Public report Cabinet Member 23rd April 2015 Name of Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Public Services – Councillor Lancaster Director Approving Submission of the report: Executive Director of Place Ward(s) affected: Earlsdon Title: Petition – Resurfacing and maintenance of the road and pavements at Poplar Road, Earlsdon Is this a key decision? No Executive Summary: This report responds to a petition containing 37 signatures which was submitted to Coventry City Council. The petition requests that the Council resurfaces and maintains the road and pavements at Poplar Road. Recommendations: The Cabinet Member for Public Services is recommended to: Approve that the road and pavements continue to be held as sites on Coventry City’s forward programme list and their condition be subject to on-going monitoring and be prioritised and scored against all other similar sites Citywide, and when a priority score is reached that they be included in any future maintenance treatment programmes, budget permitting. List of Appendices included: Site plan showing adopted highway. Other useful background papers: None Has it been or will it be considered by Scrutiny? No Has it been or will it be considered by any other Council Committee, Advisory Panel or other body? No Will this report go to Council? No 2 Report title: Petition – Resurfacing and maintenance of the road and pavements at Poplar Road. Context (or background) 1.1 A petition was received to request that the road and pavements at Poplar Road be resurfaced and maintained. The petition reported that these assets were not safe and urged the Council to do something about them immediately. 1.2 Records show that the last programmed safety inspection took place on 20th August 2014 at which time no intervention level defects were identified. Since then a number of small localised defects have been reported and repaired. 1.3 An officer of the City Council has made a separate visit (April 2015) to make an assessment of the construction and overall condition of the carriageway. It is noted that it is a predominately tarmac surface affected in places by utility trench scarring. Overall the road is in average condition and is showing signs of ageing with localised areas of deterioration. 1. Options considered and recommended proposal 1.1 Following this assessment, and given the current condition, age and taking into consideration any on-going maintenance and cost of continuing to carry out localised repairs, suitable treatment options were considered. 2.2 The recommended and preferred option would be to recycle the existing carriageway construction and then apply a new tarmac surface course to the whole road; this will restore the road to a point where it is in good condition, is far more durable and should not require further maintenance intervention for an estimated 15 year period. 2. Results of consultation undertaken 3.1 There has been no consultation on this matter 4. Timetable for implementing this decision 4.1 Future capital highway maintenance programmes and proposed treatments to carriageways and pavements are established on a ‘worst first’ basis across all road categories. The decision for inclusion in any year’s programme will be taken by Cabinet at their meeting in March of any given financial year. It will also be dependent on the level of funding that is made available for Capital Highway maintenance in that year and will further depend on the condition of this carriageway when compared to other similar roads citywide. Therefore the actual scheduling of the works will be based on priority of the scheme and the funds available. 5. Comments from Executive Director, Resources 5.1 Financial implications Undertaking the repair and resurfacing of the carriageway would be funded from any allocated Highways Capital Carriageway repair budget and is currently valued at approximately £53,000. 5.2 Legal implications Under section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, the Council has a duty to maintain those adopted highways that it is responsible for to a standard where they are reasonably passable for ordinary traffic. Any major contracts will be approved by the Procurement board and let under the usual contract rules. 3 6. Other implications Any other specific implications 6.1 How will this contribute to achievement of the Council's key objectives / corporate priorities (corporate plan/scorecard) / organisational blueprint / Local Area Agreement (or Coventry Sustainable Community Strategy)? Highway maintenance is part of Coventry’s vision for better pavements and roads which is a key objective. Completing this work would contribute to this objective. 6.2 How is risk being managed? Financial risks are managed through monthly monitoring meetings of the capital programme board team. Risk assessments are carried out as part of the design process to ensure that risks are designed out and that construction takes place by an approved contractor in a safe way. 6.3 What is the impact on the organisation? The work would be delivered using existing resources. 6.4 Equalities / EIA No equality impact assessments have been undertaken. 6.5 Implications for (or impact on) the environment Positive impacts on the environment in the locality would be achieved if the works go ahead. This would be in the form of: 6.6 Improved carriageway surface condition for driving on and walking on when road crossing is required. Implications for partner organisations? None specifically but all Highway users of Poplar Road would benefit from the improvement to the carriageway surface. 4 Report author(s): Name and job title: Tracy Cowley, Highways Technical Services Manager Directorate: Place Tel and email contact: 02476 83 4800 [email protected] Enquiries should be directed to the above person. Contributor/approver name Contributors: Liz Knight Neil Cowper Karen Seager Finance: Graham Clark Legal: Name: Mark Smith Assistant Director: Colin Knight Members: Councillor Rachel Lancaster Title Directorate or organisation Date doc sent out Governance Services Officer Acting Head of Highways Head of Highways Lead Accountant Senior Solicitor Resources Directorate Place Directorate 14/04/15 14/04/15 14/04/15 14/04/15 Place Directorate 14/04/15 14/04/15 Resources Directorate Resources Directorate Place Directorate 14/04/15 15/04/15 14/04/15 14/04/15 14/04/15 15/04/15 14/04/15 15/04/15 Assistant Director (Planning Transport and Highways) Cabinet Member This report is published on the council's website: 5 Date response received or approved Appendices – Plan showing adopted highway at Poplar Road. 6
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