Important Dates May 7 & 8 District Heritage Fair May 8 PAC Food Day May 11 Professional Development Day Lloyd George Elementary May 12 800 m and 1500 m Run for Track Meet Volume 1, Issue 9 May 13 Young Peoples Concert Principal’s Message May 14 Primary Jump Rope Morning May 15 Young Artists Conference May 18 Victoria Day May 21 Zone Track Meet @ TCC May 25 PAC Meeting 8:45 Library May 26 District Track Meet at TCC May 28 Merit Awards Assembly June 2 Welcome to Kindergarten June 3 Festival de Theatre at Sagebrush June 5 PAC BBQ orders for September are due June 18 Primary Fun Day June 18 Band Concert 6:30 pm June 25 Last Day Dismissal 12:00 May 2015 Placing students in the most appropriate class for an academic year is a complex process for the school and is handled carefully and thoughtfully. Many factors are considered during this process and parental input is given careful consideration. However, other factors at the district, school and staff level must also be considered. The central goal is always that each student receives a classroom placement that will meet his/her academic needs and that his/her social-emotional needs are addressed. Fortunately, experience proves that the vast majority of students quickly accept their new teacher, become involved in classroom routines and relationships, and work towards creating a successful school year. The school holds placement meetings starting in June. Ultimately, all the students registered in the school must be placed in the available classrooms. The school uses an 'arena placement' model to make decisions about classroom placements. The principal, learning assistance resource teacher, and the sending classroom teachers are present at these meetings. During the placement meeting, each child is considered individually. Information on each pupil is discussed and parental input is carefully considered in this process. All available information about each student is presented to all the professional staff involved as a decision is being made. The teachers consider the academic, social, emotional and physical needs of the child in reaching a placement decision. The student is given the most appropriate placement possible based on the information the teachers have. Social and emotional needs are important to the success of a child in school. However, that does not mean having all a child's friends in a class is the answer. School is a place for social development and making new friends and working cooperatively with others is an essential life skill. Being adaptable and flexible are skills that we need to foster. We build class groupings that take into account the skills and qualities that students can bring to a group. Leadership builds confidence and strengthens learning. The school and principal are given the responsibility under the School Act to make final placement decisions. However, parents do have the opportunity for input and their opinions are given serious consideration during the placement meetings. If you would like to give your input for next year's placement please do so by picking up a form at the office and returning it before May 15th 2015. Have a good rest of the year! Alain Blais Lloyd George Elementary May 2015 May 2014 News let ter May 2014 Newsletter Young Authors Congratulations!!! to the following students who attended the Young Authors Conference on May 1st. Bravo girls! Olivia Corke Grace Hetherington Naomi Silverberg Pyper Ansley Lily Imus Chloe Orr Naomi Willms Sarah Anderson Lauren Fulton Rhiannon Conde Wright New for 2015 Bike to School Week May 25-29, 2015 kamloops PAC NEWS The next PAC meeting is May 25th. Join us in the library at 8:45 am. The Welcome Back BBQ is September 10th. Forms will be coming home with your child later this month. Congratulations to the Lloyd George Swimmers who once again placed first as a school at the District Swim Meet. Mme Stafford and Mme Strachan would like to acknowledge the participation of each and every student- everyone contributed to our success! In addition, our students had a fun time and showed exemplary behaviour. Bravo! And a big Thank You to Theresa Lee for helping with our early morning YMCA practises! Congratulations to students that competed in the Zone Battle of the Books. All three teams moved on to the District Battle. Congratulations to all of the students who got involved and read in preparation for our school battles! We had 63 students participate at the school level. The list of books for next year’s battle will be announced in June. The salmon will be released on Friday, May 8th. These are the strongest from the eggs that were placed in our tank in November. Joel Sutherland, author of “Haunted Canada 4” spoke to students in grades 6 and 7. He was very entertaining and students enjoyed listening to him talk about haunted places across Canada. Mme Jenkin’s grade 3s had the opportunity to listen to him at the public library. Scholastic Book Fair is coming in the last week of May. Lloyd George Elementary May 2015 Canadian Parents for French and TRU present French Language Summer Sports Camp July 13-17 & Aug 10-14 Camps are located on the Thompson Rivers University campus in Kamloops. All instruction at these camps will occur in French For further information, please contact: Susan 250-573-3127 [email protected] Or visit Parents: Please do not send Pokemon cards and toys to school with your child— they can be lost or damaged. FrancoFun French Summer Day Camp Tennis camp http:// This day camp run by the Francophone Association of Kamloops is for children 6-10 years old. Programs are available July 6th —August 28th. For more information see the school website or Lloyd George Elementary May 2015 Board Notes From the Board Meeting of: APRIL 13, 2015 1. The Board enjoyed a presentation by four grade 2 students at Barriere Elementary on Math and Numeracy. 2. The Board approved the recommended changes to the January Secondary School Exam Schedule. 3. The Board approved an Out-Of–Province Field Trip Request for four students, who participated and won the privilege of representing School District No. 73 in the “Crystal Growth in Space” Experiment, to travel to Washington, DC on July 1-3, 2015. 4. The Board approved the recommended changes to School Calendar Professional Development dates for 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. 5. The Board approved a revision to Policy 1121.1 Corporate Sponsorships and Donations. 6. The next regular public Board Meeting will occur on Monday, April 27, 2015 at the School Board Office. From the Board Meeting of: APRIL 27, 2015 1. The Board enjoyed a presentation from the Four Directions’ Drumming Group. The students were accompanied by Program Coordinator, Jordan Smith. 2. Special Olympics BC Vice President of Sport, Lois McNary, recognized the District for all its work hosting the athletes during the BC Special Olympics Games held in February. 3. The Board approved the recommended name change of NorKam Secondary School to NorKam Senior Secondary School. 4. The Board received the Annual Energy Consumption Report from Director McDonald. 5. The Board received Notice of Motion for Policy 1024.7 Emergency procedure: Cancellation of Classes due Extreme Weather. 6. The next regular public Board Meeting will occur on Monday, May 11, 2015 at the School Board Office. Are You Moving? If you are planning on moving your child for the fall of 2015, please let the office know so that we can make the appropriate arrangements for the student’s file.
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