AM each Sunday morning with Sunday School Classes for all age groups beginning at 10:00 AM. Nursery care is provided. Programs for Youth and Children include United Methodist Youth Fellowship, and strong Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout units. Adult Fellowships for both women and men and an extensive Disciple® Bible Study ministry provide activities and learning opportunities for everyone. You are invited to visit us at Lee's Chapel. We hope you will come and worship with us. Our Mission: To proclaim the forgiving love of God; make disciples of Jesus Christ; live gratefully as God's people in this place serving God and others in all we do.
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