Organization Development Focus Assessment Form version 2015

Performance Management System for Student Organizations
Organization Development Focus Assessment Form
The Organization Development (OD) aspects act as the support mechanisms that help the group be more effective in
carrying-out their Core Competencies; and ultimately, in making the organization more sustainable. The PMS looks at
five OD aspects that are essential for student organizations to operate efficiently, effectively, and sustainably.
To help you determine which OD aspects your organization needs to focus on for the year, use the following
assessment matrix to reflect what is closest to the state of your organization in relation to the particular OD aspect:
Almost Always (AA)
90 - 100% of the time
Most of the Time (MT)
70 - 89% of the time
Sometimes (S)
40 - 69% of the time
Very Rarely (VR)
39 -0% of the time
--o0o-Leadership Development (LD)
LD refers to the organization efforts to train and develop the current leaders as well as the members who are potential
future leaders of the organization.
The formation and training programs for officers aim to contribute to
producing the ideal AdMU graduate.
The officers know and understand their roles and lines of accountability.
The organization’s structure, systems, and processes allow for and encourage
the transfer and sharing of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from the present
leaders to the next set of leaders.
Current leaders of the organization are able to identify, motivate, and train
potential leaders for greater responsibilities.
The organization participates in or carries-out mentoring and training
programs for new officers to help them fulfill their responsibilities
confidently and competently.
The organization participates in or carries-out mentoring and training
programs for potential leaders.
The Communication aspect of the PMS refers to the system and processes of the organization to communicate with the
members of the organization (Internal Communication) and with outside parties (External Communication).
Internal Communication (IC) focuses on the communication flow within the organization. These include, but are not
limited to, information dissemination, feedback giving, conflict management, etc.
External Communication (EC) focuses on the communication flow of the org with outside parties. Outside parties refer
to other student groups, LS Offices, beneficiaries, alumni, partners, sponsors, benefactors, etc.
Members can articulate and explain the what the organization does
Members are well informed about the meetings, projects, and events of the
Members of the organization may give feedback (positive and negative) to
fellow members.
Members have opportunities to share and develop ideas for improvement
and innovation within the organization.
The target audience/participants are aware of the activities of the
People outside of the organization can articulate what the organization does.
The organization is able to attract, engage, and maintain partnerships with
individuals and groups within the LS.
The organization is able to attract, engage, and maintain partnerships with
individuals and groups outside the LS.
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Project Management (PM)
PM refers to the system and processes followed from the planning, execution, and evaluation stages of efforts
undertaken by the organization.
The vision, mission and goals of the organization are aligned and reflective of
the vision, mission, and thrusts of the AdMU.
The objectives of efforts/projects/activities are aligned to the vision, mission
and goals of the organization.
The efforts/projects/activities adhere to a strategic direction.
The number and scale of efforts/projects/activities are appropriate to the
capacity of the organization to execute them.
The members of the project team coordinate closely with each other and with
their partners throughout the various stages of the project/activity.
The organization is able to healthily balance the use of resources (financial,
materials, human) while maximizing results and impact of the projects.
The projects are planned and executed in a timely manner.
The execution of projects are adherent to the policies of the school.
The organization activities are documented and evaluated.
The documents and data of the organization are accessible to officers and
Membership Formation (MF)
MF refers to the systems and processes that support, enhance, and monitor the members’ development in the
organization. MF has four elements which the organization has to consider: Recruitment, Involvement, Development,
and Retention.
The formation and training programs for members aim to contribute to
producing the ideal AdMU graduate.
The organization is able to enlist members that embody the values and ideals
of the organization.
Members have adequate opportunities for participation and involvement.
Members have adequate opportunities for training and development.
The organization fosters the spirit of community, teamwork and cooperation
among the members.
The organization recognizes and rewards the active involvement and good
performance of its members.
The organization is able to retain a sufficient member base for its operations.
Financial Management (FM)
FM refers to the systems, processes, and efforts that generate and mobilize financial resources of the organization in
support of its goals.
The organization uses its funds with a spirit of simplicity and prudence.
The organization practices financial transparency in relation to its
The key officers of the organization are familiar with and adhere to the
financial processes and systems of the school.
The key officers and members of the organization know and use the
organization’s internal financial management system.
The organization has sufficient funds in its DCB to execute its projects and
The organization executes sufficient revenue generating activities to augment
its funds.
The organization can get sponsors to augment its funds for projects and
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