27 Spencer St, Nar Nar Goon 3812 [email protected] June 4th, 2015 Phone: 5942 5311 www.narnargoonps.vic.edu.au Also available on our website @ www.narnargoonps.vic.edu.au Issue No 17 From The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents and Friends; AUSSIE OF THE MONTH: Congratulations to the following students who were presented the Aussie of the Month award for the month of May at assembly on Friday: Junior: Xavier L (1/2L) Middle: Sarah L (3/4 T) Senior: Ava D (4/5 C) As always, these children were selected by all staff members (not just their classroom teachers) for exemplary behaviour and work ethic throughout the month. CURRICULUM DAY TOMORROW (FRIDAY 5TH JUNE): Please remember that tomorrow is a School Council approved Curriculum Day and therefore the children are not required to attend school. All staff will be using the day to update their First Aid training. We take the children’s health and safety very seriously and as such, every staff member is required to be trained in Level 2 First Aid. I hope you can all take advantage of a lovely extra long weekend with Monday’s Queens Birthday public holiday. Kind Regards Mrs Fran Van Lambaart CURRICULUM DAY TOMORROW (Friday June 5th) Students not required at school OPEN LEARNING Thank you to all those wonderful people who already help out with Open Learning but we still need more helpers. Please let us know if you are available between 10am and 11am on Tuesday mornings A W A R D S Congratulations to these children for receiving this week’s awards. DIARY DATES JUNE Friday 5th CURRICULUM DAY CHILDREN NOT REQUIRED AT SCHOOL Monday 8th QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY Tuesday 9th AFL Clinics 3-6 Friday 12th Y5/6 Lightning Premiership Reports To Parents Monday 15th PAFA Meeting 9.15am Wednesday 17th PAFA Meal Deal Thursday 18th Parent Teacher Interviews Monday 22nd School Council 7pm Wednesday 24th Whole School Athletics Day Friday 26th Last Day Term 2 2.30pm finish—buses run to this time ****CSEF Applications Close ***** JULY Monday 13th First Day Term 3 LATE ARRIVALS Mai V Brad V Kyla S Jai C Hayley W Jasmine B Laticia T 45 Payments Due 5/6 Winter Lightning Prem Wed 10th June CONGRATULATIONS Whole School Athletics Day Wednesday 24th June Casey Fields, Cranbourne If anyone is available to help on this fun day, please contact Mr Zimmerle Tahlia, Tyler and Sam after winning 3rd place at the recent Equestathon. PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION **Bingo!** Tonight (Thursday 4th June) is our night to help with the running of Bingo in the Hall. Starting at 6.45pm we assist with selling lucky tickets, serving in the canteen, helping with tea & coffee and cleaning up at the end of the night. All volunteers are free to play as we only need to help before, after and during the breaks. So if you would like to join us, it is a fun – and sometimes profitable – night!! If you are interested in coming along please contact Daniela Teufel via our school Facebook page. FOUNDATION ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 Planning has begun for 2016. For those families who intend to enrol their child for next year, could you please return their completed forms ASAP. This is most important as it will enable us to accurately plan for the 2016 year Walk, ride, scoot & skate to school About kids and walking Children who walk, cycle or scoot to and from school are generally more active and fitter than children who don't. Walking is also a great way for: •children to get to know their local areas better, and meet other children and adults in the neighbourhood •children to pick up the safety skills and confidence they'll need to travel independently as they get older •parents to find time to talk with their kids, without having to focus on driving •communities to cut the traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution caused by our reliance on cars. For more information contact Council’s Active Children’s Officer, Kate Beveridge on 1300787624. HEAD LICE There have been a number of cases of head lice reported in the school. It is important to combat this problem. The only way to do this is if everyone checks their children’s hair regularly and treat it appropriately. If everyone does this we stand a better chance of eradicating the problem. Treatment usually needs to be applied at least twice for it to be effective. Boys Under 12 Hockey Team If you would like to support TJ (and his team ) as he represents NNGPS at the National Championships in Perth, there are still raffle tickets in the office. STUDENT BANKING We are really sorry……….. But we are unable to return many unnamed items of lost property to their owners. Please check lost property located in the shared area between the 1/2 and 5/6 rooms. If an item is clearly named it will be returned to your child. Unfortunately unclaimed items will be sent to charity at the end of term CAMPS, SPORTS & EXCURSION FUND (CSEF) Funds will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps & sporting events. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. See page 5 & 6 of this newsletter for more information, including eligibility dates or contact the office. School Banking rewards available. Please let me know if you want to redeem your tokens. Kerry Applications should be forwarded to the school office no later than Friday 26th June, 2015
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