- WITH - Operation: Sunscreen Courage is Beautiful DONATE STuOnTRcOaOPrSe n 30 Sunscree (2) MK SPF or ct te ro P p & (2) MK Li FOR $25 Every donation helps! YOUR SUNCARE PACKAGE DONATION HELPS THIS # OF SOLDIERS $600 48 $500 40 $400 32 $300 24 $200 16 $100 8 $25 2 Our Sharpe Area Goal: Our Goal: OOUR UR MMISSION ISSSIONN Help He elp p protect r te ro tect ct o our urr A u American meri meri rica ica can n wo wome women men m me n sold soldiers l ie ld iers se serving erving overseas d du ring ri ng th thes ese es e hot hot su ho um mm mer mo ont nths hs,, wh wher ere e te ttemperatures mperatures can mp during these summer months, where re eac ach h well well over over 100° 10 00° 0 eevery v very day da y! Soldiers receive many toiletries, reach like li ke to toot otthp hpas a te, as te, bu b n tthe e su suns nsscr cree een ee n th the ey so desperately ne n ed.. toothpaste, butt no nott th sunscreen they need. JJOIN OIN FFORCES ORCES Join forces with our Mary Kay unit and Operation Courage is Beautiful, a volunteer led, nonprofit organization that sends care packages to women of the United States armed forces. Check out their website at http://operationcourage.org/ 100 1000 SUNCARE Packages SUNCARE PACKAGES For more information, or to make your tax-deductible donation, contact: Ind. Mary Kay Beauty Consultant PHONE: EMAIL: hhow ow YYOU OU ccan an hhelp: elp: Make a 1 Make Ma 100% 00% 00 % ta tax-deductible axx de dedu duct c ib ible le d donation o at on atio io on to oO Operation pe era atiion o Sunscreen. For will Mary Kay’s Su uns n cr cree een. ee n F n. or jjust usst $2 ust $25, 5, ttwo wo ssoldiers o di ol d er erss wi ill l rreceive ecceiive M a y Ka ar Kay’ ys y’ powerful SPF 50 Sunscreen Protector! Your Kay powe po w rf we rful ul S P 5 PF 0 Su uns n cr cre een an een ee and d Lip Lip Prot Li P Pr rot otec ecto ec to tor! or! r! Y ourr Ma ou Mary K a ay Beauty Consultant will provide you with Tax Receipt. Beau Be a ty C au o su on ult ltan ant an nt wi w illll p rovi ro v de vi d y ou uw ith it h a Ta ax R Re ece ceip ipt. t. DESIGN BY PINK INK MEDIA
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