Escaping Stagnation Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee Universität Mannheim May 4, 2015 last updated: May 4, 2015 Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 1 / 24 Review from Last Week Malthusian model of stagnation Productivity differences mainly result in population density differences (not in income per capita) Predictions of the model pre-industrialization fit historical events Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 2 / 24 This Week and Next 1 Escaping from stagnation 2 Rise of industrial sector (two sector model) 3 Demand for food and development failures 4 Quantity-Quality trade-off for children and fertility decline Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 3 / 24 Source of Stagnation Income per capita in Malthus model: At X α yt = Nt In the model (in continuous time), ˙ A˙ N y˙ =α − y A N Empirically (in discrete time), log(yt+1 ) − log(yt ) = α {[log(At+1 ) − log(At )] − [log(Nt+1 ) − log(Nt )]} ⇒ Stagnation happens because growth rate of N cancels growth rate of A. Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 4 / 24 Escaping Stagnation Based on this, there are three potential ways to escape stagnation: 1 Acceleration in growth of At with bounds to fertility growth 2 Exogenous decrease in population growth 3 Need something outside current model - introduce something new Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 5 / 24 Exogenous Demographic Change? Fertility growth cannot be unbounded Also, maybe people change birth behavior This would cause escape from stagnation But that would mean decline in population growth leads to escape. ⇒ Both in Europe and subsequent development scenarios, industrialization began by exploding population ⇒ slowdown began much later. Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 6 / 24 Technology growth outruns fertility growth? Fertility growth cannot be unbounded Suppose max number of children a couple can have is 10 (per year) Then population increases by 5-fold every 25 years or so... If technology grows faster, we can escape stagnation: 1 + g > 51/25 ≈ 1.07 ⇒ But no one grew this fast (7% per year were called “growth miracles”) ⇒ No one has such a high level of fertility after development Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 7 / 24 Structural Change So, let’s first think about escaping from stagnation, then demographics. Maybe land (X) becomes less important factor in production? I Consider the agricultural production function Y = BXαt N1−αt I If αt → 0 over time, we get sustained growth. (similar question in homework) This is reasonable (land does seem to be less important these days), but then why did it become less important? When does αt start changing? If it was always changing, can’t explain stagnation... Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 8 / 24 Two sector model Instead of saying a parameter suddenly starts changing, build model with two production sectors: Yta = (Aat X)α (Nta )1−α Yti = (Ait )α Nti , where “a” stands for agricultural, “i” stands for industrial.1 We don’t want to say we just start transitioning from one function to the other We will create conditions where industrial production is never used, until Ait meets a certain threshold 1 Note that there are different levels of technology for each sector, but it doesn’t matter even if we assume At ≡ Aat = Ait , the results will be qualitatively the same. Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 9 / 24 Rest of the two sector model Agricultural and Industrial output: Yta = (Aat X)α (Nta )1−α Yti = (Ait )α Nti , with the following assumptions: Nt = Nta + Nti A˙ at = ga Aat A˙ it = gi Ait ˙t N = log(yt /2p) Nt Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 10 / 24 Which technology to use? Basic principle of economics: more efficient technology will be used! Marginal product of labor in agriculture a α ∂Yta At X = ( 1 − α ) ∂Nta Nta Marginal product of labor in industry ∂Yti = (Ait )α ∂Nti Note that, as Nta grows, MPL in agriculture falls, but not in industry! Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 11 / 24 Transition threshold Stagnation is when only agricultural is used (Nt = Nta ) - it will be same as the Malthus model! a α At X > (Ait )α (1 − α ) Nt If we are in the stagnation BGP the LHS is (1 − α)2p exp(ga ) > (Ait )α The LHS is constant while RHS is growing. When enough time passes so that (1 − α)2p exp(ga ) ≤ (Ait )α transition to the industrial sector begins! Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 12 / 24 Optimal Allocation of Labor After industrial production begins, a 1 At X = Ait (1 − α ) α Nta 1 Nta = (1 − α) α · Aat X Ait and the rest will work in the industry. If gi > ga , Nti → Nt in the limit - never actually happens. However, productivity growth will no longer suppress income per capita - as transition accelerates, income per capita will start to grow! Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 13 / 24 A story using the two sector model Let’s assume Aa0 >> Ai0 and ga < gi . Malthusian stage when population and (industrial) technology are at very low levels Eventually, reach the stagnation BGP Industrial technology continues growing and crosses threshold Eventually, agriculture continues to shrink As this happens, income per capita eventually grows at rate gi (in the limit) But if ga >> gi , transition may not occur at all! Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 14 / 24 Shortcomings of the model Agricultural consumption is not the same as industrial consumption! Even though we escape stagnation, population growth will continue to explode After transition, since income per capita grows even faster, population grows even faster, food production would decline (and we would starve to death!) ⇒ Now, have to think about food! Differentiate food and industrial goods (food is necessity) Then incorporate demographic transition Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 15 / 24 Demand for food Assume a food production constraint: fNt < (Aat X)α (Nta )1−α If not binding, nothing changes If binding, fNt = (Aat X)α (Nta )1−α 1 1− α fNt a Nt = a α ( At X ) Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 16 / 24 Role of the constraint: In original model... Aat and Nti are negatively correlated If Aat is high, transition occurs more slowly If Aat is low, transition occurs more quickly (and consequently we starve!) With the constraint binding, If Aat is high, transition occurs more quickly - first need to eat, then develop! If Aat is low, transition occurs more slowly! Because we need to eat! In the extreme case, transition will not occur! Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 17 / 24 Evidence The industrial revolution was not just about industry, but agriculture became much more productive as well In England, there were sharp increases in agriculture ⇒ need less workers, so workers transitioned to industry! England had abundant farmland colonies! ALL other European countries industrialized much later.... Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 18 / 24 The Employment Share of Agriculture in European Countries 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1790 1810 France 1830 Germany 1850 1870 United Kingdom 1890 Sweden 1910 Italy Still (more?) shortcomings With the food constraint, unchecked population growth becomes an even larger problem Since population grows even faster after transition, food demand increases - in the end people starve to death: maximum sustainable g population at At is g fNtmax = (At X)α (Ntmax )1−α 1 g Ntmax = f − α At X so whenever Nt reaches Ntmax , those people will die... Why would people keep having more children that are going to starve to death? In reality, 1 2 people stopped starving to death then they stopped having children Need to transition to a different fertility choice! (next week) Tim Lee (U Mannheim) Economic Growth May 4, 2015 20 / 24 The Total Fertility Rate in England 6 5.5 Total Fertility Rate 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 The Total Fertility Rate in European Countries 6 Total Fertility Rate 5 4 3 2 1 1851-1855 France 1876-1880 Netherlands 1901-1905 England and Wales 1926-1930 Germany 1951-1955 Norway Sweden 1976-1980 Finland The Crude Birth Rate in European Countries C rude B irth R ates (pe r10 00) 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 167 0 1720 England 177 0 Fra nce 1820 Swed en 1 870 F inla nd 192 0 G erman y The Crude Death Rate in European Countries 40 C r u d e D e a th R a(p tee r1 0 0 0) 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 1725 1775 E n g la n d F ra n c e 1825 S we d e n 1875 F in la n d 1925 G erma ny
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