National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development 5, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016 Training on Developing Counselling Skills and Support Services for Women in Distress Dates: 31 August-4 September, 2015 Venue: NIPCCD, New Delhi Programme Design Violence against women is one of the most pervasive forms of human rights violations, denying women equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms. It manifests itself in different forms throughout the life cycle of women like gender biased sexselective abortions, female infanticide, domestic violence, child marriage, child prostitution, sexual harassment at work place, in schools and at home etc. Violence against women is a major public health problem that has both fatal and non-fatal consequences such as homicide, suicide, maternal mortality and AIDS-related deaths. For women violence is also a leading cause of injury and disability, as well as a risk factor leading to depression and anxiety, eating and sleeping disorders, feelings of shame and guilt, phobia and panic disorders, physical inactivity, poor self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic disorders, smoking, suicidal behaviour, self-harm and injuring children at times. Violence has long-term consequences for women and their children, as well as social and economic costs for all society. In light of the health, human rights, social and economic consequences of violence against women, there has been a burgeoning call to address it with a wide range of programmes and policies. There have been numerous governmental and non-governmental interventions in India to effectively deal with the problem of distressed women facing any kind of violence. The efforts are directed towards strengthening of and amendments in existing legislations and developing institutional mechanisms i.e. National and State Commissions for Women, Crime against Women Cells in police stations, ‘all women’ police stations etc. One of the recent initiatives is launch of women safety mobile application ‘Himmat’ by Delhi police. Its other course of action centers around running projects that provide support services to distressed women through schemes like Swadhar Greh, Short Stay Homes, Ujjawala, setting up of women help lines and One Stop Centres etc. NGOs play a pivotal role in implementing these projects to support women in difficult circumstances. Support services are designed to assist women in being safer and gaining a sense of empowerment. Distressed women are assisted with safety plans, accessing resources, managing the effects of abuse and psychological counselling which would give her emotional/mental support. The counsellor helps the survivor understand various aspects related to her safety, well-being and rights. She/he explains to her various options available and tries to empower the survivor to take right decision to overcome the violence situation. The counsellor also ensures that the survivor gets required support services (legal, health care, shelter etc.) by making need based referrals to the other service providers like lawyers, doctors and shelter homes etc. In order to effectively respond to the needs of distressed women the government officials and non- governmental organizations working for the cause of women need to be acquainted with latest knowledge about the support services available for distressed women. They need to be equipped with counselling techniques as the psychosocial support and right kind of need based counselling is considered important for social rehabilitation of distressed women. A certain level of training and information is required to familiarize them with the core theories and practices of the trauma approach in counselling. The more training and supervised practice, the better equipped they will be to respond to a broad range of violence-related issues. In order to facilitate this process, the Institute proposes to organize a five-day Training on Developing Counselling Skills and Support Services for Women in Distress from 31 August -04 September, 2015 at NIPCCD Headquarters, New Delhi. Objectives: The main objectives of the programme will be to: i. ii. iii. iv. v. sensitize the participants about magnitude, causes, nature and manifestation of violence against women in India; develop understanding about the trauma faced by distressed women; provide insight on the policies, existing support services and legal safeguards for women in distress; promote networking among NGOs and institutions providing support services to women in distress; and enhance communication and counselling skills for providing psychosocial support to distressed women. Contents: The contents will broadly cover situational analysis of women with special reference to violence against women; causes, consequences and manifestation and magnitude of violence against women; problems faced by distressed women; policies, programmes and support services for distressed women; laws related to women in distress; psychosocial support and counseling of survivors of violence; role of various stakeholders providing support services to women and networking among them; rehabilitation and empowerment of women in difficult circumstances and exposure visit etc. Methodology: The participants will be provided conducive learning environment and participatory approach will be adopted during the programme. Various techniques like lecture-cum-discussion, group discussions, brain storming, role play, exercises etc. will be used in the programme. Besides the faculty of the Institute, resource faulty will be drawn from government, non-government organizations, academic and Technical Institutions with relevant expertise and experience in the subject matter. Active participation of trainees and sharing of experiences will serve as a valuable resource enriching the learning process. Background Material: Background material comprising various articles, handouts, relevant to various aspects of violence against women and counselling and support services will be made available to the participants to supplement classroom discussions during the programme. Participants: There will be about 35 participants comprising middle level officials of government and representatives of NGOs from all over the country engaged in programmes for women development/ empowerment. The participants for the programme will be selected on the basis of criteria that include educational qualification, work experience, language skill, earlier participation in programmes of the Institute etc. The selection of the participants is purely discretionary and will be decided by the competent authority of the Institute. NGO – Partnership System Registration: The NGOS nominating their representatives are expected to have registered on the website of Planning Commission under the NGO Partnership S ystem and furnish their registration number. Venue and Duration: The duration of the programme will be five days, 31 August -04 September, 2015 and it will be organized at the premises of National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), 5, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016. (Landmark: Opp. Hauz Khas Police Station) Travel, Board and Lodging: The representatives from Voluntary Organisations will be paid travel grant equivalent to AC III tier rail fare (excluding Rajdhani, Duranto, Shatabdi Express, AC bus and Tatkal Charges) by the shortest route to and from the venue of the programme. The journey by road to the nearest railway station/bus stand will be paid to the non-official participants as per Institute’s Rule. Local participants will be paid local conveyance as per Institute’s Rule. The Institute will provide free board and lodging facilities to all outstation participants at its hostel located in its premises for the entire duration of the programme. The Institute will not pay TA to Government Officials, they will, however, draw their TA/DA from their respective Departments. Registration Fee: While the Institute will continue to subsidies its programmes, it has been decided to charge a nominal registration fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) per participant for the duration of the programme at the time of Registration on the first day of the programme. No Registration Fee is payable by Government Officials. General The nomination for participation should be sent in the prescribed proforma along with photograph by 27 July, 2015. The nominations will be considered on first-come-first-serve basis as well as on fulfilling eligibility criteria for participation in the programme. The participants are required to attend the programme for its entire duration. The participants coming late or leaving the programme before its completion will not be entitled for TA and programme certificate. The Institute will have no responsibility whatsoever towards board and lodging in respect of family members, relatives or friends of the participants. Hostel accommodation will be available to the participants for the duration of the programme and one day before and one day after the programme. The Institute will not take responsibility of making travel reservation of the participants. Participants should proceed to attend the programme only after receiving confirmation from the Institute. All Corresponding related to the programme may be addressed to:Dr. K C George Joint Director (WD) NIPCCD 5 Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110 016 Tele-Fax: 91–11- 26566995 PABX: 011-26963002/26969010/26602313 Extn.419 & 461 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [ Ph. 01126566995 Email: [email protected] Website: jk"Vªh; tu lg;ksx ,oa cky fodkl laLFkku National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development lgHkkfx;ksa ds fy, izksQkekZ Proforma for Participants fOkifRRkXkzLr efgykvksa gsrq ijke“kZ dq“kyrkvksa rFkk lgk;d lsokvksa ds fodkl ij çf”k{k.k dk;ZØe Training on Developing Counselling Skills and Support Services for Women in Distress Name of the Programme Incharge: Ms. Satbeer Chhabra dk;ZØe izHkkjh dk uke: JhEkrh lrchj NkcM+k+ Dated: 31 August-04 September, 2015 fnukad% 31 vxLr &04 flrEcj] 2015 Mandatory for NGOs Hkkx& d Specify () Part – A Registration No. issued under NGO Partnership System of Planning Commission Govt. Dept. / NGO 1lgHkkxh dk uke ,oa in Name of the Participant & Designation (CAPITAL LETTERS) STATE i) tUefrfFk / Date of Birth ii) Age@ vk;q Years@ o’kZ iii) fyax Sex: iv) vuq-tk@tu-tk@v-fi-o@v-la-o@lkekU;@vU; 2- “kSf{kd@O;kolkf;d ;ksXrk,a/ Educational/Professional Qualifications: L=h@iq:’k Male/Female SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Gen/Others 3D;k lgHkkxh vaxszth ,oa fgUnh Hkk’kk vPNh rjg ls le> ysrk gS ,oa mlds ek/;e ls ckrphr dj ldrk g\S gka@ugha Whether the participant can comprehend and communicate effectively both in English & Hindi? Yes/No 4- izk;ksftr djus okys laxBu@foHkkx dk uke ,oa Mkd irk fiu dksM lfgr Name & Address of the sponsoring organization/department nwjHkk’k Telephone No. bZ&esy E-mail 5- laLFkku ds eq[; dk;Z@ Major functions of the Organisations 6- lgHkkfx;ksa dk ikBÓØe gsrq i=kpkj ds fy, irk] vxj Øe la[;k 04 ls vyx gS Postal address of the participant for the purpose of correspondence for the programme (If it is different from S. No 4.) 7- lgHkkfx;ksa dh lsok@vuqHko dh vof/k@ Length of service/experience of the participant: P h o t o g r a p h 8- blls iwoZ fuiflM ds fdlh dk;ZØe @dk;Z”kkyk esa Hkkx fy;k gS Have you earlier attended any Programme/ Workshop at NIPCC D ;fn gka] rks dk;ZØe @dk;Z”kkyk dk uke rFkk o’kZ Li’V dfj, @ If yes specify the name and year of Programme/Workshop dk;ZØe @dk;Z”kkyk dk uke LFkku Name of the Programme/Workshop Venue i) gka@ugha Yes/No o’kZ Year ii) 9UkkfEkr çfrfUkfËk dh izk;ksftr djus okys laxBu esa Hkwfedk vkSj mŸkjnkf;Ro Role and responsibilities of the nominee in the sponsoring organization 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10- NGO Registration Details/ xSj ljdkjh laLFkk dk iathdj.k fooj.k : NGO Registration Number 11- Act under which the Organization is registered Grant in Aid obtained/ izkIr fd;k x;k lgk;rk vuqnku : S.No. Name of the Institution/ Grant received from Organization State Govt./Central Govt./ Any other Organization 1 2 3 fnukd% Beneficiaries State Status of the Project Remarks gLrk{kj Hkkx&[k Part B ¼izk;ksftr djus okYkh laLFkkvksa ds fy,@ For Sponsoring Organisation ½ fuiflM ubZ fnYyh esa 31 vxLr ls 04 flrEcj] 2015 rd vk;ksftr Þ fOkifRRkXkzLr efgykvksa gsrq ijke“kZ dq“kyrkvksa rFkk lgk;d lsokvksa ds fodkl ij çf”k{k.k dk;ZØe Þ esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, eSa Jh@Jherh@lqJh&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&dk vkosnu i= vxzsf’kr dj jgk@jgh gwa A d`i;k mu dk ukekadu Lohdkj djsa A ;s gekjs laxBu ds okLrfod deZpkjh gSa A I forward the application of Shri/Smt./Ms.__________________________________to participate in the Training on Developing Counselling Skills and Support Services for Women in Distress from 31 August04 September, 2015 at NIPCCD, New Delhi. His/her nomination may kindly be accepted as he/she is a bonafide employee of my organization. laxBu izeq[k ds gLrk{kj / Signature of Head of the Organisation uke / Name inuke / Designation laxBu dk iwjk irk /Complete Address of the Organization
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