C O K E M I N I M O M E N T S Coca-Cola presents a series of short conversations and tips designed to be shared between moms and their teens over a couple of Mini Coke cans. Discussing a teen’s academic future may be difficult, so sharing a small treat together provides an opening for these important topics. #2 MINI WAYS TO SAVE SMALL STEPS TO SAVE UP FOR A BIG EDUCATION. The next phase for education is expensive and it’s important for moms and teens to be prepared. Below are some tips to understanding all the ways to finance your teen’s education through scholarships, grants and employment. TIPS 1 2 3 4 5 Help your teen learn how to save money. Set up a savings account and show him or her that putting away a little at a time can really start to add up. Have a financial discussion over a couple of Mini Coke cans, and together make a financial plan for the future. Just like their savings, your mini conversations will make a big impact later on down the road. Help your teen research other financial options. Encourage him or her to look for scholarships, with the reminder that even small monetary grants can make a big difference when paying for college. Discuss employment and help your teen look for part-time jobs. Many campuses offer flexible employment for students that will not only help them financially, but also help with time management and useful skills and experience for after graduation. Is your teen still a few years away from going to college? Help him or her look into an after school, weekend, or summer job now. Discuss the reality of student loans. Make sure that you and your teen know the ins and outs of student lending and repayment plans. To a teen, a loan may seem like free money, so help him or her understand what the financial reality will be once he or she graduates and is prepared for repayment. Help your teen fill out the FAFSA form. It is important to complete the form every year so that your teen does not miss out on any grants or loan eligibility. Take a little time now to discuss finances with your teen, and make the road to an education that much easier. Small steps can add up and have a big impact. For a chance at additional monetary help, don’t forget to visit www.coke.com/PayItForward to nominate him or her for a chance to win a mentorship experience at the Coca-Cola Pay It Forward Academy, plus a $5,000 scholarship. And join the conversation with other moms using #CokeMiniMoments.
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