Leader: Dr Andrew Mitchell (AU). Co-Is: Dr Snehasis Tripathy (CU); Prof Hywell Thomas (CU); Prof. Andrew Evans (AU); Dr. Arwyn Edwards (AU); Dr Andrew Thomas (AU); Dr. Martin Wilding (AU); Dr David Ian Schofield (BGS Wales); Mrs Michelle Bentham (BGS); Mr. Gareth Farr (BGS), Dr Richard Bevins (National Museum Wales); Mr Peter Walker (Big Pit National Coal Museum); Prof Liane Benning (University Leeds; Liane Benning) Geo-Carb Cymru: Background • Wales – fossil fuel power, steel production and oil refinery - 8% of the UKs CO2 emissions (Welsh Assembly Government, 2013) • Low carbon energy can tackle climate change, provide energy security and create jobs ‘One Wales: one planet’ (Welsh Assembly Government, 2009) GEO-CARB CYMRU – The potential of low carbon subsurface energy Subsurface low carbon energy? GEO-CARB CYMRU – a sustainable network to undertake fundamental work to characterise and enhance geologic carbon storage systems and groundwater heating systems in Wales. EU renewable energy obligation: to source 15% of its energy from renewables by 2020 (DECC, 2009). © NERC / BGS Geologic Carbon Storage – what is it? To meet our UK climate change targets, we will need to decarbonise the power sector by the 2030s. CCS could reduce global CO2 emissions by 19% and that fighting climate change could cost 70% more without CCS (IEA). Geothermal energy — what is it? EU renewable energy obligation: sourcing 12% of heat from renewables by 2020 proportion of this has the potential to be sourced from geothermal heat (DECC; Busby et al., 2011). © NERC / BGS Geothermal energy plants are normally located in regions where there is volcanic activity. Although the UK is not actively volcanic, there is still a substantial resource of geothermal energy at shallow depths. Broad Aims 1) Assess the feasibility, physical constraints and storage capacity in unconventional on- and off-shore geological reservoirs such as deep coal seams, shale and sandstone formations using Wales as an exemplar 2) Determine the physical, chemical and microbiological controls on the fate & security of CO2 from the pore to reservoir scale 3) Determine controls on enhanced subsurface water heating, and effects on new subsurface energy sources via large scale ground source heat pumps. GCS feasibility, physical constraints and capacity Petrological and geophysical characterisation - pore to reservoir scale. Wales as an exemplar of Unconventional on- and off-shore geological reservoirs such as deep coal seams, shale and sandstone formations GCS feasibility, physical constraints and capacity Modelling transport and fate of CO2 from pore to reservoir scale cm 90 s 150 135 0 ssss 105 120 195 60 10s Km © NERC / BGS 10s m 10s Km 100s Km Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Experimental characterisation of CO2 adsorption and permeability Mosleh, 2014. Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Microbiological activity may have a significant impact on the fate and security of CO2 CO2 may impact subsurface communities Subsurface communities may impact CO2 – enhanced CO2 trapping? HEFCW funded Extreme Experimental Environments Lab Gneise et al 2014 Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Microbiological activity may have a significant impact on the fate and security of CO2 CO2 may impact subsurface communities Aberystwyth University GeoGenomics Lab Expertise in Environmental multi-omics (DNA, RNA, metabolomes) from “extreme” microbial habitats (glaciers, coal mines, sub-surface, air, soil) to sequencing (Illumina, IonTorrent) and analysis GeoCarbCymru will survey subsurface ecosystem biodiversity and function using i) Marker loci amplicon sequencing (e.g16S/18S rRNA) ii) Metagenomes iii) Microbial genomes Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Microbiological activity may have a significant impact on the fate and security of CO2 Subsurface communities - BIOFILMS / BIOMINERALS - may impact CO2 – CO2 trapping? Effect adsorption and permeability? Biofilm MITCHELL, et al. (2008), MITCHELL, et al.(2009), MITCHELL, et al. (2010) Biomineralisation MITCHELL, A.C. et al. (2010) : ES&T. doi: 10.1021/es903270w Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Microbiological activity may have a significant impact on the fate and security of CO2 Subsurface communities - BIOFILMS / BIOMINERALS - may impact CO2 – CO2 trapping? Effect adsorption and permeability? High Pressure Biofilm Growth and Biomineralization Test System SC-CO2 storage accumulator Nutrient media storage accumulator Hassler-type core holder gas-side Liquid and supercritical fluid-side Physical, chemical, microbiological controls on security of CO2 Microbiological activity may have a significant impact on the fate and security of CO2 Modelling biogeochemical processes in subsurface systems Biomass m to km scale Saturation mm to cm scale Zhang and Klapper 2010 CO2 mineralization BIOGEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES: - Gas Adsorption - Gas Diffusion - Aqueous geochemical reactions - Abiotic Rock Weathering - Abiotic Mineral Precipitation - Microbially Enhanced Rock Weathering - Microbially Enhanced Mineral Precipitation - Chemoautotrophy –use of inorganic energy sources to synthesize organic compounds from CO2 Enhanced groundwater heating – processes and ‘hot spot’ locales Average geothermal gradient = 3ºC per 100 m depth) What is the role of mineralogy and microbiology on enhanced groundwater heating? Are anomalous ‘hot spots’ related particular mineralogical and microbiological conditions? Estimated temperature 100m Estimated temperature 500m Sampling locations Engineering microbiologically enhanced groundwater heating? Closed loop heat pumps Open loop heat pumps Mine water systems © NERC / BGS Enhanced groundwater heating – processes and ‘hot spot’ locales What is the role of microbiology on enhanced groundwater heating? - Can specific microbial and geological conditions provide ‘hot spots’ for optimal location and operation of open and closed loop geothermal operations? - Is microbiology a problem? Gneise et al 2014 Who is Geo-Carb Cymru? Dr Andrew Mitchell (AU) Prof Andrew Evans (AU) Dr Arwyn Edwards (AU) Dr Andrew Thomas (AU) Dr Martin Wilding (AU) Dr Bill Perkins (AU) Dr Snehasis Tripathy (CU) Prof Hywel Thomas (CU) Prof Liane Benning (University Leeds) Prof Al Cunningham (MSU) Prof Robin Gerlach (MSU) + 3 Postdoctoral Fellows + 2 PhD students Dr David Ian Schofield (BGS) Mrs Michelle Bentham (BGS) Mr Gareth Farr (BGS) Dr Richard Bevins (National Museum Wales) Mr Peter Walker (Big Pit National Coal Museum) PATHWAYS TO IMPACT • Workshop on ‘Low carbon energy in Wales’ at AU in the last year of the project. • Training of highly skilled researchers - Researcher Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers; specific career development plan for fellows • Maximising impact with school students, with particular focus on STEM – school outreach programme – National Science Week – STEM students from local schools will also be invited to the ‘Low carbon energy in Wales’ workshop – host Nuffield students • Maximising impact with general public. – Public Understanding of Science (PUS) lectures at the award winning Aberystwyth Arts Centre – GwyddonLe (Science Shack) at the National Eisteddfod Leader: Dr Andrew Mitchell (AU). Co-Is: Dr Snehasis Tripathy (CU); Prof Hywell Thomas (CU); Prof. Andrew Evans (AU); Dr. Arwyn Edwards (AU); Dr Andrew Thomas (AU); Dr. Martin Wilding (AU); Dr David Ian Schofield (BGS Wales); Mrs Michelle Bentham (BGS); Mr. Gareth Farr (BGS), Dr Richard Bevins (National Museum Wales); Mr Peter Walker (Big Pit National Coal Museum); Prof Liane Benning (University Leeds; Liane Benning)
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