Officer delegated decision Variation to Capital Maintenance Programme 2013/14 – Building Works Contract Award– Various Schools – United House Wards: All Report Authorised by: Strategic Director Delivery - Sue Foster Portfolio: Cabinet Member Children & Families: Councillor Imogen Walker Contact for enquiries: [email protected] Alfred Akpo-Teye, Programme Manager, BGR Report summary This waiver report seeks retrospective approval for the variation of the contract for the Capital Maintenance building works contract with United House Ltd, to the value of £223,652.99. United House are currently carrying out urgently required building maintenance and repair works at various schools in the Borough as part of the ongoing Capital Maintenance Programme 2013/14 and 2014/15. The works range from window replacement to sanitary services renewal, and are all urgently required works that risk the health & safety standards required at the schools. The Council has secured capital grant allocations from the Department of Education for 2013/14 and 2014/15. The expenditure associated with these capital allocations can be slipped into 2015/16. Works are now almost complete for the 2013/14 programme. Instructions were issued and implemented for additional work to most schools in the 2013/14 programme. Two schools in the 2014/15 programme have had specific packages prioritised and brought forward into the 2013/14 programme due to the urgent requirement to address the issues. The variation to meet this requirement is £223,652.99. The existing contract has a client held contingency which will not be utilised for this variation at the current time. The purpose of this client contingency is to address unforeseen issues that have not been identified in non-intrusive surveys to date. Financial summary The funding for this project is reported within the Capital Projects Investment Programme. The overall available allocation for the capital maintenance programme is £5.2m, and is being phased over 2 years – (2013/14; 2014/15). The current available allocation for the capital maintenance programme is £3.2m out of which £2.5m has been spent and committed to date. The subject of this report is a variation to the works package for the first year of the programme which is underway. The additional works which have been brought forward were originally planned for the second year of the current programme. This increases the contract for this 2013/14 year, whilst not jeopardising the overall programme budget or prioriotised works for the 2014/15 programme. The corresponding project code is 912440, of which there is sufficient funds within to cover the additional amount of £223,652.99 required for this award. Recommendations 1. To note the variation to the contract with United House Ltd for the Capital Maintenance Programme 2013/14 Building Works for the sum of £223,652.99. 2. Context 2.1 The Capital Maintenance Programme Building works project forms part of the current Capital Maintenance Programme, which is designed to carry out essential maintenance and repairs to schools across the Borough. Additional urgent works have been identified so as to address serious disrepair, ensure continued delivery of the curriculum in the schools identified and ensure that the cost of identified defects do not escalate. 2.2 Having previously appointed Potter Raper Partnership as the technical consultant for the Building works section of the 2013/14 and 2014/15 programme, they were engaged to carry out detailed feasibility surveys of all the schools identified within the Building works section of the programme. These compared condition data held on the asset management database (Technology Forge) against current condition. Works were identified as urgently required where areas are in serious disrepair and and at the end of their useful life. These items, if left unaddressed, would require constant and expensive regular maintenance and would also lead to health and safety issues. 2.3 The urgent building works being undertaken help to support the delivery of the Community Plan 2013-16. These works will provide for improved school facilities, making them a more efficient and safer enviroments and improving the ability for “All young people to have opportunities to achieve their ambitions. 2.4 The imperative to carry out these works means that officers are seeking an exemption from contract standing orders. A waiver is therefore being sought from contract standing orders based on a combination of ‘urgency’ and ‘demonstrable best value’ 2.5 This is a Gateway 3 waiver report. 3. Proposal and Reasons 3.1 Due to the additional urgent works (variations) identified within the on-going 2013/14 programme with United House, and the need to bring forward works that were originally planned for 2014/15, a revised works package for this current year’s allocation has been finalised. The contract with United House has increased by £223,652.99 from £1,424,962.00 to £1,648,614.99. The revised completion date for the associated building works programme is now 17th April 2015. 3.2 This is the second variation for this contract. The first variation for £266k was for the 2013/14 programme delay and associated costs. Original contract was for £1,158,067.00 and this increased from £1,158,067.00 to 1,424,962.00 due to associated Programme Variation costs to delays to mobilistaion. This is now increasing to £1,648,614.99 for repropgrammed and additional works. 3.3 The cost breakdown for the revised 2013/14 programme including the instructions/variations to on-going works and the two new additional schools in the 2014/15 programme are detailed within the appended report from Potter Raper Partnership, the Authority’s representative. 3.4 United House are best placed to deal with the extra works set out, having works already on site saving on pre-liminary costs in some cases and providing value for money. They are well versed with the schools in question and the costs are in line with the original tender. The option to vary the current contract with United House represented the most appropriate means for procuring the additional works. The Council are able to benefit from pre-tendered rates from the substantive tender, a contract that is fit for purpose and the facility for United House to progress with the remedial works with urgency. Potter Raper Partnership have conducted an appraisal of the variations costs and confirmed that the variation proposal represents value for money. 3.5 A waiver from standing orders is therefore sought based on a combination of urgency and demonstrable best value to vary the existing contractual arrangement with United House to carry out the adidtional urgent remedial work. 4. Finance 3.1 The funding for this project is reported within the Education Estates Capital Projects Investment Programme. The overall available allocation for the capital maintenance programme is £3.2m. The programme has been phased between the financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15. The corresponding project code is 912440. The variation for this award is £223,652.99. There are sufficient funds available within the £3.2m assigned to deliver the Capital Maintenance works to cover this additional amount needed. 5. Legal and Democracy 5.1 Where authorisation is sought for a substantial variation of an existing contract it should be treated as a waiver of the Council’s Contract Standing Orders. The level of delegated authority for approval is based on the total value of the variation, not the original contract value. The authority to approve a waiver for variations valued at between £100,000 and £500,000 is reserved to the Strategic Director, Delivery, following recommendation by the Procurement Board. 5.2 The Council’s Contract Standing Orders sets out the rules and procedures for all purchases of goods, services and works. For all contracts over £100,000, there is a requirement to hold formal tenders and to ensure that all tenderers have the economic and financial standing, technical ability and resource capacity to fulfil the requirements of the authority. The proposed variation seeks to increase the value of a contract which was procured by competitive tender through Construction Line. Waivers of the requirement to further tender the additional works may be granted in circumstances where the requirement is urgent and demonstrably in the Council’s best interests, which the authors have explained apply to this contract. 5.3 Under the regulations, contracting authorities must comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and publish a contract notice in OJEU only if the estimated value of the works contract exceeds £4,322,012. In this case both the original contract and the value of the variation singly or together are below the threshold 5.4 The Council’s Constitution requires that all key decisions, decisions which involve resources between the sums of £100,000 and £500,000, and important or sensitive issues, must be published on the website for five clear days before the decision is approved by the Director or Cabinet Member concerned. Any representations received during this period must be considered by the decision-maker before the decision is taken. 6. Consultation and co-production 6.1 7. All the schools remain supportive of the works being carried out and the schools involved continue to be consulted through regular written updates, progress meetings and communications with the Head Teachers and their nominated representatives. Risk management A risk log has been maintained of the main risks associated with this procurement. The main risks are set out in the table below. Officers have put in place sufficient measures for to minimise the likelihood and impact of these risks being manifested. Risk Risk Rating Countermeasure Project does not deliver to the aspirations of the stakeholder Medium Full understanding of aims and objectives outlined at commencement of project. Roles and responsibilities aspirations defined and agreed with school. Changes to the design brief during works due to unknowns that cause increase to cost and programme Medium Allow client held contingency to cover additional items. Build in additional time contingency to programme. None availability of specified equipment and long delivery times. Low Ensuring that works contract is awarded as soon as possible to allow enough time for sourcing and ordering of equipment. Discovery of unknown asbestos Medium Sufficient risk assessment undertaken with detailed method statements in place to enable correct working methods of removal. Carry out additional surveys by specialist company to update records. Activities arranged by Schools that effect running of works contract Low Sufficient consultation with schools as to works programme. Agreements in place with schools. Health & Safety risks and issues for construction site operatives and staff during the construction phase. Medium The Contractor must provide a Construction Health & Safety Plan to be in place before works commence on site. The contractor must ensure sufficient supervision, instruction and training and carry out a Risk Assessment to be provided to the lead consultant before works commence on site. The CDM Co-ordinator must ensure that the Health & Safety Plan is kept up to date. Accident reporting and RIDDOR records should be provided at the bi-weekly site meetings. The contractor must make proper arrangements for welfare facilities and organise site inspections in accordance with health & Safety legislation. Contractor does not perform as required per contract to programme and cost. Medium Close management of contract by the appointed contract administrator and Client PM to ensure contractor delivery. Liquidated damages in place to recoup contracted client % costs. 8. Equalities impact assessment 8.1 An equalities impact assessment has been carried out for the programme of works on the Primary Schools and this has been rated as ‘LOW’. 9. Community safety 9.1 While work during the school hours naturally creates additional H&S risk, the construction will be safeguarded against children accessing the site though effective site management and full conusltation and liaison with the school staff. There are no further community safety implications, and the project is directly addressing the urgently required works at the schools which if not done could lead to an increased ongoing risk of safety issues at the schools. 10. Organisational implications None 10.1 Environmental The works specified within this contract are essential building maintenance works and are urgently required. The improvement works will reduce the need for constant repairs, improving and extending the life of the fabric of the schools. It will mean more efficient use of the school buildings, providing benefits in the short, medium and long term. 10.2 Staffing and accommodation There are no direct Staffing implications, but the improvements to the accommodation will benefit all users, making the school facilities a safer and much improved environment. Procurement 9.3 There is no GW2 Strategy report for this project, and therefore this paper is submitted as a waiver report. A paper based tendering exercise was carried out for this project for the original award. Contract variation would ensure continuity of supply. 9.4 Health None 10 Timetable for implementation 10.1 The table below shows the stages, milestones and deadlines for the implementation of this ongoing contract. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Description Cabinet Member Briefing Procurement Board Approval Main Contract Contractor Appointed Works started on site Procurement Board Variation (this report) Practical Completion End of defects period and release of retention sums Date March 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 26th March 2015 May 2015 May 2016 Audit trail Consultation Name/Position Mike Pocock / Delivery Director – Business Growth & Regeneration Lambeth cluster/division or partner Business Growth & Regeneration Date Sent Date Received Comments in para: 20/02/15 08/02/15 Throughout Sue Foster / Strategic Delivery Director Alan Fleming / Programme Director Peter Dawes / Commercial Manager Finance clearance Business Growth & Regeneration Business Growth & Regeneration Business Growth & Regeneration Business Partnering David Thomas, Legal clearance Democratic Services clearance Departmental Procurement Procurement Board 09/02/15 11/3/14 Throughout 16/02/15 16/02/15 Throughout 17/02/15 20/02/15 Throughout 16/02/15 24/02/15 Enabling: Integrated 16/02/15 Support: Legal Services Enabling: Corporate 16/02/15 Affairs: Democratic Services Enabling 16/02/15 Date of Meeting tbc 18/02/15 3 & Financial summary 4 17/02/15 4 Report history Original discussion with Cabinet Member 26/02/15 CMB 25/03/14 Report deadline Date final report sent Report no. Part II Exempt from Disclosure/confidential accompanying report? Key decision report Date first appeared on forward plan Key decision reasons N/A N/A N/A NO Background information Original ODDR reports for Main Contract and Previous variation NO N/A Appendices Appendix 1: Statement for final account from Potter Raper Partnership I confirm I have consulted Finance, Legal, Democratic Services and the Procurement Board and taken account of their advice and comments in completing the report for approval: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post Allan Woodcock, Assistant Project Manager, BGR I approve the above recommendations: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post Sue Foster,Strategic Delivery Director
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