THE MESSENGER June 2015 Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ Celebrating 175 years in the community 1840 - 2015 In 1902, when Millburn church celebrated the 60th anniversary of the church's founding in 1840, there were people still living who remembered those early days. Here is a newspaper account of the June 1902 events. George Stewart, who suffered a stroke during the celebration, lingered for several days after before dying. from the Waukegan Daily Sun 28 June 1902 The great event: The church jubilee; the 60th anniversary of the organization of the Millburn Congregational church, which has been on the minds of the people since last January is a thing of the past. It began last Friday night. Rev. Mr. Talmage, of Waukegan preached the opening sermon Saturday morning. All the ministers and invited guests were present for the morning session. After the opening exercises and the ministers had spoken a few minutes, Mrs. Fannie Jamieson read the church history, which was highly interesting to all present. After the reading reminiscences were called for, some of which caused a good deal of merriment, when Mr. Bonner and Geo. Stewart told how in the early days they used to come to church in lumber wagons with ox teams, and on their way home they would test the speed of those ox teams to see who would get home to dinner first. Tell it not in Gath, those pious folks would never run races on the Sabbath day. Some of the boys did not look like fashion plates, when they came to church in the early days, being in their shirt sleeves and bare-footed. Shirt waists had not come in fashion in the 40's. As dinner was to be served in the Mason's Hall and it drew near the time for that agreeable exercise, our chairman, Mr. Geo. Stewart put all in a very good humor by announcing that he had received a wireless message, saying dinner was now ready in the hall. The amount of provisions brought there, was a sight to behold. There was so much on hand that the ladies decided to have supper there also. Soon after the opening of the afternoon session, Geo. Stewart, our beloved, genial chairman had a stroke of paralysis and was carried from the church in an unconscious state, which cast a gloom over the entire audience. After a short consultation it was deemed or thought best to go on with the meetings, as so many had come from a distance. Dr. Tompkins gave a very fine discourse Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning the church was packed to hear a Millburn boy preach, Rev. Dr. A. R. Thain of Wauwatosa, Wis., formerly editor of the Advance. All were delighted with the noble soldier preacher. We remember when he went to the war and we remember when he came home. We always think he must be like Daniel Webster. The anniversary was a general time of rejoicing and meeting old and dear friends, except for Mr. Stewart's sudden and serious illness, which brought grief to all He is at W B. Stewarts Those who came from a distance to attend the anniversary were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Thain, Rev. and Mrs. J M. Campbell, Rev. and Mrs. Talmage, Rev. Mr. Millard and Miss Florence Millard, Mrs. Annie Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Adams, Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tukey, Miss Alice Jamieson, Mrs. Eugene Strang and son George and others too numerous to mention. 1 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 6:30 Troop 87 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 4-6pm Pulled Pork Dinner 11 12 13 18 19 20 6:15 Handbell Choir 8:15 House Band 7 9:00 Worship 10:00 Coffee Hour 8 9 6:30 Troop 87 10 6:15 Handbell Choir 8:15 House Band 14 Flag Day 9:00 Worship 10:00 Coffee Hour 10:00 Mission Trip Mtg 15 16 6-8 4H 7:00 CE Committee 17 6:15 Handbell Choir 7:00 Compassionate Friends 8:15 House Band Messenger Deadline 21 Father’s Day 9:00 Worship 10:00 Coffee Hour 22 24 6:15 Handbell Choir 8:15 House Band 25 26 27 Youth Mission Trip 23 9:15am Messenger Collating 7:00 MYLO Youth Mission Trip Youth Mission Trip Youth Mission Trip Youth Mission Trip Youth Mission Trip Youth Mission Trip 28 9:00 Worship 10:00 Coffee Hour 29 30 31 6:15 Handbell Choir 8:15 House Band Ice Cream Social & Cemetery Walk 1-4 pm 2 Pastor Jed’s Message Friends: The Millburn Church 2015 Confirmation class is complete and our confirmands, Emily Christensen, Sophia Force, Brynn Fuqua, Natalie Grolmes, Ben Tanneberger, Arman Zarinebaf, Kian Zarinebaf, and Mitra Zarinebaf, were confirmed on May 10th. As I do every year, I’m devoting my article space to the Statement of Faith our confirmands completed in preparation for confirmation. It follows: There is only one God, but we speak of God in three ways. God the Creator created the whole universe and everything that is. Before Creation there was chaos, but after Creation there was order and things made sense. God’s creative work did not end when the world was created. God’s creation is going on all the time. Jesus Christ is our gateway to God. Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine. Because God became human in the person of Jesus, we can understand God better: we know that God is like us and can identify with us. And when we see Jesus, we see God. In Jesus we see God’s selflessness, honesty, generosity, and God’s healing, caring and loving nature. Jesus lived with a sense of mission and we know that Jesus wants us to live that way, too. He calls us to follow, be disciples and put others ahead of ourselves. Jesus died by crucifixion but was resurrected. In the resurrection of Jesus Christ death was defeated. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence among us. It is through the Holy Spirit that God creates. We imagine the Holy Spirit as God’s breath and we picture it as fire, wind and a dove. Through the Holy Spirit God is present everywhere and always with us. One way we experience the Holy Spirit is through prayer. Because of the Holy Spirit we know that we’re never alone. God can always pick you up when you’re struggling, down or needing guidance. The Bible is our primary source of faith and is our moral guide. We believe God’s spirit inspired different writers at different periods of time to write stories about God and God’s people. The Bible has two sections. The Old Testament tells of the time before Jesus. The New Testament paints a portrait of Jesus: his life, death and resurrection as well as the early Christian Church. It comprises many types of literature including histories, songs, poems and prayers. We don’t take the Bible literally but we take it seriously. The Church is the body of Christ. It is a community that worships the same God and shares a common faith even though individual beliefs sometimes differ. We rely on the Church for support and the Church is our spiritual home. In the Church we help one another and our community helps other communities. Through the Church we learn about our faith and grow in our faith. The Church comprises many different communities and our community is the United Church of Christ. Millburn Congregational is our home church and it is one hundred seventy-five old this year. Our faith changes our lives and our view of others and ourselves. We know we are responsible for doing our part in developing our own faith. We all fall short of God’s expectations for us but we know God always loves and forgives us. Peace and Love, Pastor Jed 3 argo’s Message There is no Sunday school during the summer but the children will still have Sharing Time with Pastor Jed. There will be worship folders with activities pertaining to the scripture reading for the children. One last chance to register for our 2015 Vacation Bible School, G-FORCE Adventure Park! Your children will become Navigators and explore how to serve God and others with active love! We are offering this weeklong camp for children between 3 years of age and 5th grade from July 13-17. A Closing Celebration will be held on Friday, July 17 from 6:00-7:30 for the entire family. Cost for the week, including the Friday night celebration will be $25.00 per child. Parents and Caregivers who volunteer to help may enroll their children for $10.00. Please use the attached Registration Form (page 14 of this Messenger) and return it to my office June 15. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office at (847) 356-5237. Thanks to all who took a beach ball off the VBS Wish List board! You emptied the board on the first Sunday!! Please return all items by July 1. We will have our final mission trip meeting for all parents and youth on June 14 after the 9:00 worship service. If you would like to help with VBS this summer, please see me or call the church office and I’ll sign you up! We will have a volunteer meeting on Monday July 6 at 7:00 p.m. If you missed our Promotion Service, please stop by and pick up your child’s certificate in Lauren Hall. Thanks: Thank you to the Christian Education Committee for all their hard work throughout the year and all they did to end the Sunday school year. Our members are Paige Force, chair, Alisha Mills, vice chair, Cindy Batz, Christine Grolmes, Hadley Hinshaw, Russ Slade and Jim Zradicka. This is a great, dedicated and hardworking team! Thanks! 4 Historic Ice Cream Social & Cemetery Walk Sunday, June 28 from 1-4pm A historic and festive day in Millburn! This unique event offers something for everyone, including: Millburn Cemetery Walk with historic characters Historic House Tours built in 1850s and 1860s Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Kids crafts by Periwinkle Art Studio Martin’s Gen’l Store Museum and more! Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Kids age 10 & under Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ 19073 W. Grass Lake Road at Highway 45 Visit for full details. In cooperation with Historic Millburn Community Association, Millburn Cemetery Association, Stewdio9, Periwinkle Art Studio, Primrose & Willow, Joe’s Garage. 5 Rummage and Bake Sale Raises more than $4500 June Birthdays Josh Paramski Kris Franks Josh Tanneberger Emily Denman Eddie Young Marissa Halterman Paul Meltzer Russ Paramski June Marshall Yolanda Medina Elizabeth Sommer Marilyn Pocius Stacey Stewart David Force Avery Frentz Grace Frentz Joel Williams Emma Doden Steve Fuller Tim Rayner Dawn Revenaugh Brian Ende Danielle O’Young Diane Doner Jonas Skinner Don Kenimer Idella Pope Danielle Ende Breck Hughes Nathan Rendl Isabel Force 01 02 02 04 07 07 08 08 09 09 11 11 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 19 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 It’s Pulled Pork Dinner Time!! Our 2nd Pulled Pork BBQ Dinner is here!! Grab your family and friends and come to the church on June 6th. We will be serving from 4-8 p.m. Tickets available that day, online and in the church office. Hope to see you all there!!! Sarah Storaasli Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Spring Rummage and Bake Sale a huge success. This fundraiser is a lot of work, and would not be possible without the help of the set-up crew, sales volunteers, clean-up volunteers, and bake sale team. I must also extend a Thank You to Kris Franks who partnered with me to price all of the rummage starting more than a month prior to the sale. This was our most successful sale, contributing $4,510 to the church operating budget. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. Donna Zradicka, Rummage Sale Coordinator P.S. Save your donations for our Fall Rummage Sale in October! MYLO News Congratulations to the winners of our raffle. The drawing was held on May 10th. Winners were: Deb Morrissey—frog pillow Ruth Zehr—ladybug pillow Nancy Tschannen—fleece blanket Paige Force—afghan Jodi Tipler—Snap-On items Sue Heinlein—necklace Norma Welch—quilt At our May 26th meeting we decorated pillar candles using pieces of colored beeswax that we cut shapes out of. We collected cans of tomato soup for the Food Pantry. Hostesses were Lynnette Bratzke and Virgie Anthony. All women of the church are invited to join us on the 4th Tuesday of each month (no meeting July and Aug) at 7 p.m. in Lauren Hall. We start with a short business meeting and then adjourn to work on a craft or service project or enjoy some entertainment, followed by refreshments. Come join the fun!!! Discipleship Committee Chair 6 Council Corner Where does time go? That is the question I have been asking myself while sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out what I am going to write about for this month's article. I cannot believe that this year's Council has already been in office for four (4) months – one third of the commitment has been completed. After pondering that thought, I started wondering what the congregation members thinks about our efforts so far. To be a strong Council, we need to know what the members of the church want to see happen – we should not be the only people coming up with ideas. As a family of believers in Christ, just like a household family, we all need to discuss what works well and what doesn't in order to be strong and vibrant. If a family does not work together on all issues that affect them, the family unity may weaken and members drift away – mentally and sometime physically. When members of a church family start viewing the church as a “Sunday Obligation” instead of a “Second Family” that needs nurturing from everyone involved, there is the possibility that apathy may creep into the minds for some and the search for “greener pastures” may arise for others. As your Moderator, I encourage all church family members to let the Council know what is on your mind. We need your input on all things (positive and disconcerting) in order to move forward and not stay stagnant. Remember - in order for us to grow for another 175 years, we need to tackle all obstacles with fervor and we cannot do that without your input and support. Please let us know what we can do in order to make your experience with Millburn UCC a more enjoyable, reflective and learning experience that you would want to share with others. In addition, please feel free to attend our monthly meetings – we would love to see you. Wishing All “ Millburn UCC Family Members” Peace and Love, Deb Meet our Council Joel Williams – Vice Moderator I came to Millburn Church with my wife Lisa and son Kyle in 2010. We enjoyed the community spirit of the congregation, and knew this was a place for our family. Since joining, I have served on the Worship and Mission Committees. I am looking forward to celebrating a Cubs World Series victory in the near future. 7 Worship Committee Pastor Jed's Sermon series in April was well received. Everyone enjoyed hearing some history trivia about our church! There will be another Sermon series this summer. Stay tuned! A chart will be posted in Lauren Hall to sign up for summer ushering. We need two people each Sunday. Please consider helping out! Becky Fuller, Music Director, is planning special music for our summer worship and the Church Band will begin each service. We will have an outside service on July 19th with a possible potluck breakfast to follow, grilling sausages will be provided. A sign-up sheet for food will be posted as we get closer to the day. Yum! There will be a Blessing of the Pets on August 30th. LOOKING FOR TALENT FOR ANNIVERSARY BANQUET The 175th Anniversary Committee is looking for church members (adults and children) and friends of church members to help provide entertainment during the anniversary banquet to be held on September 12th. The entertainment can be anything that would be enjoyable to see and hear. If you would be interested or know of someone that would be, please give Ruth Young (847-223-4046) or Gary Doolittle (847-395-3828) a call. Historic Ice Cream Social Plans Underway! Sunday, June 28th will be a historic and festive day in Millburn! The Ice Cream Social and Cemetery Walk event will offer something for everyone. Plans are still underway, but the event will feature: Millburn cemetery re-enactments with historic characters Ice Cream Social Stewdio 9 Tent Sale Periwinkle Art Studio offering kids crafts Martin Store (museum) More details and features will be added as they become available, but mark the date on your calendar – June 28 from 1 to 4 pm. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Holly Ellis at 847-265-8714 or [email protected]. E-Giving—the New, Easy Way to Give As you know, we usually have a short fall of finances during the summer months because of lower attendance, and consequently, lower weekly giving. Our expenses unfortunately do not go away during the summer. Why not consider E-Giving. It is the easiest way to keep up with your giving during the summer and the rest of the year. You decide the frequency of your contribution—weekly on Monday, semi-monthly—1st & 15th, monthly on the 1st or on the 15th. On the EGiving form you indicate if you want your contribution to come from your checking or savings accounts. Our goal is to get 10 to 15 more people to sign up to EGive this summer. The form is on page 10 of this Messenger. Simply fill out the form, (attach a voided check for your checking account) sign and date the E-Giving form and mail to the church or put in an envelope and drop it in the offering plate. Any questions contact our Financial Secretary, Margie Petroff. E-Giving….Making it easy for givers to give. 8 Adult Mission Trip 2015 The tornado which lashed across the cities of Brookport and Unionville area on November 17, 2013 killing four people and injuring many more, has left scars that are still visible across east Massac and Pope Counties in southern Illinois. Massac Pope County Recovery Committee has requested groups of volunteers, skilled and unskilled, to help rebuild. There are currently 14 homes in various stages of construction and work to be done on homes that were damaged. The goal is to provide thirty new homes for those in need. Al Sommer, Richard Heinlein, Paige Force, Mike Anthony and Virgie Anthony traveled to the Brookport area on May 3, 2015 to help in reconstructing the area. There was a group of 20 people from our area. We were hosted by the First United Methodist Church in Metropolis. The church lacked a shower and if you stayed there you had to go next door to the parsonage to shower. Mike and two others from the group stayed at the church to help construct a much needed shower for future volunteers. The rest went to the job sites in Brookport to help put finishing touches on 3 houses there that were built on the sites of homes that were destroyed by the tornado. Caulking, taping, painting, cleaning, putting up siding, concrete work and whatever else we were asked to do to get the homes ready for occupancy. We were provided lunches by the Mt. Sterling Presbyterian Church in Unionville. Breakfast was at the host church made by members of our group. Dinner was prepared by various members of our group either at the church or at the campground where Chuck and Phillis Martin from Grayslake United Protestant Church were staying. Paige made a wonderful flank steak cooked on the grill. It was a wonderful way to connect with others in our group, share our stories of the day and enjoy fellowship. We were told of the story of a man who heard the storm coming and opened the door of his mobile home to look out. He saw the tornado coming and tried to close the door. When he could not close the door he called to his girlfriend to help. Together they could not close the door and ended up being sucked from their home and thrown to the ground. He told Pastor Jeff Bealmear of the First United Methodist Church that it was “like being in a movie”, laying there on the ground, seeing his home swept up in the air, swirling and passing over him. And being thankful to be alive. We can only hope that we never have to live through what that area has been though. Our goal should be to reach out and help those in need where ever they may be, close to home or far away. We have found that we always gain more than we give when going on mission trips. Not just the giving time and talents to those who need help, but in getting to know people in our church and community and finding that we all have something to share. Help Wanted The adult handbell choir is in need of a couple more people to join us. Some music knowledge is required. We will teach you how to play the bells (very easy). The adult handbell choir is open to anyone 8th grade and up. We are going to start in June to work on music for August 30th, November 29th and Christmas. If you are interested please contact Kris Franks, director, 262-344-5903, [email protected], or stop by a practice. We practice on Wednesday evenings 6:15— 7:15 in the Great Room. Stop by if you are interested…..we would love to have you join us!! 9 10 Circle of Prayer Concerns: Randy Miller’s 10 year old nephew, Andrew Has terminal cancer Lew McGuire Recovering from spinal surgery Mary Lester’s friend, Linda Facing surgery for lung cancer Chrystl Olson Recovering from knee replacement surgery Sue Heinlein’s friend, Tom Kendall Diagnosed with leukemia Bob Tschannen’s brother, Joe Diagnosed with prostate cancer Bob Tschannen’s brother-in-law, Ron Suffering from seizures Meryl Perlstrom Hospitalized recently Mourning: Dave Force Death of his cousin, Danny Ruth Wells and family Death of Warren Continued Prayers: Norma Welch Linda Ryckman Steve Strang Alicia Rayner Georgene Hrdlicka’s friend Struggling with serious health issues To add or remove a name to the Circle of Prayer, please contact Pastor Jed or Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator. 11 Church Staff Summer Worship 9 a.m. Pastor Jed Watson [email protected] Monday – Thursday- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday - Pastor’s study day Friday - Day Off Nursery Care provided Coffee hour at 10:00 a.m. T: 847-356-5237 F: 847-356-5669 Margo Paramski, Director of Christian Education [email protected] Monday and Tuesday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator [email protected] Mon., Tues., Fri. — 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Becky Fuller, Music Director [email protected] Millburn Church Early Learning Center Julie Zehner, Preschool Director [email protected] May Coffee Hour Hosts Thank you to everyone that provided refreshments for our May coffee hours. May 3—MYLO May 10– Pastor Jed in honor of the Confirmands May 17—CE Committee Luncheon May 24— Messenger Team Editor/Publisher—Kris Franks [email protected] Collators: Toots Bennett, Ron Bratzke, Lynnette Bratzke, Barb Coon, Donna Geiger, Ruth Young May 31— Please consider signing up to provide light refreshments for a coffee hour this summer at 10 a.m. Sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in Lauren Hall. Deadline for article submission is the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next deadline is Sunday, June 14th. Email your articles, comments, kudos, etc. to Kris Franks, Editor or to the Church Office Coordinator. You can also drop off your submissions at the church office. 12 WORD FIT Can you fit all the words correctly into the grid? Two letters have already been entered. Answers on last page. 3 letter words 4 letter words 5 letter words ADD ARCH EAGLE ODD DEER MEDAL OIL FOOT RADIO PAW GAME TIGER PEN TOWN TOE WORD 8 letter words ELEPHANT KANGAROO How many?????? Look throughout this Messenger for Mr. Sun, like the one to the left. How many can you find??? Answer on last page. 13 REGISTRATION FORM G-FORCE God’s Love in Action Millburn Congregational UCC Vacation Bible School July 13-17, 2015 9:00-11:30 a.m. For Children 3 years old through 5th Grade Child’s Name:_________________________________Grade/Fall 2015____________ Address________________________________________________________________ City and State___________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name________________________________Day phone__________________ In case of an emergency and you cannot be contacted, whom can we call if you are not available? Name___________________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________________________Phone____________________ Any allergies or other health problems? _____________________________________ Registration Fee is $25 per child. The fee is $10 per child if a parent volunteers to help in the program. Check here ( ) if you are interested in helping. Please call the Church Office (356-5237) if you have any questions. 14 Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ 19073 W. Grass Lake Rd. Lake Villa, IL 60046 Celebrating 175 years in the community 1840 - 2015 Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we worship God as a spiritually alive church, welcoming all and reaching out with love as Christ’s disciples. Millburn Church Fun Fact: The church’s first Communion set, 4 chalices and a flagon (pitcher), were purchased in 1848 for $7.67. They were crafted by Israel Trask (17861867), a pewter smith from Beverly, MA. Examples of his work are in the New Your Metropolitan Museum and the Yale Are Museum. Word Fit solution for Kids Page How many……24 Please our earth. 15
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