MAY 26, 2015 Page 1 of 5 11. C.9 - CW INFO May 11, 2015 Ontario-Quebec Announce Updated Rules for Government Procurement Changes to procurement rules by the broader public sector were announced by the Premiers of Ontario and Quebec today in Toronto. The Premiers have agreed in principle to an update of the 2009 Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OQTCA) Public Procurement Chapter to align it with the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Since 2009, the OQTCA has covered buying by provincial ministries, schoolboards and municipalities, and other public sector organizations. For municipal governments thresholds remain at $100,000 for goods, services, and construction. The Chapter will be updated to align with CETA on public disclosures, information needs, qualification of suppliers, and other matters. As well, the Chapter will include a protest process for unsuccessful bids, including municipal procurements. Professional services and procurements covering cultural industries, non-profits, and indigenous communities are not covered. The thresholds in OQTCA for municipal governments are lower than those in either the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) or the CETA. AMO will be seeking clarification from Minister Duguid on the specific impacts that today’s announcement has for municipal governments including the need to adjust procurement by-laws and procedures to reflect the other requirements in the OQTCA Procurement Chapter. Talks on the AIT are also being held by the provinces, territories and the federal government, and updates to the AIT are likely forthcoming. However, no information is available at this time. OQTCA changes will come into force for municipalities in September 2016. For more information and details on procurement thresholds in each agreement, please see: OCTCA - Procurement Chapter. AMO Contact: Craig Reid, Senior Advisor, E-mail: [email protected], 416.971.9856 ext. 334. PLEASE NOTE: AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member municipality’s council, administrator, and clerk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required. We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of our various broadcast lists. MAY 26, 2015 Page 2 of 5 11. C.9 - CW INFO DISCLAIMER: Any documents attached are final versions. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record. OPT-OUT: If you wish to opt-out of these email communications from AMO please click here. Attachment MAY 26, 2015 Page 3 of 5 11. C.9 - CW INFO NEWS Office of the Premier OQTCA - Procurement Chapter May 11, 2015 12:15 P.M. Last fall, the Premiers of Ontario and Québec signed a memorandum of understanding confirming their intention to reinvigorate and strengthen the trade relations between the two provinces. They committed to explore opportunities to align the chapters of the Ontario-Québec Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OQTCA) with those in the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Ontario and Québec have now reached an agreement in principle on a revised OQTCA government procurement chapter. This is the most ambitious procurement agreement either Québec or Ontario has ever negotiated. Key points The chapter includes rules on the conditions for participation, publication, technical specifications, qualification of suppliers, disclosure of information, deadlines, bid protest, etc. Almost all of the contracting entities of the two provinces are covered by the new chapter: ministries, agencies, municipalities, education and health networks, and state enterprises. All goods and construction service contracts are covered. Moreover, all service contracts are covered, with the exception of health and social services, financial services and services provided by certain professionals: doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, veterinarians, surveyors, accountants, lawyers and notaries. The coverage of the new chapter is the most ambitious ever offered by Québec and Ontario to a trading partner. The thresholds applicable to the new chapter are lower than those of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) and CETA. The chart below shows the thresholds applying under those agreements. The thresholds will be adjusted in line with inflation every two years, which is a new feature compared to the current OQTCA chapter and the AIT. Overall, the new chapter simplifies and streamlines various requirements within existing international agreements, making it more user-friendly for vendors and suppliers. Public bodies and taxpayers will also benefit from open, competitive and non-discriminatory procurement rules that ensure value for money in public procurement. MAY 26, 2015 Page 4 of 5 11. C.9 - CW INFO The revised chapter improves upon existing commitments to better reflect current procurement practices of both parties as well as covering a greater portion of procurement contracts. Exceptions The new chapter does not cover procurement of cultural industries, indigenous communities and non-profit organizations. Measures necessary for the protection of the environment, health, and consumers are excluded from the scope of the chapter. The Agreement also includes partyspecific exceptions. Entry into force The Agreement will enter into force in two subsequent phases: January 1, 2016 for ministries and agencies and September 1, 2016 for other entities. The revised chapter of the OQTCA will come into force in 2016 ahead of the implementation of CETA and the renewal of the AIT. Thresholds applying in the OQTCA, AIT and CETA (Procurement) Covered entities Ministries and agencies Contracts OQTCA AIT CETA* Goods $25,000 $25,000 $315,000 Services $100,000 $100,000 $315,000 Construction $100,000 $100,000 $7,800,000 $100,000 $100,000 $315,000 $100,000 $250,000 $7,800,000 $500,000 $500,000 $630,000 services School boards, academic, health and Goods and social services entities, and services municipalities Construction services Entities of a commercial or industrial Goods and nature services MAY 26, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Construction 11. C.9 - CW INFO $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $7,800,000 services *Note that the CETA thresholds are fixed in special drawing rights.
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