7 Òü´£¡àº, \å> 15, 2015 Òü} ÒüR¡àKã 29 [> à>¤à, íº¤àA¡ìàA¡à eokjOMxg Fyrki ëÊi¡ ëºì®¡º 7 &-ÎàÒü ë³X *> óå¡i¡ì¤àº ëàÒüì¹ïìJà}[\> ÒàÚ ÑHº æ >à "¹-17 Òü´£¡àº ÒüÊ Îåì¤øàìt¡à ³Jå[\¢ óå¡i¡ì¤àº >åã³W¡àKã ëW¡[´Ú> *ÒüìJø [¤Ãl¡ü &ó¡ [Î (&), ë³àÒü¹à}ìJà³ ó¡àÒüì>º W¡}ìJø 25 Ç¡¤à ëA¡ 'W¡ "ì>ï ëW¡á \[>¢ ëÒïìJø ì=ïà} àl¡ü³ãKã Òü´£¡àº \å> 14 @ E¡àî=ºà J«àÒüKã [º¹¤à ëA¡Î øàÒü\ ëW¡á iå¡>¢àì³i¡ "³à *Òü[¹¤à 25 Ç¡¤à ëA¡ 'W¡ "ì>ï [Î}Ò ë³ì³à[¹ìÚº *> ëW¡á iå¡>¢àì³i¡ 2015 R¡[ÎKã Òü´£¡àº A¡ìº\A¡ã ³[Âi¡ ¢\ ëÒàºà åÄà ìÃÚ๠92 (ì¹i¡ ëÃÚà΢-35, >å[³W¡à-6, ë¹Ê ìÃÚà¹-49 "³Îå} 뮡ìi¡¹à> ìÃÚà¹-9) >à Źç¡A¡ Úàå>à ëÒïìJø¡ú ÒàÚ[¹¤à iå¡>¢àì³i¡ "[Î ¹àl¡ü 9 íºK[>¡ú ¹àl¡ü 9 "[Îà ìÃÚà¹[Å}>à A¡[´i¡ ët¡ïK[>¡ú R¡[Î ëÒïìàA¡Kã ë=ï¹³à &º \ÚzA¡å ³à¹ ëó¡à³¢¹ [³[>ʹ ëÒºk¡ & ëó¡[³[º ëÞº[ó¡Úà¹, [Î 'W¡ Ÿà³\àÒü ø[Îìi¡, ³[oå¹ ëW¡á &ìÎà[ÎìÚÎ> "³Îå} &Î ¹à[Å, ø[Îìi¡, E¡àîA¡ì=º ìW¡á Aá¤>à ³=}[Å;>à W¡ãó¡ ëKÊ, øø[Îìi¡ "³Îå} ëKÊ *ó¡ *>¹ *Òü>à Źç¡A¡ Úàå>à ëÒïìàA¡[J¡ú R¡[Î ìÒïìàA¡à >å [ ³;A¡ "Òà>¤à ¹àl¡üKã ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 1 à ³[g;>à ºàºìKà຤å ëàÒüi¡ 10 à ì=àÒü[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 2 à &ìàìºàÎ>à>à Ò[¹ì³àÒ>¤å ëàÒü i¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ìi¡¤º >´¬¹ 3 à [i¡ í®¡K¸W¡ø>à "๠ëA¡ 쮡àìK>Kã ³Jåv¡à ëàÒüi¡ 0-1 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 4 à ëA¡ 'W¡ ÎgÚ>à ¹à>à¤å ìàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ë=àÒü[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 5 à ¤[S¡³à [\¤>¤å ëàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 6 t¡à W¡[yû¡ìt¡à[´¬>à >àAå ¡ ³à¹¤å ëàÒü i¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 7 à ëø³[\;>à ëA¡ì>[¤å ëàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 8 à ®å¡ìø>à=>à ιt¡å ëàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 9 à [¤[>i¡>à ëÎG[Ú๤å ëàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 10 à [>}ì=³à å>[Τà¤å ëàÒüi¡ 1-0 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 11 à "ìt¡´¬ã>à ¹àìA¡Å ºàv¡û¡¤Kã ÞàA¢¡ *®¡¹ ó¡}ìJø¡ú ëi¡¤º >´¬¹ 12 à [A¡ÈÄà ³ÒàB¡ã º´¬à >à*W¡à ºàv¡û¡¤Kã ÞàA¢¡ *®¡¹ ó¡}ìJø¡ú 쮡[i¡[¹>[¹ [l¡ài¢¡ì³i¡ ³[³}t¡à R¡àÒüì¹, ³å àìø ÒàÚ¤Kã ³t¡à}à 뮡[i¡[¹>[¹ [¤®¡àKA¡ã ëÅ}ìàA¡ Þàì¹àº: NT/65126/15(June) Dr. N. Rajendro Singh Director, Vety. & A.H. Services, Manipur IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE, IMPHAL WEST, MANIPUR Original (Mental Health & Guardian and Wards) Suit No. 4 of 2015 Mr. Khuraijam Hemanta Singh, aged about 47 years, S/o. Late. Khuraijam Dhananjoy and Late. Khuraijam (O) Thadoi Devi of Yurembam Makha Leikai, P.O. Langjing, P.S. Patsoi, Imphal West District, Manipur. . . .Petitioner -Versus1. Mrs. Khuraijam Kunjalata Devi, aged about 52 years, W/o. Likmabam Bheigya Singh of Patsoi Part-III, P.O. Langjing & P.S. Patsoi, Imphal West District, Manipur. 2. Mrs. Khuraijam Jibanlata Devi, aged about 49 years, W/o. Nahakpam Ibohal Singh of Ngairangbam Awang Leikai, P.O. Khumbong & P.S. Patsoi, Imphal West District, Manipur, and 3. Mrs. Khuraijam Sunita Devi, aged 45 years, W/o. Ngasekpam Gulamcha Singh of Yurembam Makha Maning Leikai, P.O. Langjing, P.S. Patsoi, Imphal West District, Manipur. . . . Respondents N O T I C E To All interested persons Whereas, the above named petitioner has instituted the above referred suit praying for declaring the petitioner as the guardian of the person and property of Km. Khuraijam Anandi Devi, a mentals retarded person U/S 50, 52, 53 and 54 of the Mental Health Act, 1987 and after registering the aforesaid suit, this Court had fixed the same on 25/06/2015 at 10.30 a.m. for appearance. Notice is hereby given to all the interested person in the present suit to appear before this Court either in person or by a pleader duly authorized by you and able to answer all material question relating to the present suit and also you will file written statement on that day in regard to the present suit. Take notice that in default of your appearance on the aforementioned date and time, the suit will be heard and determined in your absence. Given under the seal and signed of this Court, this the 12 day of June, 2015. SEAL By : P.Tolen Sheristadar Advocate District & Session Judge, NT/65107/15,16(June) Imphal West, Manipur Îåì¤øàìt¡à ³åJ[\¢ óå¡i¡ì¤àº iå¡>¢àì³i¡à "¹-17 >åã³W¡àKã [¹øì\i¡ ët¡ï¹K[>¡ú "³ì¹à³à iå¡>¢àì³i¡ "[ÎKã >åà³W¡àKã "¹-17 "³Îå} " ¹-17 Îåì¤øàìt¡à ³åJ[\¢ óå¡i¡ì¤àº iå¡>¢àì³i¡Îå ÒìÚ}Kã ëÒï¹K[>¡ú &> [\ Úå &ó¡ [Î "³Îå} &º &ó¡ [Î ³àÚ àA¡ìJø ì=ïà} àl¡ü³ãKã Òü´£¡àº \å> 14 @ >촬ຠ[¤øS¡ A¡ºW¡ì¹º &ìÎà[ÎìÚÎ> (&> [¤ [Î &), t¡àA¡ìÚº ëJà}¤àº ³[>} íºA¡àÒ>à [Åå>à Aᤠ"[ÎKã ÅàĤå}à åÄà [i¡³ 10 >à Źç¡A¡ Úàå>à Nøç¡-2 ë=àA¡à JàÒüìàv¡û¡å >à R¡¹à}Kã ëÒïå>à W¡x[¹¤à "[>Ç¡¤à &> [¤ [Î & óå¡i¡ì¤àº A¡ 2015 Kã R¡[Î ÅàÄ[J¤à ë³i¡W¡[Å}à &> [\ Úå &ó¡ [Î, ºàìUຠ"³Îå} &º &ó¡ [Î, ºàìUຠ³àÚ àA¡ìJø¡ú R¡[Î "Òà>¤à Nøàl¡üà ÅàÄ[J¤à Nøç¡-[¤Kã [ºK ë³i¡W¡t¡à &> [\ Úå &ó¡ [Î, ºàìUàº>à [®¡àÒü> Aá¤, A¡A¡Þà¤å ëKຠ4-0 à Úà³à W¡à*>à ³àÚ[=¤à ãìJø¡ú ì³i¡W¡ "åà &> [\ Úå &ó¡ [ÎKã ³àÚîA¡Kã W¡>[J¤à ³àÚ àA¡Kã ëKຠ³[¹ "å , *ì³Î>à ÅàĤKã15 Ç¡¤à "³Îå} 29 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ëKຠ"[>, \[³¢ "³Îå} ³[o\à´¬Äà ³=}[Å;>à 45 Ç¡¤à "³Îå} 50 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ìKຠ"³³³ W¡>[J¡ú ë³i¡W¡ "åà [®¡àÒü> Aá¤A¡ã ³àÚîA¡Kã ëKຠ"³v¡à Òì àA¡à R¡³[J¤>à &> [\ Úå &ó¡ [Î>à ëKຠ4-0 à Úà³à W¡à*>à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú R¡[Î "[>Ç¡¤à Nøàl¡üà ÅàÄ[J¤à Nøç¡-[¤Kã "ìt¡àÙà [ºK ë³i¡W¡t¡à &º &ó¡ [Î, ºàìUàº>à &> [¤ [Î & ([¤), t¡àA¡ìÚº ëJà}¤àº¤å ëKຠ9-1 à Úà³à ºàA¡W¡>à ³àÚ[=¤à ãìJø¡ú &º &ó¡ [ÎKã ³àÚîA¡Kã ë³i¡W¡ "å à W¡>[J¤à ³àÚ àA¡Kã ëKàº[Å} "å, ët¡ºîÒ¤>à ÅàĤKã 6 Ç¡¤à, 16 Ç¡¤à, 27 Ç¡¤à "³Îå} 32 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡[Å}à ëKຠ4 W¡>[J "³[ ë\àÄà 12 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ëKຠ"³à, óø¡à[XÎ>à ëKຠ"׳ 17 Ç¡¤à, 27 Ç¡¤à "³Îå} 41 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡[Å}à W¡>[J¡ ëºàÚ>>à ë=à}R¡³à 24 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ëKຠ"³Kà W¡>[Åå>à åÄà ëKຠ9 W¡>[J¡ú "³ì¹à³à ³àÚ[=ìÒ﹤à &> [¤ [Î & ([¤) Kã ³àÚîA¡Kã ë³i¡W¡ "åà W¡>[J¤à "³v¡à R¡àÒü¹¤à ëKຠ"å & ëA¡ Òü>à*>à 50 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à W¡>[J¡ú ÒìÚ}Kã "Òà>¤à Nø à l¡ü à l¡ü[¹ìàA¡ "³Îå} &ó¡ [¤ [Î & (&) "[>>à ÅàĹ¤à ³tå¡} Úå &ó¡ [Î, º³Åà} "³Îå} å>[Ťà "[>>à "[>Ç¡¤à Nøàl¡üà ÅàÄK[>¡ú 41 Ç¡¤à "³Îå } 44 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡[Å}à åÄà ëKຠ"׳ W¡>[J¡ú ³Jà t¡à>à ëKຠ&ìi¡A¡ "³à Îå[ź>à "[>Ç¡¤à Òàó¡A¡ã 40 Ç¡¤à "³Îå} 42 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ëKຠ"[> "³Kà W¡>[Åå>à [¤Ãl¡ü &ó¡ [Î &Kã "å>¤à ëKຠ³[Å} 6 Ç¡[J¡ú "³ì¹à³à ³àÚ[=ìÒ﹤à & ÞàÒü [ [ÎKã ³àÚîA¡Kã ë³i¡W¡ "åà W¡>[J¤à ëKຠ"å ëÎ[³*Äà "[>Ç¡¤à Òàó¡A¡ã 48 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à W¡>[J¡ú "å¤å & ÞàÒü [ [ÎKã ³àÚîA¡Kã ëÅàxå > à íº[¹¤à ì=ïà} àl¡ü³ãKã Òü´£¡àº, \å> 13 @ [Î ÞàÒü &º [Î, [Å}\î³ W¡}R¡à³JàKã ëKàÁ¡> \å[¤ÃKà ³¹ã íº>>à =à "[ÎKïã 12 Kã W¡x¹A¡[J¤à [Î ÞàÒü &º [Î, ëKàÁ¡> \å[¤Ã &ìÎà[ÎìÚÎ> *ó¡ ëi¡[ÄÎ º®¡Î¢ (& [i¡ &º) >à [Åå>à 뮡ìi¡¹à> ìi¡[ÄÎ ëW¡[´Ú[X 2015 Kã [ÞĹ ëA¡ & &Î & &³>à [i¡³à *ÒüìJø¡ú ìW¡[´Ú[X "[Îà 뮡ìi¡¹à> ìÃÚà΢ 30 >à [i¡³ 10 >à Nøç¡-3 ë=àA¡à JàÒüìàv¡û¡å >à Źç¡A¡ Úà[¹¡ú R¡[Î ÅàÄ[J¤à ó¡àÒüì>º ë³i¡W¡ "[ÎKã 3 Ç¡¤à ¹àl¡ü ë¹à[¤> [ºK ë³i¡W¡A¡ã "Òà>¤à ó¡àÒüì>ºà ëA¡ ëA¡ γàÅ>à &º [¤ &ìÎΤå ëàÒüi¡ 75, 2-6 "³Îå} 6-3 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú "[>Ç¡¤à ëÎ[³-ó¡àÒü ì >º ë³i¡W¡t¡à &º [¤ &ìÎÎ>à ëA¡ & &Î & &³¤å ëàÒüi¡ 6-7 (2-7), 6-4 "³Îå} 6-4 à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú "׳ǡ¤à ó¡àÒüì>ºà ëA¡ & &Î & &³>à ëA¡ ëA¡ ÒüѶàÎå ëàÒüi¡ 1-6, 6-2 "³Îå} 6-2à ³àÚ[=¤à ã[J¡ú ìW¡[´Ú[X "[ÎKã [ÞĹ *ÒüJ¤ø à ëA¡ & &Î & &³Kã [i¡³à &> A¡à}\´¬à, ëA¡ 'W¡ ë³à[t¡ºà> "³Îå} &º ιt¡>à [¹øì\i¡ ët¡ï[J¡ú ¹Ä΢ " t¡àJø¤à &º [¤ &ìÎÎKã [i¡³à \å[º ë=àR¡à³, &º øA¡àÅ "³Îå} 'W¡ Î>àìt¡à´¬>à [¹øì\i¡ ët¡ï[J¡ú ìÎìA¡ ¹Ä΢ " t¡àJø¤à ëA¡ ëA¡ ÒüѶàÎ [i¡³Kã [¹øì\i¡ ët¡ï[J¤à ìÃÚà¹[Å}[ [i¡ àî³ ìA¡ 'W¡ ìJìº> "³Îå} &º ø[\;[>¡ú MANGALAYATA U N I V E R S I T Y Learn Today to Lead Tomorrow 6 th Ranks in INDIA 7000 + Offers Govt. Fees only for Manipuri Students : Fees 26,000p/a Hostel 4000p/a Eligibility : 10+2 with PCB 50%. GNM : Fees 15,000p/a Hostel 3,600p/a Eligibility : 10+2 pass (any stream) Contact Details: EDUCARE ZONE Babupara, Near BOSEM Imphal & +91 8132088772, 9436009556 B.Sc. Nursing \OEcjg/TATA Winger ìÚàg[¹ TATA Winger "³à "=å¤à ëÚàg[¹ ¡ú à´¬ã¤à Òü[W¡>-Òü>à*[Å}>à ³JàKã ã\[¹¤à [k¡A¡à>à "[ÎKã "Aå¡Ùà ³ì¹àº JR¡¤ã¤à ÚàK[> ¡ú Pliz Contact :# 9089233160 NT/65124/15(June) IN THE COURT OF THE SUB-DEPUTY COLLECTOR, IMPHAL WEST, WANGOI Mutation Case No. 219/SDC/IW/2015 1) Sorokhaibam Ibomcha Singh, S/o. Atomba Devi of Bitra, 2) Sorokhaibam Khomei Singh, S/o. Atomba Devi of Bitra. . . .Petitioners -VrsSorokhaibam Atomba Devi, w/o (L) Amuningthou Singh of Bitra. . . . O.P.Party N O T I C E Dt. 12.6/2015 Under Section 46(3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 Kã ³tå¡} ÒüÄà ³¹ã íº>¤à ³ã*Òü[Å}à JR¡Òg[¹ ³å[ ³õtå¡ Pattadar Shri Sorokhaibam Atomba Devi, Kã [³}à à>¤à Jå> >´¬¹ 82-Bitra Kã Patta No. 347 (N) Kã CS Dag No. 501 Kã &[¹Úà 1.32 acres A¡ã ³>å}Kã .05 acres "[Î Petitioner 1 Kã [³}à *>[Å>¤ãÚå ÒàÚ>à l¡üv¡û¡à Court SDC/Wangoi Kã Office t¡à ¹JàÊ¡ =à¹ìAá¡ú ³¹³ "å>à ³¹ã íº>¤à ³ã*Òü[Å}>à ºà[Aá¤à t¡à} 18-6-2015 Kã "ÚåA¡ å} 11:30 ó¡à*¤Kã ³>å}à "Òü¤à ëW¡>à >yKà ÒüÅà>à Court t¡à ºàv¡ûå¡>à Objection ìt¡ï¤ã¹¤à ÚàK[>¡ú ³tå¡}à ºàA¡à "à[t¡ ëºï\ì¹àÒü Court A¡ã ëÒï>¤ã ³tå¡} ÒüÄà =¤A¡ ³Jà W¡x\K[> ú NT/65121/15(June) Sd/-Sub-Deputy Collector Imphal West , Wangoi 10 Lakhs Highest Salary A lumni B. Tech / M. Tech / MBA / BBA / P.Pharm / Biotech MCA / BALLB / Hotel Mgt. B.Con (H) / BCA / B.Ed U C WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2015 Kà ³¹ã íº>>à l¡ü W¡à¹à =àìJø R¡[Î t¡à} 14 =à 6 ,2015 ë>à}³àÒü[\} >å[³;A¡ã "ÚåA¡ å} 7 t¡à¤à ³t¡³Kã ëÒïå>à Shri Nongmaithel Nilamani Meitei, Head Master, Morok Ingkhol Primary School "³[ Village Development Committee, Haraorou Kã Members [Å}Kà ëºàÚ>>à World Environment Day 2015 Kã Å¹ç ¡ A¡ "³à *Òü > à Haraorou Water Supply Scheme Kã Catchment area à l¡ü W¡à¹à 500 (Chinese Teack 200 Úà*>à) =à¤Kã ë=ï¹³ "³à à}ì=àA¡ìJø ú N.Phulindro Singh Gen. Secy. VDC, Haraorou NT/65122/15(June) OFFICE OF THE BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY, LAMLAI MANDAL B.J.P. Lamlai Unit Òà}ìàA¡ìJø ìÒï[J¤à t¡à} 7-6-2015 Òü}, ë>à}³àÒü[\} >å[³v¡à Åøã JàÒüì³ ¹Qå³[> [Î}Ò (Rtd. Lecturer) >à ή¡à[t¡ *Òüå>à 8/17 º´ÃàÒü "Þà} íºA¡àÚKã [¤:ì\:ã: ë³´¬¹[Å}Kã *Òü¤à "å>¤à ³ãó¡³ "³à ó¡³å>à ³JàKã ³ã*Òü[Å} "[Î>à Åà¤à 8/17 [¤:ì\:ã: Advisory "³Îå} Unit Committee ìųìJø¡ú 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Khaidem Raghumani Singh Haobam Ibochaoba Singh Khaidem Ibotomba Singh Manohormayum Ibotomba Sharma Irom Ibochou Singh Khaidem Borsingh Singh Khaidem Hemo Singh Thingujam Mani Singh Sagolsem Ajit Singh Soraisam Sanjit Singh Lairenlakpam Dhamendra Singh Ngangom Boy Singh Khaidem Rohen Singh Ngangom Khamba Singh Tensubam Jayenta Singh Th. Sunil Singh Kh. Surchandra Singh L. Madan Meitei M. Ingobi Singh L Helendro Singh Kh. Nandashyam Singh NT/65125/15(June) - Chief Advisor Advisor Advisor -do-doPresident Vice-President -doSecretary Jt. Secy. -doSecy. Finance Publicity Secy. Executive Member -do-do-do-do-do-do-doL. Shyam Singh General Secretary, Bharatiya Janata Party, Lamlai Mandal Local contact : 03852053029 / 08476007924 Career Info Solution SHRADHA CEREMONY With profound grief and sorrow this is to inform you that our beloved daughter Aeli Nameirakpam has left for her heavenly abode on Sunday, the 7th June, 2015. Asthi Ceremony will be performed on Friday, the 12th June, 2015. The last ritual of Shradha Ceremony will be performed on Friday, the 19th June, 2015 to pay homage to the departed soul. You are requested to attend the Last Rite for his eternal peace to be held at his residence. Your timely presence is cordially requested. Deeply mourned by : Nameirakpam Sanajaoba Singh (Father) Wahengbam (N) Nameirakpam (O) Babita (Baby) Devi (Mother) 1. Nameirakpam Ningol Ibemcha (Ibomcha Devi (Aunty) 2. Nameirakpam (O) Rajshree (Naobu) Devi (Aunty) 3. Haobam Gitanjali (Bembemsana) Devi (Elder Sister) 4. Nameirakpam Alish Devi (Younger Sister) 1. Nameirakpam Koko (Tomba) Singh (Uncle) 2. Nameirakpam Sandeep singh (Younger Brother) 3. Nameirakpam Brandan Singh (Younger Brother) Palace Compound, Mahabali Mamang Imphal East. NT/61520/15,16(June) R.S.V.P. : +91 9612758303 Fqdsg wkB/=¤B¡ã àl¡ü NORTH EAST INDIA SECURITY SERVICE (NEISS) Nagamapal Phougeishangbam Leikai, Imphal. Over 1 (one) decades of Service with trust 14TH THE GREAT JUNE UPRISING, UNITY DAY-2015 M 16 Ç¡¤à [³[>i¡t¡à ëÚìÀà A¡à¢ "³à ¤åA¡ ët¡ï[J¡ú iå¡>¢àì³i¡ "[ÎKã "[>Ç¡¤à ëÎ[³ó¡àÒüì>º ë³i¡W¡ ºà[Aá¤à t¡à} 16 t¡à "๠&ó¡ [Î (&) "³Îå} "๠&ó¡ [Î ([¤), J³à³ íº¹A¡ "[>>à ÅàÄK[>¡ú NT/65727/15(June) Join rg xDjlG cbE [NjkTcgi, \begfg rl Join A ëKàº[Å} "å¤å ì³i¡W¡A¡ã "[¤à ³t¡³ ëºàÒü¤à ó¡à*¤à "ìÒ>¤à ëKຠ"³v¡à W¡>¤à R¡³[J¤>à [¤Ãl¡ü &ó¡ [Î & (&) Kã ³Jåv¡à ëKຠ6-1 à ³àÚ[=ìÒï[J¡ú ë³i¡W¡ "åà [¤Ãl¡ü &ó¡ [Î (&) Kã K¸àì>Å«¹¤å ë¹[óø¡>à ëA¡ & &Î & &³>à 뮡ìi¡¹à> ëi¡[ÄÎ iå¡>¢àì³i¡A¡ã [ÞĹ *ÒüìJø [lragKE 2015-16 Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation, Vijayawada A.P. NT/65381/3to11 Alt. 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Contact Us for Availing Services Anywhere in Manipur. Contact No. 8732861760/9856670895, NT/65123/15,19,21(June) Sd/- Manager
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