Kairos—“God’s Time” Newtown Presbyterian Church Vol. 40, No. 4, April 2015 Pastor’s Page Therefore, my beloved . . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and work for God’s good pleasure . . . I am glad and rejoice with all of you – and in the same way you must also be glad and rejoice with me.” Philippians 2:12-13; 17-18 It is with great hope and trust in God’s goodness that I rejoice in the gift of new life that is given to NPC in this Easter season. The day after Easter, Rev. Sam Massengill will begin as your pastor, and NPC will begin a new season of ministry. I’m excited about Pastor Sam’s arrival here, as I know him to be an excellent pastor and a fine person. Given the wonderful, creative talents of this congregation and Rev. Massengill’s gifts for ministry, I have no doubt that God is leading the way to greater faithfulness, deeper joy, and abundant new life for NPC. God’s blessings overflow. During the past year it has been my privilege to work alongside you during this period of transition. As a pastor and people together, building on an already strong reputation, we have cast a vision for NPC as a family oriented, missionminded church, and are ready to confidently embrace a new season of ministry. I rejoice in all that we have brought forth through God’s grace. I am grateful for all those who worked to help this congregation become more intentional about its identity and focus, and develop a renewed sense of purpose. Together we have solidified the church’s financial situation by emphasizing our role as “living stones” during our Stewardship campaign, and continue building ourselves into a “spiritual house” with increased worship attendance and outreach participation. But what was most thrilling for me was being allowed to become an intimate part of your lives through sharing worship, lunches and dinners, coffee and conversations, hospital visits and funerals, and baptisms. In the same way, I hope that you will be glad and rejoice with me. I am grateful for the way that this congregation has nurtured my ministry; my time at NPC has rejuvenated my joy for congregational life and pastoral ministry. I realize that I have a deep passion for partnering with a congregation to envision how to be church in the 21st century and to create a ministry that stands for something authentic and impactful. I will carry the love of this congregation with me, and that love will shape and guide my discernment as I listen for God’s calling upon my future. I know God will use my experience at NPC to strengthen and ready me for a coming ministry, whatever or wherever that might be. Thank you for the privilege of serving as your interim pastor. It is difficult for me to leave people I so dearly love, and who have so warmly loved and cared for me. I continue to hold each one of you in my heart. Let us pray for God’s presence during this time of endings and beginnings, and let us give thanks, be glad, and rejoice for our journey together. Grace and peace, Inside this issue: Upcoming Events, New Offering Plates, Strawberry Festival 2 Holy Week Calendar 3 Library News, Sr. Mission Trip, Christian Ed. 4 Session Report, Meet Our New Ministry Associate 5 Opportunities For All Women 6 Women (continued), Stephen Ministry, Chop’s Chari-tea 7 NPC Financial Highlights 8 Flying Solo, Deacons, Concert Series 9 Historic Church 10 New Members, Blood Drive, Lectionary Readings, Thank You, Bereaved 11 April Birthdays , Ushers Schedule 12 April Calendar 13 May Newsletter Deadline April 15, 2015 NOTE: This is the third Wednesday of the month at noon www.newtownpres.org Page 2 Upcoming Congregational Life Events Save the Dates Parent's Night Out - April 18th, 5-9 p.m. Back by popular demand! Enjoy some free time as your kids have fun with their friends at church. Trenton Thunder Game - May 2nd, 5 p.m. Join us for a tailgate picnic at the Historic Church and then head to the ballpark to watch a game. Great fun for all ages! For more information or to reserve a spot ahead for either event, contact Kristen Lynch ([email protected]) Worship Committee Many of you have certainly noticed the new maple offering plates! After two years of research and visits to jewelers’, it was determined that the brass offering plates that have been very well loved cannot be repaired. We were lucky to have found the new maple ones that fit in well with the historic décor of our church. If you haven’t noticed them yet, please do so the next time you are at our worship service! PASTORAL STAFF The Rev. James Poinsett—Interim Pastor The Rev. Dr. Robert Canon—Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Karin Nelson McAnlis—Minister of Visitation 25 N. Chancellor St., Newtown, PA 18940 Office Hours—9 a.m.-4 p.m. Telephone—215-968-3861, Fax—215-968-9055 E-mail—[email protected] Website: www.newtownpres.org Newsletter Editors—Jean Torongo, Bettilyn Bogia and Diana Bowen Layout and Design—Eileen Honea Email newsletter articles to [email protected] April 2015 MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!! STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL JUNE 6 FROM 11:00-3:00 A lot of planning and preparation is happening now “behind the scenes” to guarantee a fun day for all ages! YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! Strawberry Festival Help Help is needed for this year’s Strawberry Festival to be held on June 6th. Last year, for the first time, we held a very large Raffle Event that included a number of things donated from members, local businesses, and Philadelphia sports teams (to name just a few). The response to the Raffle was terrific and proved to be a very profitable endeavor. As a result, another one is planned for this year. We are hoping for help from members of the congregation to secure good raffle prizes. If you are able to help by soliciting local individuals or businesses, donating items yourself or suggesting the names of stores and businesses that you know we should contact, please e-mail Judy and Dick Kauffman at [email protected] or call (215)493-0984. Page 3 Palm Sunday, March 29 8:00 a. m. ~ Service of Communion 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. ~ Cantata Sunday Service of Prayers Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service, April 2 7:30 p.m. Communion Service Good Friday, April 3 12:00 noon ~ Community Service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Rev. Jim Poinsett preaching) Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 a.m. ~ Worship with Communion at the Chancellor Street Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. ~ Worship at the Chancellor Street Sanctuary with Bells and Brass 10:15 a.m. ~ Easter Coffee in Ettenger Hall Easter Egg Hunt for kids 11:00 a.m. ~ Worship at the Chancellor Street Sanctuary with Bells and Brass One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received at each service Page 4 www.newtownpres.org April 2015 What's New in the Library Christian Education: Science and Math Rotation In truth, this article should be titled “What's Not New in the Library”, as I happened across some long-overlooked treasures. One is The Seduction of the Spirit by ordained American Baptist minister and former Harvard Divinity School faculty member Harvey Cox. Though written in 1973, it is still relevant today; the chapter Cox called “The Flintstones in Recife” is especially telling in dealing with theology of the media and what passes for human “communication” in our world. Can an orange float in water? That question and others about Jesus’ miracles were explored in the science and math rotations of the Christian Education program for elementary -aged students. Miracles show us God’s power and His love for us. They also help to strengthen our faith. The miracle of Jesus and Peter walking on water is a good example of how faith can lead to great feats and how doubt can cause defeat. Peter struggled to act on his faith but the Lord kept loving and encouraging Peter through both his success and failure. So, how does this connect to a floating orange? Well, the children learned that unpeeled oranges float in water because of air bubbles in the peel; whereas, a peeled orange sinks. The peel was used as a symbol of our faith, and just as Peter needed to keep his “faith on” to walk across the water with Jesus, so do we, as we walk through life and face fears and doubts. The children learned about trusting Jesus to be with them in difficult times. In her book Spiritual Fitness: Everyday Exercises for Body and Soul, Doris Donnelly proposes a number of strategies to enrich our spiritual life in the areas of listening, praising, eating, working, laughing and forgiving, among others. Who knew that taking a five-to-tenminute laugh break every day could refresh our spirit? Both of these books can be found on the Library “Food for Thought” shelf. I'm going to keep a watchful eye out for other hidden treasures and hope you will do the same. And remember that the Library door is always open. Bettilyn Bogia The Senior High Youth Group Mission Trip June 28—July 5, 2015 We will be going to Cumberland , Maryland to work with the mission project NAILS. The needed forms are available on the church web page as well as the Sr. High box outside the church office. PLEASE send your application and $50 deposit as soon as possible. We will have another informational meeting in April. I will post it on our Facebook page. We also are offering many fundraising opportunities to help you lower the cost of your trip. We are finishing our first fundraiser selling Easter Candy. Next will be our sweatshirts, tee shirts and bags sale. Please contact me with questions or concerns. Janet Eshleman cell215-768-8099 or [email protected] In the math rotation, the miracle of Jesus multiplying the fish and loaves of bread to feed a crowd was used as an example of how we all can help no matter our age. In this Bible story, one child made his meal available to Jesus, and Jesus performed a miracle to feed 5,000. The children calculated how much food they would need to feed all the hungry people in the crowd and how much that would cost. These calculations helped them understand the magnitude of God’s miracles and how one simple gesture of help by a young boy made all the difference. This story encourages us to give whatever we have available to God, and God will take it and multiply it. In the upcoming science rotation, we will be experimenting with light and learning about how Jesus calls us to be the light in our world. Many Blessings, Michelle McDermott Page 5 Session Report In the 15 or so months since I joined Session, we have seen great joys, challenging problems and sad goodbyes. We are about to conclude our journey through Lent celebrating Christ’s resurrection and new beginnings, for our faith and for our church community. With all the history we share at Newtown, it is important to acknowledge where we have been so we can learn from those experiences. What I have learned and truly treasure is the exceptional talent and devotion that sits around the table at each meeting in which I have participated. At every meeting, and there have been many, I am surrounded by Christian men and women who seek to serve the Lord by giving their time and using their intellect with enthusiasm to lead. That leadership has been vital during this time of transition. Yes, there are times we disagree but in the end there is one goal – for the glory of God. How different this is from our work environments, where we fear we might be fired or drop down a rung on the corporate ladder when we disagree. We have been particularly blessed during the last year with the leadership of Jim Poinsett, who set the tone of gratitude for all that we are and excitement for what lies ahead from the first meeting he attended. We pray that God will lead him to a joyful new call. On April 6, we will welcome Sam Massengill as our new head pastor. An associate pastor will follow shortly thereafter. Change, newness and the unknown, even though it is a change we have been longing for, can be exciting and scary at the same time. While Sam will be new to us, he is not unknown for he is God’s chosen one for us. To assist him and the congregation, our leadership remains constant; the men and women you have selected to serve on the boards and committees of the church will help make the change smooth and joyful. We pray that God will bless Sam, his family and his ministry with us for many years to come. There is a unique opportunity for each of us to do God’s work at this time of new beginnings. Maybe you yearn for the work environment I have described. Maybe you long to be part of something that is just getting started. We pray that God will lead you to say an enthusiastic “YES!” when called to volunteer – for the glory of God. Alice Hughes Meet Your New Ministry Associate! Laura Ferguson The Supply Associate Pastor Search Committee and the Session are pleased to announce that Laura Ferguson will be joining the NPC staff on April 16, 2015. Laura will be working with Christian Education programs, Deacons and pastoral care, and mission and outreach. She is not yet ordained but will be ordained as a pastor of NPC once she completes the final steps of the ordination process – that only means that she cannot administer the sacraments but she can function as a pastor in every other way until then. Laura comes to NPC from Summit, NJ, where she is the Director of Christian Education for Children and Youth. She has extensive experience with youth-planning curriculum to leading and everything in between-at all levels of Christian Education, Senior High down to Pre-K. Laura has also led worship services, confirmation class, youth groups and mission trips among many other things. Laura earned her B.S. in Elementary Education and History from TCNJ and her M.Div. and M.A. in Christian Education from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2014. While at the Seminary, Laura earned the C. Frederick and Cleta R. Mathias Memorial Award in Worship and Pastoral Ministry. The search committee has been very impressed with Laura’s candor, energy and ideas. She comes to us with impressive references from some very well respected people. Pastor Sam and Laura had a very good meeting and conversation and Pastor Sam is eager to work with her. Laura is equally excited to join us at NPC! Please join us in welcoming Laura as she becomes our new Ministry Associate in mid-April! Page 6 OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN TO STUDY AND SERVE There are so many ways to participate in study and service. Find something that appeals to you and jump in! Your sisters in Christ are waiting for you! April Events Calendar Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Women’s Bible Study in Room 211 Tuesday 4/7 9:45 a.m. PW Board Meeting in Room 210 Tuesday 4/21 10:15 a.m. Women’s Daytime Bible Study “Walk Through the Gospels” Wednesday 4/22 7:00 p.m. Women’s Evening Bible Study Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Update on Opportunities for Women Every Sunday, Bible Study at 10:15 a.m. in Room 211. New group formed in this time slot that appears to be more convenient for many women. Whether you are new to Bible study or have been at it your whole life, you are invited to attend and learn from both the Book and each other. Each session is self-contained so please stop in when you can. All are welcome. Women’s Daytime Bible Study Tuesday, April 21 at 10:15 a.m. The earth is the Lord's. Psalm 24:1 Solomon declared, "Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land." This is the season when our thoughts naturally turn to our Lord's handiwork. Enjoy! On April 7, at 9:45 a.m. in room 210, the NPC Presbyterian Women will be holding a board meeting. Ideas or suggestions for the future of the organization are all important to us. Feel free to attend or make suggestions that might help us in our planning. The Presbytery of Philadelphia PW Spring Gathering will be held April 11 at the Church on the Mall in Plymouth Meeting. Our Bible Study meeting will be held April 21, at 10:15 a.m. in room 211. Ruth Barcafer, our leader, will guide us through the Gospels. Please join us for study, discussion, and fellowship. No experience necessary. Naomi Stranix Women’s Evening Bible Study (WEBS) Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 p.m. Continuing study of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Each session is self -contained so please attend even if you haven’t before. Alice Hughes NPC Women’s Retreat – April 24-26, 2015 “Every day is a new beginning.” “This is just the beginning.” ”Once begun, half done.” Do you know how many quotes there are about beginnings? As many as there are new beginnings! And that brings us to the theme for this year's Women's Retreat - “Beginnings”. We will be at a new place, Kenbrook in Lebanon, PA. We will have a new leader, Rev. Sarah Colwill, who led the Advent Retreat and the Lenten Retreat. Our study sessions will focus on our beginning as women of faith, with the first woman: Eve. We will spend time exploring Page 7 how she is portrayed biblically and historically, and how her portrayal impacts how we see ourselves. There will be new music, new friends and new ideas. What a way to start the next chapter in your life! The dates are April 24-26, 2015, and we look forward to seeing you. Marj Shikrallah Please join us at the 6th Annual CHOP Chari-tea Prayer Shawl If you are interested in knitting or crocheting a prayer shawl, the directions can be found at: www.shawlministry.com/instructions.html Directions are also printed out and can be found in the literature rack outside the church office. Please join the eight or so church members who are quietly engaged in this caring ministry! Call Pastor Karin with any questions. Thank You for this Blessing I want to thank the Session and the Clara Johnson Fund for sending me to Stephen Ministry Leadership training. I became a Stephen Minister in 2012 after much prayer - it is a major commitment: first, to invest time and energy in training, and then in service. And I felt God calling me to serve Him and others through this ministry. With the church's help, I have now taken the next step to join the Leadership Team that coordinates the program and its caregivers and receivers. I will now be recruiting and helping to train others in this important ministry. I am excited about my expanded involvement in Stephen Ministry and am so grateful for the chance to serve in this work. Suzanne Roper Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:30 –2:00 p.m. Ettenger Hall Newtown Presbyterian Church 25 N. Chancellor Street Newtown, PA 18940 Enjoy tea, coffee, tea sandwiches, and treats while helping us raise money for the Child Life Program at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Suggested donation: $25/adult $15/child To purchase tickets in advance, send a request to [email protected] or call 215-504-1581 www.newtownpres.org April 2015 Page 9 A Flying Solo Moment Under the Deacons Bench I must apologize for an error I made a few months ago. I was describing emotional abusers. I stated that women are usually the victims. Not so, I learned. Recent research shows that an almost equal number of men experience emotional abuse. This was one of the many pieces of information shared by Kay Olson, a member of NPC, and Christina Baer. Both are employees of A Woman’s Place. They graciously offered to present a program entitled - IS IT REALLY ABUSE? IDENTIFYING AND COPING WITH VIOLENCE THAT LEAVES INVISIBLE BRUISES. Under the strong guidance of Pastor Karin, the Deacon's Visitation List has grown. Her kind words, smiles and prayers have given many on our list a sense of community and knowledge that Newtown Presbyterian Church is with them always. Karin has given the Deacons valuable help as well as wonderful hints, tools and ideas to make the visits easier and to encourage our kindred spirit. Woman’s Place is staffed by volunteers and employees. There is a 24 hour hotline. Each facet of their operation is separate. These include legal, administration, counseling, thrift store and a shelter. The shelter is for women and children and the location is kept secret. Men also seek help from A Woman’s Place. If housing assistance is needed they are lodged in a hotel. When First Responders encounter a domestic abuse situation, they are able to be supported by a First Response Team made up of personnel from A Woman’s Place. Police have a series of questions which they ask of the victim. These questions are about controlling behavior, not necessarily about abuse. If a victim answers yes to two of these questions, they have a discussion of safety with the victim. These questions came after a review of county homicides. Their Empowerment Project is for adults and teens. Its goal is to build a sense of community and goes beyond a support group for abuse. There are topics such as career development, leadership, health and wellness, writing and a book club. It offers victims a chance to begin to establish their own identity. Previously their abuser would have told them what they liked or didn’t like, what they wanted and who they were. If you or someone important to you needs support due to separation or divorce, Flying Solo meets Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9:00 in room 211. Please join us. Adele Minton, Flying Solo Director Currently, our list has 19 friends in seven different assisted facilities, as well as six people who are in their homes. Much of our frustration is that sometimes what we don't have is time. Many of us work part time or full time and have family obligations - the ability to get a good visit in with our friends is limited. We are looking to the congregation for anyone who has some free time and would like to share a sense of community and caring. If you are interested, please reach out to Rev Karin ([email protected]) or Linda Brennan ([email protected]) for details. We have organized information that will help you. On behalf of all the Deacons, thank you. Linda Brennan Concert Series On Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 p.m., we will welcome the Princeton Girlchoir to our concert series. The Princeton Girlchoir is a family of six choirs from third-graders through high school. They have performed in a wide array of venues for audiences both nationally and internationally. Notable performances include the swearing-in ceremony for New Jersey Congressman Rush Holt in Washington, DC; singing in Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center with Yo-Yo Ma; appearing on NBC's Weekend Today Show as well as appearances for several professional conferences such as the American Choral Directors Association and the Kodály Eastern Division Conference. Please join me on Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 p.m. to welcome this amazing group of young women to our concert series. Page 10 The Historic Church says, “Thank You” “Enough is Enough” was the title of the sermon our guest speaker the Rev. Abigail Visco Rusert preached on February first. She gave us much to think about. How often have we said “enough is enough”? But there are times when enough is never enough especially when it comes to saying thank you. In 2008, the Historic Church committee had a “Wish List” of things they would like to see happen at the Historic Church among them: replace flagstone walk from driveway to church, install a bathroom in session house, acquire a table for session house, address moisture problem on exterior walls of session house, replace steps in front of session house, provide a storage place for garden equipment and, improve utilities. When the committee looked over the wish list in January 2015, we found that all the above projects had been accomplished thanks to the generous support and help of our congregation and friends of the church. A bequest from Naomi Beaty made the bathroom in the session house possible. Drs. Peter and Lois Piper gave a beautiful table, the moisture problem on the exterior walls has been addressed and the steps in the front of the session house have been replaced. The flagstone walkway has been replaced. Jack Espenshade and his crew have built a shed to house garden equipment and utilities have been improved. There is still work to be done including the interior of the session house and work on the rear parking lot. Work continues in the gardens under the direction of Karen Dorward and Leslie McHugh and Karen continues to work on the Cemetery Restoration Project. The Historic Church committee wants the congregation to know that without your help, we could not have completed so many of the things on our “Wish List”. We appreciate your continued support and we thank you as we work to preserve this historic icon. It is true we can never say “THANK YOU” enough. Jean Torongo The Old Presbyterian Church Sun sifts through the leaves on the old sycamore tree leaving a fluttering mosaic on the soft grass below. The grayed bark is flaking like weathered paint, yet the exposed layer is smooth, born again, promising yet another year of wondrous life. The tap roots cling to the earth seeking moisture but the strength lies in the main roots running deeply into the ground beneath the very foundation of the old church, standing there for over two hundred years. Its features softened by time, yet there lies a strength with which youth, untried, cannot compete. This is a place, where, if you but listen, you will hear voices of praise and hymns, echoing in the peaceful chamber before an altar of simple beauty. Oh GOD, you have heard the prayers of your people. Grant us the strength to follow your light, a sentinel set on hallowed ground. Somehow, we know it will be here in the twilight of time as we know it, even as we go into your open arms to spend eternity with YOU! Kathy Reed Summer of 2014 Page 11 Welcome New Members Lectionary Readings for April April 5 Diane Armington Easter Acts 10:34-43 or Isa. 25:6-9; Ps. 118:1-2,14-24; 1 Cor. 15:1-11 or 331 Lower Dolington Rd., #D-1 Acts 10:34-43; John 20:1-18 or Newtown, PA 18940 Mark 16:1-8—Evening: Isa. 25:6- 215-860-3765 9; Ps. 114; 1 Cor. 5:6B-8; Luke 24:13-49 David & Saori Chang April 12 185 Windham Court Acts 4:32-35; Ps. 133; 1 John 1:12; John 20:19-31 Newtown, PA 18940 April 19 443-764-1817 Acts 3:12-19; Ps. 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48 [email protected] April 26 [email protected] Acts 4:5-12; Ps. 23; 1 John 3:1624; John 10:11-18 Jay (and Beth) Smith 1408 Westover Road Thank You Yardley, PA 19067 Thank you all for the prayers, cards, and kind words of sympathy on the passing of my dad Gordon Santee. We feel blessed to be a part of such a caring church family. 215-736-1436 [email protected] Sharon and Jamie DeKorte Sue Winslow 72 Skyview Way Newtown, PA 18940 Bereaved 215-945-5391 [email protected] The family of Doris Hankinson on her death, 1/21/2015. Blood Drive Randy Hodgens and family on the death of his mother, Pansy Hodgens, 2/14/2015. Thank you to everyone that participated in our recent blood drive. We collected 67 pints and potentially helped over 200 people. In many ways, it was a very successful drive. Special thank you to our high school students that came out and made an awesome impact. While the drive was successful in many ways, we do recognize that there were problems. We apologize to anyone that was caught up in those problems and we are working with the Red Cross to fix them for our upcoming drive. Our next drive is Monday, June 15th. Thank you again. Ed Ketterer Jayne Nyquist and family on the death of her mother, Jayne Stroup, 2/19/2015. Ann Richards and family on the death of her husband, Richard T. Richards, 2/22/2015. Roger Birkbeck and family on the death of his father, Joseph W. Birkbeck, 2/24/2015. Kristi DeCarlo and family on the death of her father, Jack Rhoades, Jr., 2/28/2015. Sharon DeKorte and family on the death of her father, Gordon Santee, 2/28/2015. Bev Remsburg-Richie and family on the death of her mother, Virginia K. Remsburg, 3/11/2015 Bolded=Church Member Page 12 www.newtownpres.org April Birthdays April 2015 22 Edwin Cunfer, Jeff Denlinger, Chet Ranck, Diane Richerts and Jeremy Small 23 William Brenner 24 Emily Caja and Ben Rogers 26 Jeffrey Cornelius, Andrew and Sarah Heubeck, Helen Marté and Grace McDermott 27 Eileen Alleborn, Susan Carney, Patrick Quinn and Allen Reed 28 Michael Bishop, Jayme Bordner, Jane DeMarino and Carol Sheehan 29 Jon Ruffe 30 Devon Ceslak and Katherine Reed 1 Debra Blough, Zachary Giacomelli and Elise Todderud 2 Thomas Brown, Dominic Conturso, Ann Morton, Grace Mullarkey and Joseph Richerts 3 Anne Bishop and Sarah Owens 4 Samantha Carney and Doreen Ruffe 5 Karen Sadovy 6 Alyssa Chrystal, Michael Chorba, Jr., Lizzie Lustig and Peggy Rowlett 7 Charlotte Craig 8 Molly Mallee and Thomas Rimel 9 Ava Driscoll, Lucas Hamnett and Lauren Gallaso 10 Nancy Crivaro, Eleanor Morancik, Penelope Pramberger and Lauren Simon 11 Evan Bogle and Karen Dorward 12 Zachery Birkbeck and Naomi Stranix 13 Judy Kauffman and Andrew Warren 14 Tyler DeKorte, Ella Kurtz and William Nagel 15 Grant Loescher and Alexandra Piora M 17 Bill Jansen, Margaret Loughran, Amélie Pigeaire and Christian Thau Gary Alston, Michael Giletto and Michael Piora 18 19 Robert Apple, Donna Atkins, Lisa Balderston, Kris Bauman, Brynn Minko, Lori Ortman and Jan Rife 20 Jill Ortman 21 Kathryn Burkart and Susan Iezzatti If your birthday is missing, please let the office know. April Usher Teams Team Date Service Captain 4/2 7:30 p.m. Hughes A 4/5 8:00 & 9:00 B 4/5 11:00 Kitsch C 4/12 8:00 & 9:00 LaBold D 4/12 10:45 E 4/19 8:00 & 9:00 F 4/19 10:45 Vannote G 4/26 8:00 & 9:00 Rendall H 4/26 10:45 Thress Shikrallah Eshelman Blough April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 No Lenten Service 2 8:00 Aid for Friends 10:00 Book Club 10:30 Staff Meet. 6:15 Girl Scouts 208 6-8 Chancel Choir 7:00 Stephen Min. 6:00 Women’s AA 210 7:30 AA (B1) 7:30 Maundy Thursday / Tenebrae Service 8 9 7:30 Flying Solo 211 5 Easter Sunday 6 No Sunday School No Communion 8:00 Worship 9:00 Worship 10:15 Easter Coffee/Easter Egg Hunt (YH) 11:00 Worship Easter Monday OFFICE CLOSED 12 Rev. Samuel Massengill Communion 10:15 Coffee Talk (211) 12:30 Confirmation Class (211) 19 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 13 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 20 10:15 Coffee Talk (211) 12:30 Confirmation Class (211) 4:00 Princeton Girlchoir (Sanctuary) 26 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 27 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Finance 210 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 7 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 9:45 PW Board Meeting (210) 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Session (EH) 7:00 Career Networking (RR) 14 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Deacons (EH) 6:15 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Trustees (RR) 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 15 Newsletter Deadline 10:30 Staff Meet. 6:15 Girl Scouts 7:00 Stephen Min 21 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 10:15 PW Bible Study (211) 6:00 Women’s AA 6:30 Worship Com. (211) 7:00 Career Networking (EH) 7:00 Preschool Meeting (RR) 16 7:30 AA (B1) 22 23 7:30 Flying Solo 211 Sat 3 9:30 Historic Church (B1) Noon-Good Friday Community Service @ St. Luke’s 10 11 17 18 5-9 Parents Night Out (EH) 24 Women’s Confirmation Class 6:15 Girl Scouts 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 28 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 29 10:30 Staff Meet. 30 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 CE (211) 6:15 Girl Scouts 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 7:00 WEBS (MR) 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 4 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 7:30 Membership Fri 25 Retreat Retreat 8:30-11:30 New Members Class 7:00 Psalmsters Rehearsal NEWTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Change Service Requested April 2015 Newsletter 25 North Chancellor Street Newtown, PA 18940 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Langhorne, PA PERMIT No. 121
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