TEEN PRIDE Resource Fair Application

Resource Fair Application
Organization: _____________________________________Lead Contact Person: ______________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________State______________Zip:__________________
Email: _______________________________ Phone #:_____________________________________________
What resources and information will you be presenting out Teen Pride? ____________________________
We provide each organization with 1 table and two chairs. Need more? ______________________
Electrical Needs? ___________________________________________________________________________
Have you staffed a booth at this event before? _______If so when? __________________________________
We are asking every table to bring an item to raffle off. Teen Pride is an event for youth under 21 years of age.
Please email completed application to: [email protected]
Teen Pride, Friday, May 15, 2015– 4:00pm to 8:00pm
For further information please email Giovanna Martinez: [email protected]
A Special thank you to
for their collaboration in this event!