WE EXIST THAT ALL MAY KNOW JESUS CHRIST AND BECOME HIS FULLY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS. A Message from Pastor Sara According to an extensive new survey by the Pew Research Center out this week, the Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing. Moreover, these changes are taking place across the religious landscape, affecting all regions of the country and many demographic groups. While the drop in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced among young adults, it is occurring among Americans of all ages. The same trends are seen among whites, blacks and Latinos; among both college graduates and adults with only a high school education; and among women as well as men. It seems all the more important then that the reading assigned for this Sunday is about adding to the apostles after the departure of Judas. The job of the apostles was to witness to Jesus’ resurrection. And still today that is our job! How does it look for us as followers of Jesus to witness to the Resurrection in the changing religious landscape that we live in? Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will be given to us. I'm energized and excited to do this challenging work together! Blessings, Pastor Sara BOWIE BAYSOX BASEBALL BASH! Interested in spending an evening at the Bowie Baysox ball park having an Italian buffet dinner and watching a baseball game together? We have reserved the air-conditioned owner's suite for JRLC on Thursday, July 30th. The price is $22 per person, $10 for ages 3-5. A minimum of 50 people is required to get these low prices. Please email Lisa Lasfargues ([email protected]) or Sara Starry ([email protected]) by Sunday, May 31st and let us know if you are interested in joining in the fun! Stay tuned for how this event will be connected to an exciting summer preaching series. CUSTODIAL HELP NEEDED AT JOY REIGNS BEGINNING JUNE 1 With thanks to Maddie Graham for her service, we are now looking for weekly custodial help at Joy Reigns to begin June 1st. If you are interested in applying or know someone who is, please have them contact Pastor Sara at 410-2665691 or by email at [email protected] May 15 — May 22, 2015 THIS WEEK’S LESSON Acts 1:15–17, 21–26 CHURCH AND OFFICE 35 Mayo Road Edgewater, Maryland 21037 PHONE 410-266-5691 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.joyreignslutheranchurch.org PRAISE WORSHIP Sunday at 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM Nursery starts at 9:10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 AM Wrap Up Party THRIFT SHOP Open Monday and Saturday 9 AM — 12 PM PASTOR The Rev. Sara Yotter MUSIC DIRECTOR Lenore Liller TRANSITIONAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS Jen Mabe Sonya Connolly YOUTH LEADERS Ali & Scott Purvis JOY THRIFT COORDINATOR Michelle Poole Vacation Bible School June 22-26, from 9:00 a.m. to noon each day Catch the Buzz! invites children to add their hands, their voices, their minds and their hearts to being a part of God’s work in the world. Through Bible stories, games, crafts, snacks, stories and songs, children will learn about malaria and how it is affecting children around the world. They will also have the opportunity to join in the fight to end malaria. But, most importantly, children will learn about how much God loves them and all of God’s children. They will experience how God works through their hands and the hands of others to make a real difference in the world for God’s people. “God’s work. Our hands.” Registration forms for volunteers and participants are now available at Joy Reigns — or just click on the links below and download them at home. The registration fee is $25 per child (with a maximum of $75 per family) for learning materials, snacks and supplies. Just turn in your registration package at the church office or drop it in the offering plate on Sunday — and get ready to Catch the Buzz! VBS Participant Form VBS Volunteer Form Other Announcements TECH TEAM MINISTRY Would you like to be part of the team that creates visually appealing worship experiences? Bob Yatsuk is training this summer those interested in joining this ministry! Contact him at 410-991-4213 or Pastor Sara if you are interested. WORSHIP LEADER MINISTRY Our Worship Leader Ministry is looking for some additional members, so let Pastor Sara know if you are interested in participating in worship in this way! BUY SCRIP FOR FATHER’S DAY! If you need a gift idea for Father’s Day (June 21), here it is! Some new gift cards are available in stock, such as Home Depot and Advanced Auto Parts…OR choose that perfect card for that important man in your life from a wide variety of restaurants or stores. See the back table after church to place an order today! MODIFIED OFFICE HOURS The transitional office hours will be Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 p.m. until 3 p.m. Thursday morning and Friday morning hours will be by appointment. Prayers Healing prayers for Lou Saccoccio, Rita Dunbar, Steff Linden, and Kenneth Graham. We also pray for those affected by another earthquake and helicopter crash in Nepal and those affected by the Amtrak tragedy. * If you'd like a prayer added to this list please email [email protected]. Congregational Giving Snapshot for the Week Ending Sunday 5/10/15 General Giving received last week (Includes Matching Gift of $1,340.58) $6,043.58 Total General Giving received in May $10,548.58 Total needed for each month $18,098.00 Thrift Shop received last week Nepal Earthquake Giving JOY REIGNS $614.75 $420 i s an E L C A ch ur ch t h at sh ar es a li v i n g, da r i n g c on f i den ce i n G od’ s gr ace. F or us, t h i s f a i t h come s t h r ough t h e good n ews of J esus C h r i st an d gi v es us t h e f r eed om an d t h e cour ag e t o won der , di scov er an d b ol dly p ar t i ci p at e i n wh at G od i s up t o i n t h e wor ld. L i b e r at ed b y o ur f ai t h , we emb r ace ev er yon e as a wh o le p er s on — quest i on s, comp lex i t i e s an d al l.
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