True Jesus Church in Cerritos 喜瑞都教會

True Jesus Church in Cerritos 喜瑞都教會
Coordinator: Ethan W.
21225 Bloomfield Ave
Lakewood, CA 90715
(562) 916-7595
April 2015 Schedule /2015年4月份工作安排表
Sabbath Service 安息日聚會
Prayer 早禱 10:15 – 10:45
Hymn 領詩 10:45 - 11:00
1:35 - 1:45
Sermon 領會 11:00 -12:00
1:45 - 2:45
Jason C. 陳舜一
Emily H. 蕭恩慈
Kelly W. 吳佩諭
Grady L. 劉博恩
Joy Hsieh 謝依真
Tiffany C. 張毓芳
Aaron W. 吳建成
Daniel L. 林聖偉
Patrick W. 黃明輝
Benson K.郭皦蘊
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Steven S. 石文彬
KC Chen 陳克己
Ethan W. 王元勳
David L.劉曉恩
Kai-Hui L. 林凱輝
Vivian T. 字維翎
Vivian T. 字維翎
Jessie Y. 楊加惠
Charlene 婁嫈慈
An C. 陳安芊
Charlene 婁嫈慈
Kai-Hui L. 林凱輝
Pianist 司琴 A.M. 上午
Candace 張佳琳
Charlene 婁嫈慈
Lilian L. 林婉莉
Charlene 婁嫈慈
P. M. 下午
Lilian L. 林婉莉
Lois K. 郭羅以
Jessica C. 陳婕
Lilian L. 林婉莉
Kelly W. 吳佩諭
Grady L. 劉博恩
Daniel L. 林聖偉
Lex L. 陸興安
Kai-Hui L. 林凱輝
Aaron W. 吳建成
Jack H. 何天杰
David L. 廖振宇
Interpretation 翻譯 A.M. 上午
P. M. 下午
A/V 視聽 A.M. 上午
P. M. 下午
Usher 招待 A.M. 上午
Anne L. 李愛瑛
David Ho 賀正男
Sarah C. 陳妙珠
Jason C. 陳舜一
Nancy L. 李玲秀
Peter H. 蕭嘉輝
Brenda Y. 楊淑媛
Joseph C. 江義真
Grace / Prayer 中午謝飯
Moon K. 金文淑
Kai-Hui L. 林凱輝
Crystal J. 靖恒珍
An C. 陳安芊
Prayer 禱告會1:00 -1:30
Joseph C. 江義真
Ethan W. 王元勳
Yu Fang W. 王瑜芳
Yi-No H. 洪以諾
Hymn 領詩 7:35 - 7:45
Daniel L. 林聖偉
Ikue Kure
Paul C. 陳殿晃
Joseph C. 江義真
Speaker 領會 7:45 – 8:45
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Yi-No H. 洪以諾
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Interpretation 翻譯
Candace 張佳琳
Lois K. 郭羅以
Jack H. 何天杰
Jessica C. 陳婕
Lois K. 郭羅以
Candace 張佳琳
Jessica C. 陳婕
Candace 張佳琳
P. M. 下午
Tues. Service 週二會堂聚會
Pianist 司琴
Jason H. 洪聖杰
Daniel L. 林聖偉
Aaron C. 張英彥
Lex L. 陸興安
Usher 招待
Betsie L. 劉毓琦
KC Chen 陳克己
Iris C. 諸心怡
H.M. Lin 林秀美
Th. Bible Study週四家庭查經
Leader 領會 7:45 - 8:45
Venue 地點
Bible Chapter 進度
Fri. Service 週五會堂聚會
Aaron C. 張英彥
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Joseph C. 江義真
Jason H. 洪聖杰
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Conference Room
Jack H. 何天杰
Conference Room
S. P. Li 李三寶
KC Chen 陳克己
Rev. 啟 21
Gen. 創 6
Gen. 創 13
Gen. 創 20
Gen. 創 27
Ethan Hsiao
Jason H. 洪聖杰
Ethan Hsiao
Stephen K. 谷慕霖
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Paul C. 陳殿晃
Interpretation 翻譯
Jessie Y. 楊加惠
Candace 張佳琳
Jack H. 何天杰
Jason C. 陳舜一
Steven S. 石文彬
Jessie Y. 楊加惠
Pianist 司琴
Emily H. 蕭恩慈
Jessie Y. 楊加惠
Emily H. 蕭恩慈
Charlene 婁嫈慈
David L. 廖振宇
Jack H. 何天杰
Jason C. 陳舜一
Joseph C. 江義真
H. H. Hung 洪秀惠
Teresa H. 陳瑞女
Yi-No H. 洪以諾
Teresa H. 陳瑞女
Leader 領會
Venue 地點
Bible Chapter 進度
Enoch H. 侯弘哲
Kai-Hui L. 林凱輝
Act. 7
Hymn 領詩 7:35 - 7:45
Speaker領會 7:45 – 8:45
A/V 視聽
Usher 招待
Sun. Bible Study (South Bay) 西區家庭查經
LHYF Fellowship 小山丘團契
Topic 主題
Book 查考章節
The Owe of Belshazzar the King
Daniel in the Den of Lion
(Dan 5:1~31)
(Dan 6:1~28)
Lex Lu
Charlene L
Student on Duty 值日生
Bible Reading 每週家庭讀經
Chapters 讀經進度
3/30 - 4/5
4/6 - 4/12
4/13 - 4/19
4/20 - 4/26
4/27 - 5/3
Rev. 啟20 - Gen.創 2
Gen. 創 3 - 9
Gen. 創 10-16
Gen. 創 17 - 23
Gen. 創 24 - 30
* We kindly ask all workers to wear appropriate attires when serving. 請工作人員於工作時穿正式服裝.
NO. 342
RE & All Fellowships Prayer
English Hosanna Outreach
Glendale Church Spring Evangelical
Services & Spiritual Convocation
Church Council Meeting
Garden Grove Church Spring Evangelical
Services & Spiritual Convocation
Irvine Church Spring Evangelical
Services & Spiritual Convocation
Canoga Park Church Spring Evangelical
Services & Spiritual Convocation
Friday Evening Evangelical Service
Church Council Fellowship
• Sis. Wang Ping, Elder Hsieh, Bro. Jack Chen
(memory loss), Sis. Linda Hsiao (insomnia), Sis.
Terwa Yong and Sis. Anne Li’s family members.
• Newly baptized members
• All the truth-seeking friends and the truth-seeking
• Members weak in faith
• Marriage of the youths
• Members who attend church less often
News & Announcement
SWR Music Ministry Program
• Date: July 12 ~ July 17, 2015
• Venue: Irvine Church
• Topic: The kingdom of God
• Applicants: Junior 1 or above, incl. adults
• Registration Period: April 19 - May 31, 2015
• Registration Site:
April Fellowship Schedule: Sabbath 3:00 - 4:00pm
4/4 RE & All Fellowships Prayer
4/11 Ark Fellowhsip Bible Study - Genesis 8
4/18 Caleb Fellowship Bible Study - Genesis 15
4/25 Evergreen Fellowship Bible Study - Genesis 22
2015 Spring Evangelical Services & Spiritual Convocation
G.A. had sent Pr. Gien-Hung Chen to assist in last Spring Evangelical
Service & Spiritual Convocation. Thanks to God’s guidance, 99 people
received Holy Communion, 2 people received Holy Spirit, and a total
offering of $34,269.80 (Including Thanksgiving offering $21769.80,
Construction Fund $12,500).
- 4/4 Sabbath Afternoon Testimony : Sister Ching-Chih Lin
c Publish Unit: TJC Cerritos Information Dept.
English Hosanna Outreach
• Topic: A Message of Hope
• Date: Saturday, April 4, 2015
• Time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(Dinner at 6:00 p.m.)
• Venue: Cerritos Church
TEL: (562) 916-7595
{Please First Obtain Permission to Reprint}
Clarifying the Misconception of Easter
Pr. Enoch Hou
First and foremost, the Bible does not have any recordings of Easter. It mostly appeared in the cultural tradition of
many European and Middle Eastern countries. It later became an important religious practice of the Christian society
in the European countries. Easter is observed as a way to commemorate the sacrifice and death of Jesus Christ on the
cross for the sins of men. It is also observed to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death.
Easter is viewed as a symbol of rebirth and hope. Only looking at the surface, it may seem like a meaningful event. In
reality, the reason that this festival is important to many Christians has to do with the evolution of history. At that time
people started to disregard the commands of God, compromising the trend of other religions, worshipping and Christianizing the idols that God sees as abomination and endowing a new meaning to think that this action will be accepted
by God. In fact, this is not something God instructed us to do, but rather created by men thinking this is the right way.
We must return to the Bible, revisit the old paths, seek the good way and walk within it. By doing this, we can receive
peace and rest (Jeremiah 6:16). For the majority of the True Church believers, from not believing in Jesus Christ to
converting to the True Church, we do not have the burden of performing such traditions or rituals of other Christian
churches. We simply return and believe with pure faith recorded in the Bible. We observe everything the Lord commanded us to do and we refrain from doing anything the Lord prohibited us to do. We neither add nor diminish from it
(Deut. 12:32).
Because Easter is not observed on an exact date of the calendar like Christmas, therefore it is more difficult for nonChristians to observe. In addition, since the 16th century (1583 AD), the churches in the eastern and western parts of
the world have different ways of calculating dates, making it difficult for ordinary people to follow. This is the reason
that Easter is not emphasized and popularized by the general public. Although there is a discrepancy in determining
the dates, there is no disagreement in celebrating and commemorating Easter as the day of resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In any case, there is no evidence in the Bible telling us to regard Easter as a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ only instructed his disciples to commemorate His death (1 Cor. 11:23-26) and not commemorate
His resurrection. If we understand the Day of Resurrection, the origin of the name, the history and how this festival
was created, we will know that this event is flooded with the traditions of Paganism and it contradicts the truth in the
Bible. With this in mind, we must not follow their practice.
The Day of Resurrection
The first emergence of Easter was after the 4th century. It was the combination of the traditions of Paganism and
Jewish customs of keeping the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. On top of that, the people in the church
advocated the idea of changing the Sabbath day to Sunday. This day of celebration was the result of the teaching and
promotion of the Catholic Church. During the Nicene Catholic Church conference in 325 AD, the church decided that
in the Spring of each year, the first Sunday after the full moon of March 21st or 22nd, they will celebrate Easter to
commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The date of Easter that all churches in the Western world
have come to accept is derived according to the Western (Gregorian) calendar, Jewish calendar, and Lunar calendar. It
is created to suit the needs of the church, which is worshipping on Sundays. Therefore, Easter is a holiday that doesn’t
occur on a fixed date. It must be calculated according to the three types of calendars mentioned above. Therefore, for
most people, it is not easy to calculate the date of Easter.
From the historical facts that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, we could use the Day of Passover and Day of
Unleavened Bread to determine the time and date when Jesus Christ was crucified. From the fact that Jesus Christ
prophesied many times that He will resurrect after three days and nights, we could calculate when Jesus Christ resurrected. Having to determine the date of Easter by using the moon or the Sunday after the full moon, it is clear that this
date was not derived from the original faith but rather the product of the tradition of worshipping the Pagan goddess,
Eostre, the Goddess of Moon.
The traditional churches believed that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday morning.
Therefore, Friday is considered the day of Jesus Christ’s death (Good Friday) and Sunday is the day of resurrection
(Easter). Believing that the teaching of the church is correct, Christian churches everywhere will hold special services
to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross. In reality, using the recording in the four
gospels, many Bible historians raise alternative views concerning the death of Jesus Christ on Friday and resurrecting
on Sunday. Unfortunately, most Christians are fully immersed in the tradition taught by the church. They no longer
consider the decree of God and for His people to keep His statutes as important. It is, therefore, unnecessary to correct
the tradition and the wrong teachings. They would rather think, isn’t it very meaningful to commemorate the
c Publish Unit: TJC Cerritos Information Dept.
{Please First Obtain Permission to Reprint}
resurrection of Jesus Christ? Or, why wouldn’t God accept what we are doing? Or, is God so narrow minded?
The fact is that God’s commands have not and will not change from the beginning. His requirements toward His
chosen people also have not changed. The acts that He regarded as abominable will not change through the passing of time (Deut. 17:2-7;18:9). God sees all activities and ceremonies that are related to the custom of Paganism
as abomination. We must keep away from these events. To be continued….
Easter: Its Name and Origin
In fact, Easter was the name of the idol Tammuz worshipped by the Chaldeans (Babylonians) as mentioned in
Ezekiel (Eze 8:14) or the name of Canaanite idol, goddesses Asherahs found in the Judges and 1Kings (Jdg 3:7 and
1Kings 16:33 respectively). It is also one of the various titles given to the “queen of heaven” by the Jews in Egypt
after the demise of their kingdom as mentioned in Jeremiah (Jer 44:17-19). This idol was given various names and
worshipped by the subjects under Babylonian rule, as they believed that it had the power over life, fertility, love,
and harvest. Christians from the 4th century onward have wittingly or unwittingly participated in their festivities
worshipping this heathen idol. A Christian cloak was consequently placed on this heathen god.
Customs and Popular Objects Connected to the Easter
Aside from the various worship services and related activities held at numerous Christian churches celebrating the
resurrection of Jesus on Easter, perhaps the most noticeable objects are colored eggs, rabbit-shaped chocolates, and
food packages in the shape of the cross. Many people believe that eggs symbolize rebirth and resurrection; the new
life that would emerge from the eggshell represents our Lord Jesus Christ walking out of the sepulcher. As for the
rabbits, since they reproduce rapidly during Spring, they begin to symbolize the vital force of life. In time, they
began to be connected to the colored eggs and can be traced back to idol-worshipping. The cross-shaped sweet
bread may appear to be simply seasonal, it is linked to the worshipping of the queen of heaven. Prior to the demise
of Judah, the life of the people then was completely centered on idol-worshipping. Members of the family often
baked bread together before it was offered to the queen of heaven (Jer 7:18).
What Should We Do?
Members of the True Jesus Church should have a clearer proper understanding of the Easter, a day that directly
challenges our Christian belief, lest we follow blindly this tradition and inadvertently take part in these heathen
practices and activities. Following the practices of others may lead us astray from God’s instruction: “You shall not
learn to follow the abominations of those nations.” (Deut 18:9) Simply put, we ought to differentiate what is holy
and what is not. The children of God must discern carefully, fearing God always, and hold on to the Truth at all
times. We should always reflect upon what our Lord Jesus said to the Pharisees and the scribes: “All too well you
reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.” (Mark 7:9) Which is more important to us?
Little Hills Youth Fellowship (LHYF)
News & Announcement
• Date: 4/11/2015 Saturday @ 7:30pm
• LHYF Prayer Time:
Every night from 10:00PM- 10:15PM
- Theme: Daniel in the Lion’s Den
- Bible Scripture: Daniel 6: 1~ 28
• Date: 4/25/2015 Saturday @ 7:30pm
- Theme: Vision of the Four Beasts
- Bible Scripture: Daniel 7: 1~ 28
c Publish Unit: TJC Cerritos Information Dept.
• Please continue to pray for the lost
sheep, truth seekers and members of
• Please pray for those brothers and
sisters who have moved elsewhere
due to school, work or other reasons.
May God continue to guide their
path wherever they go.
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