2015/16 Quality Improvement Work Plan 1 "Improvement Targets and Initiatives" London InterCommunity Health Centre, 659 Dundas Street, London, ON, N5W 2Z1 AIM Quality dimension Access Measure Objective Access to primary care when needed Reduce ED use by increasing access to primary care Measure/Indicator Percent of patients/clients able to see a doctor or nurse practitioner on the same day or next day, when needed. Percent of patients/clients who visited the ED for conditions best managed elsewhere (BME). Unit / Population % / PC organization population (surveyed sample) % / PC org population visiting ED (for conditions BME) Source / Period Organization Id In-house survey / 92235* April 1 2014 March 31 2015 Ministry of Health Portal / April 1 2013 March 31 2014 92235* Current performance 40.22 3.6 Target 65 2 Target justification Target decreased 10% this year. Area of focus is to return to original rates. Although the relative target is quite high, we believe that by focussing on our highest ED users we can reduce this number further, since our current performance is already lower than the provincial average of 11.7% Change Planned improvement initiatives (Change Ideas) 1)Explore "Open Access" as an option for increased access to primary care. Methods * Primary Care and Medical Secretary Team Leads will explore possible Open Access Models. * Plan to pilot open access with one clinical area. Process measures * # of clients seen through pilot of Open Access Model * % of increase of clients seen same day in Open Access Model Goal for change ideas * Review of Open Access Models by end of second fiscal quarter. * Pilot Completed by end of fiscal year. 2)Explore walk-in model of * Pilot walk-in model one day a week in one clinical care for our rostered area in first quarter fiscal * Increase walk-in days in primary care providers clinical areas using Nurse Practitioners. * 20% increase in clients being seen in the primary care 85% of clients clinic * # of hours being offered in walk-in hours * report being able increase in availability of primary care appointments to have a same day or next day appointment 3)Review of how appointments are being scheduled in primary care providers schedules. Review of schedules and identify if appointments can be used in a different manner. # of appointments identified that could be used differently and more effectively 4)Identify new triage process for RNs and medical secretaries in order to better allocate resources * Process mapping of triage and appointment booking * # of PDSAs identified and used * # of medical process * Identify areas for PDSA cycles of improving directives written and implemented efficiencies within triage * Identify areas where scope of practice of RN, RPN, NPs can be used more effectively The goal is to increase the number of appointments that are booked with the appropriate provider relative to scope of practice. 1)Expand hours to 8 to 8, including Saturday access begin conversations with staff as to what a shifted # of staff engaged in making the shift in service delivery schedule would look like consideration consolidation of hours # of additional appointment times available for location of our two homeless program areas (already clients Project plan developed planned for) Develop project plan and staff engagement process 100% engagement of all staff in organization around expanded hour 100% improvement in utilization of clinical time 2)Explore walk-in model, instead of appointments, or open access model for appointments pilot project walk-in hours with NPs in one clinical # of walk-in clients seen compared to traditional program area research open access models from other appointments research is completed and pilot projects chcs and propose a model using PDSA principles pilot undertaken project open access with one MD provider 100% increase in utilization of clinical time Pilot projects are implemented and evaluated 3)partner with other community agencies to provide outreach community services to clients in vulnerable situations (RN and community partners) focus group with community partners (particularly # of community partners willing to work with us # of mental health and addictions) and see how we can PDSA cycles of piloting and improving outreach services support efforts with primary care services development of a pilot project involving at least 2 primary care providers (NP/RN) and community partners minimum of 2 community partners come to the table to discussion 6 PDSA cycles of outreach complete Review of provider schedules and types by end of second quarter fiscal. Comments Change is dependent on being able to recruit additional primary care physicians. 2015/16 Quality Improvement Work Plan 2 "Improvement Targets and Initiatives" London InterCommunity Health Centre, 659 Dundas Street, London, ON, N5W 2Z1 AIM Quality dimension Integrated Measure Objective Timely access to primary care appointments postdischarge through coordination with hospital(s). Measure/Indicator Percent of patients/clients who saw their primary care provider within 7 days after discharge from hospital for selected conditions (based on CMGs). Unit / Population % / PC org population discharged from hospital Source / Period Ministry of Health Portal / April 1 2013 March 31 2014 Organization Id 92235* Current performance 19.6 Target 80 Target justification We are wanting to dramatically improve the follow-up of client care 7 days post-discharge because of the complexity and acuity of our client population Change Planned improvement initiatives (Change Ideas) 1)Increase in client education including : add to appointment cards for clients "if admitted to the hospital, please contact the Health Centre within 7 days of being discharged." Make materials available in top 8 languages. Methods the only way to accurately gather this data is through our practice profile which is only provided twice per year. Will also track client and staff feedback whether there is an increase in clients reporting they were recently in hospital. Will use LENs reports to identify clients who were in hospital and did not call. 2)Improve triage process to process mapping of triage process for incoming calls identify clients who were requesting appointments recently in hospital 3)Use LENs reports to identify clients recently admitted to hospital and provide follow-up phone call for appointment. Reduce unnecessary Percentage of acute hospital hospital inpatients readmissions discharged with selected CMGs that are readmitted to any acute inpatient hospital for nonelective patient care within 30 days of the discharge for index admission, by primary care practice model. % / PC org population discharged from hospital Ministry of Health Portal / April 1 2013 March 31 2014 92235* 7.8 6.2 Achieving the provincial average would be a 20% reduction. Receiving and utilizing feedback regarding patient/client experience with the primary health care organization. Percent of patients who stated that when they see the doctor or nurse practitioner, they or someone else in the office (always/often) give them an opportunity to ask % / PC organization population (surveyed sample) In-house survey / 92235* April 1 2014 March 31 2015 80.17 90 Target is to return to previous level. Decrease is in part likely due to change in how we asked question and challenges in 100% of all clients call for appointment triaged if in hospital recently. 75% of clients identified in LENs reports are booked appointments Clinical Connect implemented and adoption rate of tool 100% of clinical providers using Clinical Connect Leveraging our trainers already in self-management, # of clients contacted from EMR generated list # of plan with Chronic Disease Self Management clients registered and completed entire SM group # of Collaborative to run this group Generate list from EMR groups run to identify client population to invite Contact all clients and invite to attend session 3)Telehomecare strategy Review of telehomecare strategy for in home review for applicability with COPD/CHF monitoring Identification of client subset client subset who might be eligible through EMR identification and chart review Client case conference with appropriate planning to consider implementation Patient-centred # of clients identified by triage process of having been in hospital within last 7 days LENs reports are submitted to data analyst who will 100% of physicians are submitting their LENs reports on screen for clients with appropriate CMGs List of clients a daily basis # of clients called for appointments are provided to medical secretaries to make follow-up phone call appointments 1)Leverage Clinical Connect implementation of Clinical Connect Staff training on resources to improve Clinical Connect Data from Clinical Connect used for information access for planning for improved care for clients clients in hospital or who have been recently discharged 2)Establish a selfmanagement program focussing on COPD (take Lung Association’s model) Goal for change Process measures ideas Comments # of clients identified in LENs reports being in hospital # 100% of physicians the data lag on of clients calling for appointments submitting their this indicator is LENs reports to our signficant and data analyst 100% therefore of clients educated challenging to on process for post- identify how hospital progress is being made; high percent of clients do not speak English or French and communication is a barrier in this education 100% of clients contacted 24 clients attend group 2 groups conducted during the year Strategy review # of clients identified # of case 5 clients identified conferences # of clients implementing telehomecare re as potential COPD/CHF candidates 3 clients implement telehomecare 1)Staff education on We will collect data through our client satisfaction # of staff trained on motivational interviewing # of motivational interviewing - survey; data is reviewed on a quarterly basis. Staff clients with whom staff use motivational interviewing this helps clients identify feedback on success of motivational interviewing tools techniques they concerns for them and to ask questions on the issues that they are addressing 100% of clinical staff trained on motivational interviewing Many clients do not have phones, or change # regularly with pay as you go systems; contact is difficult 2015/16 Quality Improvement Work Plan 3 "Improvement Targets and Initiatives" London InterCommunity Health Centre, 659 Dundas Street, London, ON, N5W 2Z1 AIM Quality dimension Population health Measure Objective Reduce influenza rates in older adults by increasing access to the influenza vaccine. Measure/Indicator opportunity to ask questions about recommended treatment? Unit / Population Source / Period Percent of patients who stated that when they see the doctor or nurse practitioner, they or someone else in the office (always/often) involve them as much as they want to be in decisions about their care and treatment? % / PC organization population (surveyed sample) Percent of patients who stated that when they see the doctor or nurse practitioner, they or someone else in the office (always/often) spend enough time with them? % / PC organization population (surveyed sample) Percent of patient/client population over age 65 that received influenza immunizations. % / PC EMR/Chart organization Review / na population aged 65 and older Organization Id In-house survey / 92235* April 1 2014 March 31 2015 In-house survey / 92235* April 1 2014 March 31 2015 92235* Current performance Target 77.54 97 82.03 45 92 50 Target justification challenges in clinical staffing levels. Change Planned improvement initiatives (Change Ideas) 2)Review of scheduling appointments - identify areas where there may be opportunities to adjust appointment times as required Methods Review of clinical schedulers Data from client satisfaction survey Process measures # of appointment types adjusted in the scheduler Staff to be trained on coordinated care plans Pilot # of staff trained in coordinate care planning # of project to be developed with test population of clients clients involved in a client -centred care plan Improvement in client satisfaction rates development Goal for change ideas Comments 100% review of all provider schedules Return to baseline - we saw a significant decrease in performance this year as we use HQO exact wording which our clients found very confusing. 1)Development of coordinated care plans for clients 2)Staff training on Train all staff in motivational interviewing motivational interviewing to assist clients in being more in control of their health care goals # of staff trained in motivational interviewing 100 % of staff trained in motivational interviewing by end of December 215. 80% of clients seen between January and March 2016 will be met with motivational interviewing return to baseline - we saw a significant decrease in performance this year as we use HQO exact wording which our clients found very confusing. 1)Staff education on # of staff trained client satisfaction survey results motivational interviewing - reported on quarterly this helps clients identify they concerns for them and to ask questions on the issues that they are addressing # of staff trained client satisfaction survey results reported on quarterly 100% of staff trained 2)Review of clinical appointment times to ensure we are using the time appropriately Will review appointment scheduler, reason for visit, and visit encounter note to assess appropriate of appointment time Patterns will be identified across provider types # of schedules reviewed 100% of schedules reviewed Looking to increase by 10%; a number of different strategies this year increased us by 1%, looking to reasonably grow this. 1)Pull data of all clients over 65 in fall 2015 and call each person for reminder of the flu shot Using our EMR will pull the data for all clients over 65 Medical secretaries or system navigators will call all clients Documentation of reasons why clients do not want flu shot will be documented for analysis # of clients identified for flu shot # of clients who came 100% of clients are many clients do in as a result of the phone call called for an not have phones, appointment so phone calls can be difficult; we have had some increase in success with this with other areas 2)Active offer of flu shot to All providers (community and clinical) will offer flu shot # of clients offered flu shot while here for another all clients 65+ to any client over 65 regardless of reason for visit appointment Providers will provide flu shot outside of a regular visit By end of year top 5% of complex clients have a coordinated care plan that involved client participation 100% of staff are offering flu shots to clients We will be leveraging the work of Health Links in developing the coordinated care planning tool. 2015/16 Quality Improvement Work Plan 4 "Improvement Targets and Initiatives" London InterCommunity Health Centre, 659 Dundas Street, London, ON, N5W 2Z1 AIM Quality dimension Measure Objective Reduce Cancer mortality through regular screening. Measure/Indicator Percent of eligible patients/clients who are up-to-date in screening for breast cancer. Percent of eligible patients/clients who are up-to-date in screening for colorectal cancer. Percent of eligible patients/clients who are up-to-date in screening for cervical cancer. Unit / Population Source / Period % / PC EMR/Chart organization Review / n/a population eligible for screening % / PC organization population eligible for screening % / PC organization population eligible for screening EMR/Chart Review / n/a EMR/Chart Review / n/a Organization Id 92235* 92235* 92235* Current performance 53.8 62 69.5 Target 60 65 75 Target justification increased previous performance by 10%, will continue along this trajectory We increased our FOBT rate significantly the last year and would like to keep slow and steady We are working on improving this through slow and steady outreach Change Planned improvement initiatives (Change Ideas) 1)Pull client list of all women eligible for mammogram Methods Data pull from EMR by Data Management Coordinator Medical Secretaries or System Navigator will call clients and request they come for an appointment to discuss preventative health issues (PAP, Mammogram, FOBT) Process measures 100% of eligible clients are contacted for an appointment # of women who book and showed for their appointment 2)Provide education sessions to women on preventative health issues with capacity to (a) book mammogram right on the spot and (b) have PAP immediately RNS, RPNs, NPs, will provide education session on the # of educational sessions provided # of women booking 2 workshops importance of these preventative health issues to mammogram appointments at the day of the workshop throughout the populations focusing on language and lifestyle barriers year 50 new women attend workshops in total 1)data pull on all clients eligible for FOBT and arrange to call them for an appointment to pick up screening kit Data pull from EMR by Data Management Coordinator # of clients call for appointment # of screening kits Medical Secretaries or System Navigator will call clients distributed and request they come for an appointment to discuss preventative health issues (PAP, Mammogram, FOBT) Provision of easy to use screening kits with all supplies available 100% of clients eligible are called for an appointment 50% of clients book and show for an appointment for FOBT 2)Education session for clients on preventative health issues with the capacity to receive a FOBT screening kit immediately RNs, NPs, RPNs will conduct health education workshops on preventative health issues Distribution of FOBT kits to appropriate client population 2 workshops held 50 kits distributed 1)data pull by DMC for all eligible women for PAP screening, followed by System Navigator or medical secretary calling to book an appointment Data pull from EMR by Data Management Coordinator # of clients contacted by system navigator for Medical Secretaries or System Navigator will call clients appointment # of clients booking and showing for and request they come for an appointment to discuss appointment preventative health issues (PAP, Mammogram, FOBT) # of education workshops held # of FOBT kits distributed 2)Provide education RNS, RPNs, NPs, will provide education session on the # of educational sessions # of women getting PAPs sessions to population importance of these preventative health issues to groups to educate on the populations focusing on language and lifestyle barriers importance of preventative screening with the capacity of having a PAP done immediately, right there Other Other Objective Percentage of primary care clients 55+ who report overall increase in mobility, flexibility and balance after % / PC EMR/Chart organization Review / March population aged 31 2016 65 and older 92235* CB 50 Goal for change ideas 100% of women contacted 50% of women book and show for appointments This was a 1)Identify clients based on program that we age and health data for tried last year targeted interventions and we were unable to collect baseline. This review EMR and pull data on clients fitting profile contacting all clients to participate identify clients in Wrap Around program to connect clients in that program to the service # of clients identified # of clients contacted 100% of clients contacted for an appointment within the fiscal year 50% of clients book and show for appointment within the fiscal year 2 educational sessions 50% of women book and show for PAP 100% of clients identified are contacted Comments 2015/16 Quality Improvement Work Plan 5 "Improvement Targets and Initiatives" London InterCommunity Health Centre, 659 Dundas Street, London, ON, N5W 2Z1 AIM Quality dimension Measure Objective Measure/Indicator Unit / Population Source / Period and balance after participating in Health Centre exercise programs with an overall goal of decreasing slip and fall injuries Receiving and utilizing feedback regarding patient/client experience with the primary health care organization % / All patients Organization Id In-house survey / 92235* March 31, 2016 Current performance 74 Target 81 Target justification baseline. This year we are trying agin. Current performance indicates a 6% reduction from previous target, but there was also a 25% increase in clients accessing this space shortly. Change Planned improvement initiatives (Change Ideas) 2)improve plans of care of identified clients that incorporates exercise programs Methods Process measures primary care and other providers will review plans of # of client care plans reviewed # of exercise sessions care for clients and promote the Health Centre exercise offered # of participating clients programs where appropriate, coordinated care planning and chart review Goal for change ideas Comments 100% of client plans of care are reviewed 100% of all identified clients are offered exercise programming 50% of identified clients participate in exercise 3)administer a modified pre physiotherapist will review and modify existing client & post client evaluation tool evaluation tools Physiotherapist administers pre and that incorproates post tests physiotherapy assessment for all identified clients participating in exercise # of pre and post tests completed # of slips and falls and injuries reported by clients # of clients reporting improved mobility, flexibility and balance 100% of participating clients are assessed 100% of participating clients report a decrease in slips, falls and injuiries 50% of participating clients report an increase in mobility, flexibility and balance 1)integrating clinical and non-clinical providers in program development/faciltiation in house survey, training of peer leaders # of co-lead programs 10% increase in clients reporting feeling safe over the fiscal period 2)1:1 supports by trained providers education to providers on outreach Peers support leaders recruited and trained # of encounters related by community outreach providers 50% reduction in Complytrack Agressive Behaviour incident reports 3)Systemic follow-up on client issues by clinical providers as they arise in Safer Space survey to track clients in the space and perception of issues resolved # of client surveys completed baseline data 4)Revision of current Safer Space survey tool survey revised to link to increased feelings of safety to Safer Space program participation baseline 5)Provision of educational development sessions on topics identified by clients feedback from clients on workshops workshops developed evaluation of the workshops and changes implemented survey if workshops met need # of workshops delivered # of surveys completed on workshop evaluation % of clients feeling safe in client survey 12 workshops delivered 100 surveys completed 85% of client report feeling safe
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