“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son

(Resident) CAMP WEEK: Sunday, July 19 through Friday, July 24 (Ages 7-12)
Evening Camp Bible Speakers: Rev. Steve Schmuck,
(Senior Pastor of Red Lion Bible Church, Principal of Red Lion Christian School;
Graduate from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, FL.)
Mr. Michael Runk, (Graduated from Atlantic Baptist Bible College, Elementary
Supervisor and Teacher at the Red Lion Christian School and Church.)
Missionaries: Mr. Julian Dunnick, (Gideon Missionary);
Mrs. Eula Keener, (Source of Light Ministries), & other Missionaries.
Activities: Bible Studies and Memory Work, Bible Quiz, Bible Sword Drill, Crafts,
Music, Swimming, Miniature Golf, Peddle Go-Carts, Bowling, Indoor Games and
Outdoor Sports. Bible Computer (For 12 year olds), Arcade Games: Bowling,
Air Hockey, & Much More! Plus 16 Delicious Meals!
Total Costs: $160 for camp week; *Registration Fee: $30 per camper;
*(Non-refundable, but applies toward total cost); Camp Starts Sunday at 3:30 PM,
Ends Friday at 8 PM
Friday Night Meal: (For Family or Friend of Camper)
$5.50 per Adult / $3.00 per Child Ages 3-6 -- To be paid at Sunday Registration.
For More Information, Forms and Directions Call or Visit:
717-755-4222 // www.LibertyCamp.org
Founder & Director EVELYN WARD, (Graduate of Lancaster Bible College,
Moody Bible Institute, & Liberty University / also holds Educational & Music degrees: B.A., M.A.)
JOSEPH A WARD - Director, (Graduate of National Education Center, Harrisburg, PA
in Business Management and Computer I.T., Elder and Song Leader at Ambassadors Bible Chapel.)
# GOOD LIFE MINISTRIES, INC. offers the following services to Churches, Special Occasions, & Christian Banquets:
•York Christian Chorale & Men Ensembles & Soloists, •“THIS IS LOVE” A Multi-media Presentation with
Conservative Gospel Music, 600 beautiful colored slides, and narrated by Bill Pierce) 45 minutes - 3 projectors used.,
•ISRAEL - Multi-media slide & music presentation - A beautiful tour of Israel!
•Rental Campground Facilities Available: For Christian Activities, Church Retreats, Weddings,
S.S. Picnics, Family Reunions. (at Reasonable Costs.)
1.WE BELIEVE the Bible to be verbally inspired,
the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2.WE BELIEVE that there is one God, eternally
existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3.WE BELIEVE in the deity of our Lord Jesus
“For God so loved the world,
Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His
He gave His only begotten
miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death
through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, Son, that whosoever believeth in
in His ascension to the right hand of the Father,
Him should not perish, but have
and in His personal (pretribulational and imminent;
Everlasting Life.” John 3:16
and premillennial) return in power and glory.
4.WE BELIEVE that all men have sinned and for
the salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration
by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
5.WE BELIEVE in the present ministry of the Holy
“For by Grace are ye saved
Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
through Faith; and that not of
enabled to live a godly life.
it is the Gift of God:
6.WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of both the
saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the
Not of works, lest any man
resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the
boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
resurrection of damnation.
7.WE BELIEVE in the spiritual unity of believers in
our Lord Jesus Christ.
•Our 36th Year of Christian Camping!
•In Faithful Service!
1106 Keller Rd., York, PA 17406
Camp Auditorium & Dining Hall
“So then faith cometh
by hearing, and hearing
by the Word of God.”
Romans 10:17
Main Dining Hall Facilities
Annual Summer Conferences & Concerts
Galilee Fellowship Hall & Library
Galilee Fellowship Hall Facilities
Bath House & Guests’ Bedrooms
8 Air-Conditioned Cabins
Upcoming Guest Bible Speakers in 2015
Rev. Brian Witmer
Sunday, April 5
Dr. Daniel Peters
Monday, May 25
Rev. Randall Wood Rev. Clarence Johnson Pastor Steven Schmuck
Dr. Max Mills
Fri&Sat, June 25&26 Saturday, July 25 Monday, September 28 Monday, December 7
2 0 1 4 C am p ers & S taff
E v e n in g B ib le S p e a k e r :
R e v . S te v e n S c h m u c k
M e m o r ie s o f L ib e r ty B ib le C a m p !
F r id a y E v e n in g
S e rv ic e
P ic n ic
B ir t h d a y P a r t y
M e m o r ie s o f L ib e r ty B ib le C a m p !
E v e n in g B ib le S p e a k e r :
M r . M ic h a e l R u n k
B o w lin g
S w im m in g &
W a t e r s lid e
B ib le S t u d ie s &
M e m o r iz a tio n
B ib le T e a c h e r & C o u n s e lo r :
M r . R ic k A r th u r
S p orts & G am e s
F r id a y E v e n in g M e a l
G i d e o n M is s i o n a r y : C h a l k A r t M in i s t r y
M r . J u lia n D u n n ic k
M a k in g L if e L o n g
M e m o r ie s & F r ie n d s
K it c h e n
C h ild r e n ’s C h o ir P r o g r a m
F r e n c h M is s io n a r ie s :
The Kornbaughs
C h ild r e n ’s C r a ft S ta ff
Cam p Aw ards
L e a r n in g A b o u t
M is s io n s
C h ild r e n ’s C r a f t s
M a k in g N e w
F r ie n d s & F u n
M u s ic &
In s tru m e n ts
A fr ic a n M is s io n a r ie s &
C o u n s e lo r s
C h r is t ia n M o v ie N ig h t