1 2015 Midwest Region MEGA Rally Location: Lancaster Event Center June 2428 4100 N. 84th Street Lincoln NE 68507 . CHECK IN Begins Wednesday June 24th at NOON COMPETITOR’S MEETING : 6 p.m on the bleachers in Amy Countryman ArenaPavilion 4 ATTN DC’s : A fillable PDF of the entry forms (located on p.4) can be completed and printed OR you can print off and complete by hand . Either way, complete entries must be mailed and postmarked by May 14, 2015. Entries postmarked after that will be assessed a late fee of $25 per participant ; Entries close May 21, 2015. We will not add any entries after that date. FEES/ENTRIES Horse Fee/First Discipline Participant Fee Stable Manager Fee Stable Manager In training Musical freestyle PASdeDEUX $215.00 First Discipline $90.00 Second Discipline $20.00 per discipline per stable manager $20 total $15.00 per ride $15.00 per rider ● Correct and complete entries must be submitted by the deadline, May 14, 2015. (The secretary will use her discretion in creating full teams. Remember it’s all about sportsmanship and making new friends.) ● DISCIPLINES OFFERED: Show Jumping, Dressage, Western Dressage and Tetrathlon. ● LIMIT 2 DISCIPLINES: You may cross enter between any two disciplines. Teams will be made up of riders in the same two disciplines. Traditional Dressage and Western Dressage may be on the same team. If a 3 man team loses a member before the first ride, we will move the remaining two to other teams. Two members may share a horse. If a horse is shared, the horse may do only two disciplines. ● Horsemasters will compete in teams of two and may have a stable manager. ● ALL competitors will jog their horses on the first day. ● Competitors are judged in HM on their highest HM rating. ● CHAMPS: Anyone wanting to be considered for a championship team must fill out the Championship Intent Form and submit with entries. ● Incomplete entries will incur a fee of $5.00 for each missing item. Packets will not be handed out at rally until all fees are paid. ● Please attach all forms to the corresponding team entry form. ● The discipline program will be posted to the DC Digest. DC’s are to check program for accuracy of their teams information. Any changes made 5 days after posting to the digest will incur a $25 fee. (no charge for rally secretary clerical/typo errors). ● Changes requested after Rally begins will incur a $15 fee per change, no exceptions. This includes scheduling. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ATTN DC’s: COMPLETE ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: Team entry form, including rider age as of 1/1/2015, certifications, level or tests to be ridden, horse name as listed on Coggins, team name, coaches name and chaperone name. Signed Chaperone Duties Form for each team/ individual Signed Coaches Guidelines Form (Link provided on p.4) 1 copy of Current Negative Coggins Test for each mount. Name of horse on Coggins must match name on entry. Championship intent form (if applicable). Meal Voucher Order Forms and one club check for total vouchers ordered 1 club check for total cost of entries FORMS MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY WITH ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES Make checks payable to Midwest Region and mail all supporting entry rd forms to: Joy Poling 26507 E 273 St, Harrisonville, MO 64701 [email protected] Home 8165064126 (C) STABLE MANAGERS IN TRAINING Stable Managers In training must be 9 years of age or younger a/o January 1. They must be with their own club and be in the barn in 2 hours blocks. They will receive ribbons different from the team. They are not “officially” part of the team. STABLE MANAGEMENT AWARDS To be eligible for the Poling D SM Award, there must be at least 3 teams of all D’s. For the Poling C & above SM Award there must be at least 3 teams of all C’s or above. The Polings reserve the right to withhold the award if scores do not reflect the high standard of HM expected from our members. COGGINS and HEALTH CERTIFICATE Coggins must be issued after June 27, 2014. and 30 Day Health Certificate is required for travel inside Nebraska . Coggins dated before June 27, 2014 are not valid for the duration of the rally. The name on the entry form and Coggins must match. Any altered Coggins will result in immediate dismissal from the ground and no refunds will be given. HORSES WILL NOT BE UNLOADED WITHOUT A CURRENT COGGINS. MEDICAL CARDS Armbands or bracelets with current information for the individual must be worn at all times on the competition grounds. Competitors to supply their own Medical Armbands/Bracelets. Tetrathlon will not be required to wear them while actually shooting or swimming, but must have them visible and next to them for these activities and must be wearing them at all other times. The armbands must be worn on the upper arm. If the competitor has small arms, they may need to safetypin the armband to their sleeve. Medical bracelet specifications can be found in the the USPC Policy http://www.ponyclub.org/resource/resmgr/Policies/0128.pdf. AWARDS CEREMONY There will be an unmounted parade of teams for awards. Attire: It is recommended that the teams wear matching shirts and appropriate length shorts and appropriate footwear. All scores, including stable management, will determine team placing. 3 Important Links!! Listed are the various forms you will need to complete for rally. They are available in the discipline rulebooks or by clicking the live link below: ❑ Guidelines Coaching Dressage Competition (must be signed) http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ponyclub.org/resource/collection/06649FEE29 8E478A94007DB8A4139C3C/Dressage_Coaches_Form.pdf ❑ Guidelines Coaching the Riding Phase of Tetrathlon (must be signed) http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ponyclub.org/resource/collection/06649FEE29 8E478A94007DB8A4139C3C/Tetrathlon_Coaches_Form.pdf ❑ Guidelines Coaching Show Jumping Competition (must be signed) http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ponyclub.org/resource/collection/06649FEE29 8E478A94007DB8A4139C3C/SJ_Coaches_Form.pdf ❑ Guidelines Coaching Western (please use the Dressage form) http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ponyclub.org/resource/collection/06649FEE29 8E478A94007DB8A4139C3C/Dressage_Coaches_Form.pdf ❑ Uniform Chaperone Rules/Duties (must be signed) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXclN1QzRuc1VaRG8/view ❑ Team Entry Form #1 (Riding in one discipline) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXcjk5Ty1CR1R0UmM/view ❑ Team Entry Form #2 (Riding in two disciplines) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXX2x1bHhJdHBPbnM/view ❑ Championship Intent Form (if applicable) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXYWdNUEl5TmJlbUxkRnBoVnp UVENUb0k5Q0hR/view?usp=sharing ❑ Meal Voucher Order Form (attached below) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXZmtINTF3N2ZvOURGQjhLM05 TR0tNS0NhSnZ3/view?usp=sharing ❑ Musical Freestyle Entry Form https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Jd0iu81QXUk41Rm83WFc0a2NxOGc4Y0 1US3B2VFE4SXJv/view?usp=sharing 4 RULES FOR RALLIES Dressage TET ✓ Western ✓ Show Jumping ✓ USPC Veterinary Medication & Equine Medications Policy #0525 revised 10/29/11 USPC Horse Management Handbook & Rules for Competition – 2015 Competitor Rule Section Effective 2014 OR Full Handbook Horse Management Annual Newsletter 2015 Uniform Chaperone Rules & Duties of USPC located in Horse Management Handbook 2015 Part 2 page 1011 Uniform Officiation Rules at USPC Rallies: located in Horse Management Handbook 2015 Appendix A 2 page 27 All horses and ponies must be at least 5 years old as of Jan 1.(Policy 0135 revised 1/31/11) No Stallions USPC Policy Statement on Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco (policy #500) –Revised 2/2/96 USEF Rulebook (current) USPC Handbook & Rules for Dressage Rallies – 2015 Dressage Annual Newsletter 2015 Guidelines for Coach at Dressage Rallies Western Dressage : Refer to WDAA Western Dressage Rules posted on the USPC Rulebook page of the USPC website. USPC Rules for Show Jumping Competitions 2015 USPC Show Jumping Annual Newsletter 2015 Guidelines for Coach at Show Jumping Rallies USPC Tetrathlon Handbook & Rules 2015 Guidelines for Coach at Tetrathlon Tetrathlon Annual Newsletter 2015 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 TETRATHLON RALLY The levels offered are listed below. Refer to rulebook for specific requirements. All ages are as of January 1. Phase QUALIFYING Senior Division (16 & older) C1 up Running 3000 meters (boys) 3000 meters (girls) 200 yards/meters 3’ 3’7” 20 shots one hand, standing Swimming Riding Shooting QUALIFYING Modified Senior Division (16 & older) C1 up 3000 meters (boys) 3000 meters (girls) 200 yards/meters 2’9” 3’3” ** 20 shots one hand, standing QUALIFYING Jr. Division (13 – 16) D3 up QUALIFYING Modified Jr. Division (13 – 16) D3 up QUALIFYING Intermediate (13 & up) D3 up 2000 meters 2000 meters 1000 meters 200 yards/meters 2’9” 3’3” 20 shots one hand, standing 200 yards/meters 2’6” 2’9” ** 20 shots one hand, standing 100 yards/meters 2’6” 2’9” 20 shots one hand, standing Phase QUALIFYING Novice (11 & 12) D3 up Running Swimming 1000 meters 1000 meters 500 meters 100 yards/meters 100 yards/meters 50 yards/meters. 2’6” 2’9” 2’ – 2’3” ** 2’ – 2’3” Riding Shooting 20 shots can use 2 hands, standing NONQUALIFYI NG Modified Novice (11 & 12) D3 up 20 shots can use 2 hands, standing NONQUALIF YING PreNovice (13 & under) D2 up 20 shots can use 2 hands, standing NONQUALIF YING Rookie Novice 10 & under D1 up 500 meters 50 yards/meters 12” – 18” 10 shot seated can use 2 hands can be supported NONQUALIFY ING Mini Novice 8 and under D1 / UR 500 meters 25 yards/meters 0” – 12” (not timed) 10 shots seated can use 2 hands can be supported 6 TET Cont’d. HORSEMASTERS Running Swimming Riding 3K 200 yards/meters Base height 3’7” 2K with 75 point penalty 100 yards/meters with 150 point penalty 1K with 150 point penalty Shooting 1 handed 3’3” with 50 point penalty following same rules as seniors 2’9” with 150 point penalty 2’6” with 225 point penalty Please note best swim time on entry and indicate whether swim was in meters or yards pool. ● Tetrathlon will be a team discipline not an individual competition ● The pool is measured in meters. ● All competitors will ride two Show Jumping rounds that will be ridden backtoback, indoors. A slip rail and gate will be included in the course for Novice, Intermediate, Junior and Senior divisions. It will be optional for PreNovice, Rookie, and Mini Novice. A mounting block may be used at the slip gate without incurring point penalties in all divisions. ● Tetrathlon competitors may cross enter as a stable manager. ● To qualify for National Championships see current Gold book and Tetrathlon Rulebook & current Annual Newsletter ● Competitors may request to ride one level or more below their level but will incur a 200penalty points/ level. This must be noted on the entry. ● Attire: see discipline rulebook. ● PLEASE NOTE BEST SWIM TIME ON ENTRY ** The competitors who ride in Modified must take a 200point penalty. If they qualify for Championships, they must jump the same height as at their qualifying rally. Only Juniors and Seniors are allowed to ride down (modified) at Championships. 7 DRESSAGE RALLY (including Western Dressage) : ● There will be one division: Ds and Cs may compete on the same team. Those riding Traditional Dressage and Western Dressage may compete on the same team at regional level. Note at Championships Western Dressage will be its own division. Quadrille will be offered as a competition if we have at least two teams. Otherwise it will be an exhibition at the Freestyles. ● All riders may ride the level in which he feels he and his horse will be able to perform and will repeat the higher test as their 3rd ride. The tests to be ridden must be on the entry or the entry will be considered incomplete and incur a $5.00 penalty fee. ● WESTERN DRESSAGE: Refer to WDAA Western Dressage Rules posted on the USPC Rulebook page of the website. Please be familiar with the Western Standards of Proficiency for your level ▪ Certified Helmet is required for Turnout Inspection, Jogs and riding, Attire (refer to SOP) Non Qualifying ● 2015 USEF Intro Level A & B (recommended for D1s walktrot tests only) small arena ● 2015 USEF Intro Level B &C – small area ● 2015 USEF Intro Level C & 2011 USEF Training Level Test 1 (recommended for D2s, both tests are walktrotcanter) – small arena ● 2015 USEF Training Level Test 1 and 2 (recommended for D3s) small arena (Non Qualifying) ● 2015 USEF Training Level Test 2 and 3 (recommended for D3s) – test 2 in small arena, test 3 in standard arena st ● 2015 USEF Training Level Test 3 and 1 Test 1 standard arena ● Western USEF/WDAA 2013 Intro Test 1 & 2 recommended for D1’s small arena ● Western USEF/WDAA 2013 Intro Test 4 & Basic Test 1 recommended for D2’s small arena ● Western USEF/WDAA 2013 Basic Test 1 & 2, recommended for D3s Qualifying Options: These test MUST be ridden to Qualify. All qualifiers must also ride a freestyle, Pas de Deux, or Quad Drill ● 2015 USEF Training Level and up Test 1 and 3 standard arena ● Western USEF/WDAA 2013 Basic Level or Level 1 & up must ride test 2 & 3 standard arena Each individual and/or each team may be accompanied by a coach. Attire: correctly formal or informal for all C’s and above and any D3 Flat wishing to qualify. D’s are to be neat and clean not necessarily properly formal or informal. DC should order a complete package of the tests for their clubs. The tests are also available online from www.usef.org TEST READING There is no penalty if a test is read. However, at Championships no test may be read unless the organizer gives specific prior approval. It is the responsibility of the rider to arrange for his own reader. If the competitor suffers from a handicap, which prevents him from riding the test from memory please note so on your entry. WHIPS no longer than 47.2 inches (120 cm) including lash may be carried in all classes, except USPC Championships where no whips are allowed. 8 DRESSAGE RALLY Cont’d… Musical Freestyle, Pas de Deux, Quadrille Freestyle Th e choice of test must be indicated on the entry forms or the entry for musical freestyle or they will not be accepted. Leg wraps and costumes are allowed for PDD but not for musical freestyles. All musical tests are ridden in standard arena. ● 2015 USDF Musical freestyle score sheets will be used for Training level up ● 2015 USDF, Pas de Deux score sheets will be used. ● 2015 USDF Quadrille Tests & 2015 USDF Quadrille freestyle Score sheets will be used for all Pony Club Quadrille competitions (available from the USPC bookstore). ● WESTERN Dressage USEF WDAA 2015 Musical freestyle scoresheets will be used for Basic to Level 3 ● Intro Level musicals are outside of both pony club and USDF scoring, but are encouraged for riders to get experience. However, they will be only three minutes long and must include movements on the Intro Level A & B tests. A copy of the score sheet is posted in the files section of our yahoogroups. To qualify for National Championships see current Goldbook and Dressage Rulebook & current Annual Newsletter PASDEDEUX CLASS and Musical Freestyle (Refer to 2015 Dressage rulebook) ● You may ride a PASdeDEUX and a musical freestyle. ● The DCS must approve costumes for rally. Music should not contain violent or vulgar lyrics. ● Musical freestyle scores will not count toward team scores (except for quadrille teams) but would be used to determine qualifiers for Championships. ● All will be ridden in a large arena, except for Quadrille, which is in small arena. ● Any rally participant may compete in the musical freestyle or PASdeDEUX. A rider may ride in both ($15.00 fee for each ride). Refer to the rulebook and to the current dressage newsletter for additional test requirements. 9 SHOW JUMPING RALLY ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● There will be one division. Ds and Cs may compete on the same team. All levels of Show Jumping will be offered. There will be three jumping rounds. The table below shows the fence heights. The levels in Table One are intended for any rating capable of safely jumping the heights. The first round will also be judged on equitation. The second round will be Take Your own Line for those riding in any division from Table One and 2’6” from Table Two . (refer to Article 34 rulebook for rules for this round). The third round will be the jumpoff round. Introductory Level . D3 Traditional or HSE and up and minimum age 12. To qualify for National Championships see current Goldbook and Show Jumping Rulebook & current Annual Newsletter The levels in Table Two are intended for those who cannot jump the heights in Table One. Riders may compete in the level at which they can perform safely. These rides do not qualify for Championships. The level must be entered on the entry form or will incur a $5.00 penalty fee. ATTIRE D’s (except those trying to qualify) are to be neat and clean not necessarily properly formal or informal. D3 Traditional or HSE’s trying to qualify and any C’s and above: see discipline nd rd rulebook. Article 14. Color shirts will be allowed for the 2 and 3 rounds (see article 14.2). TABLE ONE (Qualifying) Division Fence Height Large Pony 2.’9” 13.2h 14.2h 3’3” Introductory 2’6” Developing 2’9” – 3’ Horse or Rider Horse I 2’9” 3’3” Horse II 3’ 3’6” Horse III 3’3 3’9” Horse IV 3’6” 4’ Jump Off 3’6” 2’6” 2’9” 3’ TABLE TWO (Non Qualifying) Level Fence JumpOff Height Sm/Med Pony 2’ 2’9” 3’ < 13.2 h. 2’3” 2’6” 2’3” 2’6” 2’6” 2’ 2’ none 3’6” 3’9” 4’ 4’3” 18” 12” 18” 12” none None 10 Additional Information for Mega Rally 2015 BARN ● Outside fans are welcome and encouraged. Electrical hookups will be available. Don’t forget your bungee cords, extension cords and zip ties! ● Bring a wheelbarrow or muck bucket cart. The event center does not provide these. ● Each halter must be labeled with stall # and competitor name or #. ● SHAVINGS 2 bags of shavings will be provided for each reserved horse stall. ● Additional shavings can be purchased on site for $9 per bag. Preordered at this link : https://lancasterweb.ungerboeck.com/sop/sop_p2_form.aspx?orderform=01&SessionID =fcnfflfd8 ● No outside shavings are permitted! (There is a $50 per stall fine for bringing in outside shavings.) ● Stalls do not have to be stripped or picked out when you leave, however all tack rooms should be cleaned out and trash removed. We want to leave the facility as we found it! TEXT ALERTS There will be 2 text alert systems at the rally. To get signed up, competitors should send the word MEGARIDER to 84483. Parents and volunteers should send the word MEGAVOLUNTEER to 84483. Get signed up today! NEUTRAL ZONE Cool Room (Nebraska Room), concessions area, concrete area west of Amy Countryman Arena in Pavilion 4 and spectator bleachers SHOW OFFICE/COMMUNICATION CENTER Southwest corner of Pavilion 4 LUNCH/COOL ROOM Nebraska Room (located between Pavilion 1 and 4) RALLY OFFICIALS HOSPITALITY ROOM Lancaster Room (Across from Abate Room) VOLUNTEER HOSPITALITY ROOM Lancaster Room (Across from Abate Room) MEAL VOUCHERS ● Meal vouchers must be ordered in advance for $5/meal (Order form attached) ● BREAKFAST Early breakfast will be served each day one hour before and after barns open. ● LUNCH Lunch will be served Thursday through Saturday. See order form for menu. ● MEGA Cookout!!! Thursday night there will be a MEGA social event. Stay on the property and join the group for some crazy Mega fun!! CONCESSIONS In addition to breakfast and lunch, a full service concession/cafe will be open at all times during the event. NO OUTSIDE FOOD or DRINK is permitted inside the buildings!! SHOW JUMPING WARM UP Warm up for Show Jumping will be held on the south end of the Amy Countryman Arena in Pavilion 4. DRESSAGE WARM UP Warm up for Dressage will be held in the Pavilion 2 Arena (same building as stalls). 11 LODGING AREA HOTELS Rates quoted are the negotiated Pony Club discounted rate. Make reservations early as hotels will release rooms back into their inventory 24 weeks prior to Mega Rally. Staybridge Suites $99.99$119.99/night Closest to Event Center 7 minutes, 2.8 miles Staybridge Northeast1501 N 86th Street Lincoln NE 68505 4024846000 staybridgesuites.com Includes breakfast buffet MF 6:309:30am/SS 7:3010:30am, pool, all rooms offer full kitchens. Ask for United States Pony Club Inc block of rooms or use “USP” group booking code online. 48hour cancellation policy. Comfort Suites Lincoln East $90$109/night 10 min, 4.4 miles 331 N Cotner Blvd Lincoln NE 68505 4023258800 comfortsuites.com Includes breakfast buffet 6:3010 am, pool, minifridge, microwave. Ask for U.S. Pony Club room rate. 24hour cancellation policy. New Victorian Inn & Suites $64.99$89.99/night 10 min, 5.4 miles 225 N. 50th St Lincoln NE 68504 4024644400 newvictorianinn.com Includes breakfast bar 511 am, pool, minifridge, microwave. Ask for MW Region United States Pony Club group rates. Super 8 Lincoln/Cornhusker H wy $52/night 12 min., 5.5 miles 2545 Cornhusker Hwy, I80 Exit 403, Lincoln NE 685211461 4024674488 www.super8.com Includes breakfast MF 69 am, SS 6:309:30am, minifridge, microwave. Ask for a room in the MW Region United States Pony Club block. CAMPING Please contact the Lancaster Event Center to reserve a camp site. Campsites are on the property and a short walk to the barns and arenas. Pony Club has blocked 20 campsites in Row G and H on the grass campground and we can get more. Here is link to reserve a site: https://lancasterweb.ungerboeck.com/va/va_p1_search.aspx?oc=10&cc=CAMPGROUND&mo de=multidate Site numbers 156160 and 182186 provide 50amp electrical service (big rigs) and site numbers 161165 and 187191 provide 30amp electrical service (smaller rigs and tent camping). Follow link or call call 4024416545 to reserve your campsite today! 12 NEW This Year! Onsite Catered Meals! Save time, save money, and make new friends by dining on the property! Cost is only $5 per meal*! ● Breakfast will be served in the Nebraska Room Thursday, Friday and Saturday for your convenience and available one hour before and after barns open in the morning. ● Lunch will be served in the Nebraska Room Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11:00am1:00pm. (Hours subject to change to accommodate the Rally schedule.) ● In addition, a special “MEGA Cookout” is planned for Thursday evening after the barns close. Join the entire group for some MEGA fun socializing!!! ( Subject to participation ) ● Your entire family is welcome at all the meals but vouchers must be preordered so enough food is available! ************************************************************************* Daily Breakfast Menu! Pancakes, Bacon or Sausage, scrambled eggs & hash browns served daily with apple juice, orange juice and coffee. (This menu is subject to change slightly each day) Thursday LunchTACO BAR! Whether you're a nacho crusher, tortilla roller, salad tosser or a shell filler, you're sure to enjoy this full service Taco Bar with all the fixin’s plus iced tea, lemonade and a dessert! Thursday DinnerHamburger/Hot Dog MEGA Cookout! Kick back as we gather and socialize after the barns close! Hot dogs, hamburgers, 2 side dishes dessert and drinks provided! You bring the fun! Friday LunchChef’s Specialty Barbecued Beef Brisket Sandwiches Served with your choice of two sides, baked beans, potato salad, chips, cottage cheese, fruit cup, veggie stix plus iced tea, lemonade and dessert. Saturday LunchSub Sandwich Sendoff! 2 choices of bread, 3 meats, 3 cheeses plus all the veggies and condiments (for salad or wraps, too)! Served with choice of two sides, cottage cheese, fruit cup, veggie stix, pasta salad, chips plus iced tea, lemonade and dessert! *A meal voucher must be presented before being served. Let kids know, this is not an “allyoucaneat buffet”. 13 Meal Voucher Order Form NAME:________________________________ Cell Phone #:__________________________ Rider Name(if applicable) :_____________________ **Make Checks Payable to y our local club and include with your entry fees. DAY MEAL # of Vouchers Needed Thursday Breakfast Lunch MEGA Cookout!! Friday Breakfast Lunch Saturday Breakfast Lunch TOTAL # VOUCHERS x $5 each TOTAL DUE 14 Midwest Region Mega Rally Individual Information Sheet (This form is intended to help you in gathering information from your members . Please do not send with your entries) Name:______________________________________Club: ___________________________ Street Address:_______________________________________________________________ City, Zip:_______________________________________________________________ State, Phone:_______________________________Email:________________________________ Age a/o Jan.1st: _____ Girl:___ HM Rating ___ Flat Rating:___ Jumping Rating: ___ Boy or Horse’s Name: (must be Coggins):_________________________________ same name as on Sex:______ Age: __________Height:______Breed:____________________Color:__________ Special instructions:_____________________________________________________ Stabling ENTRY SURVEY : Check the Rallies you wish to participate in. Circle the “R” if you want to ride. Circle the “SM if you want to be a Stable Manager. Circle the “Q” if you are trying to qualify for Championships. (be sure you meet the age/rating requirements) ___ Dressage R SM Q ___ Show Jumping R SM Q ___ Tetrathlon R SM Q ___ Western R SM Q ___ Stable Manager in training (9 or younger a/o Jan 1) A rider may compete in two disciplines on different horses depending on stall availability. 15 Dressage Rally: ___ I wish to enter the Optional Musical freestyle class (Circle one): Yes No I will be sharing a horse with _______________________________________ who is competing in the ________________________________ Rally. If Yes, I will be riding at the _____________________ Level in a (check one): ____ Musical Freestyle ____ Pasdedeux; I will be riding with: ________________________________ ___ I will be riding the following tests: (indicate level and test number; test option are listed in the Dressage section of mega rally Packet.) Ride 1: Ride 2: Ride 3: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _same as Ride 2____________________ ____ I wish to ride in Western Dressage (check one) Ride 1: Ride 2: Ride 3: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _same as Ride 2____________________ ____ Quadrille; I will be riding with: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Indicate level of test to be ridden. Circle one: Introductory, Novice, Preliminary, Intermediate (test must be within same level) Ride 1: _______________________________________ Ride 2: _______________________________________ Musical: _______________________________________ Show Jumping: ALL: Level I wish to compete at this level: _______________________________________. Tetrathlon: All Levels: Division I wish to compete in: ______________________________________ Level I wish to jump: _________________________________. In reply to: will be sharing a horse with _______________________________________ who is competing in the ________________________________ Rally. I will be sharing a pistol with ____________________________________. Best Swim Time : ____________ All Disciplines: I will be sharing a horse with _______________________________________ who is competing in the ________________________________ Rally.
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