We are delighted to welcome you to Madrid, Spain’s
capital city.
This letter is intended to help you prepare
for Madrid and settle in when you arrive.
It will be complemented by a full welcome
on arrival.
Madrid—the Spanish capital since 1561—celebrates itself
and life in general around the clock. A vibrant crossroads,
Madrid has an infectious appetite for art, music, and food.
Today, it is a cosmopolitan, modern urban center that
fiercely preserves its traditions.
Madrid has one of the healthiest climates in Europe thanks to
its close proximity to the mountains to the north and northeast and Toledo (south and east). Pure air flows into the city from
almost all sides!
Due to Madrid’s high altitude of 650 metres, it experiences quite different
temperatures in the summer and the winter. Towards the end of July,
and throughout August, it can get very hot with temperatures sometimes
reaching 40 degrees Celsius (100°F). Night-time temperatures remain
around 18 degrees Celsius (64°F). However, the climate in Madrid is
very low in humidity, therefore making the high temperatures easier to
September is a pleasant month, with temperatures back down to around
25 degrees Celsius (77°F). October is also still fairly warm with an average
daytime temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68°F).
The weather in Madrid is predominantly dry, but that doesn’t mean that
rain can be ruled out! Especially in the winter months. Do bear in mind
that these temperatures are averages, and the weather may fluctuate
from the normal
>> Day dresscode
>> ID
In general, Spanish people like to dress well and
look good. During the day, you will see that
some people make an effort even just to go to
the gym! Nevertheless, every neighbourhood is
different and there is no need to make an extra
effort. Madrid has many tourists and Spaniards
are used to seeing different cultures. The most
important thing is for you to feel comfortable.
You are NOT required to carry your actual
passport with you while you are in Spain. You
MUST, however, carry some sort of identification,
such as a driver’s license, at ALL TIMES.
>> Conversion Rate
Please click this link to see a real time exchange
rate between the Euro & US Dollar:
There is an ATM at the
airport and all over the city so
there’s always a place nearby where
you can withdraw Euros.
>> Work dresscode
>> Transport
Depending on the sector, work dresscodes can
vary between either relaxed - casual trousers,
even jeans and t-shirts- or very smart- full suit
and tie. In the finance sector, even in the heat of
July, boys will be expected to wear a shirt and
tie and girls to dress smartly in trousers, skirt or
Madrid has a very strong public transport
infrastructure making it easy to travel throughout
the city 24 hours a day.
As our Madrid team works closely with all
the companies we partner with, they will be
able to advise you about the appropriate work
dresscode for your internship and tell you what
your colleagues will be wearing.
>> Evening dresscode
As with any other place, in Madrid you can find
both relaxed or smart bars and clubs depending
on which neighbourhood you are in. If you would
like to experience a typical, big Madrid nightclub,
then bring something smarter and formal shoes
otherwise you won’t be able to get in.
The underground system is easy to use and there
are maps in every station clearly stating which
direction to go in. There is also a ticket station
with an employee and you can always ask them
the best route to take.
Busdrivers are used to being asked where to get
off, even by Spaniards! If you don’t speak Spanish
you can simply say ‘hola’ plus the name of the
place you need to go. Sit near him so he can see
you and he should tell you when you arrive.
There are plenty of licensed taxis in Madrid
and they are easy to take as you can stop them
anywhere on the street. There have been some
cases where taxi drivers try to trick foreigners by
taking a longer route, so if possible, try to work
out the route or the time it should take and look
>> Drinking Water
Tap water in Madrid is delicious and completely
safe to drink.
>> Money Matters
How much money do you need?
Madrid still remains cheaper for tourists than many
major world capitals.
Eating out in a nice, midrange restaurant shouldn’t
cost much more than about €30 per person,
although you can do it for a lot less, especially if
you partake in the weekday lunchtime menú del
día, a fixed-price, three-course set lunch that costs
around €10. Transport -metro, city buses
and even taxis- is still absurdly cheap
and it’s also possible to visit some
museums at no cost
>> What you may
not bring to Spain
>> Arrival & Contact Information
When you arrive in Madrid you will need to show
the immigration authorities your passport and
nothing else.
If asked your address in Madrid you can say
Lagasca 121, 6D, Madrid.
>> Airport pickup
We will pick you up from Madrid’s
airport, Madrid Barajas.
You will be picked up by our
driver on arrival in Madrid. Do
not worry if your flights are
delayed – we are in constant
contact with the airport so this
will be taken into account.
You will be greeted with your
name on a board and driven to your
accommodation where a member of our staff
will be waiting for you.
If you are coming from
outside the European Union,
please be aware that there are
some restrictions on bringing in
certain goods from abroad.
For example, meat or meat products, milk or
dairy products cannot be brought into Spain.
Company Address
Lagasca 121, 6D,
Capital Federal.
Sums of money in excess of €6,010.12 must be
declared. Currently, people aged over 18 are
allowed to carry 200 cigarettes, or 100 cheroots,
or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of rolling tobacco
and one litre of drink (over 22 percent alcohol by
volume), or two litres (under 22 percent alcohol
by volume). Perfumes are also limited to 50g of
perfume and 0.25 litres of eau de toilette.
-Thalassa de Burgh-Milne (Madrid
+34 672 107 572
We look forward to having you with us!
The direct number for emergency services in
Madrid is 112 (our version of 911).
>> Here are some useful
phrases to use at customs:
I am missing a
I am American/
“Me falta una
I am staying a month
“Me quedaré aquí
un mes”
This is my bag
“Esta es mi
I do not have
Here is my
anything to declare
“No tengo nada
que declarar”
-Soy norteamericano/
español/inglésGood morning
-Buenos diasMy address is...
A baggage cart
“Un carrito
para maletas”
-Me llamo PedroI am staying six
I am visiting Madrid for the
1st time
Es la primera vez que
vengo a Madrid.
I am here to study
“Estoy aquí para
estudiar espanol”
“Me quedaré
aquí seis
I am staying here
a few days
“Me quedaré
aquí unos días”
“Aqui tiene mi
How many suitcases do
you have?
“¿Cuántas maletas
tiene usted?”
-Mi dirección es...
My name is Peter
passport -
My documents
“Mis documentos”
A carton of cigarettes
“Un carton de
A bottle of wine
“Una botella de
These are my
“Estas son mis
I am on vacation
“Estoy de
A bottle of
“Una botella
de whisky”
>> Madrid
Madrid is a wonderful city and, although quite
traditional in some aspects, it is also very modern.
Lots of cafés and bars have wifi, there is phone
signal even underground and there are ATM’s
on practically every street. The city is very well
lit at night and there are always cars and people
around so it feels very safe.
In the centre where the tourists go, you have
to be a lot more aware of pickpocketing just as
you would be in your home town. Pickpocketers
assume that if you are in that area you are a
tourist and therefore you have things to steal
such as phones, camaras and cash.
Don’t expect Spaniards to be overly polite. In
Spain it is not common to say please or thank you.
It is a different culture and it is not considered
rude. Instead of saying ‘please could I have’, it is
more common to say ‘give me’. This is surprising
and offputting to foreigners, so remember that
they are not being aggressive towards you.
>> Housing
We provide various types of accommodation in
Madrid in order to be able to offer you what you
are looking for.
Whether you are sharing with fellow students or
living with a Spanish family, please be considerate
of others at all times. Parties are not allowed in any
of our accommodation and noise must be kept to
a minimum after 11pm at night.
Shared flats are equipped with wifi, basic furniture
and a weekly cleaning lady as well as a 24 hour
phone number for any emergencies related to the
>> Location
Our principal consideration is your security
and so we place you in accommodation in
the safest and most central neighbourhoods.
You will be near public transport and less
than 45 minutes away from your office.
>> Housemates
You will be sharing your accommodation
with other flatmates and sometimes you
will be sharing with other students from the
Intern Madrid programme.
>> Public transport
Public transport in Madrid is excellent. The
underground system is one of the best in the
world and buses are frequent and on time.
Taxis are also relatively cheap in comparison
to other capitals and they are a good
option if you are returning home after the
underground has closed.
>> Punctuality & Society
Poor punctuality is quite common throughout
the entire country and can occur in both social
and even business occasions. Do not be surprised
if your work colleagues are impunctual.
Also, do not be surprised by different standards
of political correctness. It is recommended to
adjust your standards of what you might normally
be offended by. Spaniards are generally warm,
lovely and friendly people but to foreigners they
can sometimes seem a bit aggressive and rude.
>> Security
As with all capital cities, you
need to keep an eye open
for pickpockets who have
invented a variety of ways
to steal your personal
belongings. Even
though you will
be living and
in less
areas, it is
a good idea
to always keep
your wallet and
phone hidden and
be aware of people
getting too close to
Apart from these petty
thieves, Madrid is a safe and
well lit city with relatively little
In the event that you are threatened,
remember that your safety is more important
than your possessions.
Our staff in Madrid will inform you about all
safety issues once you have arrived and will
be on call in any emergency situation.
>> Arrival Induction &
Welcome Pack
In case you arrive in Madrid after 11pm
Spanish time your welcome pack and
induction will be given to you in the morning
the next day. You will be picked up by our
driver at the airport as normal and let in to
your accommodation by the other people
who live there. They will be expecting your
Using and improving your Spanish level
Do take improving your Spanish seriously.
You will get so much more out of your time
in Madrid if you make a concerted effort.
We thoroughly recommend taking Spanish
classes especially before but also during your
internship. Once you have basic Spanish, you
will find your work colleagues far more willing
to speak with you in the Spanish language. As
with everything, be proactive and search for
every opportunity to improve your Spanish!