April 19, 2015 – Third Sunday of Easter CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY A praying, learning and caring Catholic community The above poster is used in the primary grade Safe Environment teaching resource from the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Page Two Church of the Nativity April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter You alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling. -- Psalm 4:9 ÜÜ 4 Ü : Ü 4 G Please join us in singing the Psalm Response: Lord, H let H your G face REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Some vaccinations only last so long. After a predictable amount of time the immunity wears off and people are susceptible to the same old disease again. That’s when it’s time for a booster shot. It seems that we also need booster shots for faith. Baptism alone is not enough. The joy and peace that filled our communities two weeks ago are probably starting to flag and our old selves may be starting to re-emerge. We need a weekly dose of Resurrection appearances, in the Eucharist we share. All three of this week’s readings as well as the psalm point out the weakness of our human faith. Yet they emphasize the forgiveness and blessing that are always available to those who turn to “Jesus Christ the righteous one.” Can we recognize ourselves in Luke’s Gospel today? Do we realize how deeply we depend on our weekly “booster shot” of the Eucharist to remember and reclaim the saving presence of the risen Lord? —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. H shine H on G us. ‡ REFLEXIONEMOS SOBRE LA PALABRA DE DIOS El efecto de algunas vacunas es temporal. Después de un tiempo predecible la inmunidad desaparece y las personas vuelven a ser susceptibles a la misma enfermedad. Es entonces que se necesita una inyección de refuerzo. Parece ser que también nosotros necesitamos inyecciones de refuerzo para nuestra fe. El bautismo solo no es suficiente. El gozo y la paz que inundaron nuestras comunidades hace dos semanas ya empiezan probablemente a decaer y nuestras viejas maneras de ser pueden que estén de nuevo resurgiendo. Necesitamos una dosis semanal de apariciones del Resucitado en la Eucaristía que compartimos. Las tres lecturas de esta semana, al igual que el salmo, señalan la debilidad de nuestra fe humana. No obstante enfatizan el perdón y la bendición que están siempre a disposición de aquellos que se vuelven a “Jesucristo, el Justo”. ¿Podemos reconocernos en el Evangelio de Lucas de hoy? ¿Nos damos cuenta de cuán profundamente necesitamos nuestra “inyección de refuerzo” semanal de la Eucaristía a fin de poder recordar y reclamar la presencia salvadora del Señor resucitado? —Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. LIVING GOD’S WORD The Eucharist is meant to energize us to take Christ’s presence out into the world. It may be easy to see ourselves in today’s scriptures as the weak sinners, but we should also envision ourselves in the roles of Peter, John, and Luke. In the Eucharist Jesus feeds us and sends us to “preach in his name to all the nations” (Luke 24:47). We are his witnesses. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Page Three Church of the Nativity April 19, 2015 Maintaining A Safe Environment for Our Children and Youth At the time of this writing, we are just beginning Lent. I am preparing ahead of time some articles for our church bulletin to be published during my recovery from surgery. For several years now, all Catholic parishes, schools and institutions have been required to participate on a regular basis in the audit required by the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This means that all children and youth taking part in any program sponsored by the parish or attending Catholic schools are to receive training every year regarding personal safety. NO GO TELL The goal is to protect them from sexual abuse and any improper treatment. The Charter’s audit involves background screenings of employees and/or volunteers working in Church programs. Ensuring they are following the Code of Ethical Standards is reviewed regularly as well. Employees, volunteers and parents are to view the training video Protecting Our Children. All children up to the eighth grade and all youth through high school are also to receive age appropriate safe environment training. To report suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse within our institutions and ministries please contact the Child and Youth Protection Office and ask for Msgr. Steven Callahan at 858 490 8310. God bless you – Fr. Lawrence Purcell, Pastor Page Four Church of the Nativity April 19, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS APRIL 18 — APRIL 24 SATURDAY 5:00 pm Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 For All Parishioners SUNDAY 7:30 am Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Special Intention 9:00 am Major Charles R. Hills, USAF (RIP) 10:30 am Joseph V. Rafferty, RIP MONDAY 8:00 am Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Christopher Ebersole, RIP TUESDAY 8:00 am Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Johnny Middleton, RIP WEDNESDAY 8:00 am Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Evan Lee, Special Intention THURSDAY 8:00 am Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Eunice Delling, RIP FRIDAY 8:00 am Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Jay Montano De Leon, RIP MARTYRDOM It is not the suffering, but the cause that makes the martyr. —English proverb TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19). Psalm — Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4). Second Reading — We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one (1 John 2:1-5a). Gospel — Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day (Luke 24:35-48). The Call to Worship is by Paul Sjolund: O most high, Almighty God, great Lord of Lords, omnipotent ruler of the skies. To thee belong praise, glory and worship, and honor and blessing, Alleluia! The Offertory is taken from the Book of Hours, a medieval illuminated manuscript containing texts, prayers and psalms, along with appropriate illustrations, to form a reference for Catholic worship and devotion. The original books listed the appropriate texts for each liturgical hour of the day. Over time other references were added, especially calendars of the religious and secular year along with the prayers and masses for certain holy days, and were composed for lay people who wished to incorporate elements of monasticism into their devotional life. As many books of hours were richly illuminated, they formed an important record of life in the 15th and 16th centuries as well as the iconography of medieval Christianity. The music for this setting is by H. Walford Davies (1869-1941): God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and in my looking; God be in my mouth, and in my speaking; God be in my heart, and in my thinking; God be at my end, and at my departing. The Communion at 7:30 and 9 begins with a chorus from Handel's Messiah, and is the message of Easter: Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. The second piece is Regina Caeli by Gregor Aichinger (c.1565-1628) who was organist to the Fugger family of Augsburg, Bavaria in 1584, a philanthropic family of merchants who were ennobled under the Holy Roman Empire. Their most tangible legacy is the Fuggerei, a walled enclave within the city of Augsburg, Bavaria, where the needy citizens of Augsburg could be housed. The rent remains to this day about $1 per year (admission for tourists is $2) and it is still inhabited, affording it the status of being the oldest social housing project in the world. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's great-grandfather, the mason Franz Mozart lived there between 1681 and 1694. In 1599 Aichinger went for a two year visit to Rome for musical, rather than religious reasons, although he had taken religious orders before his appointment to the family. The Regina Caeli (Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia! For he whom you have borne, alleluia! Has risen as he said, alleluia! Pray to God for us, alleluia!) is properly sung at the end of Night Prayer (Compline) during the Easter season. The third piece is by Antonio Lotti: We adore you, O Christ, and bless you, who has redeemed the world by your holy Cross. The Communion at 10:30 begins with the Lotti Adoramus te and continues with the Handel Since By Man Came Death, above. The third piece is Holy, Holy, Holy from the German Mass by Franz Schubert (17971828). Page Five Church of the Nativity April 19, 2015 Please join the school children for our annual traditional May Crowning and Rosary Friday, May 1st at 8:30am in the school grotto Announcement from the Diocesan Office for Social Ministry: All are invited to pray with us as we honor our Blessed Mother. Stay for refreshments, Art Show and Open House following the ceremony. Restorative Justice Reduces Violence, Improves Neighborhoods and Changes Lives in California A new video released by the California Catholic Conference (CCC) captures exciting changes that are happening across California. People are joining together to restore communities impacted by violence and to build safer neighborhoods based on the principals of restorative justice. For more information about restorative justice programs in the Diocese of San Diego, contact Deacon Jim Walsh at 858-490-8375 or [email protected] Watch the video at: www.restorejustice.com or www.diocese-sdiego.org/restore Welcome Newcomers to Nativity! Sunday, May 17th The Nativity Samaritans will host our Newcomers Event in the Parish Commons after the 9 o'clock and 10:30 Mass on Sunday, May 17th. Please plan to come and get better acquainted as you enjoy home-made goodies provided by the Nativity Samaritans. Join Us … Average Expenses Per Week: $ 22,166 Last Weekend’s Offering: $ 17,202* Active Parishioners Inactive Parishioners Envelope Usage 1186 53 801 Please pray for our benefactors who include Nativity in their wills and remainder trusts. Registration means “signing up” to have your current name(s), addresses, telephone number and email on file in the church office. If you would like to become a registered parishioner at Church of the Nativity, please contact Nicole Steele at 858-756-1911 or [email protected] * This amount includes those contributing through the Faith Direct program. You may now make a contribution to Nativity Parish online at www.faithdirect.net. Those who enroll can log on to the secure website of Faith Direct at any time to view their account, make changes and make special gifts. For assistance or information email: [email protected]. FAITH DIRECT - A NOTE FROM THE PASTOR THE NATIVITY SCHOOL Do you often find yourself without your checkbook or envelope on Sunday morning? Join the many parishioners who have already enrolled in Faith Direct for automated giving to Church of the Nativity. Faith Direct is secure and convenient, and will provide you with an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish. A Catholic education makes a difference in Faith traditions and values practiced. Sign up today by visiting www.faithdirect.net Our parish code is CA288 Please consider using Faith Direct today Come see how The Nativity School embraces the Catholic tradition for excellence. Applications for Preschool – 3rd grade welcomed! For a private tour with principal, Mrs. Heveron, please call (858) 756-6763 Page Eight Church of the Nativity LORD'S DAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am RCIA and Youth Minister: Mike James, [email protected], 858-756-1911, ext. 5 Religious Education: Patti Smiley, [email protected], 858-756-1911, ext. 6 Music Director: Paul Batchelor, [email protected], 858-756-1911, ext. 102 The Nativity School: Margaret Heveron, Principal [email protected], 858-756-6763 Bookkeeper: Jackie Marin, [email protected], 858-756-6763 Administrative Assistant: Nicole Carlin Steele, [email protected], 858-756-1911 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Pastoral Council: Carl Bobkoski, Jane Boler, Kevin Flanagan, Cindy Hesse, Mimi Johnson, Kathy Klink. Finance Council: Jeff Brandon, Chair Michael Conway, Chic Dohoney, Jim LaGrossa, Catherine Lorenz, Earl Parker, Carolyn Wilkinson, Joe Wilkinson Safe Environment Coordinator: John Marin Call the Parish Office - 858-756-1911 PASTORAL CARE Nativity Samaritans: Patti Smiley, 858-756-1911 Childcare: Attended care is provided in the play room off the Commons during 9:00 and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Holy Communion for the sick: For the homebound upon request, 858-756-1911 Widows and Widowers: Mary Lou Matthews, 858-481-6255 Monthly Luncheons - September through June Men of Nativity: Meet First Thursday of the month 6 - 8 pm in the Parish Commons Tim Van Damm, 617-501-3950 Small Christian Communities - Faith Sharing Groups See Deacon Jim Walsh or contact Kathy Alameda at 858-756-9755 or [email protected] SACRAMENTS Baptism: After last Sunday Mass Darlene & Ross Larson, 858-780-8837 ([email protected]) Marriage: Saturdays, 10 am or 2 pm Wedding Coordinator: Georgiana Strate, 858-755-7459 Anointing of the Sick: Encouraged for anyone critically ill, for the elderly, or prior to major surgery April 19, 2015 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Classes meet September through June PRESCHOOL THROUGH 8TH GRADE Contact: Patti Smiley, 858-756-1911, ext. 6 Preschool - 6th Grade: Sundays, 8:50 - 10:05 am at The Nativity School Junior High: Sundays, 5:00 - 6:15 pm in the Commons Many thanks to all parents for your patience with the new security system. Keeping our kids safe is a top priority! HIGH SCHOOL Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 High School Youth Group (9th - 12th Grade) Meet Sundays from 5:00 to 6:15 pm Sunday’s topic will be “Jesus’ Resurrection”. All freshmen-seniors meet from 5-6:15pm in the Commons. Friends are always welcome. HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 Final Interviews are by appointment in the next few weeks. The Confirmation Mass has been set for Noon on Sunday, May 3. Candidates and their sponsors should be here by 11am for a final rehearsal. We will have a short reception after the Mass and conclude by 2pm. ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (RCIA) Contact: Mike James, 858-756-1911, ext 5 Congratulations to the R.C.I.A. class members who received their sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4, 2015. Paul Chunyk, Herb Holmquist, Linda Niggli, Cherisse Alford, Monetta Ennis, Laura Sturr, Kendall Marrone and Eve Maldonado ADULT FAITH FORMATION & BIBLE STUDY Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:15 pm in the Chapel Eucharist: Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday, 8 am in the Chapel Centering Prayer Group: Saturdays, 9 am in the Chapel Contact: Dixie Welsh, 858-756-1911 Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday after 8 am Mass Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesdays, after 8 am Mass Rosary: Weekdays, after 8 am Mass in the Chapel Little Rock Scripture Study for Adults Let the Word of God influence your Busy Life. Monday Mornings 9:15-11:00 am Develop a fuller experience of Christian community, Contact: Kathy Klink 858-756-1328
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