Agenda Template - Local democracy and decision making

Wednesday 25 March 2015 at 7.00 pm
Nick Cattermole, Keith Hill (Chair), Lynn Holman, Glen Falconer, John
Green, Faisal Butt, Lucy Williams (vice Chair), Councillor Jane Pickard,
Councillor Matt Parr and Stephen Tate
Danny Sutcliffe, Christine Scales and Sarah Jane Lucas
Terry Gallagher, Cedric Boston (Director of Housing Services), Rachel
Sharpe (Strategic Commissioning Director); Mark Healy (Head of
Performance and Planning), Ivor Picardo (Resident Engagement Officer);
Idoya D’Cruze (Area Housing Manager (South)); Paul Webb (Area Housing
Manager (Central); Jean O’Rourke (Tenancy Management Officer), Mark
Howarth (Governance and Resident Engagement Manager); Jamie Morris
(Executive Support Officer); and Jacqueline Pennycook (Democratic
Introductions were made and apologies were received as outlined above.
There were no declarations of interest.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2015 be agreed
as a correct record.
Matters Arising
There were none.
Terry Gallagher, Chief Executive, introduced the report and stated that:
With regards to the reintegration process, two more staff engagement
sessions were due to take place, with the previous sessions held proving
to be successful
The recent budget report received from the Head of Finance was broadly
supported and discussions pertaining to the efficiency spend were
ongoing. This included the request to retain the planned maintenance
programme which LL were keen to co-produce with the Area Housing
Forums. Lambeth Living (LL) remain on course to deliver the capital
programme of £100m in the current financial year
In relation to the decent homes programme, a lot of work on trying to
resolve the 2015/2016 budget, including discussions with the Lead
Commissioner had been held
The GLA funding grant for the council had yet to be secured. The GLA
had requested an independent survey work and validation of the quality of
delivery in order to obtain the grant which was currently being undertaken
In relation to interim structures, a Lead Commissioner had been offered to
assist with work on the GLA funding project and LHS. This was discussed
at the Strategy Committee and endorsed.
In response to questions, the following points were noted:
The appointed Lead Commissioner had extensive experience in ALMO
and Asset Management and had also been a previous Chief Executive of
two ALMOs
The independent survey was expected to be completed towards the end
of April/May and Deloittes appointed as auditor for the work done to date.
In relation to the procurement of repairs contact for the south, an
advertisement for an organisation to carry out benchmark costs had been
made and a contractor would be appointed in October. The contract will
be offered for 4½ years with the potential to end in 18 months.
The potential risks on the transfer of the contract in the summer from
Keepmoat had been mitigated by several measures including the
issuance of a voluntary transfer notice (VTN) to signal this.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Following an overview of the report from the Head of Performance and Planning,
the Chair invited comments and the following points were noted:
The current version may be subject to change and review after
reintegration. On being referred to the table on page 14 of the Delivery
Plan, it was explained that the KPI had been withdrawn as the council
wanted to focus on the average time for repairs to be completed rather
than the percentage of all repairs completed on-time. Faisal Butt and
Stephen Tate expressed their concern that the Delivery Plan should have
been presented to the Investment Committee, especially before the
decision to withdraw the KPI had been taken. The Chair responded that
he would expect a proper discussion to be taken to the next Investment
Committee 13 April and all Board members will be invited to attend. Any
feedback from the board and its committees will be shared with the
The best organisations completed repairs within 7 working days. LL fell
within a ‘priority 4 category’ where contractors must complete repairs
within 28 days which most contractors complied to. However, it was
intended to gradually reduce the numbers of repairs that fell into that
particular category
Each year LL endeavoured to increase performance but the same repair
targets for next year had been made in order to ensure that the targets
were achievable. As some targets were ‘red’ and ‘amber’, LL wanted to
focus on carrying out repairs quicker and on-time.
Councillor Parr suggested that benchmarks should be included where
available for the KPIs.
Changes to post inspections - the Director of Housing Services, said that
surveyors carried out 10% post inspections but only 4% of these identify
work outstanding or faulty. Therefore some customers regarded postinspections to be a nuisance as no issues had been found. Although for
two years the Solutions Team contacted residents regarding their repairs,
visits were not prioritised where surveyors still carried out postinspections. Therefore, he felt that this should be merged to ensure that
surveyors only visited properties where problems were identified. A pilot
was currently being undertaken in the central area and subject to the
approval of the Investment Committee he hoped this would be rolled out
across the borough in April 2015.
In terms of the capital investment programme, 15 days was considered
the average time for the completion of modernisation works to be
Lynn Holman queried why some properties not on a gas plan (page 16)
Confirmed that Council decided STAR survey going bi-annual from this
1) That the Delivery Plan 2015/16 be noted.
2) That the Delivery Plan 2015/16 be presented to the next Investment
Committee meeting on 13 April 2015 and all Board members be invited to
3) That Board feedback be shared with the Council for any revisions to the
final Plan to be accepted by them for Housing services for 2015/16.
Following an overview of the report from the Chief Executive and in response to
questions, the following points were noted:
The arrows pointing up in the diagram demonstrated an increase for that
particular indicator
Regarding the red percentage of repairs right first time indicator, it was a
customer service indicator and once a repair had been completed, the
RAG Status would change
Faisal Butt requested an update regarding the section 20 notice for major
works to be presented at the next Audit and Resources Committee.
1) That the report be noted.
2) That an update on the section 20 notice for major works, including the
course of action being taken should be presented to the next Audit and
Resources Committee.
The Chair explained that the Investment Committee will be considering the LHS
item in depth given it was scored the highest risk.
Terry Gallagher, Chief Executive introduced the risk register. Regarding the LHS
risk the current year’s programme would be achieved but there are issues with
external works contracts being delayed. These are slowing the delivery of some
of the elements that make up the Lambeth Housing Standard (LHS).
Pragmatically the business has accelerated the work on the decent homes
standard (DHS). The experience has been that the extent of work required to
address non-decency is emerging much higher than had been originally
anticipated before the launch of the programme.
There is work in hand to address these risks and to assist with the financial
challenges as they emerge and these will look at all aspects of the programme to
further secure savings.
Councillor Pickard expressed concern that, due to these emerging funding
challenges, some residents’ homes might not be improved under the original LHS
Faisal Butt, expressed concern that the Register appeared different to the one
Investment Committee considered. Terry Gallagher agreed to examine this and
provide an update to the Board and its committees to ensure consistent tracking
between editions of the register
1) That the Risk Register be noted.
2) That Terry Gallagher to examine whether the changes agreed to the Risk
Register at the previous Investment Committee had been carried out and
provide an update to the next meeting of the Board.
Mark Howarth, Governance & Resident Engagement Manager, provided a verbal
presentation on residents training programme called Learning Works
He made reference to Lambeth Living’s publication “Getting Involved –
Resident Engagement Projects 2014/15” and explained that LL was
working in conjunction with High Trees to deliver training on the Level 2
Community Action in Housing course for residents. The course aimed to
provide residents with a better of understanding of how to fulfil their role as
community leaders and to assist them in obtaining jobs. It was hoped to
run this course twice a year.
The graduation ceremony for residents who had passed the above course
was expected to take place in due course
A new accredited course for residents interested in being trainers (Award in
Education & Training) had just started again via High Trees
LL aimed to provide book-keeping and IT training via High Trees which
would be provided in digital community hubs across the borough.
The Chair explained that he had visited High Trees to see residents who had
passed the Level 2 Community Action in Housing course.
Lucy Williams, Vice-Chair, praised the Level 2 course which was well attended
and encouraged other residents to attend the course. She also urged the council
to fund residents wanting to complete Level 3.
RESOLVED: That the verbal presentation be noted.
Ivor Picardo, Resident Engagement Officer, provided a verbal presentation and
made the following points:
The project commenced in 2014 in response to local residents who wanted
to create food growing gardens on their estates
Provided capacity building support for residents to apply for funding
Linked residents to borough-wide food growers network
Since 2014, 9 Edible Living gardens had been created, with 6 new build
and 3 others developed
Over 135 individuals actively participated or engaged in the project
LL enhanced their partnership with organisations and initiatives such as
Lambeth Food Partnership and Myatt’s Fields Park Project
The project had been shortlisted for 24 housing Awards ‘Best Green
Developments in 2015 included:
o 5+ new gardens had been set up in 2015
o Develop capacity in existing sites
o Develop partnership working
o Apply Coventry learning
o Link projects to emerging opportunities, e.g. bee keeping and
underground food farming in disused garages
Councillor Jane Pickard congratulated Ivor and the team for their hard work.
RESOLVED: That the verbal presentation be noted.
Following an overview of the report from Idoya D’Cruze, Area Housing Manager
(South) and in response to questions, the following points were noted:
With regards to mental health residents who disturbed other residents,
social services were contacted to ascertain whether an assessment of that
individual could be undertaken or additional support provided
All LL staff received appropriate safeguarding training and were entitled to
report any issues to social services if required
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Paul Webb, Area Housing Manager (Central) and Jean O’Rourke (Tenancy
Management Officer) provided an overview of Service Plus, a project that sought
to identify customers at the earliest opportunity to ensure that they received
appropriate advocacy and support to meet their essential needs.
The Chair congratulated the Team for their work.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
RESOLVED: That the forward planner be noted.
There were none.
The meeting ended at 9.30 pm
Contact for Enquiries: Terry Gallagher
Tel: 020 7926 3465
E-mail: [email protected]
The action column is for officers' use only and does not form a part of the formal record.