Come Join ADA Saturday May 16th for a Horse & Rider Ride-a

Come Join A.D.A. Saturday May 16th for a
Horse & Rider
- And –
Saturday May 19th at Thomet Stables
9am to 6pm
Come listen to all the great speakers and then
Ride-a-Test for our ‘R’ judge Betty Jo Crosby!
Betty Jo Crosby
Pamela Ditonto
Fran Cilella
Scott Henderson
Speakers will start at 9am until 12pm, then we will break for lunch and after we will
have Betty Jo Crosby judge our Ride-a-Test rides from 1pm until 6pm. We only have
a limited amount of time which will mean a limited amount of riders can participate.
*** Lunch will be provided. ***
Ride-a-Test Ride Fees (includes auditing for day & stall or haul-in): $50 for ADA members, $60 for non-members
Auditors Fees for the Day: $20 for ADA Members, $30 non-members
Please send payment as well as registration paper (and copy of coggins if your horse is not boarded with Thomet Stables) to:
Sarah VanAllsburg 1057 Sunrise Ln, Walker, MI 49534
***Make checks out to All Dressage Association***
Registration Form
Rider’s Name: ________________________________________________
Horse’s Name: ________________________________________________
Test Rider Wishes To Ride for Judge: __________________________
Ride-a-Test Ride Fees (includes auditing for day & stall or haul-in): $50 for ADA members, $60 for non-members
Auditors Fees for the Day: $20 for ADA Members, $30 non-members
Please send payment as well as registration paper (and copy of coggins if your horse is not boarded with Thomet Stables) to:
Sarah VanAllsburg 1057 Sunrise Ln, Walker, MI 49534
***Make checks out to All Dressage Association***
Equifitness Training – Sport Specific Conditioning for Riders
Equifitness focuses on three key areas that need to be addressed in the rider:
The rider's body must be balanced so areas of tightness must be released.
Once the areas of tightness were released, the body must be reeducated through retraining the central nervous system.
(Only after steps one and two), the body must be rebuilt.
All three areas are equally important and must be applied in specific sequence in the rider's fitness program.
When questioning riders who were in a fitness program, all were missing at least one of these three key
elements. Most programs were focusing on rebuilding or strengthening the body, disregarding flexibility and
central nervous system retraining. Most riders present themselves to the horse uneven, out of balance, and
with a lack of core strength.
Scott Henderson, owner of Equifitness, has 25 years of experience as a licensed physical therapist with
extensive knowledge on sports specific training and programming. For over 2yrs, Scott has studied Dressage
and Event riders extensively, and has developed a sport-specific conditioning approach that can help improve
riding performance and safety, while improving the overall riding experience.
Dr. Pamela Ditonto is a graduate of the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. She received her BS from
the University of Cincinnati.
She studies classical homeopathy under Dr. Richard Pitcairn and others and has completed professional and advanced
courses in veterinary homeopathy. She completed the American Veterinarian and Chiropractors Association sponsored
Options for Animals Animal Chiropractic Course. She completed the Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)
Course for Veterinarians as well.
Dr. Ditonto, throughout her education, has always recognized the inherent ability of an individual to attain health and
wellbeing and feels that through the services she offers, true healing can be assisted and achieved.
The Animated Horse Equine Bodywork
Certified and Experienced Equine Massage Therapist, Fran Cilella, serves horses and those that love them in
the West Michigan area. Trained in multiple bodywork modalities to help enhance your horse's health and
Fran invested in her initial training and certification via Equissage in Round Hill, VA. Just over a year later, she
took another week long bodywork course from Sport Horse Therapeutic Equine Massage (including some
nutrition, saddle fit and hoof instruction) out in Laramie, WY. Then the Basic Course of the Master MethodTM
Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork, soon followed by the Advanced Course out in Fairfield, Iowa. Now
she is working towards her certification in the Masterson Method TM. It’s very intense and time consuming –
but your horse’s wellbeing and performance are worth the effort.
‘R’ Dressage Judge
Betty Jo Crosby
Betty Jo is an accomplished judge who earned the requisite scores at recognized dressage
competitions to be eligible to enter the AHSA (now USEF) judge’s training program. She received "r"
and "R" licenses in Dressage, and an "r" license for Eventing. She has officiated for both disciplines
from coast to coast. Among her most memorable events are: being the chief eventing judge for the
U.S. Pony Club national
championships (Lexington, VA); judging the Region 7 and CDA championships (CA); and judging
dressage at the inaugural event at Richland Park (MI).