Chicken Coop Next Year Enrollment Summer School Enrollment

Next Year Enrollment
Friends, We are hoping all of you will give some thought to what classes you want
for next year. Please let us know, as we are making the lists, and spaces are limited!
Summer School Enrollment
Summer school will begin this year on June 22 until July
30, Monday through Thursday mornings from 9-12. We
do lots of fun field trips, going out twice a week, and
staying to explore our own space twice a week. Because
we are on the go, we limit the class to 3 - 6 year olds.
Classes are either M/W or T/Th, or you can sign up for all
four mornings. It also might be possible to split sessions,
if you were traveling for part of the time.
Field Trips
We have had some great field trips so far this year, visiting the dinosaur bones at
CU’s Henderson Museum, Fiske Planetarium, and the Streetside Dance Studio. We
are looking forward to all classes going to Margaret’s goat farm to visit the baby
goats in April. Also in April, the MWF class will enjoy some visits from Turning the
Wheel, a creative movement experience. We also will be returing to the opera, this
time Orlando on April 9th.
Late Winter Curriculum
February was full of celebrations - both
Valentines Day, when we explored
friendship and giving and receiving, and
Lunar New Year, when we created the
Dragon mask so we could dance the
dragon dance welcoming in good energy
for the New Year. We have enjoyed
learning about space and planets this
month, creating
some beautiful
art around that theme, and
building a spaceship with each
group. We look forward to
some animal studies, and also
investigation into painters
and different methods of
painting. You should enjoy
some great new artwork for
your homes.
Fundraising Event & Raffle
Our date for our fundraiser at
OZO roasters is April 19th, 3-6pm.
We have some great prizes for
our raffle. The grand prize is a
gift certificate toward a dinner at
Frasca, Boulder’s best restaurant.
We also have zoo tickets and many
more items. You will be getting
these in your box, and we ask
you to sell as many as you can to
your friends and family. This is our
chance to contribute to our tuition
subsidy fund, and make sure our
school is affordable for everyone in
the community.
Chicken Coop
We are looking at some warmer weather,
and hoping to get the chicken coop finished,
so we can move in some chickens this
spring. Come help Sunday, March 29th in
the afternoon.
The Planet Song
The sun’s a hot star
Mercury’s hot too
Venus is the brightest one
Earth’s home to me and you
Mars is the red one
Jupiter is most wide
Saturn has those icy rings
And Uranus spins on its side
Neptune’s really windy (whoosh!)
And Pluto’s really small
You wanted to know the planets,
and now you know them all