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The finder may please be inform at Nganthoi Yumnam of Wabagai Tera Urak. NT/B/21 Contact : 7085249157 wkAcp/WANTED Kangla Food Products requires the post of well qualified and experienced persons for the following two vacancies: 1. Administration Manager - 1 Qualification MBA (HR) 2. Marketing Manager - 1 Qualification : MBA (Marketing) (Preferably experienced persons.) Salary :- 14,400/- to 21,600/- (Negotiable) Applicatiions on plain paper with resume and all candidates should be submitted by 25th May, 2015 at the office of the Kangla Food Products, Phoijing Makha Leikai, Nambol. Sd/- Managing Director, NT/64894/21,22(May) Kangla Food Products SPECIAL FREE COACHING CLASS For Aspiring Students of Engineering and B.Sc (Nsg) 2015 batch By Resource Person from Medical and Engineering Institute Subject to be taught : Porompat NT/61311/24(May) IN THE COURT OF THE SUB-DEPUTY COLLECTOR, IMPHAL WEST NORTH SEKMAI Mutation Case No. 733/SDC/IW(N) of 2015 Thokchom Irabot Singh, S/o. Late Punshi Singh of Thangmeiband Lourungpurel Leikai. . . . Petitioner -Vrs(Late) Phuritshabam Ningol Thokchom ongbi Manishang Devi, W/o. Irabot Singh of Thangmeiband Lourungpurel Leikai. . . . O.P.P. N O T I C E Sekmkai the 18th May'2015 Under Section 46(3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 Kã ³tå¡} ÒüÄà }A¡à[¹ ì=àA¡ìW¡à³ Òü¹àì¤à; [Î}Ò>à ³ÒàB¡ã >åã íº[J¤ã ë=àA¡ìW¡à³ *}¤ã ³[>Å} ë¤ãKã [³}à à>¤à Òü:*: Jåº >}: 40 ëÎg³ Jåì>ï, "ì>ï¤à àjà >}: 239, àK >}: 1138, &[¹Úà &A¡¹ .81 W¡à*¤à ëó¡ï칺 ëºïó¡³ "[Î ³ÒàB¡ã [³}à à>¤ãÚå ÒàÚ>à l¡üv¡û¡à ëA¡ài¢¡ "[Îà ¹JàÊ¡ =à¹ì¹¡ú ³¹³ "å>à A¡>àP¡´¬à º³ "[ÎKà ³¹ã íº>¤à ëÚ;ã[>}¤à íº¹¤[ ºà[Aá¤à t¡à} 1-62015 Òü}Kã "ÚåA¡ å} 11 t¡à¤à ó¡à*¤Kã ³>å}à ¹JàÊ¡ =à¤ãìÒïK¤[>¡ú ³tå¡}à ºàA¡à ¹JàÊ¡ ëºïì¹àÒü¡ú ëA¡Î ³Jà W¡xJøK[>ú NT/64892/21(May) Sd/-Sub-Deputy Collector, Imphal West, (N) Sekmai ³ìÒø [Î}Ò ëà[> "[´Úà¹Kã [[Î\>à [¤ÃA¡ A¡ì´¶i¡ ã¹ç¡¤Kã³v¡û¡à ó¡àÒü> =ãÒ>ìJø ëºïå > à ë³i¡W¡ "å ³àÚ [=¤à >}[J¤[>¡ú ¹à\Ë¡à> ë¹àìÚºÎA¡ã ³àÒüîA¡Kã ³ìJàÚKã ë¤i¡Îì³> *Òü[¹¤à "[\>A¡à ¹àÒì>>à ¹> 42 A¡À³[J¡ú ¹à\Ë¡à> ë¹àìÚºÎA¡ã ³àÒüîA¡Kã[ ë¹àìÚº ëW¡ìºg¹ ë¤Uìºà¹Kã ³àÒü î A¡Kã W¡x¹A¡[J¤à ë¤à[À} &ìi¡A¡ "å ³àìÚàA¡>¤à ëÒà;>¤à "Þà¤à *Òü[J¤Kà ëºàÚ>>à ë³i¡W¡ "å ¹> ëºï¤Kã W¡à} Ò ¹ A¡[J¤Kà ëºàÚ>>à Òü[Úà> ëø[³Ú¹ [ºKA¡ã ìà *ó¡ t¡à ¹> ëºï¤à ³[Å}Kã W¡à} "[Î J«àÒüKã t¡à=¤à *Òü[¹¡ú ì¹àìÚº ëW¡ìºg ë¤Uìºà¹>à Òü [ º[³ì>i¡¹ ¹àl¡ü "[Îà ¹à\Ë¡à> ë¹àìÚº¤å ³àÚ[=¤à ã¹³[J¤à "[Î>à Òü¹àÒü >å[³;t¡à ëÎìA¡ E¡à[ºó¡Ú¹à ëW¡ÄàÒü Îå¹ [A¡}ÎA¡ã ³àìÚàv¡û¡à ÅàĹK[>¡ú ³[Îà ³àÚ àAáA¡à [i¡³ "å>à ë>à}³àÒü[\} >å[³;t¡à ³å´¬àÒü Òü[ ÚàXA¡à ó¡àÒüì>º ÅàÄå>à Òü[ Úà> ëø [ ³Ú¹ [ºKA¡ã 8Ç¡¤à &[Î> "[ÎKã ºàÒü ¤ A¡ A¡Äà *ÒüKìK ÒàÚ¤à ëºÃK[>¡ú [>l¡ü [[À, ë³ 20@ ëÒï[\A¡ ëÒï[\A¡ W¡x[¹¤à Òü[Úà> ëø[³Ú¹ [ºKA¡ã 8Ç¡¤à &[Î>Kã ó¡àÊ¢ E¡à[ºó¡àÚ¹à ³å´¬àÒü Òü[ÚàXA¡ã ³àìÚàv¡û ¡ à ÅàÄ[J¤à ë³i¡W¡t¡à "[´Úà¹>à ã[J¤à [[Î\>à ³[t¡A¡ W¡à>à [¤Ã A ¡ A¡ì´¶i¡ ã[J¤Kã³v¡û¡à ëW¡ÄàÒü Îå¹ [A¡}ÎA¡ã ëA¡ìi¡Òü> ³ìÒø [Î}Ò ëà[> ³ÒàB¡ã ë³i¡W¡ [ó¡ Kã W¡àà 10 Kã ó¡àÒü> ët¡ïìJø¡ú ìW¡ÄàÒü Îå¹ [A¡}Î>à ³å´à¬ Òü Òü[ ÚàXA¡ã ³àìÚàv¡û¡à E¡à[ºó¡àÚ¹ Þà>Kã ë³i¡W¡ ÅàÄ[J¤à ¹> 25 à ³àÚ[=¤à >}[J¤[>¡ú ë³i¡W¡ "åà ³ìÒø [Î}Ò ëà[>>à *>¹ ììÚ> [Ѷ=å [Î[³Î ët¡ï[J¤Kã ë=ï*}¤å ë¤à l¡ü;ºå>à ³[Î Úà³ à "[A¡¤Kã ³ÅA¡ ó¡}º¤à "[´Úà¹Kã [[Î\> "³[> ÒàÚ>à ëó¡à}ìàA¡[J¤[>¡ú 'ìJàÚ>à ë³i¡W¡ "åKã ³ÚàÚ W¡ÀA¡à Źç¡v¡û¡à ë³àì³i¡³ ³à}[J¡ú "³[ [Ѷ=>à "[A¡¤Kã ³ÅA¡ ó¡}º¤à Þàì¹ "³à ó¡}[J¤à "å íA¡ìïîR¡Îå A¡à*¤à R¡³K¤à íºìt¡ ÒàÚ>à ë³i¡W¡ ëºàÚ¹¤à ³tå¡}Kã øì\ìi¡Î> ëÎì¹ì³à[>à ëà[>>à ëó¡à}ìàA¡[J¤[>¡ú ºà[Î= ³[ºUàKã ó¡àÊ¢ *®¡¹Kã ó塺 ëi¡àÎt¡à ët¡à àÀ¤à ³tå¡}à [Ѷ=å &º[¤[¤Ãl¡ü ã[J¤[>¡ú [¹ìÃà l¡ü;[J¤à ³t¡³à ë¤àº "å>à ëºó¡ ÎàÒü "åKã ³Jà =}¤à Źç¡v¡û¡à ÒàÚî= ëà[>>Îå ëºì®¡º Þà>Kã *ìó¡X "å Úà\[J¤Kà ëºàÚ>>à ëÎS¡Î>Îå "Úà¤à ãìJø ¡ ú ëW¡ÄàÒü Îå ¹ [A¡}Î>à Òü[º[³ì>i¡¹à ¹à\Ë¡à> ë¹àìںΠ"³[ ë¹àìÚº ëW¡ìºg¹ ë¤Uìºà¹Kà Òü ¹ àÒü >å [ ³;t¡à ¹à[e¡à ëÎìA¡ E¡à[ºó¡Ú¹ ë³i¡W¡t¡à ë=}>¹K[>¡ú ³å ´ ¬ à Òü , ë³ 20@ Òü [ Úà>à ¤}ºàìÎA¡à ÅàÄKìï[¹¤à ëi¡Ê ëÎ[¹\à [¤¹ài¡ ëA¡àÒ[À>à ºå[W¡}ºK[>¡ú "åKà ëÒï[J¤à W¡[Ò "[>ì¹à³Kã ³t¡³ ëÒÄà Òü[ÚàKã [yû ¡ ìA¡i¡ [i¡³Kã ÑH Þ àà Úà*¹ç¡[J¤à 뮡i¡¹à> *ó¡ [ÑĹ Ò¹¤\> [Î}Ò ¤}ºàìÎA¡ã ³àìÚàv¡û¡à ÅàÄK¤à ëi¡Ê ëÎ[¹\à Úà*¹K[>¡ú ìÒï[\A¡ ëÒï[\A¡ ³ÅàKã W¡[Ò 34 Ç¡¹¤à Ò¹¤\> [Î}Ò Òü[Úà> ëø[³Ú¹ [ºKt¡à ³å´à¬ Òü Òü[ÚàXA¡ã ë¤àº [>}[=\>à º}[º¤à [yû¡ìA¡i¡ ÅàÄì¹àÒü "³à *Òü[¹¤[>¡ú [¤¹ài¡ ëA¡àÒ[À>à ëA¡ìi¡Òü> *Òü ¤ à ë³´¬ ¹ 15 Kã ÑH Þ àt¡à Ò¹¤\> [Î}Ò Úà*칡ú ë³´¬¹ 5 íº¤à ëÎìºG> A¡[´¶[i¡Kã ³ãó¡³ å} "³ì¹à³ Wå¡à à}ì=àAá¤à ³tå¡}à [¤[Î[Î"àÒü Kã ">å¹àK =àAå ¡ ¹>à Ò¹¤\>¤å ÑH Þ àt¡à Úà*ÒÀA¡à ë=àÒüìàA¡à "R¡A¡à ëàA¡[Jì¡ú *º ¹àl¡ü¹ ¹[¤ø \àì\à ëi¡Ê ÑHÞ àt¡Kã ìà ët¡ïìJø ¡ ú ³Ò´¶ Î[³>à ³Jå ëÅàA¡>à ³¹³ *Òü ¹ Kà *["àÒüKã ÎàÒüt¡à Úà*[Jì¡ú ³ÒàB¡ã ³×; ³´¬àÒüKã ë³[Ú³ ëι Þº A塺A¡à¹[>>à ³×; [ÅÀK[>¡ú ëÒï[\A¡ ó¡à*¤Kã ³>å}à A塺A¡à¹[>>à *["àÒü 4 ÅàÄ[J¤à [ÞìA¡i¡ 8 ëºïìJø¡ú \å> 10 Kã ëÒï¹Kà ëi¡Ê 1 "³[ *["àÒü 3 ÅàĤà ëÒïKìï[¹¤[> ÒàÚ[¹¡ú [¤¹ài¡ ëA¡àÒ[À ¤}ºàìÎ ëi¡Êt¡à Òü[Úà>Kã [i¡³ ºå[W¡}ºK[>, Ò¹¤\> [Î}Ò ÑHÞàt¡à Úà*ì¹ IN THE COURT OF SENIOR DIVISIOIN NO. 1 MANIPUR EAST AT LAMPHELPAT IN THE COURT OF SENIOR DIVISIOIN NO. 1 MANIPUR EAST AT LAMPHELPAT FkxGvjg/àÒüì¤[i¡Î ó¡Ò>¤ã¤Kã =àK;W¡[¹ 'Kã ÒA¡W¡à}à ³t¡³ Aå¡Òü>à àÒüì¤[i¡Î >àå>à íº¹´¬à "å &³ [®¡ A¡Úà³å[> óå¡îø³Úå³ (# 8575814720/8413870027), ³Úà} Òü´£¡àº ëA¡àe¡àA¡ ¤\à¹à íº¤à A¡[¤¹à\ "[Î>à ºàìÚ}¤Kã ' ëÒï[\A¡ ³å} ó¡à>à ó¡ì¹¡ú ³¹³ "[Î>à A¡[¤¹à\ *c¡à¤å =àK;W¡¤Kà ëºàÚ>>à #Å«¹à ë=ï[>\[¹¡ú =àK;W¡[¹¤à@ Yumnam Irabot Singh eokjOMxg Fyrki Original (Money) Suit No. 23 of 2015 Original (Money) Suit No. 16 of 2015 The State Bank of India, Imphal branch. . . .Plaintiff. -VrsShri Thounaojam Mohon Singh & Ano. . . . Defendants. The State Bank of India, Imphal branch. . . .Plaintiff. -VrsShri Shagolsem Ingoba Singh & Ano. . . . Defendants. SUBSTITUTED SERVICE OF SUMMONS UNDER O-V, R-20 OF THE C.P.C., 1908 SUBSTITUTED SERVICE OF SUMMONS UNDER O-V, R-20 OF THE C.P.C., 1908 To, To, 1. Shri Thounaojam Mohon Singh, S/o. Th. Ibochou Singh, a resident oif Keirak Khongnang Leikai, P.O. & P.S. Kakching, District - Thoubal, Manipur - 795103. 2. Shri Akoijam Rajen Singh, S/o. S. Shyamjai Singh a resident of Wabagai Mairenbam Leikai B.P.O. Wabagai P.S. Kakching, District - Thoubal, Manipur - 795103. WHEREAS, the above named Plaintiff has filed a suit for recovery of money under sec. 125 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 read with sec. 151 of C.P.C. 1908. WHEREAS, It has not been possible to serve the ordinary way of summons to you, you are hereby given notice to appear before this Court in person or by a pleader duly instructed on this 17th day of June, 2015 for making objection, if any. Take notice that in your default to appear before this Court on the aforementioned date and time, the suit shall be heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this 28th day of April, 2015. SEAL. Step taken by:Advocate. Dr. Ch. Shantibala Devi NT/64887/21,22(May) Civil Judge Senior Division No.1, Manipur East 1. Shri Shagolsem Ingoba Singh, S/o. Sh. Tomba Singh, a resident of Maibam Konjil, P.O./P.S. Mayang Imphal, DistrictImphal West - Manipur 795132. 2. Shri Seikhopao Guite, S/o. Thongjaba Guite, a resident of Thingbongphai Village serving as Teacher, posted at Khudengthabi L.P School at Chandel District, Manipur. WHEREAS, the above named Plaintiff has filed a suit for recovery of money under sec. 125 of Indian Contract Act, read with sec. 151 of C.P.C. WHEREAS, It has not been possible to serve the ordinary way of summons to you, you are hereby given notice to appear before this Court in person or by a pleader duly instructed on this 17th day of June, 2015 for making objection, if any. Take notice that in your default to appear before this Court on the aforementioned date and time, the suit shall be heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this 28th day of April, 2015. SEAL. Step taken by:Advocate. Dr. Ch. Shantibala Devi NT/64887/21,22(May) Civil Judge Senior Division No.1, Manipur East Engineering Maths, Anatomy, Microbiology, Biotechnology Programming Language ( (C, C ++, C#, etc) Big opportunity for weak students who wants to pursue Engineering and Nursing under Management Quota Last date of Registration : 23/6/2015. Class Starting : 25/6/2015 Contact: Advance Coaching Institute, Nagamapal NT/64883/21-25(May) # 9615015513, 9612075667 Owned, Edited & Published by KHOIROM LOYALAKPA & Printed by him at Linthoi Offset Printers, Keishampat, Airport Road, Imphal., Tele # 2449086, 2441446 Fax # 2440353, E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]
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