“The Springs” Issue 15 April 15, 2015 Christmas in Action Workday for Ms. Elizabeth Tucker Saturday, April 18th If you would like to help, please contact Alton Gilbert at 864864-431431-1847. 1847. ——————————————————————————————————————- Please join us for a Bridal Shower honoring Samantha Lockman on Sunday, April 19th 2:00-3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall She is registered at Target! ——————————————————— SINGLE & LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO? Joy Club Dinner & Meeting Tuesday, April 21st at 6:00 p.m. Zach and our Youth are in charge of the program. Please join us and support them!! They will provide the meat. You are asked to bring side dishes and desserts. Everyone 55 and older is welcome to attend!! —————————————————— All of our women & girls are invited to a “Brunch With Mother Goose”, sponsored by the Women’s Ministry, on Saturday, April 25th at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Please sign up at the table by the Welcome Center or call the church office. ——————————————————— The Singles Department will be having a cookout Saturday, May 2nd! Contact a class member or the following for details… Alton Gilbert or Jerry Bullman All singles and their children are welcome! Members of Poplar Springs Baptist Church, Thank you for your prayers and gifts. Please continue to pray for us. Thank you! Mr. & Mrs. Judson Burnett Belinda, Samantha & Justin Page 2 Sunday morning, April 26th, children from Kindergarten to sixth grade will be dismissed during the offertory song in morning worship. Leaders will guide the children to the Lifesource building and parents can pick-up their children in the Lifesource foyer immediately following the service. Kids’ Worship is a unique worship experience just for kids with exciting live worship, an interactive Bible study, fun games, and a light snack! Kids’ Worship will be provided once a month. Contact Zach at [email protected] if you have any questions. ——————————————————— WE APPRECIATE YOU! Our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, that was snowed out in February, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 12th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. If you volunteer for any ministry at PSBC, you are invited to come to a special night to recognize and “thank you” for your faithfulness. This is our “gift of thanks” for you serving the Lord here. Debbie McDowell from Connie Maxwell Children’s Home will be here to challenge and bless us. The only cost is a little of your time. Please sign up on the board outside the choir room or on the cards that will be in the church bulletins on Sunday, April 26th and May 3rd. Fill it out and drop it in the offering plate. God bless & we’ll see you on the 12th!! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD The SWIM Group (Spirited Women in Missions) is collecting monthly items for the Christmas shoeboxes. A drop off box is located beside the Welcome Center. In April we are collecting small toys (dolls, cars, balls) for boys and girls ages 2-4. “Thank you” in advance for caring & supporting missions!! —————————————————————— We are looking for someone to help teach 7th & 8th grade girls in Sunday School a couple of Sundays each month. Please contact Todd Stewart to volunteer. —————————————————————— You are invited to a drop-in Bridal Shower for Lindsay Calvin on Saturday, May 2nd at Southern Sisters in Reidville from 3:30 till 5:00 p.m. Given by friends She is registered at Belk and Bed, Bath and Beyond Page 3 Saturday, May 9th We need volunteers in all areas – 5K, ticket sales, concessions, inflatables, parking attendants, trash detail, and set up/take down. You can call me or email ([email protected]) to be added. Opportunities are all day….. from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ————————————————— Mayfest Golf Tournament for Men & Women Friday, May 8th...1:00 p.m. River Falls Plantation Captains’ Choice….$60 per person includes golf, bag lunch & mulligan. We’re looking for golfers, door prizes & hole sponsors. Please sign up on the board outside the choir room. For more info call Doug Knight at 909-1190. ———————————————————— Spartanburg Network WMU Annual Spring Meeting Monday, April 20th at 6:45 p.m. Cedar Shoals Baptist Church 220 Cedar Shoals Church Rd. Enoree, SC 29335 ———————————————————— Find Us Faithful Moving Forward Combined Financial Report for April 12, 2015 Budget Receipts CTB Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Mayfest Total Receipts CTB- Receipts to date Total for Building Fund $ 8,084.00 1,217.00 50.00 296.44 481.00 $ 10,128.44 $ $ Building Payment (Due the 24th) Received For Next Payment Needed For Next Payment 72,242.72 49,681.06 $ $ $ 15,587.91 6,491.11 9,096.80 Y-T-D Building Payment Needs Y-T-D Building Payment Receipts Y-T-D Overage / (Shortage) $ $ $ 100,721.88 72,242.72 (28,479.16) Y-T-D Budget Needs Y-T-D Budget Receipts Weekly Budget Needs Budget Receipts Last Sunday $ $ $ $ 307,629.00 296,407.18 10,574.00 8,084.00 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Goal Received to date Needed to reach goal $ $ $ 10,000.00 6,895.44 3,104.56 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CHALLENGE TO BUILD In Memory of Gary Burnett by: Men’s 69 and Up Sunday School Class In Memory of Jeannette Green by: Co-Ed 54-62 Sunday School Class In Memory of J. W. Chumley, Jr. by: Dot Chumley —————————————————————————— TeamKid is right around the corner. It will be June 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th from 10:00 a.m. till noon on each of these days. We need teachers this year to guide their class to each station. You will not have to prepare a lesson. We also need some help with crafts and in the gym. TeamKid is for ages 2 yrs. to 6th grade and is a wonderful ministry to children. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. Please call or email Tammy Chumley to volunteer at 809-6012 —————————————————————————— or [email protected]. Thank you! Financial Statement Copies of the financial statement, for the second church quarter ending March 31st, will be available on the tables in the vestibule this coming Sunday, April 19th. Non-Profit US Postage Paid Permit #1 Woodruff, SC 29388 PO Box 417--790 Hwy 417 Moore, SC 29369-0417 mypsbc.org MINISTERIAL STAFF: Dr. Rob White, Interim Pastor..................803-767-8012 email: [email protected] Rev. Zach Masdon, Family Minister........803-331-4219 email: [email protected] Rev. Bill Selman, Interim Minister of Music......590-7062 email: [email protected] OFFICE STAFF: Donna Tucker, Ministry Assistant….............576-0623 (Monday-Thursday 8:30 am—3:00 pm) (Friday…………... 8:30 am—12:00 pm) e-mail: [email protected] FAX NUMBER …….........................................576-0642 Lucia Floyd, Financial Assistant ................ 576-0623 (Monday-Thursday 9:00 am--1:00 pm) (Friday......................9:00 am--12:00 pm) e-mail: [email protected] Deadline for Newsletter…...Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Deadline for Bulletin...........Thursday at 9:00 a.m. You Are Always Welcome At These Services SUNDAY SERVICES: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Tape Ministry for April Donna & Danny Petty Ushers for April Main Balcony_____ Billy Quinn 978-7404 Donnie Moore 505-1588 Dennis Camacho Rob Chumley Case Chumley Bill Chumley Alton Gilbert Doug Knight Shane Robison Mitch Tucker Sumter Chumley Brad Chandler Carroll Genoble Rocky Green Allen Mabry Larry Snow Paul Fleming John T. Gillespie Tim Rhinehart Ollie Walker Offertory Prayer Allen Mabry 5:00 p.m. Discipleship Training 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Welcome Center 4/19/15 Darlene Bacon Greeters 4/19/15 Mike & Judy Srock Security Team 4/19/15 Kevin Hudson, Jimmy Center Counting Committee 4/19/15 James Trammell, Case Chumley Joe Caton, Sr. Shepherd’s Staff 4/19/15 Alton & Zach Gilbert WEDNESDAY SERVICES: 7:00 p.m. Lifesource for Youth 7:00 p.m. RA’s (1st-6th) 7:00 p.m. GA’s (1st-6th) Attendance Report April 12, 2015 Sunday School Officers 10 Adult I 16 Adult II 45 Adult III 44 Adult IV 25 Adult V 14 Preschool 25 Children 20 Youth 27 Mission(s) 40 TOTAL Discipleship Training 266 59 7:00 p.m. Mission Friends 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Nursery for Worship If you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, please call Linda Dickson at 576-7659 or 237-5231. April 19, 2015 Babies: Sylvia Johnson, Dreama Thornton Toddlers-4’s: 1– Ashli & Ty Morgan 2– Shannon Stewart Faith Hutcheson Sunday Evening Nursery Linda Dickson, Judy Caton Homebound Member for The Week: Dot Chumley 805 Lightwood Knot Road Woodruff, SC 29388
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