t."."*ok ""?"-oo,'on Intended lor "O wad some power the giftie gi,. u"-7{- ,": Hemnv'"Ro*iikJ 1lO-112 West 26th St. N. Y. City. Caere . . R O M E I K EA '' oon:se. NEW YORK NEW YORK The Ftrst Establtshed and Most Complete Neaspaper Cutting Bureau in the World From Address tW Y-o1k €lty Date A NEW .,TELHARMONIUM.,,_The ..Telharmonium,,, an.invention for the proituction ot muJc tl;nio;"* , certain alternating current "".uiu""", .ui-ol":lr:.',l"El"-::;"f,:i*T . a terephone X'eb. 28, 1907, as installed at Jgth S,-"""i-"ll"U*"r, New York City. The inventor, Dr. Thaddeus Cahill. ot Holyoke, Mass., has now comptefed ffiffia##; ment which is the larsest ,,t"rnu._ori,il,, 4 ;;;":;Jrl:;. This is now ttesribed in th :1:l:.i1i"Frj"*$1",""';'i::,*?i"Tl'j;. or,ekeyboard, tbe.tessloun *"u-"i"*,"" ""oi;"#"ilJ ;' -a -ieariiingeineir{has been pfevenl-etfTy This "robbing" of the electrical circuits to €liminate the effects of the reactions of the many circuits aoting together on the A new receiver has 'been alesigned, having a receiyer. diaphragm some ten times the tliameter of a telephone Due to the arreceiyer but only three times as thick. of the eBersising magnets antl of the air par-rangement it is sages, a single receiver respontls satislactorily, claimeil, to any sound from deepest bass to highest treble' to a single note of a pure tone or to a full choral of composite tones. The many generators are built of greatly increased capacity, especially in the high-frequency machines for protlucing the higher pitcheal notes. It was noteil in the earlier article in Engineering News that the "voices" of various orchestral instruments coultl be re"telharmonium," with a numproducetl. In the latest ber of switchboartls and keyboartls fot several musicians, there has been possible an approach to orchestral tones and a departure from the limitation to organ or single instrument tones alone.
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